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How do i reset my prepayment electric meter

Only the appliances that you need should be turned on. Press the I key followed by 008. The consumption and number of days are displayed on the meter. The day and consumption counters will be reset by pressing the i key twice. What do you do when your prepaid meter is not working? Can you reset your electric meter? Like meters, electrical
appliances need a consistent source of power to operate on. Power outages in your neighborhood, for example, will call for you to reset your meter. Readings that are frozen or aren’t calibrating your energy use can be remedied by restarting your meter. Why is my prepaid electricity meter blocked? It happens occasionally that a pre-paid electricity
meter is ‘Blocked by Credit Control’ due to arrears Rates & Water Account or the Account Payment was made after the due date.

Where is the reset button on an electric meter? The front panel of the meter has a reset button on it. If pressing the RESET button does not set all of the readings back to zero, you can hold the ENTER button and simultaneously press the RESET button. How do I reset my prepaid meter? How do I unblock my prepaid electricity meter in South Africa?
Why is my meter blocked?
– Most customers using prepaid meters are blocked because of credit control. So, how to unblock the electricity meter? In such a case, you should present your case to the municipality for immediate resolution on how to unblock a prepaid electricity meter. There are, however, several other reasons that may end up with your meter blocked; “Amount
tendered is less than required amount” is another standard error that customers with recently blocked meters experience; Purchasing additional tokens often resolves this issue making sure you settle all your arrears before receiving an allocation of units. If the problem persists, then reach out to the municipality for instant technical help. Discussed
below are several other prepaid meter number letdowns that you will possibly encounter as an electricity consumer. How do I reset my electric meter box? Only the appliances that you need should be turned on. Press the I key followed by 008. The consumption and number of days are displayed on the meter. The day and consumption counters will be
reset by pressing the i key twice. How do I turn my power back on at the meter? Step 3 – Look at the electric meter. Follow the large cables towards where they enter the unit. Your see a large switch or handle between the entry point and the electric meter.
The switch or handle is in the off position. Move the switch, or turn the handle, to the on position. How do you reset a smart meter? To reset it it turn it right off by holding down the power button for 10 seconds and then power it back on again, it should work. How long does it take for meter to be unblocked? All attempts will be made to unblock the
meter within 24 hours. Note that no meters will be unblocked unless the full arrear balance has been settled. Why is my meter rejecting my token? WHY DOES MY METER REJECT TOKENS? This may result from using the wrong meter number when vending, a faulty meter or change in tariff index.
The customer is required to visit any of our nearest customer care units or contact us through our contact channels(helplines, social media & live chat) for immediate assistance. Can my prepaid meter be blocked? Prepaid electricity in the main, is quite a good concept to look into if you are still running a post paid system and are struggling with
exorbitant monthly fees and costs. If you are controlling your energy spend with the post paid method, then this is in order however it can easily become a costly expense. Prepaid electricity too, are not without it’s errors and issues and below we will discuss some very common errors you will come across some time or the other with your prepaid
electricity set-up: Error Messages: SAD face – probably means it is just finger trouble in typing the token number – please retry DDDD – Duplicated token.
The token has probably been entered already, causing this error. Please double check. Error 30 – Technical error on your meter. To try and troubleshoot this error, please switch off your meter, as well as your electricity mains and give it a few minutes. Afterwards, turn back on your mains and meter back on and retry your token. If the error 30
persists, please contact your municipality and get a technician to come out and have a look at the meter. You might be interested: How Many Dagga Plants Can I Grow In South Africa? Meter Blocked? – It does occur that a meter is blocked by a municipality’s credit control. This means that the municipality prevents your meter from making a prepaid
purchase until the block is lifted. To have this lifted the client needs to sort this out with the municipality. While we are on the subject, also important to note that any outstanding fees on your utility bill that is deemed to be in arrears, can be deducted from your prepaid electricity purchase. How do you reset a smart meter after a power cut? What
happens when prepaid electricity runs out? • PREPAID meters are more expensive. At the proposed 2013/14 tariff, the per kWh charge on the prepaid meter is 52 cents more than on the credit meter (R1,27 vs R0,75). • Residents are expected to pay the full cost of the conversion from credit to prepaid meters. The cost is R2 500; A deposit of R1 000 is
also required; • Prepaid meters will be used to recover debt on past service arrears; Depending on the ratio applied, it could mean that if you buy R100 of electricity — R60 will go to electricity and R40 to paying off service debt; • Msunduzi does not provide free basic electricity to households on a prepaid meter. • Msunduzi did not consult residents
about the conversion to prepaid meters. This suggests a substantial breech of faith with citizens, which is not very democratic. • Prepaid meters work on a system whereby the consumer pays upfront for the service. No money, no service; Residents on credit meters used to having 60 days to pay for electricity will now have to pay upfront before
electricity is used; Credit meters allow more space and time to deal with income shocks; This includes household strategies to reallocate expenditures. • Prepaid meters remove all procedural protections and citizen safeguards.

You cannot negotiate with a prepaid meter. Prepaid meters automatically disconnect if the tokens run out. This can happen at any time, day or night, in an emergency, if you didn’t correctly calculate how long the beans will take to cook for supper or that your child forgot to iron his or her school clothes the day before. • Prepaid meters require
consumers to purchase tokens, which requires that they also pay transport and opportunity costs; Currently, the city has seven vending stations, only one of which is open 24/7; This raises questions around externalising the costs of prepaid meters to residents who will have to pay for the transport to get to the vending station; In Pietermaritzburg,
transport costs are not insubstantial nor is public transport reliable at night. • Prepaid meters designed around reduced amperage frequently trip.

This means that how lights and appliances are used in the home will have to be very carefully calculated and may limit multitasking. In winter, this will be exacerbated as electricity for lights and cooking will have to compete with keeping homes and bodies warm; • The company that will supply the prepaid meters stands to gain R73 million (44 000 x
R1 670 = R73 480 000); You might be interested: How Much Is Iphone 5 In South Africa? • Prepaid meters pave the way for privatisation. The system lends itself to be captured by a private company where profits will be secured for shareholders; not in the interests of affordable, reliable and sustainable electricity access for all the people. Profits will
not be reinvested into the electricity system, they will not be used for municipal operations or maintenance or to cross-subsidise other services and users; • Prepaid meters may lead to future job losses in the public sector; The struggle against prepaid meters is at the forefront of the struggle against neoliberalism, and its imperative of privatisation. •
The electricity backlog in Msunduzi stands at 9,5% (approximately 12 300 households).

Socioeconomic rights as per the Constitution are to be realised progressively. The municipality first has to address the backlog (connect those without service) before it amends any current access standard. • Prepaid meters exacerbate stress in the home and increase the burden on women and caregivers. • Prepaid electricity will turn citizens with
legitimate claims on the state into customers. A customer can only be a customer if he or she has money. Our history and current socioeconomic challenges do not support this. We are not a pay-as-you-go society. Msunduzi’s motives for converting credit meters to prepaid meters is not about extending or enhancing access, but arresting debt. Prepaid
meters are not an instrument of equity or development. Prepaid electricity does not address poverty; it is not in the interests of poor households. It is not in the interests of all the people in our city. It will increase conflict between us. • Julie Smith is a researcher for Pietermaritzburg Agency For Community Social Action (Pacsa).. What is the code to
reset prepaid meter? Only the appliances that you need should be turned on. Press the I key followed by 008. The consumption and number of days are displayed on the meter. The day and consumption counters will be reset by pressing the i key twice. Why is my token not working? If you see a red blinking light, or when there is no light, this means
the Token is not working. You need to replace your Token if it is lost, faulty, damaged, or when the battery is low. Why is my electricity token not working? The token gets generated by your energy provider (such as Eskom or your local Municipality) and we send it to you. If the token is not working on your meter, you’ll need to contact your energy
provider directly as your meter may be faulty. It is easy to forget to top up your prepaid meter, especially when you are busy. Apart from insufficient credit on your card, however, there are other reasons your prepaid electricity meter may not work. Though most South Africans prefer using prepaid meters in their homes to postpaid meters, both have
their advantages and disadvantages. One of the challenges most inexperienced prepaid electricity meters users face is dealing with meter errors, including error 30 and understanding how the meter functions. This article covers how to resolve error codes on prepaid meters and other lesser-known facts. What Is Prepaid Electricity Meter? A prepaid
electricity meter is a type of meter that requires a consumer to pay first for energy before using it. With this meter plan, the consumer would be delivered the exact kilowatts of energy he pays for. Image Source A typical prepaid meter comes with a prepaid card that collates an optimum reading of the consumer’s payment to the energy utility. The
prepaid electricity meter, also known as the pay-as-you-go meter, is usually installed in a house. Consumers top up their meter with credit bought online or shop. With this meter plan, you also know you will run out of energy, and you are totally in charge of your energy. Above all, you don’t overpay when using the pay-as-you-go meter, and it reduces
fraud and theft. Types Of Available Prepaid Electricity Meter In South Africa There are different prepaid meters out there for consumers to buy. However, after a thorough search, we couldn’t find an official list of all the available prepaid meters being issued by Eskom. Eskom recently introduced the smart prepaid meter, an advanced digital
electricity meter that documents when and how much electricity is consumed and deducts from the amount consumed from a prepaid balance loaded by the customer. Nevertheless, several metering companies in the country offer meter services, including selling different types of prepaid meters. Some of the prepaid you can find around include:
HEXING HXE 115 KP prepaid meters CASH POWER 3 phase electricity prepaid meter CONLOG BEC44PL (wired) prepaid meters CONLOG BEC Nano prepaid meters CONLOG BEC23 PLT prepaid meters CONLOG BEC44 wireless prepaid meters CASH POWER Gemlite prepaid meter CONLOG BEC 62 3 Phase wireless prepaid mete CASH POWERED
Sabre prepaid meters CASH POWER Power rail (wired) prepaid meter CASH POWERED Gemini Split (wired) prepaid meters CONLOG BEC33 HC Prepaid meters Possible Reasons Your Prepaid Meter Is Not Working There could be several reasons your prepaid meter is not working. The most important thing is to find out what the exact problem is
and then get to sort it out. If for any reason the problem entails visiting the office, you can do so, but if it is something you can rectify by yourself, you can still go ahead and fix it. Some of the reasons your meter is not working include: One of the amazing benefits prepaid meter users enjoy is buying credit of any amount they want and then deciding
how to use the credit. Bt then, if you do not credit your meter, it will not work until you top up. If your meter develops a fault, it will not work unless you fix it. How to know that your meter needs attention include when it shows an error message and when the electricity meter is leaking. One of the ways you can try out to find out why your meter is
not working is by unplugging the keypad and plugging it into a different power outlet socket closer to the main distribution board. The next thing you need to do is unplug all the appliances close the keypad and then systematically disconnect other household appliances plugged in. Just switch on and see if any one of them is the cause of the problem.
Some Of The Major Issues A Prepaid Meter Can Develop And How To Solve Them Your prepaid meter can develop a fault at any time. However, the good news is that there are things you can do to get the faults sorted out. Let’s look at some of them. Image Source Prepaid meter-monitor-blank When this issue occurs, you will notice that the screen of
your prepaid meter will be blank, and electricity will be out too. Generally, this occurs as a result of power alteration. Simply contact your local distributor when you notice this. Prepaid meter-monitor-blank also occurs when the meter goes blank with no alteration in power and electricity stability. The problem might be a result of the wrong
connection. Trouble Recharging Prepaid Meter If you have a problem recharging your prepaid meter, simply take the following steps to rectify it. If your prepaid meter uses a card, take it out, wipe it gently and neatly using a clean, dry cloth, and insert it again. It sorts out the issues most times. You might have a problem recharging your prepaid
meter due to a faulty connection between the customer interface unit(CIU) and the prepaid electricity meter. If this is the problem, find out if you can access your meter number. If not, switch off all gadgets and try loading the token again. Try to buy another token and try it out if you used the wrong token. It works most times. This problem also
occurs due to improper meter commission or activation. When this happens and cannot be properly sorted, contact your local distributor. If, after trying these steps, your meter did not still work, then know it’s faulty. Prepaid Electricity Meter Reads too Fast When this occurs, it is likely that your meter has been compromised, and someone is sharing
your power units without your consent. Hence, your electricity connection has been altered. To solve the problem of your meter reading fast, you might need to check the voltage of your appliances. Change them or replace them with voltage-friendly appliances to solve this problem. Tamper mode effect This is a situation where a prepaid meter is on
but cannot supply power to one’s premises. And it can happen as a result of the following: Wrong connection Usage of worn-out wires Following an attempt to alter the meter function Faulty meter Technical issues Talk to your local distributor to get it sorted out. 20 Most Popular South African Job WebsitesWhat Does It Mean For A Prepaid Meter To
Be Blocked? There are several reasons a prepaid meter can be blocked. A prepaid meter can be blocked when the municipality prevents one’s meter from making a prepaid purchase. Until the block is lifted, such a consumer cannot use his meter.
Most meters are blocked primarily due to credit controls such as unpaid arrears or the amount paid is less than the required power. Once you see messages such as Generic Error, see Mess1content for details, Customer blocked, Meter not active (1003) -07/07/07065176419, and Account in arrears(214), it’s a pointer that the municipality has blocked
your meter. How To Resolve Blocked Prepaid Meter Some of the ways to solve this problem include: Try buying another token Settle your arrears However, if you cannot pull through, you can contact your municipality for technical help or call the customer care line after settling all debts. List Of All Meter Error Codes And How To Solve Them Not
everyone understands prepaid electricity meter codes; that’s why many people struggle to deal with them. There are several error codes that show up on people’s meters from time to time, and some appear in graphical representation. Image Source Apart from the error 30 code, here are other meter codes. This simply means duplication error. It
denotes that your token has been used already and, as such, is invalid. What to do: 1. Purchase another token either from a vendor or online This error implies that the meter user has typed in incorrect token digits. What to do: Do not be in haste. Carefully type in your 20 digits and confirm you are on track. Click on the OK button on your meter.
Once it is correct, it gives off a smiley face, and you will also receive a confirmation message. If it is not successful, you will see a sad face that represents an incorrect token. At this point, countercheck and punch in again. Amongst other error codes, error 30 is the most significant error code among prepaid users in South Africa. Once the error 30
code pops up, know that your meter has a technical problem. What to do: Switch off your meter Switch off your main switch Allow the meter to be like that for some minutes Then switch them on again and enter your tokens again If the error persists, please reach out to a technician from your municipality.

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