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1. You studied fashion and photography, what initially drew you to those two worlds?
2. Could you share the story behind your journey from Germany to Ghana and how it
has influenced your work?
3. Can you describe your creative process when working with natural fabrics for your
4. How do you choose the family heirlooms and self-images that you incorporate into
your work?
5. How has your work been received by women and young artists who see it as a
source of empowerment?
6. Can you share any personal experiences where art has empowered you or
transformed your perspective?
7. As part of the jury at the Ljubljana Biennale, what criteria will you consider when
awarding the prize?
8. How do you see art playing a role in shaping the next generation's perspective and
9. What are some challenges artists face today in their efforts to impact the next
generation positively?
10. What advice do you have for aspiring artists who want to make a difference through
their work?
11. Could you tell us more about the collaborative efforts between Slovenia and Ghana
in the field of arts and culture? How do these collaborations benefit both countries,
and what unique perspectives do they bring to the table?
12. Can you share any upcoming projects or exhibitions that you're particularly excited
13. How do you envision the future of art and its impact on society, especially for women
and the next generation?
14. What keeps you motivated and inspired to continue creating art?

15. Can you share a memorable moment or encounter in your artistic career that deeply
affected you?
16. How has your heritage and multicultural background shaped your artistic identity?
17. Lastly, what legacy do you hope to leave through your contributions to the world of
art and culture?

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