Bill O'Reily Interview - Sample Answers

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Bill  O’Reilly  Interview  Assignment:    
Before   you   review   the   sample   assignment   answer   below,   please   ensure   you   have   first  
watched  the  video  and  made  a  solid  effort  to  complete  the  assignment.  If  you  haven’t  
done  the  assignment  yet,  then  please go and do this now.  
This  video  nicely  demonstrates  two  people  taking  a  position  and  for  the  most  part  trying  
to  usurp  the  others  “validity”.  Bill  O’Reilly  is  famous  in  America  for  his  strong  optioned  
journalism  and  this  interview  makes  entertaining  watching  along  with  useful  learning.      
Major  Presuppositions:  
• The  world,  with  all  its  complexity  couldn’t  exist  just  by  a  stroke  of  luck    
• O’Reilly:  There  is  one  God  that  I  believe  in,  Jesus    
• Dawkins:  God  is  a  delusion    
• Dawkins:  Something  has  to  be  true  or  not  (it  can’t  co-­‐exist  as  both)    
• Dawkins:  Feels  that  religion  has  been  a  bane  to  civilization  
• O’Reilly:  Atheism  has  been  a  bane  to  civilization  

Mind  Reading:  (Claim  to  knowledge)  

O’Reilly  -­‐  “Jesus  was  a  real  guy,  I  know  what  he  did.”  
O’Reilly  –  “You  guys  don’t  know  [how  all  this  stuff  got  here]”  
O’Reilly  –  “The  founding  fathers  of  the  US,  saw  religion  as  a  moderating  influence,  a    
             good  thing”.  
Dawkins:  “The  founding  fathers  were  above  all  secularists”  
Dawkins:  “Hitler  was  a  roman  catholic”  
O’Reilly:    “No  he  never  was”  …  followed  by  the  counter-­‐example  of  “but  he  rejected  it  
early  on”.  
Lost  Performative:  
There   are   endless   examples   of   “free   floating”   statements   such   as   “The   founding   fathers  
were  above  all  secularists”.  How  many  did  you  spot?  

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For the approved use of customers of Language Guru – Mastering The Meta Model.
Complex  Equivalences:  
• O’Reilly:  Because  nature  exists  and  is  so  complex  means  there  is  no  way  that  luck  
could  have  been  the  route  cause,  it  means  there  must  be  a  God.  
• Because  the  scientists  claim  that  there  was  nothing  and  then  all  the  stuff  in  the  
Universe   had   to   come   from   somewhere   means   that   scientists   make   “a   leap   of  

• It  is  the  “believers”  who  are  the  ones  who  have  to  have  a  “leap  of  faith”  because  
they  don’t  have  valid  reasons  as  to  why  they  believe  in  God.  

• My  religion  does  X  which  therefore  means  it  “helps  me”  

• Because  Hitler,  Stalin,  Mau,  Pol  Pot  killed  millions  of  people  and  were  all  atheists  
means  that  atheism  has  been  a  real  bane  on  civilization.    

• O’Reilly:   “…   because   you   guys   can’t   tell   me   how   it   all   got   here   [requires   me   to  
“throw  it  in”  with  Jesus].  You  guys  don’t  know  …  I’m  sticking  with  my  religion”  

• O’Reilly:  Infers  causality  –  because  Hitler,  Stalin,  Mau,  Pol  Pot  etc  were  atheists  
meant  that  they  killed  millions  of  people  

• Because   there   is   inadequate   scientific   evidence   to   support   God’s   existence  
results  in  God  being  a  delusion.    

• O’Reilly:  “If  people  follow  Jesus  then  the  country  will  be  better.”  


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For the approved use of customers of Language Guru – Mastering The Meta Model.
• Understanding  
• Evidence  
• Science  
• Belief  
• Life    
• Etc.  

• Improbability  -­‐  “Don’t  think  it  could  of  happened.”  
• Impossibility  –  “the  federal  government  couldn’t  control”  
• Impossibility  –  “no  he  never  was”  
• Necessity  –  “it  had  to  come  from  somewhere”  
• Necessity  –  “that  it  just  happened”  
• Possibility  –  “when  you  get  it,  maybe  I’ll  listen”  
• Possibility  –  “there  is  an  infinite  number  of  Gods  that  you  could  believe  in”  

Comparative  Deletions:  
• Your  little  belief  system.  
• People  follow  Jesus  then  the  country  will  be  better.  

Time  &  Space  Predicates  

• Piling  on  the  evidence    
• It  has  to  get  there  
• Got  here  
• Come  back  here  
• I  will  point  to  the  worst  mass  murderers    
• It  is  there,  there  is  no  question  

Lack  of  Referential  Index:  

• “Jesus  was  God”  

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For the approved use of customers of Language Guru – Mastering The Meta Model.
Non-­‐Referring  Nouns:  
• You  guys  (meaning  the  atheists)    

Unspecified  Verbs:  
• Get  
• Luck  
• Throwing  
• Happened  
• Listen  
• Etc.  

Copyright NLPTimes.Com – All rights reserved in all media.

For the approved use of customers of Language Guru – Mastering The Meta Model.

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