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 Lesson 1.

Questionnaire for TFN  Fill in the blank

 It is defined as sets of empirical data or
experiences that can be observed or touched:
- middle-range theory
 The following choices are types of theories,  The interventions of the nurse rendering care
except: - wide-range theory in support of, or in cooperation with the
 One characteristics of theory must be: - client. ? - NURSING
logical in nature  Considered as the recipient of nursing care
 Which of the following is a component of a like individuals,families and communities. ?
metaparadigm in nursing - nursing - PERSON
 Conceptual frameworks are commonly  It is the building blocks of theories. -
represented through: - diagram CONCEPTS
 These are sets of related concepts based on  It is the holistic level of wellness that the
studies and experiences which contribute for person experiences. ? - HEALTH
the betterment of nursing care - nursing  It is the external and internal aspects of life
theories that influence the person. ? -
 Which of the following components ENVIRONMENT
contribute to generate a theory ? - concepts  It is the next knowledge level after
 Who formulated the famous Environmental metaparadigm.? - PHILOSOPHY
Theory ? - Florence Nightingale  Explains the nature of the concepts,
 These are patterns used to show a definitions, purpose, relationships and
relationship among the existing theoretical structure of a theory. - ASSUMPTION
works in nursing: - metaparadigm  Describes an idea or responses about an
 These are also called the building blocks of event, a situation, a process, a group of
theories: - concepts events or a group of situations. -
 It is an organized system of accepted
knowledge that is composed of concepts,
propositions, definitions, and assumptions
 True or False
intended to explain a set of fact, event or
 An theory will describes, explains, predicts
phenomena. - THEORY
but never prescribes to a certain phenomena.
 Derived from LATIN word "scientia ",
- False
meaning " knowledge " refers to any
 The holistic level of wellness that the person
systematic knowledge or practice in a
experiences is total freedom. - False
discipline of a study. - SCIENCE
 Concept is an idea formulated by the mind
or an experience perceived and observed
such as love. - True
 The environment is considered as the
external and internal aspects of life that
influence the person. - True
 Essay
 Science is derived from the greek word "
 Why is nursing considered as a noble
scientia " meaning knowledge refers to any
systematic knowledge or practice in a
discipline of study. - False  Why do I want to become nurse?
 A theory is not organized system of  Why is nursing is important to me?
accepted knowledge that is composed of  What qualities make a great nurse?
concepts, propositions, and definitions and  What skill should every nurse have?
assumptions intended to explain a set of  Which values are important to nurses?
facts, event or phenomena. - False
 Assumption is a statement that specifies the
relationship or connection of factual
concepts or phenomena. - True  King is the author of " goal attainment
 A theory is viewed as a vision. - True theory " ? - True
 The recipient of nursing care is the person  Teaching and self-care to diabetic patients
like individual, families, and communities. - and end stage renal disease was addressed
True by OREM ? - True
 Nursing paradigms are patterns or models  Johnson focuses on the patients as a
used to show a clear relationship among the behavioral system and its dysfunction ? -
existing theoretical works in nursing. - True True
 Watson emphasis on caring as an important
aspects of nursing? - True
 Development of adaptation research related potential changes in in lifestyle. -
instrument was ROY focus of concern ? - Reflective technique
True  For Peplau, this is achieved through
 Travelbee stresses out about human to cooperation an active participation. The
human relationship model? - True nurse must act in behalf of the client's best
 Goal-directed, integrated and holistic interest and at the same time enable him to
approach to client care was authored by make decision on his own. - Leadership role
NEUMAN? - True  A nursing practice that is developed from
 Abdelah name the " typology of 21 nursing lived experiences of the nurse and the
problems " ? - True person receiving care. - Humanistic nursing
 Florence Nightingale created the "  Who is regarded as the " First Lady of
environmental theory” - True Nursing " - Henderson
 Benner formulated the levels of competency  This circle is shared by the nurse with other
in nursing practice? - True health professionals, such as physicians or
physical therapists - Cure
 Lesson 2
 What phase of Peplau's Nurse Patient
Relationship is being described: The patient
derives full value of the relationship as he
moves on from a dependent role to an
 How broad is the scope of the theory. - independent one. - Exploitation
Generality  Includes the understanding of patient's needs
 Is the theory clearly stated ? - Practice level and concerns, development of goals and
theories actions intended to enhance patient's
 The following are example of empirical abilities and directing the activities related to
knowing except - Perception the medical plan to improve the patients'
 Testability of the theory? - Clarity condition. - Art of nursing
 Orem's self care theory - Grand theories  In what stage of the deliberative nursing
 Area in practice and age group - Middle- process do nurses use clinical judgment
range theory about health problems? - Diagnosis
 The following are example of AESTHETIC
knowing except : - self awareness
 The most concrete type of theory? -
Accessibility  Theory of human becoming - Rosemarie
 How important is the theory? - Importance Rizzo Parse
 2. How simple is the theory? - Simplicity  States that man is a combination of
biological, psychological,sociological and
spiritual factor. - Totality paradigm

3Nursing as Caring: A model for transforming

practice - Boykin and Shoenhofer

 The informed capacity of the system and

the ability of the system to interact with is
environment. - Consciouness
 The encountering of the nurse and the one
being nursed gives rise to which
phenomenon? - Caring between
 Visual presentation of the theoretical
assertion that lived caring between the nurse
and the nursed. - Dance of caring persons
 According to Travelbee, this is described as  Means whereby space and time become a
nursing intervention that lessens the client's reality - movement
sufferings. - Rapport  Theory of health as expanding
 It is a special kind of human care consciousness - Margaret Newman
relationship-- a union with another person--  The process of choosing and embracing
high regard for the whole person and their what is important? - Valuing
being in the world. - Transpersonal caring  According to Parse, it is a human science
relationship and art that uses an abstract body of
 Used by professional nurses in a way that knowledge to help people - Nursing
they act as a mirror to the patients to help  Proposed that nurses progress through five
the latter explore their own feelings stages in acquiring skills related to nursing. -
regarding their current health status and Benner
 The changeable differences in meanings,
patterns, values, lifeways or symbols of care
within concepts that are related in
supporting human care. - Cultural care
 Shared and handed values and lifeways of
certain group that directs their thinking,
decision, and action in certain ways. -
 The totality of an event, situation or
experience. - Environment framework
 Fitzpatrick believed that this is a discipline
whose central concern is the meaning
attached to life. - Nursing
 Has a sufficient experience to easily
understand aspects of the situation. -
Advance beginner
 Developed by studying the performance of
chess masters and pilots in emergency
situations. - Dreyfus skill acquisition model
 What is said to be the primary focus of the
life perspective rhythm model? - Health
 Perceives situation as a whole rather than in
terms of aspects, and performance is guided
by maxims. - Proficient
 Local, indigenous or the insider's views and
values about a certain phenomenon. - Emic

 Concept is an idea formulated by the mind

or an experience perceived and observed
such as love. - True
 The environment is considered as the
external and internal aspects of life that
influence the person. - True
 The recipient of nursing care is the person
like individual, families, and communities. -
 Assumption is a statement that specifies the
relationship or connection of factual
concepts or phenomena. -True
 A theory is not organized system of
accepted knowledge that is composed of
concepts, propositions, and definitions and
assumptions intended to explain a set of
facts, event or phenomena. - False
 A theory is viewed as a vision. - True
 Science is derived from the greek word "
scientia " meaning knowledge refers to any
systematic knowledge or practice in a
discipline of study. - False
 Nursing paradigms are patterns or models
used to show a clear relationship among the
existing theoretical works in nursing. - True
 An theory will describes, explains, predicts
but never prescribes to a certain phenomena.
- False
 The holistic level of wellness that the person
experiences is total freedom - False

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