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Creative Mind Language School

English Department

Preparatory 1 Story: Chapter 1

Private Investigators (Case 1: The Crazy Lady)
Comment the following:
“I’m not crazy. Tell me I’m not going crazy”.

“Someone is trying to kill me”.


“It’s just a feeling, but it can’t be all coincidence”.


“Have you talked to anyone about this”?


Answer the following:

1|Page Handout ()
Creative Mind Language School
English Department

1- How did Jeremy feel towards the newspaper?

2- Where was Eline?

3- How did Jeremy feel when he first saw Lisa?

4- How did Jeremy tell Lisa when he first saw her?
5- How did Lisa feel when she went to Jeremy?
6- Why did Lisa feel that someone was trying to kill her?
7- What was the first incident?
8- What was the second incident?
9- What was the third incident?

2|Page Handout ()
Creative Mind Language School
English Department

10- Who were the people that Lisa talked to?

11- What did Jeremy do after Lisa left the office?

3|Page Handout ()

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