Python PPT

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Python Basics

Abishek R. S.

Jan 28, 2020

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Features of Python

• Open Source

• Case Sensitive

• No Variable declaration (unlike C++)

• Uses zero indexing

• Comments start with #

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Rules for Naming variables

• Cannot be a keyword
for = 12

• Cannot start with a digit

5bus = 23

• Cannot have special characters like !, @, #, $, %

bus$ = 15

• Cannot have spaces

bus type = 1
Instead use under score
bus type = 1
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Common Data Types
• Strings : Sequence of characters. Enclosed within single or double
s1 = "hello" s2 = ‘python’

• Numbers: Three types integers, real numbers and complex numbers

a = 12 b = 0.2 c = 1 + 2j

• Lists: Ordered sequence of items

a = ["hello", 1, 2+3j]
a[i] to access item at index i

• Dictionary: Mapping
a = {"Hoody" : 434003 , "Gooty": 414001 }
a["Hoody"] to access bus number of Hoody
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Common Operators

• Assignment operator: Used to assign value to a variable

a = -34.6

• Arithmetic operators: Used for math operations

a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b, a%b

• Relational operators: Used to compare values. Returns boolean value

a>b, a<b, a==b, a! =b

• Logical operators: Operates on boolean values

a and b, a or b, not a

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If Else loop


if condition1:
elif condition2:

Indentation is very important. No braces like C++

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For loop

Used when a task has to be performed a known number of times.


for i in range(start, stop, step):


Indentation is very important. No braces like C++

Default step is 1 and Default Start is 0

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While loop

Used when a task has to be performed a unknown number of times (as

long as the specified condition is satisfied).


while condition:

Indentation is very important. No braces like C++

Condition should be carefully chosen to prevent infinite loops

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Commonly used functions

• case : Load PSS/E .sav file

• bsys : Create Subsystem

• fnsl : Run Full Newton Raphson Load flow solution

• sav : Save PSS/E case in .sav format

• tree : To check for islands with swing bus

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Commonly used functions (Dynamics)

• cong, conl : Convert generators and loads

• ordr, fact : Ordering and Factorizing

• dyre new : Load PSS/E .dyr file

• chsb : Define output channels

• strt : Initialization

• run : Run simulation

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