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Special Document is also called Reference Document / Template / Posting Technique. There are two
types of Special Document 1. Sample Document 2. Recurring Document

1. Sample Document:
This is the special type of Document. This is used to post the business transactions which occur
frequently every day Example- Sundry Expenses, General Expenses, raw materials issue to
production department or consumables etc… it is posted a no of times in a day. Using the
sample document we can reduce the posting budern on the users. The sample document is
tamplate for original / accounting document. Sample Document do not update any transaction
figures. We have to define a special number range for sample documents. Once the sample
document created it do not update any GL account, just stored in data base. The number range
no. for sample document is X2 (Special No Range). The following functions are available for
sample document.
 Create- FBM1 / F-01
 Display- FBM3
 Change- FBM2
 Delete-FBM2 / F.57 (Specially)


1) Creation of No Range no for Sample Document-FBN1

2) Create the required GL No if not created : FS00
3) Create Sample Document: F-01 / FBM1
Note- This document everything is very similar to F-02 only and the transation will not be updated in
GL can be checked.
Check in T code FBL3N or FS10N the transaction not impacted / updated as it is Sample Document.

4) Display of Sample Document: FBM3 / FBM2 (Change / Delete)

 Display All Sample Document
Click on Document List
5) Use Sample Document:
 GL Document posting with reference to Sample Document- F-02
 Direct T Code- FBR1 / FBR2
2. Recurring Entry:
There are some business transactions which occur regularly at fixed intervals. Example- Office
Rent, EMI Payment of a term loan / Installment, Payment of Vehicle EMI / Installment. In order
to post this type of transactions we can use this recurring document functionality.
To use the recurring documents two conditions are to be satisfied.
a) The day/date of posting should be same in every interval.
b) The amount of the transaction should be same in every interval.

For every recurring document we should specify the first run date. Last run date and interval for posting.
The original recurring documents do not update any transactional figure. The transactional figures are
updated when the accounting documents are posted using the recurring documents by running the
recurring cycle.
The following functions are available for recurring document.

 Create
 Change
 Display
 Delete

We have to specify special document no range for recurring document also. The no range no for
recurring document is X1


1. Create No Range for Recurring Document- FBN1

Note- Recurring Document no range no is X1
2. Create Recurring Doc - FBD1
3. Display Recurring Document – F.15
4. Post Document using Recurring Document – F.14

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