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As an exporter, you can ensure trademark protection by including specific trademark

protection clauses in international business distribution contracts. You may choose to

incorporate the following terms in your contract:

1. Trademark Ownership Clause: Convey clearly to the importer that you, the exporter, are
the only owner of the brand and that they acknowledge your exclusive ownership of the
2. Quality Control Clause: Add a clause mandating that the importer maintain the
standards of quality associated with your brand. This provision makes sure that your
trademark is not used in any way that would damage its reputation or lessen its
3. Non-Infringement Clause: Incorporate a provision mandating the importer to abstain
from utilising any trademarks, logos, or trade dress that would violate your rights as a
registered trademark holder. The importer is prohibited by this provision from taking any
measures that would confuse consumers.
4. Clause on Monitoring and Reporting: Include a provision requiring the importer to
monitor and report any instances of potential trademark infringement in the
marketplace, notifying you immediately upon discovery. This section grants you the right
to take swift action against any unauthorized use of your trademark.
5. Indemnity Clause: Insert an indemnity clause mandating that the importer pay you back
for any damages or losses resulting from trademark infringement or illegal use of your
trademark by the importer. In the event of a trademark dispute, you have choices under
this clause.
6. Section on Governing Law and Jurisdiction: List the laws and authorities that will take
precedence in the event that a trademark dispute arises. This ensures that the court
hearing any trademark protection-related disputes will be in your best interest.
7. Termination Clause: Add a Termination Clause that permits the arrangement to end if
the importer violates any trademarks. As mentioned in this section, you have the right to
terminate the business relationship if your trademark rights are infringed.

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