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Tanda Tangan
Orang Tua Nama : ........................................ Nilai ...................
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Ttd Guru
Hari/Tanggal :
(......................) Waktu : 60 Menit (........................)

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) the option!

1. I am wild animal. I am the king of the forest. I am a .....
a. tiger b. dog c. lion d. elephant
2. The following are tame animal, except ....
a. wolf b. chicken c. cow d. cat
3. The function of stem is ....
a. absorb oxygen b. absorb water c. arsorb air d. channel the water
4. You should water the plants every day. The translation is ....
a. kamu harus memupuk tamanmu setiap hari c. kamu harus menyiram tanaman setiap hari
b. kamu harus mencabut tanamanmu setiap hari d. kamu harus merawat tanaman setiap hari
5. Gudeg is traditional food from Yogyakarta while Soto Betawi comes from ....
a. East Java b. Central Java c.West Java d. Betawi
6. Ani: Do you like meat ball?
Ana: No, I ... meatball. I like empek-empek.
a. like b. dislike c. love e. want
7. The Wright Brothers found ....
a. steam engine b. radio c. stetoscope d. airplane
8. Henry Ford is an inventor who found ....
a. car b. television c. radio d. telescope
9. Radio was found by ....
a. Galileo Galilei b. Jamess Watt c. Gugleilmo Marconi d. Henry Ford
10. (+) Henry Ford found car. The negative (-) form is ....
a. Henry Ford did not found car c. Henry Ford did not find car
b. Henry Ford is not found car d. Henry Ford is not find car
11. (-) I did not listen to the radio. The positive (+) form is ....
a. I listened to the radio c. I listen to the radio
b. I watched to the radio d. I am watching to the radio
12. The best arragement of “Ananda-did-watch-last night-television?” is ...
a. Did watch Ananda television last night? c. Did Ananda watch television last night?
b. Did Ananda television watch last night? d. Did Ananda watch last night television?
13. Rubber tree sap is one of the ... product of Indonesia.
a. export b. import c. traditional d. bad
14. The following are traditional products of Indonesia, except ....
a. batik b. gamelan c. puppets d. gold
15. Anita: I want a kilogram of orange. ....?
Seller: It is twenty thousand rupiahs.
a. How many is it? b. How much is it? c. How are them? d. Are they?
16. “Bali – went – to – Aisyah – by – airplane – last month.” The best arrangement is ....
a. Aisyah to Bali went by airplane last month.
b. Aisyah went by airplane Bali to last month.
c. Aisyah went to Bali by airplane last month.
d. Aisyah by last month went Bali to airplane.
Read the text to answer questions 17 – 20!
Batik is an art that is becoming more popular in the West. In Indonesia, batik is a part of an
ancient tradition and has been taught for centuries. The word batik is from Java and it means to
‘dot’. To make a batik, an artist uses the cloth as the paper, and they just start drawing hot wax
over the cloth. Each culture has different traditional styles of batik. The history of batik is really
expressive. There are several kinds of batik motifs in Indonesia, those are Batik Keraton, Batik
Sekar Jagad, Batik Solo, Batik Pekalongan, Batik Malang, Batik Mega Mendung, etc. There are
also a lot of techniques available for the artist to have opportunity to explore a unique process in
an exciting way.
17. What is batik?
a. art b. culture c. food d. technology
18. Where does the word batik come from?
a. Java b. Bali c. Papua d. Sumatera
19. What is used by the artist to make Batik?
a. paper b. mirror c. canvas d. cloth
20. Below are Indonesia’s batik motifs, except ....
a. Pekalongan b. Solo c. Arabian d. Keraton
21. I go to ... to buy cake.
a. bakery shop b. pharmacy c. barber shop d. boutique
22. X: I want to buy a kilogram of apples. ...?
Y: It is twenty thousand rupiahs.
a. How many is it? c. How much is it?
b. How is its taste? d. How are you?
23. I want to be a ... so that I am be my own boss.
a. police b. pilot c. businessman d. doctor
24. ... is a place that sells medicine.
a. bakery shop b. pharmacy c. barber shop d. boutique
25. ... customers do you have today?
a. how many b. how much c. how old d. how are

II. Match the following statements with the correct answer! (Jodohkan pernyataan
berikut dengan jawaban yang benar!)
26. Traditional house from West Sumatera a. Batik
27. Traditional food from Palembang b. Rendang
28. Traditional clothes from Java c. Gadang
29. Traditional house from Papua d. Pempek
30. Traditional food from West Sumatera e. Honai
31. The inventor of steam engine f. The Wright Brothers
32. The inventors of airplane g. Thomas Alva Edison
33. The inventor of light bulb h. James Watt
34. The place to save money i. Bank
35. The place to cure the patients j. Hospital

III. Arrange the jumble words to be a good sentence! (Urutkan kata-kata acak
berikut ini menjadi kalimat yang benar!)
36. Soni – two – has – brothers =
37. water – absorb – The function – root – of =
38. always – I – them – water – every day =
39. Shark – lion – are – and – animals – wild =
40. see – can – We – dolphins – in the zoo =

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