Service Bulletin: V2500-ENG-79-0108

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V2500-A1, V2522-A5, V2524-A5, V2527-A5, V2527E-A5, V2527M-A5, V2530-A5,
V2533-A5, V2525-D5, V2528-D5


V2500 Series 79-0108



This document is the property of International Aero Engines (IAE). You may not possess, use, copy
or disclose this document or any information in it, for any purpose, including without limitation to
design, manufacture, or repair parts, or obtain FAA or other government approval to do so, without
IAE’s express written permission. Neither receipt nor possession of this document alone, from any
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Not subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R. Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).
Compliance Category
P&W Distribution Code

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© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
The purpose of this Non-Modification Service Bulletin (NMSB) is to provide an updated list of
acceptable engine oil lubricants, to be referred to as engine oil, instructions for changeover to
a different brand, and field evaluation instructions for recently approved engine oils. This NMSB
supersedes and cancels the following published Service Bulletins and Service Information Letters:
Reference 3, Service Bulletin V2500-ENG-12-0001, Servicing - Introduction Of Additional Alternative
Engine Oil Lubricant Exxon 2197; Reference 4, Service Bulletin V2500-ENG-12-0002, Servicing
- Introduction Of Additional Alternative Engine Lubricant Turbo Nycoil 600; Reference 5, Service
Bulletin V2500-ENG-12-0003, Servicing - Introduction Of Additional Alternative Engine Oil Lubricant
Mobil Jet 291; Reference 6, Service Bulletin V2500-ENG-12-0004, Servicing - Introduction Of
Additional Alternative Engine Oil Lubricants - Aeroshell Turbine Oil 500, 555, 560 And Castrolaero
5000; Reference 7, Service Information Letter 174 Issue 1 and Issue 2; Reference 8, Service
Information Letter 184 Issue 1; Reference 9, Service Information Letter 209 Issue 1 and Issue 2; and
Reference 10, Service Information Letter 235 Issue 1.

Planning Information
Effectivity Data
Engine Models Applicable
Engine Serial No. — All engines
V2522-A5, V2524-A5, V2527M-A5, V2527-A5, V2527E-A5, V2530-A5, V2533-A5
Engine Serial No. — All engines
V2525-D5, V2528-D5
Engine Serial No. — All engines
Concurrent Requirements
There are no concurrent requirements.

1. Condition: It is considered to be a logistical advantage to introduce additional brands

of engine oil to the list of approved engine oils available for use.
2. Background: See Condition above.
3. Objective: Provide an updated list of acceptable engine oils, instructions for
changeover to a different brand and field evaluation instructions for recently approved
engine oils.
4. Substantiation: The additional engine oil types have been shown by laboratory and
engine testing to be satisfactory alternatives to the existing engine oil. All the engine
oils listed within this NMSB have been FAA approved.
5. Effects of Bulletin on:
Removal/Installation: Not Affected.
Disassembly/Assembly: Not Affected.
Cleaning: Not Affected.
Inspection/Check: Not Affected.
Repair: Not Affected.

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© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
Not Subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R. Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).
Testing: Not Affected.
6. Supplemental Information
This NMSB provides a list of acceptable engine oils for V2500 engines and instructions
for changeover to a different brand. This NMSB will also include service evaluation
instructions for initial use of recently approved engine oils.
Category 8
Accomplish based upon experience with the prior configuration.
Approval Data
The compliance statement and the procedures described in this Service Bulletin have
been shown to comply with the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations and are
FAA-APPROVED for the engine model listed.
The aircraft Type Certificate (TC) holder has been informed of this change.

1. In Service
......................................................................................................... Not Applicable.
2. At Overhaul
......................................................................................................... Not Applicable.
Weight and Balance

1. Weight Change
2. Moment Arm
No Effect.
3. Datum
Engine Front Mount Centerline (Power Plant Station (PPS) 100)
Electrical Load Data
This Service Bulletin has no effect on the aircraft electrical load.
Software Accomplishment Summary
Not Applicable.
NOTE: In 2014 IAE converted the V2500 Technical Publications to a new system. As a
result of the conversion, some manuals were consolidated. All manuals received
new P&W part numbers. To facilitate the use of this Service Bulletin, a Technical
Publications conversion table is provided in the Appendix.

December 14/16
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© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
Not subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).
1. ATA Locator — 79-00-00.
2. Internal Reference No. — 15VC717.
3. V2500 Service Bulletin V2500-ENG-12-0001, Servicing - Introduction Of Additional
Alternative Engine Oil Lubricant Exxon 2197.
4. V2500 Service Bulletin V2500-ENG-12-0002, Servicing - Introduction Of Additional
Alternative Engine Lubricant Turbo Nycoil 600.
5. V2500 Service Bulletin V2500-ENG-12-0003, Servicing - Introduction Of Additional
Alternative Engine Oil Lubricant Mobil Jet 291.
6. V2500 Service Bulletin V2500-ENG-12-0004, Servicing - Introduction Of Additional
Alternative Engine Oil Lubricants - Aeroshell Turbine Oil 500, 555, 560 And Castrolaero
7. V2500 Service Information Letters (SIL): 174 Issue 1 and Issue 2
8. V2500 Service Information Letters (SIL): 184 Issue 1
9. V2500 Service Information Letters (SIL): 209 Issue 1 and Issue 2
10. V2500 Service Information Letters (SIL): 235 Issue 1
Other Publications Affected
Not Applicable.
Interchangeability of Parts
Not Applicable.
Information in the Appendix
Alternate Accomplishment Instructions (No)
Progression Charts (No)
Added Data (Yes)
Revision to Table of Limits (No)
Inspection Procedures (No)

December 14/16
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© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
Not Subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R. Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).
Material Information
Material — Price and Availability
Not Applicable.
Industry Support Program
Not Applicable.
Instructions/Disposition Code Statements:
Not Applicable.
Tooling — Price and Availability
Special tools are not required to accomplish this Service Bulletin.
Reidentified Parts
Not Applicable.
Other Material Information Data
Not Applicable.

December 14/16
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© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
Not subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).
Accomplishment Instructions

1. List of acceptable engine oils and supplier information:

A. The engine oils listed in Tables 1 and 2 are FAA approved. Engine oils marked
with “X” are fully approved for use in engines indicated. Engine oils marked ’0’ are
approved for use on a field evaluation basis only. To participate in the field evaluation,
please contact IAE Technical Services. Detailed field evaluation instructions are
provided in this section.



SPECIFICATION V2500-A1 V2500-A5 V2500-D5
Eastman Turbo Oil X X X
2380 (1) (2)
ExxonMobil Jet Oil II X X X
Turbo Nycoil 600 X X X
X Denotes approved engine oils
0 Denotes service evaluation engine oils.
(1) Formerly BP Turbo Oil 2380
(2) Formerly Exxon Turbo Oil 2380



SPECIFICATION V2500-A1 V2500-A5 V2500-D5
AeroShell Turbine Oil X X X
Eastman Turbo Oil X X X
2197 (3) (4)
ExxonMobil Jet Oil 254 X X X
ExxonMobil Jet 387 0 0
X Denotes approved engine oils
0 Denotes service evaluation engine oils.
(3) Formerly BP Turbo Oil 2197
(4) Formerly Exxon Turbo Oil 2197

B. Engine oil suppliers’ addresses:

December 14/16
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© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
Not Subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R. Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).
Engine Oil Suppliers’ Addresses

Supplier Name & Address

Eastman Chemical Company*
200 South Wilcox Drive
Kingsport, TN 37660
ExxonMobil Lubricants & Specialties Company
322 Gallows Road
Fairfax, VA, 22037
66 Avenue Des Champs-Elysées
BP 414 – 75366 Paris Cedex 08
Shell Aviation Ltd.
Shell Centre
York Road
London SE1 7NA
* Eastman Chemical Company is responsible for the
Eastman Branded Oils and BP Turbo Branded Oil products.

2. Instructions for changeover to different brand engine oil:

NOTE: These instructions are applicable for fully approved engine oils, noted as “X”
per Tables 1 and 2.
NOTE: In general, engine oil brand mixing is not recommended. Occasional or
inadvertent (up to 4 quarts) adding of a different approved engine oil brand during
routine servicing of the engine oil tank does not require engine oil drain and
flush. It should be noted that dilution of any of the High Thermal Stability (HTS)
Engine Oils with Standard (non HTS) Engine Oils will reduce the performance
of the HTS Engine Oil.
NOTE: On engines with less than 250 hours since new manufacture or since overhaul
of all main bearing compartments and the No. 5 bearing compartment service
tubes, both the drain and fill method and the top off method of engine oil brand
changeover are acceptable. Additional oil filter inspections/replacements are
not required.
NOTE: In the case where an engine oil change is desired on a preserved engine that
has accumulated more than 250 hours since new manufacture or since overhaul
of all main bearing compartments and the No. 5 bearing compartment service
tubes, re-fill the engine with the previously used engine oil type. When the
engine returns to service operation, utilize the Top Off Method for changing over
to the desired engine oil brand.
A. Change-over by Top Off Method, as follows:
(1) Begin using new engine oil brand as required, by topping off engine oil tank
with new engine oil.
(2) Mark engine oil tank with suitable label that identifies the new engine oil brand.

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© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
Not subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).
(3) Replace and inspect the scavenge oil filter at intervals of no more than 250
hours after beginning the conversion to the new engine oil. Inspect filter for
signs of loosening of deposits, which may be in the engine from the engine oil
used before.
(4) Continue replacement and inspection of the scavenge oil filter at intervals of no
more than 250 hours, until a total of 500 hours have been accumulated after
beginning the conversion to the new engine oil.
(5) If the scavenge filter results are normal after a total of 500 hours have been
accumulated since the beginning of the conversion to the new engine oil, return
to the normal filter change intervals.
(6) If the scavenge filter debris are found to be more than normal, contact IAE
Technical Services for recommended actions.
B. Change-over by Drain and Fill method. This method is only to be used for engines
with less than 250 hours since new manufacture or since overhaul of all main bearing
compartments and the No. 5 bearing compartment service tubes:
(1) Drain engine oil from engine oil tank and gearbox.
(2) Fill engine oil system with new engine oil and mark the engine oil tank with a
suitable label that identifies the new engine oil brand.
(3) Replace the scavenge oil filter at 250 hours after filling with new engine oil, and
inspect for signs of loosening of deposits, which may be in the engine from the
prior engine oil used.
(4) If the scavenge oil filter debris are found to be more than normal, contact IAE
Technical Services for recommended actions.
3. Field Service Evaluation (FSE) Guidelines:
NOTE: The following instructions are applicable for engine oil approved for field
evaluation, noted as “0” per Tables 1 and 2.
NOTE: The FSE requires data to be collected at prescribed intervals on a minimum
of 6 engines within a participating operator’s fleet. Selected engines must be
planned to accumulate at least 5000 flight hours with the evaluated engine oil in
use before the next major overhaul. The participating operator may continue to
convert remaining engines to the new engine oil (during the FSE period) once
the FSE program has a one year or greater lead over the rest of the fleet.
A. Contact IAE Technical Services to confirm the field evaluation criteria is still in place.
B. Utilize the Top-Off Method for oil conversion.
C. Field Service Evaluation is as follows:
(1) Analyze the Scavenge Oil Filter: Continue replacement and inspection of the
scavenge oil filter at intervals of no more than 250 hours, until a total of 500
hours have been accumulated, followed by intervals per Airframe MPD, until a
total of 5000 hours have been accumulated after beginning the conversion to
the new engine oil.
(a) Inspect for signs of loosening of deposits, which may be in the engine from
the engine oil used before.
(b) Visually inspect, photo document and analyze replaced filters.

December 14/16
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© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
Not Subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R. Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).
(c) Flush and collect contaminants.
(2) Collect engine oil samples. Analyze and document the engine oil condition at “A”
check (750 hour) intervals for 5000 hours. Test each engine oil sample using
the following criteria:
(a) Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program (SOAP) analysis
(b) Total Acid Number (TAN)
(c) Kinematic Viscosity
(3) After four of six engines exceed 5000 flight hours, submit a report to IAE
Technical Services, detailing the results of all engine oil and oil filter analyses
(per the above guidelines) for approval.
NOTE: If any engines show engine oil related issues, operators should provide details to
IAE Technical Services for engineering evaluation.
4. Recording Instructions
A. A record of accomplishment is required.

December 14/16
Page 9
© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
Not subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).
Added Data

Internal Reference Information

Revision No. Origination
Original EA15VC717 AC/RCM

Number values shown in parentheses adjacent to U.S. values are International System of
units (SI) equivalents.

NOTE: In 2014 IAE converted the V2500 Technical Publications to a new system. As a result
of the conversion, some manuals were consolidated. All manuals received new P&W
part numbers. To facilitate the use of this Service Bulletin, the following Technical
Publications cross reference table is provided.

Technical Publications Cross Reference Table

P&W Part
Publication Engine Model(s) IAE IETM Pub Ref
ENGINE MANUAL — A1, A5 All E-V2500-1IA 2A4407
CMM-EHC — A1, A5 All EHC-V2500-1IA 2A4409
CMM-FN — A1, A5 All FN-V2500-1IA 2A4410
CMM-MMC — A1, A5 All MECH-V2500-1IA 2A4411
CMM-THD — A1, A5 All THD-V2500-1IA 2A4412
TLM — A1, A5 All T-V2500-1IA 2A4408
ENGINE MANUAL — D5 All E-V2500-3IA 2A4416
CMM-EHC — D5 All EHC-V2500-31A 2A4418
CMM-FN — D5 All FN-V2500-3IA 2A4419
CMM-MMC — D5 All MECH-V2500-3IA 2A4420
CMM-THD — D5 All THD-V2500-3IA 2A4423
TLM — D5 All T-V2500-3IA 2A4417
SPPM (SPM) — A1, A5, D5 All SPP-V2500-1IA 2A4414
EIPC — A1 V2500-A1102Q00 S-V2500-1IA 2A4427

December 14/16
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© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
Not Subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R. Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).
P&W Part
Publication Engine Model(s) IAE IETM Pub Ref
V2522/V2524/V2527M-AQ02 S-V2500-6IA
V2522/V2524/V2527M-AQ03 S-V2500-6IB
V2522/V2524/V2527M-SQ02 S-V2500-6SA
V2522/V2524/V2527M-SQ03 S-V2500-6SB
V2522/V2524/V2527M-SQ04 S-V2500-6NA
V2522/V2524/V2527M-SQ05 S-V2500-6NB
V2527/V2527E-AQ02 S-V2500-7IA
V2527/V2527E-AQ03 S-V2500-7IB
V2527/V2527E-SQ02 S-V2500-7SA
V2527/V2527E-SQ03 S-V2500-7SB
V2527/V2527E-SQ04 S-V2500-7NA
V2527/V2527E-SQ05 S-V2500-7NB
EIPC — A5 2A4428
V2530-AQ02 S-V2500-2IA
V2530-AQ03 S-V2500-2IB
V2530-SQ02 S-V2500-2SA
V2530-SQ03 S-V2500-2SB
V2530-SQ04 S-V2500-2NA
V2530-SQ05 S-V2500-2NB
V2533-AQ02 S-V2500-5IA
V2533-AQ03 S-V2500-5IB
V2533-SQ02 S-V2500-5SA
V2533-SQ03 S-V2500-5SB
V2533-SQ04 S-V2500-5NA
V2533-SQ05 S-V2500-5NB
V2525/V2528-AQ02 S-V2500-3IA
EIPC — D5 V2525/V2528-AQ03 S-V2500-3IB 2A4426
V2525/V2528-AQ04 S-V2500-3IC

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© IAE International Aero Engines AG (date as above). All rights reserved.
Not subject to the EAR per 15 C.F.R Chapter 1, Part 734.3(b)(3).

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