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they are properly set. You can place them in
a drying place surrounded by net.
I.INTRODUCTION 7. Storage: Store the pinned insects in an
According to the Philippine Coffee Board, insects display box, arrange neatly, and with
coffee is the country’s second largest agricultural care to prevent damage.
export, generating over $100 million in revenue 8. Record Keeping: .Maintain detailed
annually. Coffee farming provides employment for records of each specimen, including
thousands of Filipinos and contributes to the collection date, location, and species
development of rural communities. However, farmers information.
are dealing with struggles and difficulties to produce
higher yield. Somehow, this is to determine the
common species present in plantation of coffee.
In doing this collection and preservation of
an insect, it can help retain the physical characteristic
II.OBJECTIVES of the insects for long-term study and also it can
helps maintaining the integrity of morphological
1. The main purpose of pinning insect is to preserve them feature, allowing students and scientist to identify
for scientific study and reference. By collecting and and study species over time, in addition, preserved
pinning insect in specific way. They can be maintained in specimen contributed to museum for collection,
their natural form of color. facilitating biodiversity research and education.
2. Pinned insect serve as a valuable resource for taxonomist
and entomologist to identify and classifify different VI.CONLUSION
insect species. The arrangement and the labeling of
pinned specimens help in cataloging and referencing the Insect collection and preservation in coffee
insect clollection. farm is crucial for understanding the ecosystems
3. Pinned insects collections are often used for educational studying the insect population,
purposes in museums, schools, and universities. They can farmers can implement sustainable practices and pest
be used to teach students and the public about insect management strategies, ensuring the health of both
diversity, anatomy, and the importance of insect in the crops and the preservation techniques contribute
various ecosystem. to valuable data for research and promote the
4. Pinned specimens are essential for various research coexistence of agriculture and biodiversity.
purposes such as studying insect behavior, ecology,
physiology, and genetics. Students can refer to pinned
insects for comparative studies and data collection.


 Insect Specimen:(Microwavable food container,

styrofoam) Carpenter bees Hornet Megachile sculturali Amantis reticulata
 Pinning supply ( pin, partchment paper)
 Insect Net
 Ice bags, cotton and ethyl alcohol
 Cutter
 Camera
 Record Book Aspidimorpha minaris Asiatic rhinoceros Purpuricenus Phyrophorus

Dingy bushbrown Dark evening brown Great southern white Hypolimas bolina


1. Preparation: Prepare the materials needed

for storing insects using ice bags with a
cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
2. Collecting Insect: Used insect nets to
capture live insects or employ other
collecting methods. Catopsilia pyranth Deltote Conocephalusfarciatus House cricket

3. Killing: To euthanize the insects, place

them in a killing ice bags with a cotton pad
soaked in ethyl acetate. This is a humane
4. Pinning: Choose an appropriated-size pin
and gently slide it through the insect’s
thorax, slightly to the right of the center.
Neurothemis terminate Ortherum Neurothemis terminata
Position the insect as desired on the pin,
ensuring it’s straight and symmetrical.
5. Labeling: Attach a small label to the pin REFERENCES:
below the insect with collection data.
6. Drying and curing: Allow the pinned › blog The Rich and
insects to air dry for a few days to ensure Flavorful History of Coffee in the Philippines

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