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Roland Joseph D.


Almanack- An almanac is a regularly

published listing of a set of current
information about one or multiple
subjects. It includes information like
weather forecasts, farmers' planting
dates, tide tables, and other tabular
data often arranged according to the

Encyclopedia- A work that contains

information on all branches of
knowledge or treats comprehensively a
particular branch of knowledge
usually in articles arranged
alphabetically often by subject.

Dictionary- A dictionary is a type of

book which explains the meanings of
words or, more precisely, lexemes. The
words are arranged in alphabetical
order so that they can be found
quickly. The word "dictionary" comes
from the Latin "dictio" ("saying").

Index- An index is a group or basket of

securities, derivatives, or other
financial instruments that represents
and measures the performance of a
specific market, asset class, market
sector, or investment strategy.
Thesaurus- a book or electronic
resource that lists words in groups of
synonyms and related concepts.

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