Monthly Safety Report July, 2023

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NAC Diesel Power Plant

Km. 10, Brgy. Quezon, Surigao City

DATE ; August 11, 2023

TO : Martiniano M. Montemor / Resident Plant Manager
FROM : Cesar C. Gabaca / Safety Officer and Environmental Officer and PCO
SUBJ : Safety and Health Monthly Report for the month of July, 2023.


Submitting herewith the monthly report for the month of July, 2023. The report as follows;

A. Environment.
1. Noise monitoring conducted July 31, 2023 at 10MW load with the highest sound level of
90 dB at 1 meter away from the engine running. Other locations indicated low sound
levels that passes the sound level requirement were Admin door = 82 dB, Road 4 dead
end(near tank farm) = 72 dB, Road 3 dead end (O&M locker room) = 84 dB, Road 2 dead
end (near goat shed) = 84 dB, Road 1 dead end (near raw water tank) = 85 dB, Gate #2 =
84 dB, RCP (reinforced concrete pipe canal) = 69db, Gate #1 = 67 db.
2. Total garbage weighed : Compostable/Biodegradable = 15.740kgs, Residual = 12.600kgs,
Recyclables = 3.650kgs, Hazardous = 1.210 kgs.
3. Raw water from deep well #1 per meter reading = 692.627 cubic meters.
4. To request 2 additional garbage can racks to house the garbage can at gate 2 and gate 1.
Still waiting for availability of scrap scaffolding pipes as raw materials for the project.
5. To replace dilapidated garbage bins. To be arranged with O & M.

B. Basic Life Support

1. To Request face to face Basic Life Support (BLS) training from Philippine Red Cross,
Surigao Del Norte Chapter now that that alert level 1 is already declared in Surigao del
Norte. Inquire for schedule of available said training.
2. Requested Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and Fire Resistant Suit already
arrived July 12, 2023.

C. Building and Constructions

1. EB Capote, AM Bernadez, KP Cavity and Ryan C. Coter continued the rehabilitation of
Oil/Water separator #4. Budget for construction materials needed for this project will be
included in the 2024 envi budget.

D. Containers
1. All lube oil containers are stored in a Hazardous Waste Storage Facility.

E. Electrical
1. NC Esik is delegated in monitoring dilapidated electrical wirings that may cause
imminent danger to everyone in the plant premises.

F. Tools
1. The pH newly received is already on use. Ongoing monitoring of pH of all possible waste
water outlets.

G. Fire Protection
1. Fire fighters gear (1) Self Contained Breathing Apparatus and (2) Fire Resistant Suit
were already delivered. We need Fire Fighters Gear Cabinet for the gears acquired. This
cabinet will be included in the 2024 budget.

H. DOLE Caraga

I. Hazardous waste
1.Used industrial batteries were deposited at hazardous waste storage facility. Labelling of
hazardous waste is on hold due to unavailability of colored printer.

J. Materials handling
1.Ongoing monitoring of the level status of respective tanks of raw water and treated water

1. To be included in the 2024 budget.

L. Production
1. Waste Water Discharge test for the 2nd quarter is already performed last July 27, 2023 and
we’re waiting the results. EMB requested rescheduling of emission to August 1-3 due to
conflict in their monitoring schedules. OMLI finalized it to the said emission schedule
preferred by EMB.

M. Personnel Support Equipment

N. Sewerage
1. Requested the fund for labor expenses for Tributary Canal Entrance Development.
2. Continued desilting at tributary canal every first hour of the working day.

O. Walkways and Roadways

1. Observed cracks of road gutter’s finishings and due for repair.

P. Protective Guards
1. Ongoing check up and monitoring industrial motor guards.

Q. Safety Signage
1. Continued the replacement of damaged signage by Odette.

R. Lifting Components
1. Overhead Crane already repaired by maintenance. NC Esik suggested to buy the big bell ring
for the overhead crane alarm.

S. `Hygiene and First Aid Facilities

1. Used commercial filtered bottled water for drinking.
2. Continue monitoring cleanliness of all comfort rooms.

T. Covid - 19 Alert update.

1. As of July 13, 2023, the IATF issued Resolution No. 8-E series of 2023. Still declaring Surigao Del
Norte under alart level #1.
2. Still encouraging all employees to have their covid-19 booster shots. So far, still 13
employees had 1st booster shot.(1. MM Montemor, 2. AM Bernadez, 3. RS Ajoc, 4. CC
Gabaca, 5. RE Palapar, 6.GP Ajoc, 7. RC Coter, 8. EG Longakit, 9. RJ Dagani, 10. SE Silao, 11. EP
Yañez, 12. KP Cavity, 13.NC Esik). For the 2nd booster shot, 10 already availed (1. MM
Montemor, 2. CC Gabaca, 3. RS Ajoc, 4. AM Bernadez, 5. RE Palapar, 6. GP Ajoc, 7. RC Coter, 8.
RJ Dagani, 9.EG Longakit, 10. SE Silao). The rest are encouraged to have their booster shot and
avail while it is still free from the government. The following are still evading booster shots;
JD Poliran and EB Capote.

U. Project Proposals
1. Continued the rehabilitation of Oil/Water separator #4.
2. Rehabilitation of old pond at the back of tank farm to Central Oil/Water Separator
V. Man hour as of 31 JULY 2023.

Prev Month Current Month

May June Year To-Date

Man-hours Worked for:

NAC DPP 2,833 2,718 244,376.61

Security Agency 4,044 3,912 322,236.00
No. of Accidents - -
Non-Lost Time Accident (NLTA) - -
Lost Time Accident (LTA)
Non-Fatal (LTA-NF) - -
Fatal (LTA-F) - -
Incident Rate (I.R.) - -
Frequency Rate (F.R.) - -
Severity Rate (S.R.) - -
Man-hours Worked Without LTA Cases:
NAC DPP 2,833 2,718 244,376.61
Security Agency 4,044 3,912 322,236.00
Total Man-hours Worked (combined) 6,344 6,877 566,613
Total Number of Days Worked for:
NAC DPP 31 30 2,397.00
Security Agency 31 30 2,506.00


Cesar C. Gabaca
Safety Officer and Environmental Engineer


Martiniano M. Montemor
NAC-DPP Resident Plant Manager

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