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Grant proposal


1. Project Title : Farming Sustainability and Profitability Through Enrichment of High-Value

Crop Production

2. Project Funding0020Support: Php 562,010.00

3. Project Beneficiary/Beneficiary Organization

Project Component Beneficiary Organizations
Company A
Company B
High-Value Crop Production Project
Company C

Company D

4. Type Location
Subject Cooperative Location No. of Ben.
Company A XXXXX 30

Company B XXXXX 30
Company C XXXXX 30
Company D XXXXX 30
120 Beneficiaries (headcount)


The Agency X is currently proposing the approval of a settlement area development plan that will provide
appropriate and timely support services to target areas by enhancing the agricultural productivity of target
beneficiaries as well as promoting socio-economic growth and peace and order.

The conduct of consultation dialogue, analysis, and data gathering of community profiles from local
government units and line agencies provided the necessary information on various problems, gaps and potential
support services. Through the identification of land use as well as consolidation of farmer-beneficiaries
responses, high-value crop production was deemed as a viable enterprise for increased engagement in
agricultural farming. This support service aims to initiate the sustainability of market linkages. This proposal
will promote farm productivity through the incorporation of climate-smart and sustainable production
technology that engages a gender-positive role among households. The farmers will enrich the production of in-
demand crops in settlement areas.

By covering the 4 companies within the settlement area and addressing bottlenecks in enterprise sustainability,
the beneficiaries' organizations can be guided properly in selecting specific commodities while minimizing
oversupply and complementing gaps in the value chain. Furthermore, the farmers engaging in the production of
in-demand and high-yielding commodities through the provision of the proposed project will make the most of
its potential as an agribusiness. For direct beneficiaries, the cooperatives shall provide technical assistance for
them to become para-technicians. The indirect beneficiaries shall be provided with second-hand information
dissemination through re-echo and replication.

Grant proposal

The cooperator's skills using structural learning experience where the theory and practice of crop production
and marketing will be observed to provide a positive income stream.

The project will comprise of two phases; the first (1 st) phase will be capacity development training,
procurement, and distribution of farm inputs to improve farming technology and advance to the second (2 nd)
phase which is the actual conduct of production, market engagement, and planning of sustainability measures.


The proposed project is the production of selected high-value crops to complement major crops widely grown
within Company A, Company B, Company C and Company D.
The proposed project will focus on producing selected vegetable varieties that can be easily converted into cash
as well as having a higher price value compared to commonly grown crop. The project will create
complimentary crops among local farmers in addition to main crops. The aim is to provide a new agroenterprise
source of income aside from the regular production major staple food while addressing the issue on declining
farm productivity and helping build climate resiliency among selected piloted areas in the province.
This project will involve the utilization of backyard gardens of the men and women cooperators who are
members of the proponent cooperatives. The cooperatives will provide willing and qualified farmer-
beneficiaries. A minimum area of 400 square meters will be required for each cooperator.
The project will involve a total of 120 men and women with an aggregate total area of more or less 48,000.00
square meters or 4.8 hectares. This project will adopt a farming schedule and sustainability scheme to be agreed
upon by the cooperatives involved to minimize oversupply and increase and expand market potential. The
proposed project will be coupled with appropriate technology training on vegetable production, post-harvest
handling, marketing and sustainability.
Project Components
A. Provision of Agri-Extension Services/Capacity Development
The proposed agri-extension and capacity development services for the proponent cooperatives are presented
The project will focus on introducing adoptable technologies for high-vale crop production as well as marketing
and promotion of farm productivity.
The following activities are the major capacity development trainings to be provided to the cooperative and
proponent cooperatives.
The activities in ensuring sustainability are also included. The trainings included are as follows:

Title of Activity No of Pax Remarks

1. Technology Training on High-Value Crop Production 120 30 per cooperative

2. Technology Training on Market Survey 40 10 per cooperative

3. Project Policy Formulation 60 15 per cooperative

4. Project Monitoring and Sustainability Planning 60 15 per cooperative

B. Provision of Farm Inputs and Farm Tools

Starter kits or farm tools and inputs will be provided to the cooperators through the proponent cooperatives. The
starter kits will be treated as grants from the Agency X to the concerned cooperatives. A separate policy
formulation workshop will be conducted to govern the use and management of these inputs and farm tools from
cooperative to individual beneficiaries. It is suggested that a roll-over scheme will be applied so that the cost of
Grant proposal
the starter kits will be recovered and additional beneficiaries could benefit and apply the technology that they
have learned as para-technicians.

The farm tools consist of basic tools needed by farmers during cropping such as hand shovels/trowels, spade
shovels, watering cans/sprinklers, and plastic drums. Some of the farm tools provided shall be shared between
the farmers such spade shovels and drums will be within the care of the cooperative when not in use.


In general, the proposed project aims to establish an agri-enterprise involving high-value crops to increase farm
productivity and sustainability within settlement areas promoting socio-economic growth and agro-enterprise
sustainability among four (4) proponent cooperatives.

Specifically, the proposed project/s aims to:
1. Train 120 men and women cooperatives in various capability-building trainings related to high-value crop
production incorporating aspects of agro-enterprise development strategies;
2. Provide starter inputs to cater 48,000 square meter area or 4.8 ha total within settlement areas for the four
(4) proponent cooperativess;
3. Establish market linkage to private and institutional buyers;
4. Increase production and income by 10% after 2 production cycles; and,
5. Document best, innovative, and good practices.


The proposed project will focus on the production of selected vegetable varieties such as eggplant, bitter gourd,
hot pepper and sitao. These vegetable varieties are commonly grown and sold in public markets in the province.
The proposed project shall be implemented within four (4) sites namely, Site A, Site B, Site C, Site D as project
proponents/conduit. Each site will identify 30 men and women farmer-cooperators with an area of at least 400
square meters per cooperator. The project cooperators shall plant 2 varieties of vegetables each to ensure
efficiency and allocate a safety net in the marketing of products. Not more than 2 cooperatives with the same
pair of commodities are allowed to ensure profitability and bartering power within markets both institutional
and private.
The proposed project will utilize high-yielding variety seeds and shall adopt the use of plastic mulch to
conserve moisture, reduce the use of pesticides and save labor costs versus manual weeding. The use of locally
available compost will be promoted to facilitate better waste recycling.
Starter inputs will be procured by Agency X office thru the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC). The proposed
project will be participated by 120 men and women cooperators and a target of 55% are composed of women.
Number of Ave. Area/ Cooperator
Type of Vegetables Total Area (sq.m)
Cooperators (sq.m)
Bitter Gourd 120 400
Eggplant -do- -do-
String beans -do- -do- 48,000 or 4.8
Hot Pepper -do- -do- Hectares
Total 120

A 3-day training on vegetable production will be conducted on-site. An in-house Agriculturist from Agent X
will be tapped to facilitate the training or from the Department of Agriculture. To ensure better project
implementation, a communal nursery will be established per site. The training will be divided into three
modules. Module 1 for site selection and land preparation including nursery establishment, Module 2 for

Grant proposal
vegetable production, cultivation and maintenance and Module 3 Harvesting and Post-harvest handling and


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

I. Pre-Implementation

·Community Consultation
· Preparation of Project
Proposal & Approval
·Procurement Processes
·Conduct of Technology
·Policy Formulation
2. Implementation
·Distribution /Delivery of
Starter Kits Inputs and
Farm Tools
·Vegetables Production

·Marketing of Products

· Project Monitoring

III. Post Implementation

·Project Evaluation
·Sustainability Planning
· Impact Assessment


The marketing component shall be handled by the proponent cooperative as the consolidator. It will facilitate
access to the wholesale market by tapping wholesalers in ____________ for the produced vegetables. As
such, a marketing agreement will be secured from the target markets to formalize the engagement as much as
possible. However, taking into consideration the limited financial resources of the cooperatives, it shall cater
only at least 30% of the total production from its farmer-cooperators.

Based on the above premise, the larger market of farmer-cooperators are retailers of vegetables in their
respective areas who will buy almost 50% of the total production. As much as possible, the farmers are
encouraged to deliver their produce directly to the consumer to gain a higher profit margin. To facilitate a
better understanding of farmer-cooperators on how market and marketing work, a separate session on the
basic concept of market and marketing shall be adopted using the training modules from the Farm Business
School Program. They will be coached on how to do basic farm record keeping, planning, and budgeting,
conduct of market surveys and computation of break-even price. This coaching is included in the capacity
building/training and monitoring.

Figure 1.0 Diagram showing the market chain and market actors
Grant proposal

The farmers shall be introduced in passing the importance of market survey and its impact on the overall
profitability and sustainability of buyers creating a stable supply and demand.

Figure 2.0. Buyer-Comparison Matrix

This matrix will provide crucial information to guide farmers to better understand the market and marketing

Seen Below is the projected volume per cycle of high-value crops produced by the 120 cooperators. The data
below also shows the possible decrease in volume such as when farmers personally consume the products. It
also shows the potential losses during market transport and mortality from pests and diseases.

Fig.3.0: Estimated Production Volume and Percentage Share and Volume (kgs)

Percentage Share & Volume (kgs)

Total No. of HH
Type of Market 1 Local Market
Prod’n Prod’n Consumption Losses Kg
Vegetables (Retailer) 2 (COOP) Kg
Volume Cycle/Yr Kg
50% 30% 10% 10%

800. 80.0 8
Hot Pepper 2
00 400.00 240.00 0 0.00
Grant proposal
String 960. 2 28 96.0 96.
Beans 00 480.00 8.00 0 00
2,400. 1 72 240.0 240.
Eggplant 2
00 ,200.00 0.00 0 00

Bitter 1,600. 48 160.0 160.

Gourd 00 800.00 0.00 0 00

Total 2,880.00 1,728.60 576.00 576.00


Project Management and Organizational Structure

The Proponent Cooperative/Association shall plan, implement, monitor and evaluate the project in collaboration
with the Agency X. Also, the agency has the responsibility of monitoring the progress and receiving the report.
Each beneficiary organization shall also report the progress on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.

The proposed project will be managed by subject organizations through its Project Management Staff (PMS)
headed by their Manager, Bookkeeper and Treasurer. The Credit Committee of the proponent cooperative will
assist the PMS in terms of the selection of coop member cooperators and the determination of the qualified
recipients based on the approved policy of the cooperative.

The duties and responsibilities of the different persons involved in this proposed project are specified and
identified in the Table below to make them understand their respective roles.

Table 1. Duties and Functions of Project Management Staff (PMS)


Chairperson/President  Supervise the Project Management Staff
 Facilitate/ Lead in the conduct of BOD meeting and Policy
Formulation in order to ensure successful implementation of the
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Manager  Recommend to the BODs the list of beneficiaries to receive the
 Control xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Supervise xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

 Coodinate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Treasurer  Assist Manager in recording financial transaction related to
project implementation.
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bookkeeper  Maintain records xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Grant proposal
Credit Collection Committee  Assist Project Manager xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
 Assist Bookkeeper xxxxxxxxxxx
 Assist the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Cooperators  Responsible xxxxxxxxxxxx and;

 Responsible of reporting any problems encountered during
project implementation.

Project Cooperators or Implementer's Capability

The cooperators for this proposed project will be identified and selected based on the criteria laid down by the
proponent cooperative. Aside from those requirements, they will be selected based on their competency,
willingness and availability of farm space.

Further, they will be equipped with the necessary skills in cultivating selected high-value vegetable production
to develop them as para-technicians in the area. The proponent cooperative will link up with the local
government unit through the office of the municipal agriculturist for the needed technical skill training when
further technicality and enhancement is necessary.

Project Operating Policy

Identified beneficiary cooperatives of this project, will be the ones in charge of the overall project
implementation on the ground. One hundred twenty (120) men and women members or potential members of
the cooperative/association will be trained and will be selected in the replication stage of the project. The
selection of project beneficiaries will be based on the criteria earlier set for the project by the Board of

Sustainability Planning

The sustainability plan prepared by the Board of Directors

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx activity therein has back-up funds.
Profit Sharing and Re-Investment Arrangement

At the end of every production cycle another coop member cooperators xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The
amount repaid by the previous cooperators will be used by the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to replicate the project
to other beneficiaries on a roll-over scheme


Agency X will conduct progress monitoring of the project implemented. This is to determine the result/impact
of the project to the farmers, community and to the environment. Assessment will be conducted to determine if
the farmer partner and beneficiaries of the project have an increase in production yield and income. Likewise,
the adoption of improved technology by using new varieties resistant to pest and diseases, adjustment of
cropping pattern/season suit to climate change and synchronized planting will create a positive impact. In
general, are those strategies/practices increase the production yield and income of the farmers? By how much
percentage and also to determine if how many farmers adopted the said technology?


To sustain the gains even beyond the project life, the proponent cooperative/association has to formulate a
separate sustainability plan/Action plan while the project is still in the implementation phase. Part of the action
plan to be undertaken includes incorporation of the project into the coop annual operational plan. This will be
Grant proposal
with proper monitoring tools maintained by an oversight committee wherein, one of the composition is a BOD

During the conduct of monthly BOD meetings, Agency X technical staff assigned to the project shall convene
with the BODs of the cooperative together with the management staff to discuss plans and strategies stipulated
in the sustainability plan. Strict implementation of the sustainability plan will ensure that the project will not
only benefit the initial target but reach indirect beneficiaries.


The proposed project has a budgetary requirement amounting to Five Hundred Sixty-Two Thousand and Ten
Pesos (P 562,010.00). This will be used for the soft and hard components (agri-extension, capacity development
and farm inputs and tools support), project supervision and management as well as monitoring of the project.

The proposed project is a great addition to the improvement of settlement areas to alleviate poverty by enhancing the
agricultural productivity of target-farmer beneficiaries and promoting socio-economic growth and peace and order.

The breakdown of the proposed fund is shown below.

Item of Unit Unit Cost Quantity/ Total Cost

Expenditures Measures (Php) Pax (Php)

1. Project Policy
pax xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 12,000.00

2. High Value Crop

Production pax xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 60,000.00
Technology Training

3. Market Survey
pax xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 10,750.00

Van Rental unit xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 16,500.00

5. Sustainability
pax xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 12,000.00

5. Training Kit pax xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 6,000.00

Sub-total 117,250.00
Inorganic Fertilizer

XXXXXX bag xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 50,400.00

Grant proposal
XXXXXXXX bag xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 53,200.00

Sitao Seedlings pack xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 12,000.00

Hot Pepper Seedlings cans xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 16,000.00

Ampalaya Seedlings cans xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 75,000.00

Eggplant Seedlings cans xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 12,000.00

Farm Tools
Plastic Mulch roll xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 91,200.00

Seedling Tray pcs xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 7,200.00

Spade Shovel pcs xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 14,000.00

Blue Plastic Drum pcs xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 22,200.00

pcs xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 10,000.00
Trowel pcs xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 6,000.00
Sub-total 369,200.00

o xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 7,200.00


o xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 34,560.00

o xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 28,800.00

o Professional Fee xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx 5,000.00

Sub-total 75,560.00

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