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Ancient Apocalypse

and the Great Pyramid of Cholula:

Engaging Pseudo-archaeology
Dr. Geoffrey McCafferty

• Graham Hancock’s search for

• a ‘lost civililzation’
• The Great Pyramid of Cholula
• Atlantis
• Atlanteans in Nicaragua
Pseudo-archaeology = the interpretation of the past from outside of the
archaeological science community, which rejects the accepted data gathering
and analytical methods of the discipline
Five ‘Suns’
Or Ages
Tlachihualtepetl, the Great Pyramid of Cholula

Fall of the Quinametinime (giants) at end of
the Third Sun
The arrival of the Tolteca-
Chichimeca, ca. 1200 CE, at the
Great Pyramid and the palace of
the Aquiach Amapane
Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent
Altar of Chiconauquiahuitl, rain god
Map of Cholula from 1580,
showing relationship of Great
Pyramid to ‘new’ Colonial city

Cathedral of San
Gabriel, built 1531
Annual pilgrimage to the
Virgin of the Remedies church
on top of the Great Pyramid
Ancient Apocalypse

Journalist Graham
Hancock travels the
globe hunting for
evidence of mysterious,
lost civilizations dating
back to the last Ice Age.

Netflix, starting Nov. 11

•Fingerprints of the Gods (1995:135)

•“The archaeological evidence suggested

that rather than developing slowly and
painfully, as is normal with human
societies, the civilization of Ancient
Egypt (like that of the Olmecs) emerged
all at once and fully formed …
Technological skills that should have taken
hundreds or even thousands of years to
evolve were brought into use almost
overnight– and with no apparent
antecedents whatever.”
Xelhua was a giant
of the "time of the
universal deluge."
He was one of the
seven giants in the
Aztec culture, and
was allegedly
responsible for
constructing the
largest pyramid on
The Myth of Xelhua
• There is NO Colonial account relating to Xelhua
• In fact, this was a 19th century invention cobbling together myths
from other regions
• It may be loosely tied to the quinametinime, the mythical pyramid
builders during the Third Sun, but ‘Xelhua’ is never identified
• Graham Hancock attempts to weave these ‘giants’ into his fantastic
tapestry of cataclysms and lost civilizations
• As with most of his other ‘evidence,’ the speculation distorts
archaeological facts to support his story line
Xochicalco, Temple of the Feathered Serpent
Atlanteans of Nicaragua?
Sonzapote, on Zapatera Island
Garrobo Grande, Chontales
We will always
conquer evil
with the power
of the truth

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