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N95 Respirator Fact Sheet

Created by: Yuna Park

N95 Respirators are a mandatory PPE for all VCH health care workers dealing with
activities to control & eliminate the spread of airborne diseases (ex. COVID-19) among
both our patients & staff members.

N95 Respirators are one of 7 types of filtering facepiece respirators that is approved and certified by the
U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

3 types of Filters: 3 types of Filter Efficiency:

N = Not resistant to oil (1) 95% filter of airborne particles + liquid
R = Somewhat resistant to oil (2) 99% filter of airborne particles + liquid
P = Strongly resistance to oil (Oil Proof) (3) 99.87% filter (N100 or HEPA filter) + liquid

Therefore, N95 Respirators filter 95% of airborne particles and liquid, including bacteria & viruses, & are not
resistant to oil. It is required that all N95 respirators are fit tested annually to ensure all staff members are
provided the proper model & the mask is a snug fit for the user.

1) N95 respirators ONLY filter certain contaminants & are a ONE time use only!
2) N95 respirators DOES NOT protect you from chemicals, vapours, toxic particulates, or oil based mists.
3) The mask is NOT fit for use if it is wet, soiled, contaminated, or defective.

How to properly put on a N95 Respirator:

1) Pre-stretch the straps & gently cup the mask in a clean or gloved hand.
2) Using the other hand, pull the straps over your head & place both above & below the ears. The mask
should cover both the mouth & nose.
3) Using both hands, pinch the metal clip, located at the top, around your nose to achieve a secure seal.
4) Finally perform a seal check. Place both hands on top of the mask completely and exhale. There should
be no air leaks. If there are leaks, reposition the mask until there is no leak or get a new mask.
5) In order to remove the mask, hold the mask with one hand & carefully remove both straps with the other
hand. If the mask appears to be contaminated, dispose it immediately.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate & reach out to a supervisor.
A. Pietrangelo. (March 19, 2020). What Are Airborne Diseases? Retrieved from:

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). (March 22, 2021). OSH Answers Fact
Sheets: Respiratory Protection Against Airborne Infectious Agents for Health Care Workers.
Retrieved from:

Government of Canada. (April 22, 2021). COVID-19 medical masks and respirators: Information for health
professionals. Retrieved from:

Stanford University. (n.d.) N95 Respirator Training. Retrieved from:

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (January 11, 2021). NIOSH-Approved N95 Particulate
Filtering Facepiece Respirators: Manufacturers Listed Alphabetically – 3M. Retrieved from:

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (February 23, 2021). Infection Control Guidance. Retrieved

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (April 9, 2021). Summary of N95 Respiratory Strategies.
Retrieved from:

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (April 9, 2021). Stockpiled N95 Respirators. Retrieved from:

WorkSafeBC. (2021). Respiratory protection. Retrieved from:

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