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 Strengthening of Concrete Structures Using Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP)

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9. Design examples Appendix A. Nomenclature
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FIGURE 9.4 FRP reinforcement scheme.

A two-sided (noncontinuous) configuration is used without an anchorage system. The FRP sheets will be applied at 90 degrees with respect to the longitudinal
axis of the girder. Note that the following calculation to determine FRP shear resistance for the two-sided scheme is identical for a U-wrap scheme.

Assume one layer of FRP is sufficient, nf=1

Width of FRP sheets, Wf=8 in.

Center-to-center spacing of FRP sheets, Sf=12 in.

Orientation of FRP sheets, αf=90 degrees

Effective depth of FRP sheets, df=dp−hf: df=57.62−9=48.62 in.

Check if the selected spacing (12 in.) is acceptable. Shear stress in concrete is

(LRFD 9.11)

Maximum spacing of FRP strips:


Since Vu=0.38 ksi<0.63 ksi, Smax=min (0.8dv, 24)=min (0.8×56.01, 24)=24 in. Since 12 in.<24 in., the selected spacing is acceptable.

Step 4:

Determine FRP shear resistance, Vfrp

The FRP reinforcement ratio is

(AASHTO 4.3.2-2)

The FRP strain reduction factor for side bonding or U-wrap without anchorage is

(AASHTO 4.3.2-5)

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The effective strain εfe=Rf εfu≤0.004

The effective strain is thus taken as 0.004.

(AASHTO 4.3.2-1)

Step 5:

Determine the design shear resistance of the member.

(AASHTO 4.3.1-1)

Step 6:

Check maximum FRP shear reinforcement limitations.


Thus the web crushing failure limit is O.K.


This example illustrates the shear strengthening of a T-beam with a U-wrap system.

Structure information:

Concrete compressive strength,

Modulus of elasticity Ec=57 =57 =3122 ksi

β1=0.85 (for ≤4.0 ksi)

Factored shear force, Vu=200 kips

Beam height, hT=48 in.

Width of the web, bv=18 in.

Effective flange width, beff=54 in.

Tensile reinforcement=10#11, As=15.60 in.

Internal steel shear reinforcement:

#4 stirrups at 12 in. spacing

Av=0.40 in.

sv=12 in.

α=90 degree

Yield strength,

Modulus of elasticity,

FRP reinforcement:

Thickness, tf=0.0065 in.

Failure strength, ffu=550 ksi

Modulus of elasticity, Ef=33,000 ksi

Failure strain, εfu=0.0167 in./in. (Fig. 9.5).

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FIGURE 9.5 RC beam section.

Step 1:

Determine the nominal shear resistance.

The effective shear depth, dv, is taken as the distance, measured perpendicular to the neutral axis, between the resultants of the tensile and compressive forces
due to flexure; it need not be taken to be less than the greater of 0.9de or 0.72 h (LRFD Article

For simplicity, neglecting the possible contribution of steel in the compression zone to flexural strength, the depth of the neutral axis is

Check governing case of dv:

The nominal shear resistance provided by the concrete, Vc, is calculated in accordance with LRFD Eq. ( as


For this example, the simplified method is followed: (θ=45 degrees and β=2). However, the iterative AASHTO LRFD Sectional Method could also be used if

The nominal shear resistance provided by the internal steel reinforcement is


The nominal shear resistance provided by the vertical component of prestressing strands is Vp=0 (this example assumes straight strands; harped or draped
strands will have a Vp component).

The nominal shear resistance of the member is

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Step 2:

Check whether strengthening is required.

Strength reduction factor for shear ϕ=0.9

ϕVn=143 kips<Vu-crit=200 kips. Therefore the beam requires strengthening.

Step 3:

Selection of FRP strengthening scheme.

A U-wrap (continuous) configuration is used without an anchorage system at the ends of the sheets. The FRP sheets will be applied at 90 degrees with respect
to the longitudinal axis of the girder. Note that the following calculation to determine the FRP shear resistance for the U-wrap without anchorage is identical
for a side bonding scheme without anchorage.

Assume one layer of FRP is sufficient, nf=1

Orientation of FRP sheets, αf=90 degrees

Effective depth of FRP sheets, df=d−hf=33.60 in.

Step 4:

Determine FRP shear resistance, Vfrp

The FRP reinforcement ratio is

(AASHTO 4.3.2-2)

FRP strain reduction factor for U-wrap without anchorage or side bonding is

(AASHTO 4.3.2-5)

The effective strain εfe=Rfεfu

(AASHTO 4.3.2-1)

Step 5:

Determine the design shear resistance of the member:

(AASHTO 4.3.1-1)

ϕV =216 kips>Vu-crit=200 kips. Thus one layer of FRP is sufficient.


Step 6:

Check maximum FRP shear reinforcement limitations.


Thus the web crushing failure limit is O.K.


This example illustrates the confinement strengthening of a circular column.
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Structure information:

Column height=24 ft.

Column diameter=28 in.

Compressive strength of concrete, =4 ksi

Spiral spacing=12 in.

Vertical reinforcement, Ast=12#8 bars

Pu=1800 kips

FRP reinforcement:

Thickness, tf=0.013 in.

Failure strength, ffu=550 ksi

Modulus of elasticity, Ef=33,000 ksi

Failure strain, εfu=0.0167 in./in.

Tensile strength of a single layer FRP reinforcement at 1.67% strain, Pfrp=7.14 kips/in./ply (Fig. 9.6).

FIGURE 9.6 Circular column section.

Step 1:

Determine the axial strength of the column and check if it requires strengthening.



Pr=1675 kips<Pu=1800 kips. Therefore the column requires strengthening.

Step 2:

Compute the FRP reinforcement strength at a strain of 0.004. Note that the limit for confinement in AASHTO is different from that for flexure.

Step 3:

Determine the required confined concrete strength.

(AASHTO 5.3.1-1)

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As per Article of AASHTO, the confinement pressure shall be greater or equal to 600 psi but less than that specified in equation as follows:


Required number of plies:

Try eight layers. The column axial strength is computed as follows:

Pr=ϕPn=0.75×2793=2095 kips>Pu=1800 kips.

Thus the selected number of layers are sufficient.


Structure information:

Column height=24 ft.

Section dimensions=28 in.

Compressive strength of concrete, =4 ksi

Transverse reinforcement=#3 bars at 12 in.

Vertical reinforcement=12#8 bars

Pu=2100 kips

FRP reinforcement:

Thickness, tf=0.013 in.

Failure strength, ffu=550 ksi

Modulus of elasticity, Ef=33,000 ksi

Failure strain, εfu=0.0167 in./in. Tensile strength of a single layer FRP reinforcement at 1.67% strain, Pfrp=7.14 kips/in./ply (Fig. 9.7).

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FIGURE 9.7 Square column section.

Step 1:

Determine the axial strength of the column.



Pr=1922 kips <Pu=2100 kips. Therefore the column requires strengthening.

Step 2:

Compute the FRP reinforcement strength at a strain of 0.004. Note that the limit for confinement in AASHTO is different from that for flexure.

Step 3:

Determine the required confined concrete strength.

(AASHTO 5.3.1-2)

From which:


As per Article of AASHTO, the confinement pressure shall be greater or equal to 600 psi but less than that specified in equation as follows:

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Required number of plies

Try eight layers. The column axial strength is computed as follows:

Thus the selected number of layers are sufficient.


This example considers the same column as in Section 9.1.5.

Structure information:

Column height=24 ft.

Column diameter=28 in.

Compressive strength of concrete, =4 ksi

Spiral spacing=12 in.

Vertical reinforcement, Ast=12#8 bars

Pu=1800 kips

FRP reinforcement:

Thickness, tf=0.013 in.

Failure strength, ffu=550 ksi

Modulus of elasticity, Ef=33,000 ksi

Failure strain, εfu=0.0167 in./in.

Tensile strength of a single layer FRP reinforcement at 1.67% strain, Pfrp=7.14 kips/in./ply (Fig. 9.8).

FIGURE 9.8 Circular column section.

Step 1:

Determine the axial strength of the column.

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Pr=1675 kips<Pu=1800 kips. Therefore the column requires strengthening.

Step 2:

Compute the design FRP material properties.

for CFRP equals 0.85 for exterior exposure (bridges and piers).

Step 3:

Determine the required maximum compressive strength of confined concrete, .

Step 4:

Determine the maximum confining pressure due to FRP jacket, .

and for circular cross section can be taken as 1.0.

Step 5:

Determine the required number of plies.

Try one layer.

Checking the minimum confinement ratio:

which is not equals or greater than 0.08.

Thus try two layers:

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Step 6:

Verify that the ultimate axial strain of the confined concrete, .


Step 7:

Determine the column axial strength.

Thus the selected number of layers are sufficient.


This example considers the same column as in Section 9.1.6.

Structure information:

Column height=24 ft.

Column dimension=28 in.

Compressive strength of concrete, =4 ksi

Transverse reinforcement=#3 bars at 12 in.

Vertical reinforcement=12#8 bars

Pu=2100 kips

FRP reinforcement:

Thickness, tf=0.013 in

Failure strength, ffu=550 ksi

Modulus of elasticity, Ef=33,000 ksi

Failure strain, εfu=0.0167 in./in.

Tensile strength of a single layer FRP reinforcement at 1.67% strain, Pfrp=7.14 kips/in./ply (Fig. 9.9).

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FIGURE 9.9 Square column section.

Step 1:

Determine the axial strength of the column.

Pr=1665 kips<Pu=2100 kips. Therefore the column requires strengthening.

Step 2:

Compute the design FRP material properties.

Step 3:

Determine the required maximum compressive strength of confined concrete, .

Step 4:

Determine the maximum confining pressure due to FRP jacket, .

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Step 5:

Determine the required number of plies.

Try seven layers.

Checking the minimum confinement ratio:

Step 6:

Verify that the ultimate axial strain of the confined concrete, .


Step 7:

Determine the column axial strength.

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Thus the selected number of layers are sufficient.

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9. Design examples Appendix A. Nomenclature

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