P06 ComplexNumbersA

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Complex Numbers

By Daniel A. Pangan
Imaginary Numbers
• Whenever mathematicians encounter equations whose
solutions cannot be expressed in terms of known numbers,
they often define new numbers for its solution.
• One of this is the solution to x2 = a negative number.
Obviously, there are no real numbers whose square is a
negative number.
• However, if we define a number j as the square root of -1 or
j = Ö-1, then the square root of any negative number N = -b2,
can now be expressed as ÖN = Ö-b2 = Ö-1b2 = jb.
• The numbers j and jb are called imaginary numbers
Complex Number
• Combining an imaginary number to a real number result to a
complex number.
• In general a complex number is expressed as
Z = a + jb
• where a and b are real numbers.
• a is the real part or component
• jb is the imaginary part or component.
• The 2 numbers a and b are expressed as
a = Re(Z) b = Im(Z)
The complex number A may also be uniquely located in the complex
plane by specifying its distance along a straight line from the origin and the
Complex Plane
• Having 2 components, a complex 1m (imaginary axis)
number can be represented
graphically on a 2-coordinate j3
system, similar to the Cartesian or
rectangular coordinate system. j2 - - - - - - - , A = 3 +j2

• Called the complex plane, the jl

horizontal is assigned to the real
component (Re) and vertical to the Re
-2 -I
imaginary o
component 2
(Im).3 4 -I o 2 3 4 (real axis)
• In the figure, the Re part 3 is the
distance from the Im axis and Im j2 -
part 2 is the distance from Re axis.
(a) (b)
Rectangular and Polar Forms
• A complex number in the form Z = a + jb, is said to be in rectangular form
since it correspond to representation on a rectangular coordinate system.
• The same point can also be identified by its distance r from the origin and
by the angle q of the line the origin to the point makes with the ref axis.
• r and q can also be used to represent distinctly a complex number. This is
called the polar form and is expressed as
Z = rÐq = |Z|Ðq
• r = |Z| is called the amplitude or magnitude of Z
• q is called the angle or argument of Z.
Rectangular Form ←→ Polar Forms
• Since a + jb and rÐq refer to the same complex number Z, the 2 sets of
variables will have certain relationships.
• From the laws of trigonometry, it is clear that
r2 = a2 + b2 tan q = b/a cos q = a/r sin q = b/r
• From these equations we can have formulas
to convert from one form to another
• Rectangular to polar:
r = Öa2 + b2 q = tan-1 (b/a)
• Polar to rectangular:
a = r cos q b = r sin q
Other Forms of the Complex Number
• Using the expressions for a and b, and Euler’s identity ejq = cos q + j sin q,
we have 2 other forms of the complex number
Z = r cos q + j r sin q à trigonometric form
Z = r ejq à exponential form
• The exponential form is essentially the same as the polar form since both
of them are represented by the same two quantities (r and q).
• For example, the complex number A = 3 + j2 can be written in polar,
trigonometric and exponential form as,
A = 3.61Ð33.4° = 3.61 cos 33.4° + j3.61 sin 33.4° = 3.61 ej33.4°
• since r = Ö(32 + 22) = 3.61 and q = tan-1(2/3) = 33.4°
Appendix B

Complex Numbers in Other Quadrants 1m

j2 -
• A complex number having a negative imaginary part
is written in polar form with a negative angle. (CW is – )
B = 3 – j 2 = 3.61Ð-33.4°
• 326.6° (360°- 33.4°) can also be used for the angle B,
however, using angles less than 90° is usually preferable.
• If the rectangular form has a negative real part (Q II & III), -j2 - - - - - - - - -

we consider it a negative number to avoid angles > 90°

B = -4 - j3 = –(4 + j3) = -5Ð36.87°
Figure B.3 Polar form of a complex number having a negative, imag

• However, for some, it is preferrable toandwrite r as positive

then transform (as magnitude)
it to polar/exponential form: and
we have to use angles greater than 90°. To make r positive A = -SL 36.9° =
in ±those cases, we

add or subtract 180° and choose the Theonenegative

that would sign canmake
then the |angle|from
be removed lessthe complex
than or equal to 180°. In this case, werequired,
choose byqadding
= 36.87°
+180° -when
-143.1is negative and --18
angle is postive. Thus, in the above example we have
B = -4 - j3 = 5 Ð-143.1°
A = Se j (-36.9°+1800) = Sej143.1o A = Se j (36.9°-1800) =
Equality of Complex Numbers
• Two complex numbers in rectangular form are equal if and only if their
real parts are equal and their imaginary parts are also equal. Thus, if
Z1 = a + jb, Z2 = c + jd and Z1 = Z2 then a = c and b = d
• A complex numbers with real and imaginary parts containing expressions
in 2 variables may be divided into two equations with real numbers only.
• Example: if 2+x + j(7- 2x) = 4 + jy then 2+x=4 and 7-2x=y à x=2, y=3
• In polar form, if
Z1 = r1Ðq1, Z2 = r2Ðq2 and Z1 = Z2 then r1 = r2 and q1 = q2 ± k 360°
• q1 = q2 ± k 360° means that any angle that is rotated further by 360° will
fall back to the original position, and the 2 are considered the same angle
• For example: 30° = 390° = 750°
To add or subtract 2 complex numbers we simply add or subtract their real and imaginary parts

Addition andZ + Subtraction

Z = (a+c) + j(b+d)
1 2and ofZ -Complex
Z = (a-c) + j(b-d) Numbers
1 2

As an example, let A = 4 + j2 and B = 2 - j6. Appendix B

• To add or subtract 2 complex numbers we simply add or subtract their real
and imaginary A +parts
B = (4+2) + j(2+(-6)) = 6 – j4 1m 1
A – B = (4–2) + j(2–(-6)) = 2 + j8 _ A+B
Z1 + Z2 = (a + c) + j(b + d) B

Z1 –Addition
Z = and subtraction of complex numbers must be
(a – c) + j(b – d)
done2 in rectangular form. If they are in polar form,
• Example, letthey
then A =must
4 +bej2converted
and Bfirst = to
2 rectangular
- j6. form.
A +Complex
B = (4+2) + j(2+(-6))
numbers behave like= 6 – j4
vectors and their
A –addition
B = (4–2) + j(2–(-6))
or subtraction can be=done
2 +graphically
j8 as
• Addition and subtraction of complex numbers
must be done in rectangular form. If they are -B (a)
in polar form, then they must be converted first to rectangular form.
Figure B.4 Graphical addition and subtraction
• Complex numbers behave like vectors and theirconstructing additiona or subtraction
parallelogram; (b) in can
head-to-tail man
be done graphically as shown. (e) Multiplication
The product of two complex numbers is also
Addition of Complex Numbers: Example
• Given A = 10Ð-30° and B = 15Ð45°, determine C = A + B in polar form
• Convert A and B to rectangular form
A = 10 cos -30° + j 10 sin -30° = 8.66 - j5
B = 15 cos 45° + j 15 sin 45° = 10.61 + j10.61
• Add A and B in rectangular form
C = A + B = (8.66 + 10.61) + j(-5 + 10.61)
= 19.27 + j5.61
• Convert C to polar form rÐq, where
r = Ö 19.27)2 + (5.61)2 = 20.07
q = tan-1(5.61/19.27) = 16.23°
• Therefore C = 20.7Ð16.23°
Addition of Complex Numbers: Example
• Given X = 10Ð126.87°, Y = 13Ð22.62° and Z = 15Ð-90° determine
the sum S = X + Y + Z in polar form
• Convert X, Y and Z to rectangular form and add
X = 10 cos 126.87° + j 10 sin 126.67° = -6 + j8
Y = 13 cos 22.62° + j 13 sin 22.62° = 12 + j5
Z = 15 cos -90° + j 15 sin -90° = -j15
S = X + Y + Z = (-6 + 12) + j(8 + 5 – 15) = 6 – j2
• Convert to polar
r = Ö 62 + (-2)2 = 6.32
q = tan-1(-2/6) = -18.44°
• Therefore, S = 6.32Ð-18.44°
Multiplication of Complex Numbers
• The product of two complex numbers is also a complex number, and may
be performed in either the rectangular or polar form.
• In rectangular form, two complex numbers can be multiplied as algebraic
Z1 Z2 = (a + jb)(c + jd) = ac + jad + jbc + j2bd = (ac - bd) + j(ad + bc)
• Note that j2 = (Ö-1)2 = -1. For example
(4 + j2)(2 - j6) = (8 + 12) + j(4 - 24) = 20 – j20
• Using the trigonometric form of the complex numbers, we have
Z1 Z2 = (r1 cos q1 + j r1 sin q1) (r2 cos q2 + j r2 sin q2)
= r1 r2 [(cos q1 cos q2 - sin q1 sin q2) + j (sin q1 cos q2 + cos q1 sin q2)]
= r1 r2 [ cos ( q1 + q2 ) + j sin ( q1 + q2 ) ]

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