2021 AMC10A Paper

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MAA American Mathematics Competitions
22nd Annual

AMC 10 A
Friday, February 5, 2021
2. This is a 25-question multiple-choice competition. For each question, only one answer choice is
3. Mark your answer to each problem on the answer sheet with a #2 pencil. Check blackened answers
for accuracy and erase errors completely. Only answers that are properly marked on the answer
sheet will be scored.
4. SCORING: You will receive 6 points for each correct answer, 1.5 points for each problem left
unanswered, and 0 points for each incorrect answer.
5. Only blank scratch paper, blank graph paper, rulers, compasses, and erasers are allowed as aids.
No calculators, smartwatches, phones, or computing devices are allowed. No problems on the
competition will require the use of a calculator.
6. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.
7. Before beginning the competition, make sure to record your name, school name and code on the
answer sheet.
8. You will have 75 minutes to complete the competition once your competition manager tells you
to begin.

© 2021 Mathematical Association of America

2021 AMC 10 A Problems

1. What is the value of


(22 - 2)-(32 - 3)+(42 - 4)?

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 8 (E) 12

2. Portia’s high school has 3 times as many students as Lara’s high school. The
two high schools have a total of 2600 students. How many students does Portia’s
high school have?
Portia 所在的高中总人数是 Lara 所在高中总人数的三倍。 已知两所高中共有
2600 名学生,请问 Portia 所在的高中共有多少名学生?

(A) 600 (B) 650 (C) 1950 (D) 2000 (E) 2050

3. The sum of two natural numbers is 17,402. One of the two numbers is divisible
by 10. If the units digit of that number is erased, the other number is obtained. What
is the difference of these two numbers?
两个自然数相加之和为 17,402。其中一个数可以被 10 整除,去掉这个数的个

(A) 10,272 (B) 11,700 (C) 13,362 (D) 14,238 (E) 15,426

4. A cart rolls down a hill, traveling 5 inches the first second and accelerating so that
during each successive 1-second time interval, it travels 7 inches more than during
the previous 1-second interval. The cart takes 30 seconds to reach the bottom of the
hill. How far, in inches, does it travel?
一辆小车从斜坡上滑落下来,第一秒向下滑落了 5 英寸,然后开始加速,之后
每秒滑落的距离都比上一秒滑落的距离多 7 英寸。小车共花了 30 秒到达坡

(A) 215 (B) 360 (C) 2992 (D) 3195 (E) 3242

5. The quiz scores of a class with k >12 students have a mean of 8. The mean of a
collection of 12 of these quiz scores is 14. What is the mean of the remaining quiz
scores in terms of k ?
某班级总人数为 k(k > 12)。在一次测试中班级平均分为 8 分,其中有 12 个
学生的平均分为 14 分。请问其余学生的平均分是多少?(用 k 表示)

2021 AMC 10 A Problems

14  8 8k  168 14 8 14
(k  12)
(A) (B) k  12 (C)  (D)
k - 12 12 k k2
(k  12)
6. Chantal and Jean start hiking from a trailhead toward a fire tower. Jean is wearing
a heavy backpack and walks slower. Chantal starts walking at 4 miles per hour.
Halfway to the tower, the trail becomes really steep, and Chantal slows down to
2 miles per hour. After reaching the tower, she immediately turns around and
descends the steep part of the trail at 3 miles per hour. She meets Jean at the
halfway point. What was Jean’s average speed, in miles per hour, until they meet?
Chantal 和 Jean 两人从路口徒步走向消防塔。Jean 背着沉重的背包,走得慢一
些。Chantal 起初以每小时 4 英里的速度行走,走到一半时,道路变得十分陡
峭,于是 Chantal 减速至每小时 2 英里。到达消防塔后,Chantal 立即掉头以每
小时 3 英里的速度往回走。走到回程路途的一半时刚好与 Jean 相遇。请问两
人相遇前,Jean 的平均速度(以英里/小时为单位)是多少?
(A) 12 (B) 1 (C) 13 (D) 24 (E) 2
13 12 13

7. Tom has a collection of 13 snakes, 4 of which are purple and 5 of which are happy.
He observes that
• all of his happy snakes can add,
• none of his purple snakes can subtract, and
• all of his snakes that can’t subtract also can’t add.
Which of these conclusions can be drawn about Tom’ssnakes?
Tom 收藏了 13 条蛇,其中有 4 条是紫色的,有 5 条是开心的。他注意到:
• 所有开心的蛇都会做加法;
• 所有紫色的蛇都不会做减法;
• 不会做减法的蛇也不会做加法。
关于 Tom 的蛇,可以得出以下哪个结论?

(A) Purple snakes can add. 紫色的蛇会做加法;

(B) Purple snakes are happy. 紫色的蛇是开心的;
(C) Snakes that can add are purple. 会做加法的是紫色的蛇;
(D) Happy snakes are not purple. 开心的蛇不是紫色的;
(E) Happy snakes can’t subtract. 开心的蛇不会做减法

2021 AMC 10 A Problems

8. When a student multiplied the number 66 by the repeating decimal

一名学生用 66 乘以下面的无限循环小数,

1.a b a b . . . = 1.a b ,

where a and b are digits, he did not notice the notation and just multiplied 66 times
1.a b. Later he found that his answer is 0.5 less than the correct answer. What is the
2-digit integer a b?
其中 a 和 b 是数字,但他没有注意到数字上面的横线,只是将 1.a b 乘以
66,后来他发现自己的答案比正确答案小了 0.5。请问由整数 a、b 组成的两
位数 a b 是多少?

(A) 15 (B) 30 (C) 45 (D) 60 (E) 75

9. What is the least possible value of (xy -1)2 + (x + y)2 for real numbers x and y ?
设 x 和 y 均为实数,那么(xy -1)2 + (x + y)2 的最小可能值是多少?

1 1
(A) 0 (B) (C) (D) 1 (E) 2
4 2
10. Which of the following is equivalent to

(2 + 3)(22 + 32)(24 +34)(28 + 38)(216 + 316)(232 + 332)(264 + 364)?

(A) 3127 + 2127 (B) 3127 + 2127 + 2·363 + 3·263 (C) 3128 - 2128
(D) 3128 + 2128 (E) 5127

11. For which of the following integers b is the base-b number 2021b - 221b
not divisible by 3?
整数 b 取多少时,基于 b 进制的式子 2021b - 221b 不能被 3 整除?

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 7 (E) 8

12. Two right circular cones with vertices facing down as shown in the figure below
contain the same amount of liquid. The radii of the tops of the liquid surfaces are 3
cm and 6 cm. Into each cone is dropped a spherical marble of radius 1 cm, which
sinks to the bottom and is completely submerged without spilling any liquid.
What is the ratio of the rise of the liquid level in the narrow cone to the rise of the
liquid level in the widecone?
表面的半径分别为 3 cm 和 6 cm。现将一个半径为 1 cm 的球形大理石放入每

2021 AMC 10 A Problems

(A) 1 : 1 (B) 47 : 43 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 40 : 13 (E) 4 : 1

13. What is the volume of tetrahedron ABCD with edge length AB = 2, AC = 3, AD =

4, BC = 13 , BD = 2 5 , CD = 5?
四面体 ABCD 中,AB = 2,AC = 3,AD = 4,BC = 13 ,BD = 2 5 , CD =

(A) 3 (B) 2 3 (C) 4 (D) 3 3 (E) 6

14. All the roots of polynomial z6 - 10z5 + Az4 + Bz3 + Cz2 + Dz + 16 are positive
integers, possibly repeated. What is the value of B ?
当多项式 z6 - 10z5 + Az4 + Bz3 + Cz2 + Dz + 16 等于 0 时,它的所有根都是正
整数(可能重复),请问 B 的值是多少?

(A) - 88 (B) - 80 (C) - 64 (D) - 41 (E) - 40

15. Values for A, B, C , and D are to be selected from{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} without

replacement (i.e., no two letters have the same value). How many ways are
there to make such choices so that the two curves y = Ax 2 + B and y = Cx 2 + D
intersect? (The order in which the curves are listed does not matter; for
example, the choices A = 3, B = 2, C = 4, D = 1 is considered the same as the
choices A = 4, B = 1, C = 3, D = 2.)
字母 A, B, C 和 D 的值从{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}中选取不放回(即所有字母的值各不
相同),请问有多少种选取方式可以使曲线 y = Ax 2 + B 和 y = Cx 2 + D 相
交?(无需考虑曲线排列顺序,比如:A = 3, B = 2, C = 4, D = 1 与 A = 4,
B = 1, C = 3, D = 2 看作是一种选取方式)

(A) 30 (B) 60 (C) 90 (D) 180 (E) 360

2021 AMC 10 A Problems

16. In the following list of numbers, the integer n appears n times in the list for 1 ≤n≤
在以下数字序列中,对于 1 ≤n≤200,整数 n 在数列中均出现 n 次,

1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, . . . , 200, 200, . . . , 200

What is the median of the numbers in this list?


(A) 100.5 (B) 134 (C) 142 (D) 150.5 (E) 167

17. Trapezoid ABCD has AB || CD , BC = CD = 43, and AD ⊥ BD . Let O be the

intersection of the diagonals AC and BD , and let P be the midpoint of BD . Given
that OP = 11, the length AD can be written in the form m n , where m and n are
positive integers and n is not divisible by the square of any prime. What is m + n ?
在梯形 ABCD 中, AB || CD , BC = CD = 43,且 AD ⊥ BD 。设点 O 为对角线
AC 与 BD 的交点,点 P 为线段 BD 的中点。假设 OP = 11,则线段 AD 的长
度可以表示为 m n ,其中 m 和 n 是正整数,n 不能被任何质数的平方整
除。那么 m + n 等于多少?

(A) 65 (B) 132 (C) 157 (D) 194 (E) 215

18. Let f be a function defined on the set of positive rational numbers with the
property that f (a·b) = f (a)+ f (b) for all positive rational numbers a and b.
Suppose that f also has the property that f(p) = p for every prime number p. For
which of the following numbers x is f (x) < 0 ?
设 f 是定义在正有理数集上的函数且满足 f (a·b) = f (a)+ f (b),其中 a 和 b
均为正有理数。假设对于任意质数 p,满足 f (p) = p。那么 x 取下列哪个值
可以满足 f (x) < 0?

(A) 17 (B) 11 (C) 7 (D) 7 (E) 25

32 16 9 6 11

19. The area of the region bounded by the graph of

x2 + y2 =3 |x - y| + 3 |x + y|

is m + nπ, where m and n are integers. What is m + n ?

由方程 x2 + y2 =3 |x - y| + 3 |x + y| 围成的区域的面积为 m + nπ,其中 m 和 n 均为

整数。那么 m + n 等于多少?

(A) 18 (B) 27 (C) 36 (D) 45 (E) 54

2021 AMC 10 A Problems

20. In how many ways can the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 be rearranged so that no three
consecutive terms are increasing and no three consecutive terms are decreasing?
将数字序列 1、2、3、4、5 重新排列,有多少种排列方式可以使其中任何三

(A) 10 (B) 18 (C) 24 (D) 32 (E) 44

21. Let ABCDEF be an equiangular hexagon. The lines AB, CD, and EF
determine a triangle with area 192 3 , and the lines BC , DE, and FA determine a
triangle with area 324 3 . The perimeter of hexagon ABCDEF can be expressed as
m + n p , where m, n, and p are positive integers and p is not divisible by the
square of any prime. What is m + n + p?
等角六边形 ABCDEF 中,线段 AB、CD 和 EF 向外延伸构成一个面积为
192 3 的三角形,线段 BC、DE 和 FA 向外延伸构成一个面积为 324 3 的三
角形。六边形 ABCDEF 的周长可以表示为 m + n p ,其中 m, n 和 p 均为正整
数,p 不能被任何质数的平方整除。那么 m + n + p 等于多少?

(A) 47 (B) 52 (C) 55 (D) 58 (E) 63

22. Hiram’s algebra notes are 50 pages long and are printed on 25 sheets of paper;
the first sheet contains pages 1 and 2, the second sheet contains pages 3 and 4, and so
on. One day he leaves his notes on the table before leaving for lunch, and his
roommate decides to borrow some pages from the middle of the notes. When Hiram
comes back, he discovers that his roommate has taken a consecutive set of sheets
from the notes and that the average (mean) of the page numbers on all remaining
sheets is exactly 19. How many sheets were borrowed?
Hiram 的代数笔记本一共 50 页,包含 25 张纸;第一张纸包含页面 1 和页面
2,第二张纸包含页面 3 和页面 4,依此类推。有一天,他把笔记本放在桌
上,然后去吃午饭,他的室友想从笔记本中间借一些纸张。Hiram 回来后,
平均数(平均值)恰好是 19。请问室友借走几张纸?

(A) 10 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) 17 (E) 20

23. Frieda the frog begins a sequence of hops on a 3 × 3 grid of squares, moving one
square on each hop and choosing at random the direction of each hop— up, down,
left, or right. She does not hop diagonally. When the direction of a hop would take
Frieda off the grid, she “wraps around” and jumps to the opposite edge. For
example if Frieda begins in the center square and makes two hops “up”, the first
hop would place her in the top row middle square, and the second hop would
cause Frieda to jump to the opposite edge, landing in the bottom row middle
square. Suppose Frieda starts from the center square, makes at most four hops at
random, and stops hopping if she lands on a corner square. What is the probability
that she reaches a corner square on one of the four hops?

2021 AMC 10 A Problems

小青蛙 Frieda 在 3×3 正方形网格上开始一系列跳跃,跳跃一次移动一格,随机

Frieda 即将跳跃的方向会跳出网格,小青蛙就会“掉头”跳到对侧。比如
Frieda 从最中间的小正方形开始跳,打算“向上”跳两次,第一次会跳到上面
假如 Frieda 从最中间的小正方形开始,最多随机跳跃四次,如果跳到网格四个

(A) 9 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 25 (E) 13

16 8 4 32 16

24. The interior of a quadrilateral is bounded by the graphs of (x + ay)2 = 4a2 and (ax -
y)2 = a2, where a is a positive real number. What is the area of this region in terms
of a, valid for all a > 0?
由方程 (x + ay)2 = 4a2 和 (ax - y)2 = a2 包围构成一个四边形,其中 a 为正实数。
请问该四边形区域的面积是多少?(用 a 表示,a > 0)
(A) 8a 2 (B) 4a (C) 8a (D) 8a (E) 8a
(a  1) 2 a 1 a 1 2
a 1 2
a 1

25. How many ways are there to place 3 indistinguishable red chips, 3 indistin-
guishable blue chips, and 3 indistinguishable green chips in the squares of a 3 × 3
grid so that no two chips of the same color are directly adjacent to each other,
either vertically or horizontally?
将 3 个完全相同的红色筹码、3 个完全相同的蓝色筹码和 3 个完全相同的绿
色筹码放入 3 × 3 的正方形网格中,请问有多少种放置方法可以使相同颜色

(A) 12 (B) 18 (C) 24 (D) 30 (E) 36

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