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University Research
Worksheet Pack

Activity 1: Identifying your ideal university

This worksheet is designed to help you think about the qualities you value in a
university. Though academic reputation is important, you should also be prepared
to reflect upon the personal factors that might affect your university choices,
such as the teaching style you prefer and how you like to socialise.

Answer the questions below so you can figure out what you’re looking for!

My academic profile

1. My preferred course is… 5. I prefer classes which are…

դ Lecture-style, with lots of people learning at once

2. My predicted grades/GPA are… դ  eminar-style, where I am encouraged to contribute
my ideas
դ A mixture of the two
3. My SAT/ACT score is…
6. I prefer to be assessed…

My preferences
դ  ostly through exams, taken at the end of the
1. I would like to live in a place which is… semester/term
դ Through smaller, more regular pieces of work
դ Close to home, so I can travel back in the holidays դ Through a mixture of exams and coursework
դ Far away from home, with lots of options to explore
7. I want to meet…
դ I don’t mind

դ  lot of international students who are in the same

2. My ideal climate is...
position as me
դ  lot of local students so I can immerse myself in
դ Tropical, warm all year round
the country’s culture
դ Continental, where each season feels very different
դ A mixture of the two
դ Somewhere in the middle / I don’t mind

3. My ideal environment is… 8. In my spare time I like to…

դ In a city, where there are lots of դ Go out a lot, trying new things and meeting new people
things to do and see դ Socialise in smaller groups
դ In the countryside, where the university feels like its դ A mixture of the two
own little town
դ I don’t mind
9. My tuition fee budget is…
4. My ideal university would be…
դ Lower-rage (up to $20,000)
դ Mid-range (up to $35,000)
դ L arge, where I can see new faces every day
դ I have no limit
դ Small, so I’ll see lots of familiar faces
դ I don’t mind

University Research
Worksheet Pack

Activity 2: Researching international destinations

Before diving into university research, it’s helpful to get an idea of some countries that you are
interested in applying to. Each country’s application process is different (and a lot of hard work!),
so it’s best not to cast your net too wide.

Use this worksheet to help you learn more about different countries, and whether you would like
to study there.


Climate & Culture

What is the climate like?

What language(s) is/are spoken?

What is the lifestyle like? (Make

sure to research and not rely on
your own assumptions!)


What is the academic system

like? Do you choose a subject
right away or do you get some
University Research
Worksheet Pack


What are the average tuition

fee costs?

Does the country/course offer

any major scholarships?

What is the average cost of living

(Accomodation, food, travel)?


How long is the journey home?

Would you be able to travel back
for the holidays?

What is the application process


When are the deadlines?

What is the student visa process

University Research
Worksheet Pack

Activity 3: Researching universities

Once you have an idea of which countries you want to apply to, it’s time to start your
university search! Use the table below to guide your research, and to see which
universities fit your preferences.

University name

Size & location

Which country is the university


Is it a city-based or rural

How many students are there?

The course

Do they offer your preferred


What language is the course

taught in?

What is the course content?

What are the class sizes?

How is the course assessed?


What types of accommodation do

they offer?

Is accommodation on campus? If
not, what is the commute like?
University Research
Worksheet Pack


How much are the tuition fees?

Are there any scholarships



What are the entry requirements

(predicted grades or average

What percent of applicants are


What are the application



How well do you think this college fits your preferences?

դ Great fit
դ OK fit
դ Bad fit

How likely do you think you are to get into this university?

դ Very likely
դ It’s possible
դ Unlikely

Will you consider applying to this university?

դ Yes
դ No
դ Unsure
University Research
Worksheet Pack

Activity 4: Building your shortlist

This worksheet was designed to help you take the universities you researched in the
previous activity, and compare them side-by-side. For each category, score each
university between 1-5, and see which ones come out on top!

Then, identify whether each university fits with your academic record - are they
“reach”, “match” or “safety” options? When building your shortlist, make sure you
choose a mix of institutions to ensure you have the best chance of being accepted.

Size & Course Social Cost Total /20 Reach, Match

University Name
Location life or Safety

Example: Bridge University 3 5 2 4 14 Match

My University shortlist Reach: Match: Safety:

Reach: Match: Safety:

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