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WEEK 8 -MKTG3000

Positioning of a product is different between swatch and Patek Phillip; Emotional value, status value
and prestige value;

Positioning  so in boutiques ; High class place; High status - ION, Paragon, Takashimaya, MBS ;
You wont find it in the beach of Sentosa; Priceless --? Something to pass on to the generation;

Patek phillpe - create a second tier brand ; VW  Audi  Ducati; Mercedez  create sub brands;
Produce cheaper;



Cake  sell slices; differentiation  enter convenience; Petrol Kiosk, MRT, Bus interchange;

Changing the packaging; Brand ambassadors; Change product  operation cost will go up;
Distribution will go up;

Product Strategy  Change the POS, Communication, or packaging.

Core of the product  Without changing them  How to work on the actual product without
changing the core product  focus on other vendors (Army camps, Provide delivery,

How come the augmented product? - Credit/ Providing bulk catering.

From 3 levels of product  move from outside and inside;

Essential  Milk  Brand  Taste;

THE Product Portfolio

Outside in  Flavor, Skimmed milk, Packaging;

Where do I get the almonds for the product? - Do I make almonds ? sell higher price or make
place; Incremental  very little - broken nuts  reducing the wastage and creating another

Create products based on by products; Product line extended ; Looking at the waste ;

Maximise assets, reduce waste cost; 0 Wastage in my by production; Maximise the profit and
maximising the natural resources;

Product Line extension  Change packaging  COKE, Dispensers; Syrupers company

Product Category Extension  Change the products;

Brand  A,B,C,D,E;
If E wants to go into Mobile phones from Cars - Authenticity of the previous brand will break;

Brand X  New Lines created

The original created products might get destroyed  VW  They

Research  Copy  Adapt;

Restart / Enhancing the product  different market; Best way to increase sales ; Coming up with new
Product Life Cycle / Innovation

A product can be also a service; Premium Taxi Company; Innovate a product  Becoming a service
(GetGo, BlueSG) ; Pay per use;

Awfully chocolate  Deliver for me (Product to service)

Service Innovation  Augmented; Enhance the sales points becoming a service;

Which means my risks are lower; ?  3 Extended marketing mix  People, Process, Physical
Evidence? ; Reinforces, Reassurance  small fee  maximising my time telling them the assurance;

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