Online FSEC Introduction

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Institute of Family Engineering and Development

Cert. FSEC (Course 3OON)

Welcome message
Warm greetings and a big congratulation for making it to this life time experience that is sure
to transform your life and realities forever.
We are so excited to have you because in the midst of the chaos happening all over the world,
the greatest need of our world is a new family propelled by a new order of man and woman
that can ultimately create a new society and a new world.
With marriage being redefined globally, we see an opportunity to promote what we know as
right and true. However, if we don’t build an attractive institution, how do we make it
desirable to the younger generation?
We believe that by the year 2040, the happiest people on earth will be couples (man and
woman) who practice a system based family system with global leaders being children raised
in the new home powered by the new man and woman.
God is the author of the family thus, it is pivotal to create a system that makes it easy to
scientifically fashion a new order of family in a way that makes God happy and ultimately
creates a new society.
The most important nation on earth must be the family and the most important government
must be the family government.
In this Family System Engineering Certification Approach, you will experience a total
paradigm shift and become a child again. Don’t be surprised if this experience totally
transforms your life beyond what you thought you were coming to learn.
You will sure learn how to run a 21st family system but beyond that, you will learn how to
become skilled in conditioning and creating the new world through your family.
The Family System Engineering Certification Approach combines faith, psychology, science
and critical reasoning in creating a system that is easy to adopt and implement–a system
whose result is measurable.
What will happen if we all wake up in the year 2040 to discover that the entire world is a
reflection of the decisions you have taken in this course and the family you have built out of
this class?
Can God depend on your family to deliver His dream of a peaceful world?
‘The family is the production factory of the society.’
–Praise Fowowe
‘All the experts …are experts on what was. There is no expert on what will be. To become
an “expert” on the future, vision must replace experience.’

– David Ben-Gurion

Praise Fowowe
Why Family Systems Engineering Certification


In the year 1999 we set on a mission to figure out why some marriages work and why others
failed. We interviewed couples whose marriages seem to have crossed the 45year mark and
those whose marriages couldn’t make it past the fifth year.
Unfortunately most of them could not really tell the factors responsible for their success or
failures outside factors that can’t be measured thereby not duplicable.

In 2004 we took the research further especially given the conclusion of our first research
that the most important nation on earth is the family because the family is the production
factory of the society. We carefully observed global leaders who led nations and discovered
the role the family systems that produced them played in who they became and how it
affected their leadership style.

We studied other business leaders and sporting icons as well and it dawned on us the role
each family system play in shaping the character and the results of each person and this led
us to embark on the quest to figure out the critical factors that can birth a function family
system which can shape a new generation that can promote global peace and wellness.

In over 11 years we carefully interviewed and observed the patterns successful families
exhibited and built a model out of it which was properly tested on some troubled marriages
with success.

Many people want to succeed in their marriages and families but lack what it takes because
they underestimated the system that produced them and how it can sabotage their own
family wellness. This course has been carefully developed as our contribution to global

It is a new school of thought that is now being deployed by family life professionals across
Africa and by people of African descent. The good news is the model is presently being
tested in some parts of Canada, UK, US, Australia and Asia and the results has been very

In this course you will master;

- The science of family systems engineering
- The human engineering matrix
- Understanding humanity and systems intelligence
- Family systems Engineering psychometry tools that helps you discover the real issues
with couples without having to listen to them at all with 93% accuracy
- Marital formation and the effect it has on family wellness
- The making of a dream team
- Understanding family vision and assisting your clients create a family governing
- Effective family life coaching and coaching your clients to success
- Family life strategy sessions for effective outcomes
This model has been presented at the Family life coaching association conference at Raleigh
North Carolina in 2019 and the least score based on its effectiveness was 7/10 with many
scoring it an 8.

We believe this is the most effective family systems template which is a radical departure
from other known templates. We believe it is the best and easy to use but highly effective
among people of colour without the complexities of what has been.

Enjoy the course and use this to bless your world.

Our mission is to produce the most effective family life professionals humanity deserves.

I honour you

Praise Fowowe
Lead Researcher – The institute of family Engineering and Development.

1. Become a child all through this session and feel free to ask any question that bothers
your mind because there is no such thing as a wrong question here.
2. Commit to give this session your total commitment. Only 100% is good enough.
3. Go through every home play by yourself because you become something by doing so.
4. Be in class as yourself and apply whatever is taught to your situation without feeling
like someone else is affected by what was said.
5. Take notes during the entire session especially actionable steps and timelines to
achieving the steps.
6. Write out your goals and what you intend to see at the end of the session, so that you
can check your results against your expectations.
7. Feel free to disagree but leave room to change should what you have always believed
fail the tests of truth and common sense.

What are my top 5 expectations?

How this works
The course has been divided into different modules with class work and home plays. You
will have a designated instructor once you opt in for the course who will take you through
the entire process and monitor your progress.
Each module comes with points and you are required to pass each unit and complete every
task to become qualified as associate family systems engineering professional.
You will be assigned an online course instructor who will take you through every module and
examine your class work and field work.
For any form of course related issues you can contact

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