Final Project 1 Rubric

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By: Abby Comprelli and Jimena-Mariana Garcia

10 Points: The student went above and beyond by staying on task and
adding in contributions to the assignment. The student almost always
added to the group work and in discussions about the assignment.

5 Points: The student met the requirements of the assignment and added in
their own input. They worked fluently with their group and a lot of times
added to discussions.

3 Points: The student did not meet all the requirements of the assignment
and only sometimes added to the discussion.

1 Point:The students were not involved, and did not do their task. The
student never involved themself in discussions.
Quality of Work
10 Points: The student went above and beyond with all of their work. They
turned the assignment in on time and there was visible hard work that was
put into the assignment. All of the responses were in depth and the
student excelled.

5 Points: The student met all of the requirements for the assignment and
there was time and effort put into it. The responses were thought out and
turned in on time.

3 Points: The students did not put much effort, and turn in assignments
past the due date.

1 Point: The students, did not turn any assignments at all.

Cooperation With Others
10 Points: The student excelled in working with others in their table
groups and were extremely helpful. They were always very respectful and
considerate to their classmates all of the time.

5 Points: The student worked well with their table group and helped out a
good amount. They were respectful and considerate towards their
classmates most of the time.

3 Points: The student had a hard time working with their table group and
barely helped out. They were frequently disrespectful and did not add in
much input.

1 Point: The student was disrespectful and inconsiderate and had a bad
attitude the whole time towards their table group members.
Total of points-

10 5 3 1 A:
points points points points 30-25

10 5 3 1 B:
points points points points 24-15

10 5 3 1 C:
points points points points 14-0

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