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Health Ethics

Lecture no.1

Health Issues in relation to human reproduction should be understood within the

context of human sexuality.Human sexuality act carries two significant meaning.
When married man and woman are engaged in sexual act, they are not only engage in
purely physical and biological aspects of being ,for human sexual act is not only the
meeting of two human genitals but importantly the union of the innermost being of
the husband and wife,in which they are totally giving themselves,committing
themselves,and deeply bonding themselves to one another.
In this sense, human sexual act is said to be UNITIVE.
The purpose of marriage is Procreation. This bonding union of husband and wife is
realized in the begetting of life. With out the desire to the generation of human life,
their sexual act is merely the union of two human genitals complementing each other.
When procreative element is frustrated, the human sexual act becomes a lie as it
contradicts the totality of giving oneself to one another in an act of mutual love and
commitment in begetting children. For this reason,sexual act outside marriage is
unethical for such relationship becomes short of that longing for deep and lasting
human bonding that is easier realized when man and woman are married whose
bonding is” for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in riches and in poor,until
death do as part”.Also for this reason, that any act that intentionally frustrates the
procreative meaning of human sexual act, or any act that attempts to generate human
life through other than through human sexual act is ethically unacceptable.

Lessons Proper:
A. Contraception.
Etymological definition- against contraception
Technically- is any act that frustrates the openness of sexual act towards begetting of a
new life.
Contraception presupposes that a woman after sexual act has the capacity to conceive
an the man after sexual act has the capacity to impregnate the woman.
This to understand, that the practice of the method of natural family is not a practice of
contraception since during her infertile period the woman by nature is incapable of
Student’s task: Moral reactions- pro and cons for contraception.

B. Sterilization .
Definition- Sterilization is a medial procedure that renders some one incapable of
begetting life or procreating another human being.Take note that of the meaning of
human sexual act.
Student’s task: Moral reactions- pro and cons for Sterilization.

C. Abortion.
Definition-Abortion is he termination of pregnancy which starts from the time the
sperm fertilizes the egg in the uterus.
Student’s task: Moral reactions- pro and cons for Abortion

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