VC Type Terms 02 1112

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Department Course Name Course No/Yr Module Project Communication Design & Digital Media Higher Diploma in Visual Communication 61905S/1 Typography 1 Type Research Flyer: Type Terms 2



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Align To arrange letters and words on the same horizontal or vertical line. Bleed Area of print that extends (bleeds o) beyond the edge of the trimmed sheet Caption Title explanation, or description accompanying an illustration or photograph. Centered Type placed in the centre of a sheet. Flush left or ush right Type that aligns vertically to the left (or right). Folio Page number. Grid It is an underlying structure composed of a linear framework used by designers to organize typographic and pictorial elements. Gutter The space between columns and the fold running through the centre of a publication. Hierarchy It refers to visual ordering. In others words, it helps readers scan a text, knowing where to enter and exit, how to pick up and choose among its oerings. Heading Bold or display type used to emphasize copy. Indent An interval of space at the beginning of a line to indicate a new paragraph. Justify Vertical alignment of both sides of text type. Kerning Optical adjustment of inter letter spacing so that the overall letter-spacing appears to be even. Leading The space between lines. Legibility It refers to the recognition of individual letterforms. The design of the typeface determine legibility. Margin Blank edges on a printed page which surround the text and illustrative matter.

Recommended Leading For Text Type Size

6 pt. 8 pt. 10 pt. 11 pt. 12 pt. 14 pt.

Minimum Leading
Solid Solid 1 point 1 point 2 point 3 point

Maximum Leading
1 Point 2 point 4 point 4 point 6 point 8 point

Orphan A single word on a line, left over at the end of a paragraph, sometimes appearing at the top of a column of text. Pica A basic unit of measurement for type. 1 pica equals 12 points, or 1/6 of an inch. 6 picas equal 1 inch. Point size The overall depth of the typeface including the measure of space above and below the actual letter form. Readability It refers to how typography is presented to the viewer as words, lines, and paragraphs. It is inuenced by the typographic arrangement the length, leading & spacing. River In text type, a series of interword spaces that accidentally align vertically or diagonally, creating an objectionable ow of white space within the column. Run around Text that ts closely around an irregular shape. Running head A little repeated at the top of each page of a publication. Set Solid Lines of type composed with no leading between the lines. Tracking The overall tightness or looseness of the spacing between all characters in a line or block of text. Widow A very short line that appears at the end of a paragraph, column or page.

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