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•The significant different because they differ in a year.

That is why the arrangement, the

displays and the teaching/ learning aid’s are also different
•The teacher or classroom adviser can follow the school’s guidelines come from head office
• Students don’t need too much decorations inside the classroom since it is not the focus of
their learnings.

Classroom display Classroom 1 Classroom 1

(Beginning Grade) (Upper Grade)
1.Materials for new lesson Helps the students to be Helps students to be
prepared for studying the prepared for studying the
Helps students to be new lesson.
prepared for studying the
new lesson.
2. Model art works Giving opportunity for the Giving opportunity for the
learners to showcase their learners to showcase their
skills and creativeness. skills and creativeness.
3. Honor Roll Way of enhancing learners’ Way of enhancing learners’
motivation to study hard. motivation to study hard.
4. Group Tasks/ Assignment It can serve as they It can serve as they
reminders which can also reminders which can also
enhance their communicative enhance their communicative
skills. skills.
5. Status of students Students can find different Students can find different
projects/ experiments ideas they can use to a new ideas they can use to an new
concept. concept.
6. Exemplary learners written Students can enhance their Students can enhance their
output writing skills. writing skills.
7. Supplementary books and Can help motivate the Cam help motivate the
other materials learners. learners.
8. Rules and standards for Help improve the students Help improve the students’
class to follow learning. learnings.

Yes, both classrooms are sharing the same purposes and reasons for having
those displays. Even though they are from the different year level but they have
the objectives or goals. And that goal is focusing on the learners’ development
where those displays can help them improve.

1.Learners desks The learner’s desks are

provided for each of the
students. They are arranged
in columns, rows depending
on the number of the
students and the desk are
not properly cleaned and
even vandalism can be
2.Black board The blackboard is wide
provided for teacher and for
the student’s stability and
value of focus to learning.
3.Library The books are arranged
according to system of
classification. The tables and
chairs are also present
provided for the students
conducive to learning.
The school canteen is
situated in the clean area
but they sold innutritious
foods and curls which are
not good to health
4.Teacher’s table The teachers table is located
at the center of the students
facing them when the
teacher is having a class.
5. Ceiling The ceiling is good. Helping
the teacher to interact with
each other by covering the
inner surface of the roof to
maintain the ventilation.

I believe my ideal classroom will be founded on the principal of establishing a safe,

intellectual environment where my students have the opportunity to grow and
develop physically and emotionally during this important time of their lives. In
order to provide this type of environment for my students, I will make my
expectations for my classroom clear, and the consequences for going against my
expectations equally as clear. The basis of my classroom will be built on mutual
respect and trust. I plan on creating this mutual trust and respect by developing
close relationships with all of my students. Through these close relationships, I
plan on using my students’ interests and strengths to make my classroom and
assignments as interesting for my students as possible. I also plan to make my
students feel as though they are a crucial factor in the classroom unit as a whole. I
think students are basically good, although some students may have disruptive
tendencies. Students are just seeking approval and attention. Children are the
future, and they need to be guided in a way that can make a positive difference in
the world. She also says that she will not treat a child in a way that she would not
like to be treated, and that we should leave the students dignity intact.
Number of Building/ Facilities Resources Found
BLDG 1 Performance Room Tables, chairs, and stage
BLDG 2 Faculty Room Tables, chairs, television,
computer set printer,
and projector.
BLDG 3 Classroom for Grade 11 Chairs, tables, learning,
materials, blackboard, etc.
BLDG4 Libray Books, chairs.
BLDG 5 Classroom for Grade 12 Chair’s tables, learning,
materials, blackboard, etc.
BLDG 6 TLE Room (Cookery) Kitchen, utensils, oven, stove,
tables, chairs, etc.
BLDG 7 TLE Room (Welding) Welding machine, pull-push
rule, hacksaw, hammer,
tables, chairs, etc.
BLDG 8 TLE Room (Dress Making) Sewing machine, clothes,
sewing measuring, tools,
cutting tools, tables, chairs,
BLDG 9 TLE Room (ICT) Computers, tables and chairs.
BLDG 10 Stock room Old tables and chairs stock
BLDG 11 Guidance Service Center/ Tables, chairs, shelves,
Register computer and printer.
BLDG 12 Canteen Tables, chairs and other
BLDG 13 Flag Pole Platform Flag and Rope
BLDG 14 Guard House Log book, table and chair.

•You have identified the facilities and resources of your school. What other facilities and
resources do you think are needed for other development programs?

I think it should be a science center, a performance center, and a music

room. First, the Science Center. We all know that students are good in
discovery or even in inventory, through this students will improve their
skills and abilities at a young age. In this way. It is easy for students to
cope with every problem and challenge that was encountered during
their time. And It Is Important because it manages to communicate a lot
of knowledge down to something that even children can understand. An
experimentation creates Interest and gives room for renewed
knowledge to a huge audience. In addition to this, it of course also
serves as a place where friends and classmates can have a fun time.
Second, the performance center. It plays a significant role in helping
students to develop their creative skills and how students can improve
their performance with the help of more knowledgeable teachers.
Lastly, the music room Students have different talents which were
discovered at school. Music is an extremely important subject for all
students to learn and can lead to better brain development, increases in
human connection, and even stress relief.


This is the sample classroom of Cainta Senior High School (CAISEN)




•Pre-lesson Planning
Setting learning objectives
Selecting instructional strategies
Designing a lesson structure
Developing materials and resources
Adapting to students needs
Assessing learning outcomes
Considering classroom management
Incorporating technology
Reflecting on previous lessons
Collaborating with colleagues


The daily lesson plan is the most detailed standards-based plan that a teacher will develop. It
outlines the purpose and activities of what will be done on a specific day or across several days.
Unit plans help to turn year-long plans into daily plans. Standards-based daily lesson plans are
composed of objectives and activities that are based on the unit plans. The standards-based
daily lesson plan allows the teacher to make academic learning relevant to students by
intertwining content knowledge, information-processing skills, and life experiences.


•Lesson information
The teacher begins to plan each lesson by considering the students’ characteristics as well as
the learning context. This consideration entails a deep understanding of what he or she is to
teach (content standards, standards-based curriculum, and guidelines), what students should be
able to do, and what performance will look like when instruction has been completed. Lesson
information includes not only the content but also the learning and developmental needs of the
students. The teacher must consider the time he or she has to complete the lesson and other
resources available, and should decide whether or not the lesson should take one class period
or several. Questions to ask include:
•Lesson Topic
The lesson should begin with a topic derived from the adopted standards-based curriculum for
a school or district. Because it relates to specific information the teacher is trying to impart, the
topic should be part of the larger curriculum (such as unit instruction) required at your grade
•Lesson development
Teachers should make students aware of the intended learning outcomes of the lesson. Your
description of each activity should include a discussion of what you will do as the teacher and
what the students will do, as well. It is important for students to employ higher order thinking
skills so they may apply and synthesize new content. Explain what modifications will be made
for special needs students. Remember that the time frame you have established for this lesson.


As future teachers, we often hear about the importance of assessment. Often, we think of
assessment as something that can inform our instruction. By assessing students, we learn about
what they know and do not know and find starting points for our curriculum.
Group Discussion:
Never forget that a simple class discussion can provide a wonderful opportunity to assess what
students have learned in a particular unit. Discussions can be especially useful assessment tools
in reading, language arts, and social studies, but sometimes they also work in science, too.

Tell your students that you are having a group discussion, and that you as a teacher will not
participate in this discussion. On the board, write three or four questions to frame the
discussion; questions should be conceptual, open-ended, and written for you to get a sense of
what students know and understand. Then, set the following ground rules:
•Students should monitor their participation in the discussion and should not talk more than
their fair share.
•The discussion should stay focused on the questions on the board.
•Students should respond to one another and indicate that they are actively listening.

Field Study 1deals with the process of the teaching and learning process. This is under
curriculum implementation or the delivery of the plan designed and made by the teacher for
the students/learners. All the discussion and topics are all relevant to the main concept of
putting up all the plans into reality and giving due consideration to the learners and to the
different principles under the umbrella of teaching and learning.
This subject is designed to help the field study students observe how the different principles of
teaching and learning are applied to make the teaching and learning process interactive,
meaningful, exciting and enjoyable.
Part of the requirement for FS 1 is to undergo an observation. This is in line with the main goal
of the study to let teacher education students have a first-hand contact or experience with what
is going on inside the room when the teacher implements his/her teaching plan.
In teaching, teacher must consider the feelings, ideas, interest and needs of students. Having on
actual learning will lead them to better understanding. When it comes to teaching strategies,
there is no such thing as best method. The best method is the one that works, the one that
yields result and the one that promote harmonious relationship between the teacher and the

I am glad I know That leaming is self- That triad of learning has 3

motivating when effective objectives: Blooms,
teaching is self-activating and Krathwohl and Simpson
make learners willing able to Taxonomy
learn something.
I wish I had known That effected teaching can Krathwohl taxonomy is
models active Inquiry to Psychomotor or Doing
enable learners to construct Objectives
new knowledge
I am still wondering That effective teaching can How to make my guidelines
utilizes variety of settings & in sequencing objectives in
desirable technology and any subject
tools for learners.
I am glad I know Declarative Knowledge & That Didactic. Demonstration
Functioning Knowledge are & Deductive are teacher-
inter-connected. centered methodology
I wish I had known Declarative knowledge are More about the learner-
based in two centered methodology
types: The facts and the
concepts of the lesson
I am still wondering That dedarative knowledge How to use & not to use the
can be determine in two teacher-centered & learner-
types centered methodology
I am glad I know Initiate Learning is to Development of teaching
stimulate the learners to learning lesson has
thinking composed into 3 stages: Pre-
Lesson Planning, Lesson-
Planning Implementations
and Post Lesson Planning
I wish I had known Assess leaming can give the Lesson Planning for
learners feedback of their implementation has 4 types
performance of preparing it
I am still wondering That questions has two types: What are the approaches did
Low-order and High arder the teacher use every time
questions on his/her lesson planning

Materials that is used Nature and characteristics Function and use

•Print resource These are the major source Lecture approach- source of
Books of information for the information for the teacher's
Newspaper teacher lessons. These can lesson.Linguistic approach-
also help the learner’s helps develop ones
reading skills and vocabulary vocabulary and reading skills
•Non Electronic Visual They used to represent the Lecture approach- use in
Charts/chalk board lessons visually. representing the lessons.
•Computer Resource They will keep you abreast in Integrated learning
Computers/ printer any trends and new approach- the different
information senses of the learners will
involve through the use of
these materials

List of materials used Subject areas where

materials are commonly
•Print Used by the students for
Books their research
•Non- print (but not Used to entertain in and
electronic) educate non- readers. It also
Photos used to let the learners see
Images to communicate ideas the images on how they looks
•Models It provides guidance and idea
Globe to student. It also provide
Maps learners to have a close
reality experience
•Computer driven Used the students in all
Laptop activities that they are going
Projector to do and in order for them
Wide screen to be convenient

• Observe three classes. Note the teacher’s use of instructional Materials. In what part of the
lesson does the use of instructional Materials prevail?

The instructional materials that was used by the teacher was used all Throughout
the whole class.

• Describe or narrate how the teacher used an instructional material. The teacher use a variety
of instructional materials or just one or two Kinds only?

The teacher uses one instructional material which is Flat screen TV. Laptop and his

• Are there indications of the level of ease or expertise by which the teacher used the
instructional material?

Yes because she knows how to used and facilitate the instructional Material and
then she properly discussed what is she’s topic.

• What can you say about the kind of responses of students while teacher is using the
instructional materials?

The students are attentively listening to their teacher and they participate during
class discussion. The lessons went good at the end the pupils gain knowledge.

• Is the use of the instructional material appropriate and relevant to the Subject matter being
developed and discussed? If yes, why do you Think so? If no, why not? Give you reasons.

Yes, the teacher uses the instructional materials appropriate and Relevant to his
subject because the teaching and learning process comes Easily. The student
learns effectively to the subject that is being discussed by The teacher.
• Based on your observations, what inference can you make about the Reasons or the
purpose why teachers use instructional materials in Teaching?

The teacher uses instructional materials because it helps the student. To get their
attention to participate actively in discussion

•Go to the library and read books or surf the internet on the availability of teaching aids and
their appropriate use of these in the classroom. After your reading, what important insights
have you gained on the importance of the teacher, using appropriate and relevant teaching aids.
List down your insights.
Many children have been able to have a good access to knowledge since they where a child.
The youth now find information not only by readings books can be so interesting but many
students nowadays rarely choose reading books as their main method. And to make sure this
state is correct, I’ve invited some friends of mine to answer the question. First the internet gives
people the opportunity to educate themselves, and all from the comfort of their own home if
they wish. It enable us to learn as much as we want about what we wan.

2. 2 PARTICIPATION Observing classes on teacher’s use of teaching aids

Observe a number of classes across different subject areas (ex: Science, Mathematics,
Communication Arts, Civics). What similarities, as well as differences did you observe in terms of
the part/s of the lesson where teaching Aids are used?

In the classes that I have observed, teaching aids are oftenly used during the discussion. May it
be in philosophy history or any other subjects, teachers usually utilize different materials in
supplementing their lesson. They used these “aids” to catch the attention of students and to
keep their minds from wandering off to things which might hinder them from acquiring the
ideas and concepts they ought to learn. Another reason for using these aids during the
discussion was its usefulness in assisting the delivery of instruction. If these materials are used
correctly and the teacher has the expertise in its utilization, learning can be maximized.

In the Science subject, the teacher used the teaching aid (a model) as a form of motivation.
Using the same observations above, what similarities, as well as difference didYou observe in
terms of the kind of teaching aid used by the teacher throughout The lesson?

Most of the subjects used a projector to flash the key terms of their lesson It seems that this is
the common practice today across different schools. I think one of the reasons why teachers
utilize this is that it is very efficient and it saves up a lot of resources (e.g. paper, marker),

In Science, the teacher oftenly used models during the discussion. Models are replicas or copies
of real object with a considerable change in size, complexity, safety and cost factors. Since in
this subject, students deal with much more complicated concepts which are hard to visualize,
replicas of real objects are really necessary. Most teachers rely on these models since the real
ones can be really costly.

Black board

Learning Resource center

Rolton Portable Voice
Flat Screen Tv

Media center
Visual presentation


Laboratory ( Specify lab type)

•Home economics strand

Cooking tools
Welding machines
Sewing machines

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