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Unit 3, Listening 2.

Classroom Etiquette

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Lesson Objectives:

Preview the listening. Vocabulary

Attentive—- watching or listening carefully

Deal with— solve a problem
improve—- to make something better
Influence— the power to change how someone or something acts
respect—-- consideration for the right of feelings of other person
Shout out— to say something in a loud voice
Valuable— very useful or important
Courteous— polite having courtesy
Principal—- the person in charge of an school

Preview the listening. Vocabulary. Activity A

Use the vocabulary word above to complete the sentences.

1.I apologize to show Sue I have________________for her feelings.

2.The parents are meeting with the __________________tonight to discuss problems at school. She can
make new school rules to stop the problem.

3.Parents can have a great_____________________on child’s behavior. They can teach by setting an

4.Teachers have to________________________many difficult problems in the classroom every day. They
think of many good solutions.

5.Everyone thought that the class was very______________________ it helped them get better grades
and it improved their social skills.

6. I don’t like it when people in a meeting just____________________their comments. They should wait
their turn and speak politely.

7. Lisa and Mark want to ___________________________ their Spanish. They go to

class every day and practice often.

8. Young children can only be ____________________for 20 to 30 minutes at time. It is hard for them to
sit still and focus for a long time.

9. Your son is very____________________at school. He call me Ms. Moore and he always says please and
thank you.
Listening 2. Part 1. Notes

Listening 2. Part 2. Work with the Listening. Activity B

Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks the missing ideas.

Thanks, Katy schools are giving students classes in etiquette and polite
behavior. But the teachers ___________________these classes. In one school, the
principal asked the company called __________________to teach the classes.
Marjorie Lucas is the_________of the company. Polite Children offers courses in
matters to the schools this is how Ms. Lucas explains it. Teachers spend a lot of
valuable class time dealing with bad behavior. A lot of this is just bad
manners. We teach manners for many different situations children learn both
__________ manners and ____________manners. They also learn how to relate to
adults. In the end, manners are all about ________________for others. That is
why it is important to use words like please thank you! And excuse me.

Listening 2. Part 2 Work with the Listening. Activity A

Listen to the audio and highlight the vocabulary bellow.

Principal, owner, spend, valuable, dealing with, relate to

Thanks, Katy schools are giving students classes in etiquette and polite
behavior. But the teachers are not teaching these classes. In one school, the
principal asked the company called polite children to teach the classes.
Marjorie Lucas is the owner of the company. Polite Children offers courses in
matters to the schools this is how Ms. Lucas explains it. Teachers spend a lot of
valuable class time dealing with bad behavior. A lot of this is just bad
manners. We teach manners for many different situations children learn both
table manners and classroom manners. They also learn how to relate to
adults. In the end, manners are all about having respect for others. That is
why it is important to use words like please thank you! And excuse me.
Listening 2. Part 2. Work with the Listening. Activity C

Use your notes from activity B and underline the correct answers.

What are examples of good manners the company Polite Children teach?
Circle all that apply

a) asked the teacher at her school to teach polite behavior and etiquette?

b) She asked a company called polite children to teach them?

How do teachers spend valuable class time ?

a) dealing with bad behavior

b) teaching mathematics

What a principal school did at her school to teach etiquette and polite behavior to
students? Circle all that apply

b) rudeness c) classroom d) How to relate to adults

a) table manners

Use the information from your notes Listening 2, part 1 and 2 . Check mark the correct
answer to the below questions.

What I learned Do children have Are parents Using titles like

Listening 2. good manners responsible for Mr. Mrs. and Ms
today? children bad shows bad
Part 1
manners at the manners?



What I learned Are schools Are school’ Is Marjorie Lucas Is “polite children”
Listening 2. teaching good teachers teaching a school the name of an
manners and classes about principal? school?
Part 2
polite behavior? good manners
and polite



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