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Mangalore University

Skill Enhancement Course- Digital Fluency


Multiple choice questions on Artificial Intelligence

1) Artificial Intelligence is about _

a) Playing a game on Computer
b) Making a machine Intelligent
c) Programming on Machine with your Own Intelligence
d) Putting your intelligence in Machine
Answer: b
2) Who is known as the Father of AI?
a) Fisher Ada b) Alan Turing
c) John McCarthy d) Allen Newell
Answer: c
3) Select the most appropriate situation for that a blind search can be used.
a) Real-life situation b) Small Search Space
c) Complex game d) All of the above
Answer: b
4) The application/applications of Artificial Intelligence is/are
a) Expert Systems b) Gaming
c) Vision Systems d) All of the above
Answer: d
5) If a robot is able to change its own trajectory as per the external conditions, then the
robot considered as the
a) Mobile b) Non-Servo c) Open Loop d) Intelligent
Answer: d
6) Which of the given language is not commonly used for AI?
a) LISP b) PROLOG c) Python d) Perl
Answer: d
7). A technique that was developed to determine whether a machine could or could not demonstrate
the artificial intelligence is known as the
a) Boolean Algebra b) Turing Test
c) Logarithm d) Algorithm
Answer: b
8) The component of an Expert system is ____
a) Knowledge Base b) Inference Engine
c) User Interface d) All of the above
Answer: d
9) Which algorithm is used in the Game tree to make decisions of Win/Lose?
a) Heuristic Search Algorithm
b) DFSIBFS algorithm
c) Greedy Search Algorithm
d) Min/Max algorithm
Answer: d
10). What is the full form of “AI”?
a) Artificially Intelligent
b) Artificial Intelligence
c) Artificially Intelligence
d) Advanced Intelligence
Answer: b
11). Which of the following is the branch of Artificial Intelligence?
a) Machine Learning
b) Cyber forensics
c) Full-Stack Developer
d) Network Design
Answer: a
12). Which of the following is a component of Artificial Intelligence?
a) Learning
b) Training
c) Designing
d) Puzzling
Answer: a
13) Ways to achieve AI in real-life are_________.
a) Machine Learning
b) Deep Learning
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
Answer: c
14). The main tasks of an AI agent are_______.
a) Input and Output
b) Moment and Humanly Actions
c) Perceiving, thinking, and acting on the environment
d) None of the above
Answer: c
15). The best AI agent is one which____________
a) Needs user inputs for solving any problem
b) Can solve a problem on its own without any human intervention
c) Need a similar exemplary problem in its knowledge base
d) All of the above
Answer: b

16. The process of training a Neutral Network is:
a. Model – Train – Training Data – Test and Update.
b. Train – Model – Prediction – Test and Update.
c. Training Data – Model – Predict – Test and Update.
d. Model – Train – Prediction – Test and Update.
Ans: c
17. Which of the following is not an application of artificial intelligence?
a. Face recognition system
b. Chatbots
c. Natural language Processing
Ans: d
18. Which of the following is an example of deep learning?
a. Self-driving cars b. Pattern recognition
c. Natural language processing d. All of the above
Ans: d
19. Convolutional Neural Network is used in-
A. Image classification B. Text classification
C. Computer vision D. All of the above
Ans: d
20. What is machine learning ?
A. Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being
explicitly programmed.
B. Machine Learning is a Form of AI that Enables a System to Learn from Data.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
21. The categories in which Machine learning approaches can be traditionally categorized
are ______ .
A. Supervised learning B. Unsupervised learning
C. Reinforcement learning D. All of the above
Ans: d
22. The Real-world machine learning use cases are _______.
A. Digital assistants B. Chatbots
C. Fraud detection D. All of the above
Ans: d
23. Which of the following is an advantage of artificial intelligence?
a. Reduces the time taken to solve the problem
b. Helps in providing security
c. Have the ability to think hence makes the work easier
d. All of the above

24. What the first layer in neural network is called?
A. input layer B. output layer
C. hidden layer D. None of the above
Ans: a
25. ________ is used as an input to the machine learning model for training and
prediction purposes.
a. Feature b. Feature Vector
c. Both A and B d. None of the above
Ans: b
26. In a Deep Learning System, each connection between Neurons is association with a:
a. Length.
b. Weight.
c. Function.
d. None of the Above
Ans: b.
27. Apple’s, Siri, Amazon’s, Alexa, Microsoft Cortana and Google Assistant’s are_____
a. Digital Assistant’s B. Neural Networks
C. Data Base Systems D. Machine Learning Tools
Ans: a
Multiple choice questions on
Database management and Big Data Analytics

1) Which of the following is generally used for performing tasks like creating the structure of the
relations, deleting relation?
a) DML (Data Manipulation Language) b) Query
c) Relational Schema d) DDL (Data Definition Language)
Answer: d
2) Which of the following provides the ability to query information from the database and insert
tuples into, delete tuples from, and modify tuples in the database?
a) DML (Data Manipulation Language) b) DDL (Data Definition Language)
c) Query d) Relational Schema
Answer: a
3) A Database Management System is a type of ____ software.
a) It is a type of system software
b) It is a kind of application software
c) It is a kind of general software
d) Both A and C
Answer: a
5) Which of the following is the Big Data Analytic tool ?
a) Apache Hadoop b) MongoDB c) Microsoft Azure d) All of the above
Answer: d
6). What are the main components of Big Data?
(a) MapReduce (b)HDFS
(c) YARN (d) All of these
Answer: d

7). What are the different features of Big Data Analytics?
(a) Open-Source
(b) Scalability
(c) Data Recovery
(d) All the above
Answer: d
8). What are the four V’s of Big Data?
(a) Volume
(b) Velocity
(c) Variety
(d) All the above
Answer: d
9). The examination of large amounts of data to see what patterns or other useful
information can be found is known as
(a) Data examination
(b) Information analysis
(c) Big data analytics
(d) Data analysis
Answer: c
10). Big data analysis does the following except
(a) Collects data
(b) Spreads data
(c) Organizes data
(d) Analyzes data
Answer: b
11). The new source of big data that will trigger a Big Data revolution in the years to come
(a) Business transactions
(b) Social media
(c) Transactional data and sensor data
Answer: c
12) The word 'Big data' was coined by
(a) Roger Mougalas
(b) John Philips
(c) Simon Woods
(d) Martin Green
Answer: a
13) Concerning the Forms of Big Data, which one of these is odd?
(a) Structured
(b) Unstructured
(c) Processed
(d) Semi-Structured
Answer: c
14) Big Data applications benefit the media and entertainment industry by
(a) Predicting what the audience wants
(b) Ad targeting
(c) Scheduling optimization
(d) All of the above
Answer: d
15). The feature of big data that refers to the quality of the stored data is ______
(a) Variety
(b) Volume
(c) Variability
(d) Veracity
Answer: d
16. Data science is the process of diverse set of data through ?
A. organizing data B. processing data
C. analysing data D. All of the above
Ans: D
17. Which of the following language is used in Data science?
A. C B. C++
C. R D. Ruby
Ans : C
18. Unstructured data is not organized.
C. Can be true or false D. Can not say
Ans : A
19. Which of the following is a data visualization method?
A. Line B. Triangle
C. Pie chart and Bar Chart D. Pentagon
Ans: C
20. RDBMS store data in the form of tables with most commercial RDBMS using____
a. SQL B. Apache C. work fusion D. Mango DB
21. Select the order of the Big Data Analytics process.
a. Information, Data, Analysis, Insight
b. Data , Information, Insight, Analysis
c. Data, Insight, Analysis, Information
d. Data, Analysis , Insight , Information
Ans: B
22. ________ refers to the quality of information or data
a. Volume B. Variety C. Velocity D. Veracity
Ans: D
23. ______________ is the process of taking row data, transforming it into to graphs,
charts, images and videos.
A. Data mining B. Data visualisation
C. Data warehouse D. Data Analytics
Ans: B
24. Which of the following is not Big Data tool?
A. Apache Hadoop B. Apache Kafka
C. Apache Tomcat D. Apache Zookeeper
Ans: C
25. The technology solution used to optimize and manage the storage and retrieval of
data from databases is called
A. Database management system B. Datastore management system
C. Big data analytics D. IOT
Ans: A

26. Which one of the following is not included in four Vs of Big data analytics?
a) Volume b) Veracity c) Variety d) Vicinity
Ans: D
27. In the Healthcare Industry, AI has disrupted.
A. Medical imaging.
B. Surgery.
C. Physiological Diagnosis.
D. None of these.
Ans: A

Multiple choice questions on Internet of things

1) How many numbers of the element in the open IoT architecture?

a) Four elements b) Five elements c) Six elements d) Seven elements
Answer: d)
2) Which of the following is the way in which an IoT device is associated with
data? a) Internet b) Cloud c) Automata d) Network
Answer: b)
3) Which of the following IoT networks has a very short range?
a) Short Network b) LPWAN
c) SigFox d) Short-range Wireless Network
Answer: d)
4) What is the full form of the LPWAN?
a) Low Protocol Wide Area Networkb) Low Power Wide Area Network
c) Long Protocol Wide Area Networkd) Long Power Wide Area Network
Answer: b)
5) An IoT network is a collection of -------- devices.
a) Signal b) Machine to Machine
c) Interconnected d) Network to Network
Answer: c)
6) Which one of the following is not an IoT device?
a) Amazon echo voice controller b) Google Home
c) Nest Smoke Alarm d) None of these
Answer: d)
7) What is the main purpose of WoT (Web of Things) in the IoT?
a) Improve the usability and interoperability
b) Reduce the security
c) Complex the development
d) Increase the cost
Answer: a)
8) What is the Arduino UNO?
a). Software b). Hardware device c). Network d). Protocol
Answer: b)

9) __ allows the user to control electronic components.
a) Android API b) RETful API c) MQTT API d) CoAP API
Answer: b)
10) Which of the following is not an application of IoT?
a) Wearables b) Smart Grid c) Arduino d) Smart City
Answer: c)
11) What is the real example of a smart grid device in IoT?
a) Mobile phone
b) Television
c) Smart Speaker
d) Smart Meters
Answer: d)
12). What is the full form of ICT?
a) InterConnect Technology
b) Internet Connection Topology
c) Information and Communication Technology
d) Infer Communication Topology
Answer: c)
13) Which of the following devices is used to measure the gases or liquid?
a) Optical Sensor
b) Gas Sensor
c) Smoke Sensor
d) Pressure sensor
Answer: d)
14). What is the full form of HDLC?
a) Higher Data Level Communication
b) Higher Data Link Communication
c) High-level Data Link Control
d) High Data Level Control
Answer: c)
15). What is the full form of HART?
a) Highway Application Remote Transport
b) Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
c) High Address Reduce Transport
d) High Application Remote Transport
Answer: b)
16. _____________ are the applications of IOT
a) House
b) Virtual environment
c) Regional office
d) All of the above
Ans: d)

17. ___________ are the main components in IOT
a) Low power embedded systems
b) Cloud computing
c) Availability of big data, networking connection
d) All of the above
Ans: d)
18. ___________ are the characteristics of IOT
a) Intelligence, scalable
b) Security
c) Heterogeneity
d) All of the above
Ans: d)
19. What is IoT?
a) network of physical objects embedded with sensors
b) network of virtual objects
c) network of objects in the ring structure
d) network of sensors
Ans: a
20. Which of the following category is used for business to consumer process?
a. Group IoT
b. Community IoT
c. Personal IoT
d. Industrial IoT
Answer : d)
21. Who coined the term IoT?
a) IBM
b) Kevin Ashton
c) Ross Ihaka
d) Guido van Rossum
Ans: b)
22. IIoT stands for _________.
a. Intense Internet of Things
b. Index Internet of Technology
c. Industrial Internet of Things
d. Incorporate Internet of Technology
Ans: c)
23. Identify among the following which is not a fundamental component of IoT
a) User interface
b) Sensors
c) Transformer
d) Connectivity and data processing
Ans: c)
24. Identify the protocol used to link all devices in IoT,
a) UDP
d) Network
Ans: b)
25. The term “TCP/IP” stands for __________.
a. Transmission Contribution protocol/ internet protocol.
b. Transmission Control Protocol/ internet protocol.
c. Transaction Control protocol/ internet protocol.
d. Transmission control Protocol/ internet protocol.
Ans: b.

Multiple choice questions on Cloud Computing

1) What type of computing technology refers to services and applications that typically run
on a distributed network through virtualized resources?
a) Distributed Computingb) Cloud Computing
c) Soft Computingd) Parallel Computing
Answer: b)
2) Which one of the following options can be considered as the Cloud?
a) Hadoopb) Intranet
c) Web Applicationsd) All of the above
Answer: a)
3) Cloud computing is a kind of abstraction which is based on the notion of combining physical
resources and represents them as ______ resources to users.
a) Realb) Cloud
c) Virtual d) none of the above
Answer: c)
4) Which one of the following cloud concepts is related to sharing and pooling the resources?
a) Polymorphism b) Virtualization
c) Abstraction d) None of the above
Answer: b)
5) Which one of the following statements is not true?
a) The popularization of the Internet actually enabled most cloud computing systems.
b) Cloud computing makes the long-held dream of utility as a payment possible for you,
with an infinitely scalable, universally available system, pay what you use.
c) Soft computing addresses a real paradigm in the way in which the system is
d) All of the above
Answer: c)

6) Which one of the following can be considered as a utility is a dream that dates from the
beginning of the computing industry itself?
a) Computingb) Model
c) Softwared) All of the mentioned
Answer: a)
7) Which of the following is an essential concept related to Cloud?
a) Reliabilityb) Abstraction
c) Productivityd) All of the mentioned
Answer: b)
8). Which one of the following is Cloud Platform by Amazon?
a) Azure b) AWS
c) Cloudera c) All the above
Answer: b)
9). Which of the following statements is not true?
a) Through cloud computing, one can begin with very small and become big in a rapid
b) All applications benefit from deployment in the Cloud.
c) Cloud computing is revolutionary, even though the technology it is built on is
d) None of the above
Answer: b)
10) Which one of the following refers to the non-functional requirements like disaster
recovery, security, reliability, etc.
a) Service Development
b) Quality of service
c) Plan Development
d) Technical Service
Answer: b)

11) Which of the following provides the Graphic User Interface (GUI) for interaction with
the cloud?
a) Client
b) Client Infrastructure
c) Application
d) Server
Answer: b)
12) Which one of the following a technology works behind the cloud computing
a) Virtualization
b) SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)
c) Grid Computing
d) All of the above
Answer: d)

13) Which of the following is the correct full form of SaaS?
a) Storage-as-a-Service
b) Server-as-a-Software
c) Software-as-a-Service
d) None of the above
Answer: c)
14). Which of the following is a characteristic of the SaaS applications?
a) SaaS applications are reliable
b) SaaS applications are not customizable
c) SaaS applications are customizable
d) Non-reliable
Answer: c)
15) Which one of the following statements is not true about SaaS?
a) SaaS applications are offered in all shapes and sizes.
b) All users with a little knowledge or know how to operate a computer also know
about the SaaS.
c) SaaS software is not customizable.
d) None of the above
Answer: d)
16. The response time and transit time is used to measure the ___________ of a
a. Security.
b. Longevity.
c. Reliability.
d. Performance.
Ans: d.
17. Which of the following factor of the network gets hugely impacted when the
number of users exceeds the network's limit?
a. Reliability.
b. Performance.
c. Security.
d. Longevity.
Ans: d.
18. In the computer networks, the encryption techniques are primarily used for
improving the ____________.
a. Security.
b. Performance.
c. Reliability.
d. Longevity.
Ans: a. .
19. Who is the father of cloud computing?
a) Sharon B. Codd
b) Edgar Frank Codd
c) J.C.R. Licklider
d) Charles Bachman
Answer: c
20. Which of the following is not a type of cloud server?
a) Public Cloud Servers
b) Private Cloud Servers
c) Dedicated Cloud Servers
d) Merged Cloud Servers
Ans: d)
21. Which of the following are the features of cloud computing?
a) Security
b) Availability
c) Large Network Access
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
22. Which of the following is the application of cloud computing?
a) Adobe
b) Paypal
c) Google G Suite
d) All of the above
Answer: d
23. Which of the following is an example of the cloud?
a) Amazon Web Services (AWS)
b) Dropbox
c) Cisco WebEx
d) All of the above
Answer: d
24. Applications and services that run on a distributed network using virtualized
resources is known as ___________
a) Parallel computing
b) Soft computing
c) Distributed computing
d) Cloud computing
Answer: d
25. Which of the following is the Cloud Platform provided by Amazon?
a) AWS
b) Cloudera
c) Azure
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
26. Choose the correct IaaS provider among the following.
a) EC2
b) EC1
c) EC10
d) Hybrid
Answer: A

27. Choose among the following, which are the characteristics of IaaS.
a) Highly scalable
b) Flexible and dynamic platform
c) Facilitates hardware access to many users
d) All of the above
Answer: D

Multiple Choice question on Cyber Security

1) In which of the following, a person is constantly followed /chased by another

person or group of several people?
a) Phishing b) Bulling c) Stalking d) Identity theft
Answer: c)
2). Which one of the following can be considered as the class of computer threats?
a) Dos Attack b) Phishing c) Soliciting d) both a) and c)
Answer: a)
3). Which of the following is considered as the unsolicited commercial email?
a) Virus b) Malware c) Spam d) all of the above
Answer: c)
4)Which of the following usually observe each activity on the internet of the victim,
gather all information in the background and send it someone else?
a) Malware b) Spyware c) Adware d) All of the above
Answer: b)
5) --------- is a type of software designed to help the user to detect the viruses and
avoid them.
a) Malware b) Spyware c) Antivirus d) Both b) and c)
Answer: c)
6) Which one of the following is a type of antivirus program?
a) Quick healb) Mcafee c) Kaspersky d) All of the above
Answer: d)
7) It can be a software program or a hardware device that filters all data packets coming
through the internet or a network etc., it is known as the
a) Antivirus b) Firewall c) Cookies d) Malware
Answer: b)
8) Which of the following refers to stealing one's idea or invention of others and use it
for their own benefits?
a) Piracy b) Plagiarism
c) Intellectual property rights d) All of the above
Answer: d)
9) Which of the following refers to exploring the appropriate, ethical behaviors related to
the online environment and digital media platform?
a) Cyber law b) Cyberethics c) Cybersecurity d) Cybersafety
Answer: b)

10) Which one of the following usually used in the process of Wi-Fi-hacking?
a) Aircrack-ng
b) Wireshark
c) Norton
d) All of the above
Answer: a)
11) In system hacking, which of the following is the most crucial activity?
a) Information gathering
b) Covering tracks
c) Cracking passwords
d) None of the above
Answer: c)

12). To protect the computer system against the hacker and different kind of viruses,
one must always keep _________ on in the computer system.
a) Antivirus
b) Firewall
c) Vlc player
d) Script
Answer: b)
13). Which of the following can be considered as the elements of cyber security?
a) Application Security
b) Operational Security
c) Network Security
d) All of the above
Answer: d)
14) Which one of the following is also referred to as malicious software?
a) Maliciousware
b) Badware
c) Ilegalware
d) Malware
Answer: d)
15) Hackers usually used the computer virus for ______ purpose.
a) To log, monitor each and every user's stroke
b) To gain access the sensitive information like user's Id and Passwords
c) To corrupt the user's data stored in the computer system
d) All of the above
Answer: d)
16. Which one of the following is a type of antivirus program?
a. Quick Heal b. Mcafee.
c. Kaspersky. d. All of the above.
Answer: d .

17. Which of the following refers to exploring the appropriate, ethical behaviours
related to the online environment and digital media platform?
a. Cyber Low.
b. Cyber ethics.
c. Cybersecurity.
d. Cyber safety.
Answer: b
18. Which one of the following refers to the technique used for verifying the
integrity of the message?
a. Digital Signature.
b. Decryption algorithm.
c. Protocol.
d. Message Digest.
Ans: d.
19. Which one of the following usually used in the process of Wi-Fi hacking?
a. Aircrack-ng
b. Wireshark.
c. Norton
Ans: a.
20. In ethical hacking and cyber security, there are ___________ types of
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Ans: c.
21. Which of the following is not a type of scanning?
a. Xmas Tree Scan.
b. Cloud Scan.
c. Null Scan.
d. SYN Stealth.
Ans: b.
22. In system hacking, which of the following is the most crucial activity?
a. Information gathering.
b. Covering tracks.
c. Cracking passwords.
d. None of the above.
Ans: c.

23. Which of the following are the types of scanning?
a. Network, vulnerability, and port scanning.
b. Port, network, and services.
c. Client, Server, and network.
d. None of the above.
Ans: a.
24. To protect the computer system against the hacker and different king of
viruses, one must always keep __________ on in the computer system.
a. Antivirus. b.Firewall.
c. VLC Player. d. Script.
Ans: b.
25. Which of the following can be considered as the elements of cyber security?
a. Application Security.
b. Operational Security.
c. Network Security.
d. All of the above.
Ans: d.
26. Which of the following are famous and common cyber-attacks used by
hackers to infiltrate the user’s system?
a. DDos and Derive-by Downloads.
b. Malware &Malvertising.
c. Phishing and Password attacks.
d. All of the above.
Ans: d.
27. Which one of the following is also referred to as malicious software?
a. Maliciousware.
b. Badware.
c. Illegalware.
d. Malware.
Ans: d.
28. Hackers usually used the computer virus for __________ purpose.
a. To log, monitor each and every user’s stroke.
b. To gain access the sensitive information like user’s Id and Passwords.
c. To corrupt the user’s data stored in the computer system.
d. All of the above.
Ans: d.
29. In Wi-Fi Security, which of the following protocol is more used?
a. WPA. b. WPA2.
c.WPS. d. Both A and C
Ans: b.

Multiple Choice question on Communication Module (Module -3)

1. Word communication is derived from Latin word

A) Communicate
B) Communicare
C) Compute
D) Computer
Answer B
2. Types of words used for verbal communication?
A) Acronyms
B) Simple
C) Technical
D) Jargons
Answer B
3. Which of the following shows a positive facial expression?
A) Frowning while concentrating
B) Maintaining eye contact
C) Smiling continuously
D) Rolling up your eyes
Answer B
4. __________ is a communication between small groups of individuals, typically in
a face-to-face setting
a. Inter-personal communication
b. Intra Personal communication
c. Mass communication
d. None of these
Answer A
5. Which of the following is not a component of effective communication?
a. Source
b. Message
c. Channel
d. Time
Answer D
6. ________ is the way in which a message or messages travel between source and
a. Source
b. Message
c. Channel
d. Receive
Answer C

7. The abilities to communicate properly are:
A) read
B) write
C) speak
D) all of these
Answer D
8. Which method is good for taking leave in the office.
A) Website
B) Posters
C) e-mail
D) business meetings
Answer C
9. The word Commūnicāre means ______ in Latin.
A) to deliver
B) to share
C) to present
D) to sacrifice
Answer B
10. To understand the message properly the receiver need to ____________ the
message properly.
A) transmit
B) throw
C) listen
D) ignore
Answer C
11. What is the final step in the communication cycle?
A) Encoding
B) Decoding
C) Feedback
D) Receiving
Answer C
12. The process in which the receiver interprets and understands the message is called
A) Decoding
B) Encoding
C) Feedback
D) None of these
Answer A
13. Which of the following is an example of oral communication?
A) Newspapers
B) Letters
C) Phone call
D) e-mail
Answer C

14. “Two girls talking over a phone” – is an example of....
A) interpesonal communication
B) written communication
C) small group communication
D) public communication
Answer A
15. Pointing finger to something is an example of.....
A Expressions
B) Gestures
C) Body Language
D) Para Language
Answer B
16. The response to a sender’s message is called as _________
a. Transmission
b. Message
c. Channel
d. Feedback
Answer D
17. Communication is a non-stop_______
a. Programme
b. Plan
c. Process
d. Play
Answer C
18. Which of the following listens or understands the message?
a. Receiver
b. Channel
c. Sender
d. None of the above
Answer A
19. An effective speaker is the one who is __________
a. speaking appropriately whilst maintaining eye contact with the audience.
b. using varied vocabulary.
c. using varied articulate speech to suit the need of the audience.
d. All of the above
Answer D
20. __________ is the ‘sharing’ of information between two or more individuals or within
a group to reach a common understanding.
a. Common
b. Communication
c. Writing
d. Reading
Answer B
21. One can improve communication skill
A Pausing when required
B Asking Open-ended questions
a. Answer A only
b. Answer B only
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
Answer C
22. Choose the right order of steps to communicate effectively
a. Aim, Message, Channel, audience, Story, Review
b. audience, Aim, Message, Story, Channel, Review
c. Aim, Audience, Message, Channel, story, Review
d. Audience, Message, Aim, Story, Review, Channel
Answer C
23. How not to speak So That People Want to Listen
a. Gossip
b. Complaining
c. Negatively
d. All of these
Answer D
24. Choose the Correct abbreviation for HAIL in communication
a. Honesty Authenticity Integrity Love
b. Honesty, Authority Integrity Love
c. Harmony, Authenticity, Integrity, Love
d. Hearty, Appreciative, Indigenous, Limit
Answer A
25. There are 6 steps that can be used for strategic communication. Five of them are Aim,
Review, Message, Story and Audience. Which is the sixth step?
a. Paths
b. Channels
c. Ways
d. Feedback
Answer B
26. When you’re listening to others, pay as much attention to them as you can. Which
of the following should you notice about the speaker? A. Their words. B. Quirks in their
body language
a. Only A
b. Only B
c. Both A and B
d. None
Answer C
27. Which non-verbal aspect makes the most impact in verbal face-to-face
a. Eye Contact
b. Professional Attire
c. Communication Venue
d. Language
Answer A
28. A communication _______is anything that comes in the way of receiving and
understanding messages that one sends to another to convey his ideas, thoughts, or any other
kind of information
a. Skill b. Barrier
c. Channel d.None
Answer B
29. Which of the following are barriers of effective communication?
a. Disengagement
b. Lack of focus and attention
c. Cultural Difference
d. All of these
Answer D
30. Speech problem, impaired eyesight, or any physical illness are the example of
which communication barrier
a. Lack of Knowledge
b. Being Judgmental
c. Differences in perception
d. Physical disability
Answer D
31. Poor lighting is an example of _________
a. Physical barrier of communication
b. Physiological barrier
c. Technical Jargon
d. none of these
Answer A
32. Information Overload is a ___________ of communication
a. Barrier
b. Substitute
c. Exception
d. none of these
Answer A

33. __________ arise when two individuals in an organisation belong to different
religion, states or countries.
a. Physical Barriers
b. Cultural Barriers
c. Perceptional barriers
d. Emotional barriers
Answer B
34. To overcome and prevent communication challenge at work one can
a. Maintain eye contact
b. Request and provide feedback
c. Focus on what the other person is saying
d. All of these
Answer D

35. Which of the following can be called a ‘perceptual’ barrier to communication?

a. Negative feeling
b. Cultural norms
c. Pre-made assumptions
d. none of the above
Answer C
36. _________ barrier include using of jargon, abbreviations and unfamiliar
a. Language barrier
b. Perception barrier
c. Cultural Barriers
d. Emotional barrier
Answer A
37. _____________ is the person who notices and decodes and attaches some
meaning to a message.
a. Driver
b. Sender
c. Source
d. Receiver
Answer D
38 Your dress code is an example of _____________
a. Oral communication
b. Written communication
c. Non-verbal communication
d. Spoken
Answer C
39. At each stage in the process of communication, there is a possibility of
interference which may hinder the process. Such interference is known as ___.
a. sender
b. receiver
c. barrier
d. none of them
Answer C
40. We use ___ and ___ in addition to words when we speak.
a. words and gestures
b. gestures and body language
c. body language and posture
d. posture and eye gazing
Answer B

41. ___ refers to pitch, loudness, duration, intonation and, tempo.

a. touches
b. prosody
c. gestures
d. haptics
Answer B
42. Communication through ___ and ___ is called verbal communication
a. written material and gestures
b. gestures and spoken words
c. spoken words and written material
d. body language and gestures
Answer C


One Marks Questions

1. What is AI? Mention any two Applications.

2. Give any two examples for AI.
3. What do you mean by the term Robotics?
4. List any two Application of AI in Online Shopping Sites.
5. What is Machine learning?
6. List the Machine Learning Methods.
7. What is Deep learning?
8. What is Neural Network?
9. List Machine learning metods.
10. List any four Use Cases of AI in Manufacturing.
11. What is autonomous software?
12. How will artificial intelligence affect healthcare?
13. How is artificial intelligence used in education?
14. How is AI used in human resources?
15. What are various types of sensors used in the robotics?
16. Define Supervised Learning.
17. Define Unsupervised Learning.
18. Expand SQL.
19. Which is the best application of AI in the healthcare sector?
20. Define Database. What are the two types of it.
21. Define Semi-supervised Learning.
22. Define Reinforcement Learning.
23. What is Data science?
24. What is the data life cycle?
25. What is the need for Data Science?
26. How Facebook Uses Data Analytics To Understand Your Posts And Recognize
Your Face?
27. What is IoT?
28. What are the main parts of IoT systems?
29. What is Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)?
30. List application of IoT in Banking System
31. What are the four stages of IoT Architecture?
32. What is IIoT?
33. List the Benefits of IIoT.
34. Give two examples of IIoT.
35. What are the main parts of IoT systems?
36. What is the role of artificial intelligence in IoT.
37. Mention the four different levels of IoT security.
38. What is IoT programming?
39. List any two predictions about the future of IoT.
40. What is Cloud Computing? Give any two applications of it.
41. What are the benefits of Cloud Computing?
42. What are the types of cloud?
43. How does Cloud storage work?
44. Give a difference between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
45. What is a Hybrid Cloud?
46. What is a Community Cloud?
47. Mention different cloud models.
48. Differentiate the private and public cloud.
49. What is Public Cloud?
50. What is a Private Cloud?
51. What is Cyber Security? Why it is important.
52. What is Cyber Attack? Mention any two types.
53. List any two method used to avoid Cyber Attacks.
54. List any two method used Preventing Cyber Attacks on your Company.
55. What is cyber hygiene?
56. What is a backup?
57. What is cyberspace?
58. What is a firewall?
59. What is anti-virus software?
60. What is the relation between cybersecurity and cryptography?
61. How is artificial intelligence used in education?
62. How is AI used in human resources?
63. How AI can be used in agriculture?
64. What is the data life cycle?
65. What is Big Data Analytics?
66. List the steps of Data Analytics Process.
67. What is Ransomware?
68. What is Spyware?
69. What is Trojans?
70. What is Worms?
71. List any two Applications of Big Data.
72. What is a Data Cleansing?
73. What is public health analytics?
74. List any four companies that are using big data?
75. List the any two uses of Neural Networks.
76. What are Big Data Tools and Software?
77. List hardware prototypes used in IoT.
78. What type of security parameters does the Cloud have in place?
79. What is a Unified Threat Management (UTM) system?
80. What are the differences among the terms cyber attack, cyber threat & cyber risk.
81. What is information security?
82. List any two Areas of Cyber Securit.
83. What is a backup?
84. What is encryption?
85. What happens if hardware fails?
86. What is Communication? Mention any two skills.
87. What do you mean by Problem Solving Technique?
88. How Data Science differs from Big Data and Data Analytics’
89. What is “big data for small business”?
90. Mention 6 basic center for internet security(CIS) Controls
91. Mention any two types of Communication
92. What is meant by Mass communication?
93. How effective communication improves in team building
94. Mention any Four skills of Good communication.
95. What is the final step in the communication cycle?
96. What is meant by Intrapersonal Communication?
97. How Negative body language effects good communication
98. What is verbal communication?
99. What is meant by Non-verbal communication?
100. What is meant by Interpersonal Communication?
101. How pay attention to nonverbal signals Enhance Communication.
102. Give two example for Non verbal communication.
103. What is the first step in the communication cycle?
104. What is critical Thinking?
105. How to overcome and prevent communication challenge at work.
106. What are the two thinks during speak?
107. What are 5 barriers to critical thinking
108. What is meant by Group Communication?
109. Give two examples for verbal communication.
110. Write the steps to communicate effectively.



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