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His Friends : A short story

Once upon a time, there was a small house in a place that was far from civilization. In
this house, there is a man whose only companion is the broom and dustpan that his parents
bequeathed to him. His place is very dirty and the only thing he uses is the broom, so even if he
cleans it every day, the dirt won't be completely cleaned. He will just collect it in one place
because he can't grab it with the broom to the dustbin and when there is a strong wind it will
spread again. Because he only uses a broom, dustpan got jealous of the broom and every time
there is a pile of mess that the broom cleaned, dustpan scatters it again.

One day while the broom was resting after cleaning the yard, he saw a dustpan
spreading his piled mess so he got very angry with him. They fought until they almost broke
each other, the broom bodies threw the garbage that was immediately caught by the dustpan
and thrown it back to the broom, which was immediately avoided by the broom and caught by
the trash can. Until they realized little by little the mess around them disappeared until it was
completely clean.

Because of that incident, they realized that both of them are useful and if they worked
together the result will be good time passed by, they became friends and lived peacefully.

Moral Lesson: The trash in the story is compared to a problem in our life. That if everyone works
together instead of dragging each other. No matter how big or many problems it is. It can be
resolved and will lead to a good an successful result.

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