Roleplay Script

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Narrator: The bell rang, signaling the end of class. A gathering of teenage
students eagerly made their way to their favorite spot to discuss their upcoming
outing, as it marked the last day of the school year. Renz initiated the
conversation and then they started brainstorming for ideas

Zy: Hey guys! What are you all planning for this coming summer? We only have
three weeks to enjoy our summer vacation.

Luc: I don’t have any plans this coming summer. I just want to lay on my bed this
upcoming vacation because this school year was so exhausting.

Rhaz: What about you, Zy. Do you have any plans for this upcoming vacation?

Zy: Yes, there is; since last week, I've been looking for beaches and resorts
ready to book online.

Luc: Oh! where? Maybe that’s too far from us.

Rhaz: Luc, you’re so OA; he didn’t even tell us where it was.

Zy: Where do you want to go, guys? Beach or we can go hiking?

Luc: I have a coin here. Heads for Resort, Tails for Beach...

Narrator: After a thorough brainstorming session to decide on their vacation

destination, Luc took charge and decided to resolve the matter by flipping a coin.

Luc: Its Tails! It is now decided we will go to a beach

Rhaz: Yay! I’m already excited. What should I wear?

Chris: Sounds perfect! When should we go?

Zy: How about next weekend? It gives us enough time to plan and pack.

Luc: That sounds good to me. I'll check and reserve a cottage for us

Rhaz: And I can start making a list of things to bring.

Chris: Count me in for meal planning and snacks!

Zy: You guys are the best! This trip is going to be epic!


Narrator: Once the four friends had settled on their destination for the upcoming
vacation, they headed back to their respective homes, eagerly anticipating the
upcoming weekend.

The group of teenagers had already chosen 7/11 as their meetup spot. Renz,
being punctual, arrived at the designated place first. As he scanned the area and
found none of the others, he decided to give them a call.

*Phone Call*

Zy: "Hey, everyone, I've already arrived at 7/11. Where are you all?"

(Luc enters the room)

Luc: What is up Renz how are you?

Zy: Nothing much, the others are taking too much time to arrive, I just hope Chris
did not forget the snacks.

(Rhaz, Chris and his dad enters the room)

(Chris explains that his dad will bring them to the destination)

Chris: What’s up everyone this is my dad and he will bring us to the beach

Dad: Let’s go everyone, this will be fun!

*/Phone ringing/*

Renz: Hi guys, are you ready for later?

Bob: Agh, Renz, you’re too early; it's only 6 in the morning. You’re so excited.

Renz: Whahaha, sorry for that. Let's wait for the others to join in on this call, and
then I'll tell y’all what time we pick you up.

Bob: Okay, gotcha!

Narrator: While talking, Charles and Dan joined a voice call.

Dan: Hello, y'all, what's up? I’m preparing the foods and snacks for later.
Charles: Same with Dan; I’m finishing the list of things that we need to do on the

Renz: Nah, that’s fine. By the way, me and my dad will pick you up at 8 a.m. We
will be at the front of your house, guys. Stay tuned, bye.

*/Horn Sound of a Car/*

Narrator: Renz and his dad arrive at the front of his friends houses. While on the
trip, the friends had a conversation about the beach out of excitement.

Renz: I’m so excited!

Dan: Me too; the first thing I will do is build a castle.

Renz Dad: Okay guys, we’re here Ready yourself.

Dan, Renz, Charles, and Bob: Okay.

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