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COMMANDO ATTACK GAME For 2 to 4 Players Ready for some front line military maneuvers? In this game, your strategy better be top-notch, or you’ll sustain too many casualties to carry out your mission! Whether you control the G.I. Joe* troops or the villainous Cobra Command, your task is the same: weaken the enemy, then close in on the camp! A well-planned attack is essential to win the game. Each of your soldiers is a trained and seasoned specialist, with deadly combat capa- bilities. But your defensive maneuvers are just as critical: if they fail, your P.0.W.’s may escape, your supply depot may be raided—or, worst of all, your headquarters may be overtaken and you'll lose the game! € “UMOYS SBD pure Y SJa/pjOS aAOW 0} SUR/d puke ‘jUeWAaNOW JOIPJOS JOf ,,Z,, & pajjos sey penbs abueso ay} Buspjosuoo s0hejd ayy “‘uUMOYS SB q pue ‘D ‘g ‘y Sualpjos panow pue UaUIaAOW JalpjOS 40} ,,p,, 8 pafjos penbs pas ay} Buyjjojuos sahkejd ays ‘deanaueul jSi]J UOM Wea} aor ‘| ay} ‘aweb siy} ul UsN} }SJIf 24) UO wre] oes] ES] ow ES ee ayngs | aunol Byars, [ooo 1 ral BCO+ ge] & [Sa eses =TNON TEE es Ss v SES jae 8 aes SSeS sels! vere Ay} a10yM Ae}s 0} S12IPjOS NOK Jo |e JUeM NOK JI WIN} B CIYS UBAS UBD NOA “@AOW O} JUEM NOA seUOo ay} BAOW ysNf ‘AUeW YU} SAOW O} UBM },UOP NOK 4| “ap EY UO JOP Alana 104 JAIPJOS B BAOW 0} OABY },UOP NOA “O} JUBM JO ‘UBD nok se Auew se esow ysN! 4a] SisIpjos Auew yey} rey },UOP pue SolJenseo Paule}sNs aA,NOA }| “S19}P|OS NOK JO BAY BAO UBD NOA ‘G ®@ |[01 NOA 4! ‘aoue]SU! 104 “A/P By} UO UMOYS JOP Yee JO) penbs ay) Ul] JOIP|OS BUC BAOW UB UBD NOA ‘penbs INOA 40} Ip e ||O4 “ysuls (e :SMO}||O} se ole Sains JuaWaAOW ‘penbs uees6 98y} UeY} ‘JS11y SeACLW PeNbs an|q 94} ‘WeE} B1GOD 84} UC ‘penbs eGueJ0 84} VAY} ‘}Su1y SEAOW PeNbs pas @y} {Wee} BOP “|S 84} UO “104}U09 NOK penbs yee JO} 9Ip & ||0 ‘Sia|PjOos JNOA BAOW O| “SEAOW WA} JayJO 94} UBY} ‘}s4]} SBAOW JOANeUeW JSJ|J SUIM OYUM Wea} ey} ‘WIN Yee UO -SYFIGTOS YNOA JAOW ‘E sureBe 04 ‘a!} @ 8.) Jf “WINY JEU} 104 J8ANEUeW YSU} sum ysoybly Buyjjo1 wee, ay) “auu}} BwWes ay} }e ||01 Swed} BuIsoddo Ay} pue ‘AIP 84} |]01 0} U@SOUD S} We} YORE JO JaquiawW BUC “JeANeUeW 4841} 0} O1P & Buljjos wee, yoko yyM sulGaq ‘uiN} ysuyy ely BuIpnjou! ‘eweB ayy ul winy eng -YFANINVW LSUld HOS FIG V 17108 “% *asoyd Nok spenbs 10 penbs sanayoiym pulyad yeas e aye} ‘Pep|oap Useq aAeY SUBS} BY} 2OUD jdwreo uno pure sisipjos snof Buyyoajoud pue Awaue 04} Buljeojap r@SNeO UOWLUODS INOA 10} 194}eH0} SAAOW ANOK Bulyo\d Aq 48y}0 YOeD djay ued no ‘sia|pjos $,ayeWWea} INOA eAoWw 0} pamol|e jou a1,NOoA yBnounly 1843960} ABaye13s NOK eld ued NOX ‘ayeWWeDd} e BAY NOA 4] @ “yore alp pal | pue penbs e1qod | [o4]U09 OYM ‘sueAeld Z :wee, e1GOD “yoke aip ay14M | pue penbs eof "5 |. [O1]UO9 OYM ‘suate|d Z wee! aor "|'D ewe iekeld-y ‘(penbs yoea 10) ap 1) 8901p pal yog puke spenbs e1q09 UO sjojUC OYM ‘Jaheld | :Wee! eqD, “yore sip ay1UM | pue penbs sor '|'5 | |01]U00 OYM ‘sioAe|d Z see! BOP "|" awed 10kejd-¢ ‘alp pal | pue spenbs e1goO YjOq $]o1]UOS OYM ‘ahejd | :Wee! BIGOD “a1p ayy | pue spenbs sor “5 YO S|O4}UOD OYM ‘“JaAe|C | :WeeL Bor 1D awey 10Ke|d-% reweB e 10} dn wes} 0} Moy S,oJ0} ‘awe 10Ae|d-p 40 ‘-¢ ‘2 8 S,}| JO4yJOYM UO Spuedap Wea} B UO SueAe|d JO JequNU BY “WeE} BIGOD ayy jsurebe wea} dof ‘5 ay} :aweb wee} & S| YOR OPUBWWOD 207 ‘1D ‘aweb oyj ul ave sueAejd Auew Moy J8yVeW ON cdf} ONINVAL “b jyoene ey} ul6eq pue Aejd oweb 40) dn wea} ued NOA MON “pieoqaweb ay} Uo suo!}|sod Bujye}s sey) UI Spends ay} dn yas 0} MOY NOK SMOYS 18A09 XOq ay} JO Ap!sU! aU) ‘penbs uaeib ® pue penbs eniq e :spenbs saquieui-g om) jo dn apew osje s| uo} “eid e1qo9 Jequiew-z} ay “(u! Wey} pede|d eA,NOA spueys UMed 84} pue $10}09 punosBy9eq 4194} Aq |}9} UeD NOA) penbs pad e puke penbs efueo ue :spenbs Jequiow-g om} Jo dn apew Ss! Uoo}e|d Bop |'H Jaquiaw-zZ) ayL ANVS AHL AV Id OL MOH « *SUO!}ONAISU! 10} 19409 XOQ AY} JO APISU! 94} 89g {SIBIPJOS OU} JO BJO JO BUO JO} (papnjou! jou) seunBy uoNoe Bor {5 INOA ayNyNSqQNs UD NOK ‘ay}| P,NOA }] ‘dnjes web pue ‘pueoqeweb ay} jo uoldiosep e ‘Ajquesse JaIplos ‘Ajquasse Bulp|!ng 40} 19009 Xoq ay} JO apisu! a4) 88S yoyed aor "5 uo-uoll | }8]400q uO!}ONASU! | (ey1yM Z ‘pa. Z) B01p » spuejs umed pz SJBIPJOS B1GOD ZI puke SId|P|OS BOP 1D ZL YIM Jooys UMed 1 sdweo ‘M‘O'd Z YIM Joous Syed | sjjem suayenbpeey z pue sjjem jodap Ajddns z yy Jeoys syed | $J004 » YM dnpjing xoq | pseoqoweb ozis-juel6 | SINILNOOD “suayenbpeey Awaue 4oe}e 0} 3S11} Og JAILOArEO AYVLITIN « b) You can move your soldiers in any direction: forward, backward, to the left or right, or diagonally, as long as they move in a straight line. No curves or zig-zag maneuvers allowed! Each of your sol- diers can move as far as you want it to, or until it encounters an obstacle (see c, OBSTACLES). Figure 1 shows you an example of soldier movement. c) OBSTACLES: Each time one of your soldiers encounters an obstacle, it must stop there. You can stop your soldier before it reaches an obstacle—but once it’s on a square that contains an obstacle, it must stop there on that turn. The two obstacles are: Jungle Bushes. When your soldier lands on a jungle bush, it must stop. On your next turn, or any other turn, it can move away from the obstacle in any direction, as described in b, above. Rivers. Whenever your soldier lands on a river square, it must stop. Once it's in a river, your soldier can move along it and out of it (ina straight line) on a future turn, without having to stop again on that river obstacle. d) You can move one or two—but no more than two—of the sol- diers in your squad onto a square occupied by an enemy soldier (a soldier controlled by the opposing team). When this happens, combat occurs, as described in Rule 4. You cannot move any of your soldiers onto a square occupied by one of your soldiers, or one of your teammate’s soldiers. Only one G.I. Joe or Cobra soldier can occupy a square at a time, unless two soldiers from your squad attack an enemy soldier. And no fair “‘ganging up” on the enemy by moving three or more of your soldiers onto an enemy-occupied square! 4. COMBAT: Combat takes place whenever a soldier is moved onto a square occupied by a soldier from the opposing team. A battle can be waged on any square on the gameboard—on open ground, in the bushes, in the river, and even at the entrance of the enemy camp. If you move into a combat situation, resolve combat immediately after all your moves have been made, before the next player rolls the die for move- ment. Here is how combat is resolved: At the same time, each player involved in combat rolls one die. The higher roller wins the battle. In case of a tie, the attacker wins. When you win a battle, place the defeated enemy soldier into your P.O.W. camp. If you lose the battle, the winner takes your defeated soldier and places it in his or her P.O.W. camp. ATTACKING WITH TWO SOLDIERS: You have a definite advantage if you attack the enemy with two soldiers from your squad. Since it’s two against one, your opponent rolls one die, and you borrow your team- mate’s die and roll two! Pick the highest number of the two dice you rolled, and compare it with the die number your opponent rolled. The highest roll wins. /f it’s a tie, the attacker wins. 4 Lx-o1sy pasieney SIUBIY [IV ‘ou ‘Aaipesg O1gSeH Sg6Lo iNysseoons s} UOIss!W 4no{ ‘917eq U| peinydeo Buleq ynoyyM uN} yxaU S,wes} Bulsoddo ey) ynoyBnoiy} e104) Aes ued JaIPJOS INOA 41 ‘arenbs eoURsUS BU} UC 80UD “eaoge seins 8u} Ul pequosap se ‘esenbs eoUeJ}Ua ay} OJUO Ja!pjos e eAow ysnI ‘owe seules} o1Seq & U! Glas}! 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BAOW 0} JUBM NOK Ijun e19y} Urewal ysn arenbs souesjUa aU} UO JaIpjOs ay, ‘dwed 94} 1e yoeq suo}1sod Bulje}s 1194} 0} winyas pue adeose ue suaipjos panjdeo $,We9} ANOA “(g JO y ‘Z) U@AA S,}! | “AIP B |JO4 ‘UIN] JxXOU INOA Jo pus ey} jv ‘dweo m'O'd Aweue ay} Jo aoues}Ua ay} OJUO S1BIPIOS INOA Jo QUO SAOU ‘AdedS8 0} S19[P[OS S,WeS} INOA MoOj|e OL “} UIYIIM SIBIP}OS Painy -deo s,wee} JNOA jo |e aseajad ||IM dwWed "M'O'd Awaue uy} Jsu/eBe UoIS “silw insseoons Vv -SYFIGIOS GAYNLdVD YNOA ONIFAYS “9 jeouesue ey} Je s1/eM JOIPjOS 4ANOK ally yOeye AWaus ue yo esemeg ing ‘uleBe Al} pue ‘uiNy }xoOU NOK JO Pua OY} [!]UN WEM JSNW NOK “(Gg JO E *}) JequINU Ppo Ue {JO NOA 4] “UAN} OINYNY & UO 3 BAOW O} JUBM NOA J1}UN e294} LEW -81 snw jodap Ajddns au} jo asenbs aouedjue 9uj UO JaIpjos ay] ‘deo *MO'd JNOA ul Way} 89e}d pue—penbs Jay}1e Wo OM) JO ‘penbs yore wWo1j BUO—WeS} Bujsoddo ey} WO4 SiaIPjOS OM] BSCOYD MoU UD NOA Nysseoons ueeq Sey UOISS|W INOK “(g JO y ‘Z) UAAS S| JEqUUNU aU} J] ‘AID ® [04 pure ‘uiNy }xeU INOA jo Pua ey} |!JUN Wem ‘eoURIUA Ay} Je S| JOIPIOS 94} e0UQ “jodep Ajddns s,wee; Buisoddo ayy Jo esenbs eouesjue ay} 0JUO SUBIPIOS INOK JO BuO BAOW ‘Jodap Ajddns AWaue 94} eBBejoqes OF “JEPUBINS 0} Pedi0} aq jI/M pue UOIUNWUe JO 3NO UNA |||M SusIPjos AWeuUe a4} JO OM} JEU} S! }|NSE1 BYL “AY]IGe YEqUoo s,juauoddo inok afewep yodap Ajddns Aweus oy} ysureBe uo! 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