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A ca d e m ic Y ea r:2023-2024

Topic : visit to a terrestrial ecosystem
(Yamuna Biodiversity park)

Submitted by:

Name: Mayank joshi

Course: physical science with electronics(1st year)

Roll no. : 2023/18/112

Section: C

Submitted To: pallavi ma’am

Exploring Yamuna Biodiversity park:

• Introduction
• History and Evolution
• Park Feature and Ecosystem
• Flora
• Fauna
• Education and Outreach
• Conclusion
• Resources

• Y a m u na B iodiv e rs ity P a rk is a one-o f-a -k ind

ecolo g ic a l park loc a te d in Delhi, India . T he park wa s
cre a te d in 2002, with the aim of cons e rv ing and
prom o ting the na tura l biodiv e rs ity of the are a . T he
park is s pre a d ove r 457 acre s and is ma na g e d by
the Delhi De ve lo pm e nt Autho rity (D D A ). It s erv e s as
a living labora to ry for enviro nm e n ta l educ a tio n ,
providin g vis itors with an opportunity to lea rn abou t
and appre c ia te the dive rs e flora and fa un a of the
reg ion . T his proje c t aims to provid e a deta ile d field
vis it report of the Y a m un a B iodiv e rs ity P a rk.
• L oc a tio n and Ac c e s s :T h e Y a m un a B iodiv e rs ity
P a rk is loc a te d on the ba nk s of the Y a m u na rive r in
Delhi, India . It is ea s ily ac c e s s ible by roa d and is
loc a te d about 20 km awa y from the city ce nte r. T he
park is ope n to vis itors eve ry da y of the wee k, from
9:00 am to 5:00 pm. T he re are no entry fee s for
vis ito rs .
H is to ry a n d E v o lu tio n

• T he Y a m un a B iodiv e rs ity P a rk w a s c re a te d
a s a re s pons e to the de te rio ra tin g
e c olog ic a l c onditio ns of the Y a m un a riv e r.
T he pa rk w a s de s ig ne d a s a m ode l
e c os y s te m , s how c a s in g the na tiv e flora
a nd fa una of the re g ion. T he pa rk w a s
ope ne d to the public in 2002 a nd ha s s inc e
be c om e a popula r de s tin a tio n for na ture
lov e rs a nd s tude nts of e c olog y a nd
e nv iron m e n ta l s c ie nc e . O v e r the y e a rs , the
pa rk ha s unde rg o n e s ig nific a nt c ha ng e s ,
w ith ne w ha bita ts a nd s pe c ie s be ing
introd uc e d to the e c os y s te m . T oda y , the
pa rk is hom e to ov e r 1,100 s pe c ie s of pla nts
a nd ov e r 200 s pe c ie s of birds , re ptile s , a nd
m a m m a ls .
P a rk F e a tu re s a n d
E c o s ys te m s

• T he Y amuna Biodiversity Park is divided into several distinct ecosystems,

each of which is designed to showcas e a different aspect of the region's
natural biodiversity. T hese ecosystems include:
• 1. Wetlands: T he wetland ecosystem is designed to mimic the natural
floodplains of the Y amuna river. It is home to a variety of aquatic and semi-
aquatic plants, including lotuses and water lilies. T he wetlands are also home
to several bird species, including the purple heron, the common snipe, and the
• 2. Grasslands: T he grassland ecosystem is designed to showcas e the native
grass species of the region. It is home to several species of wildflowers ,
including the Indian wild violet and the black-eyed S usan. T he grasslands are
also home to several bird species, including the lark and the Indian roller.
• 3. S crubland: T he scrubland ecosystem is designed to mimic the natural
shrublands of the region. It is home to several species of thorny shrubs,
including the ber and the kair. T he scrublands are also home to several bird
species, including the Indian robin and the grey francolin.
• 4. Woodland: T he woodland ecosystem is designed to showcas e the native
tree species of the region. It is home to several species of trees, including the
jamun, the neem, and the pilkhan. T he woodlands are also home to several
bird species, including the Indian grey hornbill and the rufous treepie.
• 5. Lakeside: T he lakeside ecosystem is designed to showcas e the natural
features of the Y amuna river. It is home to several species of aquatic plants,
including the duckweed and the water hyacinth. T he lakeside is also home to
several bird species, including the cormorant and the egret.
F lora

• 1. Y amuna B iodiversity P ark boas ts a rich divers ity

of flora, with over 1,000 plant s pecies pres ent within
its boundaries .
• 2. T he park is home to s everal native tree s pecies ,
including Neem, J amun, P eepal, and B anyan.
• 3. V arious s hrubs like Indian g oos eberry, Indian
Mallow, and R os ewood can be found throughout the
• 4. T he park s howcas es different types of g ras s es ,
s uch as B ermuda gras s , C ynodon dactylon, and
Des mos tachya bipinnata.
• 5. A wide variety of medicinal plants are g rown in
the park, including As hwagandha, T uls i, A loe vera,
and B rahmi.
• 6. T he park's g ardens feature colorful flowering
plants like Marig old, C os mos , Hibis cus, and
B oug ainvillea

• 1. Rich avian diversity: Yamuna Biodiversity Park is a haven for bird

enthusiasts, boasting of over 200 species of birds. These include the
Indian peafowl, painted stork, black-winged stilt, common kingfisher,
and greater coucal.
• 2. Diversity of mammals: The park is home to several mammalian
species, including blue bull, Indian hare, Indian crested porcupine,
jackal, and Indian palm civet.
• 3. Reptilian diversity: The park has several species of reptiles,
including turtles, lizards, and snakes.
• 4. Amphibian species: The park also has several amphibian species
such as frogs and toads.
• 5. Insect diversity: The park is a treasure trove for entomologists, as
it has over 40 species of butterflies, and several species of beetles,
ants, bees, and wasps.
• 6. Aquatic life: The park has several water bodies, which support a
variety of aquatic life, including several species of fishes, crabs, and
• 7. Endangered species: The park is home to several endangered
species, including the Indian grey mongoose, nilgai, Indian rock
python, and monitor lizard. The park serves to conserve and protect
these species and their habitats
E ducation and O utreach

• The Y amuna Biodiversity P ark serves as an important

resource for environmental education and outreach. The
park offers several programs and workshops for students
and visitors, aimed at promoting awareness and
understanding of the region’s natural biodiversity. The park’s
education and outreach initiatives include:
• 1. Nature Walks: The park offers guided nature walks, led
by experienced naturalists. These walks offer visitors an
opportunity to learn about the various ecosystems and
habitats of the park, and to observe the different species of
flora and fauna that inhabit them.
• 2. Outreach: The park is involved in several outreach
initiatives aimed at promoting environmental education and
awareness beyond its borders. These initiatives include
partnerships with local schools and educational institutions,
as well as workshops and programs for underprivileged
C onclusion

• T he Y amuna B iodiversity P ark is a unique and

valuable res ource for the city of Delhi. It s erves
as a model ecos ys tem, s howcas ing the natural
biodiversity of the reg ion and offering vis itors an
opportunity to learn about and appreciate the
ecological richnes s of the area. T he park’s
education and outreach initiatives are aimed at
promoting environmental awareness and
understanding, making it an important center for
environmental education in the city. O verall, the
Y amuna B iodivers ity P ark is a valuable as s et for
the city of Delhi, and a model for ecological
cons ervation and res toration efforts across the

• 1. Official website of Yamuna Biodiversity Park – website provides
information on the history, ecology, conservation efforts,
and flora and fauna of the park.
• 2. Delhi Parks and Gardens Society – website provides
information on the management and maintenance of
public parks and green spaces in Delhi, including Yamuna
Biodiversity Park.
• 3.News articles:You can search for these articles using
online news portals such as The Hindu, Times of India, and
Hindustan Times.
• 4.Youtube:Virtual tours and videos - There are several
virtual tours and videos available online that can give you
a glimpse of the park's flora and fauna. You can search for
these resources on Youtube.

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