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3rd Party Inspection Process Flowchart Page: 1 of 3

Revision: 00 Date: 01-Nov-2022 Author: Sundar Singh Function Check: Thomas Iype System Check: Paul McElhone Approved By: Vishnu Nair


Selected Supplier /
Procurement & Quality Manager No Engineering, Quality No
Engineering Manager, Project Project Manager
Engineering Procurement Prepare fabrication
Review MR and submit Manager
Prepare Material drawing or NMR and
to client if required as Place PO for the purchase
Prepare material take off Requisition (MR) ITP then submit to
specified in material Client Approved? Yes Offer to market for RFQ Bidder selection Client Approved? Yes of equipment and 3rd party
(MTO) package and submit to Engineering Manager/ inspection
responsibility matrix or
QAM. 1 QAM or client for
Material list. 2 approval

Page 2

Supplier / Vendor

 Rectify comment or
 Advise vendor inspector
of equipment re-

Vendor Inspector
Engineering &
Supplier / Vendor &  Perform the inspection
Procurement Supplier / Vendor & Quality Manager or Client
Quality Manager or Client Supplier / Vendor Procurement as per ITP and refer to
IAP for acceptance
Prepare IAP and submit to Coordinate inspection Review the report, confirm
criteria Inspection
QAM and/or client for Review IAP IAP Approved? Yes Organise PIM Start equipment fabrication schedule and FAT if
 Witness FAT (if
closeout of punch list or
approval. applicable NCR
 Submit the report to
QAM and/or client

No Yes

Quality Manager Procurement Manager Project Manager

Approve RFSC and forward

Prepares IRN Prepare RFSC to Procurement and/or

Symbol Legend: Notes:

Primary Flow Branch - Process Scope, Assumptions, Guidelines and References are on page 3.
Decision Predefined Off Page Database
Document Process Preparation Terminator Data Connector Connector
Tree Process Reference
3rd Party Inspection Process Flowchart Page: 2
1 of 3
Revision: 00 Date: 01-Nov-2022 Author: Sundar Singh Function Check: Thomas Iype System Check: Paul McElhone Approved By: Vishnu Nair

Procurement Project Manager and
QA Manager Procurement / Procurement
Project Manager Procurement
 Source 3rd Party
1.1 Inspectors (Min. of 3 Review inspector CV and/  Place Purchase Order Attend PIM and carries out
Place MR for 3rd party Process
nos. agency) or submit to client for Client Approved? Yes  Selection of inspectors Submit IAP to inspector the inspection as per ITP
inspection Ends
(Page 1)  Submit inspector’s CV to approval (Bid Tab) 5 and IAP requirements

Symbol Legend: Notes:

Primary Flow Branch - Process Scope, Assumptions, Guidelines and References are on page 3.
Decision Predefined Off Page Database
Document Process Preparation Terminator Data Connector Connector
Tree Process Reference
3rd Party Inspection Process Flowchart Page: 3 of 3
Revision: 00 Date: 01-Nov-2022 Author: Sundar Singh Function Check: Thomas Iype System Check: Paul McElhone Approved By: Vishnu Nair


Process Owner: Clarification:

- Quality Function None.

Scope Notes:
- This process applies to all KMS documents produced by Kent. 1. The Project Manager shall decide whether the inspection and/or testing of purchased materials will be carried out at
manufacturer’s premises to meet contractual requirements. A statement of pre-inspection checks shall be included in the MR
Assumptions and PO with referenced in the project quality plan and procurement project execution plan.
2. Technical review of supplier / vendor quality system, proposed ITP, fabrication drawings or NMR shall be reviewed and
approved by the Quality Manager or client prior to placement of PO. Selection of vendor inspector or inspection agency shall
Revision Changes be in accordance with client procedure or in line with Procurement processes and procedures.
-First Issue
3. The Inspection Assignment Package (IAP) shall be prepared by Engineering or procurement and to be approved by QAM or
client as required. Below is typical IAP content

 A copy of the purchase order including change order(s) or subcontract, material requisition and attachment
 Copies of supplier’s applicable purchase orders
 Applicable client standards
 Inspection requirements as specified in the applicable company requirements
 Inspection assignment sheet specifying the approved inspector(s) that will perform the inspections
 Inspection and test plans
 The level of inspection as per client requirement
 Agenda for each pre-inspection meeting where appropriate
4. Inspection shall be carried out by approved 3rd party vendor inspector. The inspection reports and deficiency report (if any)
shall be approved by Quality Manager or client. The RFSC shall be approved by project manager prior to release or shipment
Abbreviation Definition
of equipment / materials.
Bidder means a judicial or natural body that submit a bid to the purchaser
FAT Factory Acceptance Test 5. IAP shall be prepared by Engineering or Procurement and approved by the Quality Manager and the Client.
Inspection Conformity evaluation by observation and judgement accompanied as appropriate by
measurement, testing or gauging
IAP Inspection Assignment Package REFERENCES
IRN Inspection Release Note
 KMS-GL-QUA-SOP-12-PFL.02 – Project Quality Control Process Flowchart
ITP Inspection Test Plan
 KMS-GL-QUA-SOP-12-PFL.01 – Project Quality Assurance Process Flowchart
MTO Material Take-Off  KMS-GL-QUA-SOP-17-PFL.02 – Punch List Management Process Flowchart
 KMS-GL-QUA-SOP-12-PFL.03 – Field Inspections Process Flowchart
MR Material Requisition
 KMS-GL-QUA-SOP-04-PFL.02 – Deficiencies Management and Improvement Process Flowchart
NCR Non Conformance Report
NMR Non Material Requirement
PIM Pre Inspection Meeting
PO Purchase Order
QAM Quality Assurance Manager
RFSC Release For Shipment Certificate
Test Determination of one or more characteristics according to procedure

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