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Creative Mind Language School

English Department

Primary 6 Private Investigators (Case 1: The magical disappearing)

Chapter 2
1. After meeting Marco Fratelli in the office, Jeremy decided to go to the circus
_________________ in the morning to talk to _____________________ .

2. The first one Jeremy met was __________________, then

______________________, and finally _____________________.

3. When Jeremy entered the tent, Chris was ______________________ and looked as if
he was _________________something quickly.

4. Marco doesn’t know how to ______________________ to himself. He’s a


5. Chris said that he rarely went to the __________________________, but he

sometimes kept things there for _________________.

6. It’s difficult for Marco to lose the money because the circus didn’t
___________________________ all the time.

7. Marco and Tony are __________________, and Marco is his ___________________.

8. Marco and Chris don’t __________________together. They are both professional and
they know how to ____________________together.

9. Eline came back to the office to say hello, and she had _____________________. So
she wanted to ___________________ them _________________.

1|Page Handout ()
Creative Mind Language School
English Department

Answer the following questions:

1- “Everyone knows about it. Marco doesn’t know how to keep things to himself.
He’s a loudmouth”.
- Who said that? To whom? And where?
- What did the speaker do when the other person walked into the tent?
- How did he know about what happened to Marco?
-Why he was being suspected?

2- “I understand how could this be difficult for Marco to lose the money”
- Who said that? To whom? And where?
- Why did the speaker think that it would be difficult for Marco to lose money?
- Who was suspected according to the speaker?

3- “If anyone can make something disappear, it would be the magician”.

- Who said that? To whom? And where?
- Why did he say that?
- What was the relationships between Marco and other people in the circus?
2|Page Handout ()

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