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 About dictionary and it’s features. 0-1

 Identify use cases and solve them

using dictionary.

 Reimpliment built in dictionary


 Identify common syntactical errors

when working with dictionary.
 Dictionaries are used to store data values in key-value pairs.
 A dictionary is a collection which is ordered, changeable and
do not allow duplicates.
 Dictionaries are Python’s implementation of a data
structure that is more generally known as an associative
 You can also construct a dictionary with the built-in dict()
 Once you’ve defined a dictionary, you can display its
contents, the same as you can do for a list.
 A dictionary consists of a collection of key-value pairs. Each
key-value pair maps the key to its associated value.
 Dictionaries are written with flower brackets { }.

 It is an ordered collection that contains key - value pairs
separated by comma inside curly braces {}.
 Each key is separated from its value by a colon ( : )
 Dictionaries are ordered i.e. order of elements is preserved.
 Dictionaries are changeable, means we can change, add or
remove items from the dictionary.
 Duplicate keys are not allowed i.e. dictionaries cannot have 2
items with the same key.
 Dictionary keys are case sensitive.
 Keys must be single element.
 Values in dictionary can be of any data type and can be
duplicated. Ex: list, tuple ,string, integer, etc
 Dictionaries are indexed by keys.
 Slicing concept is not supported.

Using dictionaries, We can solve various use cases efficiently. Here are
some use cases along with solutions using Python dictionaries:

 Phone Book:
Use Case: Storing and retrieving phone numbers of contacts.
Solution :
phone_book = {
'Alice': '123-456-7890',
'Bob': '987-654-3210',
'Charlie': '555-555-5555'
# Retrieve Alice's phone number
alice_number = phone_book.get('Alice', 'Contact not found')

 Product Catalog:
Use Case: Storing product information.
Solution :
Products = {
'item1': {'name': 'Product A', 'price': 10.99},
'item2': {'name': 'Product B', 'price': 15.49},
'item3': {'name': 'Product C', 'price': 5.99}
# Retrieve product information for item2
product_info = products.get('item2', 'Product not found')

 Inventory Tracking:
Use Case: Managing product quantities in an inventory.
Solution :
Inventory = {
'item1': 100,
'item2': 50,
'item3': 200
# Update item2 quantity

Inventory['item2'] += 10
# Check quantity of item2
Print("Quantity of item2:", inventory['item2'])

 Employee Database:
Use Case: Storing employee details.
Solution :
employees = {
'E001': {'name': 'Alice', 'position': 'Manager'},
'E002': {'name': 'Bob', 'position': 'Developer'},
'E003': {'name': 'Charlie', 'position': 'Designer'}
# Retrieve employee information for E002
employee_info = employees.get('E002', 'Employee not found')

 Language Translation:
Use Case: Mapping words in one language to another.
Solution :
translations = {
'hello': 'hola',
'goodbye': 'adiós',
'thank you': 'gracias'
# Translate a word
word = "hello"
translated_word = translations.get(word, word)

 Movie Ratings:
Use Case: Storing and retrieving movie ratings.
Solution :
movie_ratings = {
'MovieA': 4.5,

'MovieB': 3.8,
'MovieC': 4.2
# Retrieve rating for MovieB
movie_rating = movie_ratings.get('MovieB', 'Rating not found')

 Book Library :
Use Case: Managing a library of books.
Solution :
library = {
'Book1': {'title': 'The Great Gatsby', 'author': 'F. Scott Fitzgerald'},
'Book2': {'title': 'To Kill a Mockingbird', 'author': 'Harper Lee'},
'Book3': {'title': '1984', 'author': 'George Orwell'}
# Retrieve book information for Book2
book_info = library.get('Book2', 'Book not found')

 Weather Forecast:
Use Case: Storing and retrieving weather forecasts for cities.
Solution :
weather_forecast = {
'New York': 'Partly Cloudy',
'Los Angeles': 'Sunny',
'Chicago': 'Rainy'
# Retrieve weather forecast for Chicago
forecast = weather_forecast.get('Chicago', 'Forecast not found')

 Quiz Scores:
Use Case: Storing and retrieving quiz scores.
Solution :

quiz_scores = {
'Alice': [95, 88, 90],
'Bob': [75, 82, 93],
'Charlie': [88, 92, 96]
# Retrieve Alice's third quiz score
alice_score = quiz_scores.get('Alice', [])[2]

 Student Information:
Use Case: Storing and retrieving student details.
Solution :
students = {
'Student1': {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 20, 'major': 'Computer Science'},
'Student2': {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21, 'major': 'Mathematics'},
'Student3': {'name': 'Charlie', 'age': 19, 'major': 'Physics'}
# Retrieve information for Student2
student_info = students.get('Student2', 'Student not found')

 Account Balances:
Use Case: Storing and managing bank account balances.
Solution :
bank_accounts = {
'Account1': 5000.50,
'Account2': 2500.75,
'Account3': 10000.00
# Update balance for Account2
bank_accounts['Account2'] += 100.0
# Check balance for Account2
print("Balance for Account2:", bank_accounts['Account2'])

 Country Capitals:
Use Case: Storing and retrieving the capitals of countries.
Solution :
country_capitals = {
'USA': 'Washington, D.C.',
'France': 'Paris',
'Japan': 'Tokyo'
# Retrieve capital for France
capital = country_capitals.get('France', 'Capital not found')

 Music Library:
Use Case: Managing a library of music tracks.
Solution :
music_library = {
'Track1': {'title': 'Song A', 'artist': 'Artist X'},
'Track2': {'title': 'Song B', 'artist': 'Artist Y'},
'Track3': {'title': 'Song C', 'artist': 'Artist Z'}
# Retrieve information for Track3
track_info = music_library.get('Track3', 'Track not found')

 Product Reviews:
Use Case: Storing and retrieving product reviews.
Solution :
product_reviews = {
'Product1': ['Excellent product!', 'Good value for money.'],
'Product2': ['Not as described.'],
'Product3': ['Highly recommended!']
# Retrieve reviews for Product2
reviews = product_reviews.get('Product2', 'No reviews available')

 Dictionary of Dictionaries:
Use Case: Nested dictionaries for more complex data structures.
Solution :
data = {
'person1': {
'name': 'Alice',
'age': 25,
'address': {
'street': '123 Main St',
'city': 'New York'
'person2': {
'name': 'Bob',
'age': 30,
'address': {
'street': '456 Elm St',
'city': 'Los Angeles'
# Retrieve Alice's city
alice_city = data.get('person1', {}).get('address', {}).get('city', 'City not


Here are the some reimplementation of dictionary functions.

 d.update(other) - Updates the dictionary with key-value pairs from
another dictionary or iterable.
def custom_update(d, other):
for key, value in other.items():
d[key] = value

 d.fromkeys(keys, value=None) - Creates a new dictionary with the

specified keys and an optional default value.
def custom_fromkeys(keys, value=None):
new_dict = {}
for key in keys:
new_dict[key] = value
return new_dict

 d.popitem() - Removes and returns an arbitrary key-value pair as a tuple.

def custom_popitem(d):
if not d:
raise KeyError("popitem(): dictionary is empty")
key = next(iter(d))
value = d[key]
del d[key]
return (key , value)

 d.pop(key, default) - Removes and returns the value for a given key. If
the key is not found, it returns the default value.
def custom_pop(d, key, default=None):
if key in d:
del d[key]
return value

return default

 d.items() - Returns a view of all key-value pairs in the dictionary.

def custom_items(d):
return [(key, d[key]) for key in d]

 d.keys() - Returns a view of all keys in the dictionary.

def custom_keys(d):

return list(d)

 d.values() - Returns a view of all values in the dictionary.

def custom_values(d):

return [d[key] for key in d]

 d.setdefault(key, default) - Returns the value for a given key or sets a

default value if the key is not found.

def custom_setdefault(d, key, default=None):

if key not in d:

d[key] = default

 return d[key]d.clear() - Removes all key-value pairs from the


def custom_clear(d):

for key in list(d.keys()):

del d[key]
 len(d) - Returns the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary.

def custom_len(d):

count = 0

for key in d:

count += 1

return count

 key in d - Checks if a key is present in the dictionary. Returns True or False.

def custom_contains_key(d, key):

for k in d:

if k == key:

return True

return False

 d.get(key, default=None) - Returns the value for a given key or a

default value if the key is not found.

def custom_get(d, key, default=None):

return d[key] if key in d else default

 d.copy() - Returns a shallow copy of the dictionary.

def custom_copy(d):

new_dict = {}

for key, value in d.items():

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new_dict[key] = value

return new_dict

 d.fromkeys(keys, value=None) - Creates a new dictionary with the

specified keys and an optional default value.

def custom_fromkeys(keys, value=None):

new_dict = {}

for key in keys:

new_dict[key] = value

return new_dict

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Some common syntactical errors when working with dictionaries :

 Missing Colons: When defining key-value pairs, make sure to use colons
to separate keys and values.

my_dict = {'a' 1, 'b' 2} # Missing colons

 Misplaced Commas: Ensure you have commas between key-value pairs

and not other punctuation marks.

my_dict = {'a': 1 'b': 2} # Missing commas

 Using Square Brackets: Dictionary keys should be enclosed in curly

braces, not square brackets.

my_dict = ['a': 1, 'b': 2] # Incorrect use of square brackets

 Unmatched Quotes: Keys and string values should have matching quotes
(single or double).

my_dict = {"a': 1, 'b': 2} # Unmatched quotes for 'a'

 Extra Commas: Don't add an extra comma after the last key-value pair in
the dictionary.

my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, } # Extra comma at the end

 Using Reserved Words: Avoid using Python's reserved words as

dictionary keys.

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my_dict = {'class': 'Python'} # 'class' is a reserved word

 Accessing a Nonexistent Key: When accessing dictionary values,

ensure the key exists to avoid a KeyError.

my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

value = my_dict['c'] # Raises KeyError

To avoid this, use get() or check for key existence before accessing.

value = my_dict.get('c', 0) # Default to 0 if 'c' doesn't exist

 Mixing Data Types: Ensure that dictionary keys are of the same data
type (e.g., don't mix strings and integers).

my_dict = {'a': 1, 2: 'b'} # Mixing data types for keys

 Variable Names in Keys: Don't use variable names as dictionary keys

without quotes.

my_key = 'a'

my_dict = {my_key: 42} # Using variable name without quotes

 Not Using Dictionaries Correctly: Avoid trying to access values or

keys as if they were attributes of an object.

my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

value = my_dict.a # Raises AttributeError

To access dictionary values, use square brackets.

value = my_dict['a'] # Correct way to access 'a'

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 Accessing Keys with Attributes: Be cautious of accessing dictionary
keys using attributes (e.g., my_dict.key), which can lead to AttributeError.

my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

value = my_dict.a # Raises AttributeError

 Using Incompatible Data Types: Make sure you use compatible data
types for keys and values. For instance, avoid using lists as keys.

my_dict = {['a']: 1, 'b': 2} # Using a list as a key

 Misaligned Key-Value Pairs: Ensure that key-value pairs in the

dictionary are properly aligned.

my_dict = {'a': 1,

'b': 2} # Misaligned key-value pairs

 Indentation Errors: When defining dictionaries inside code blocks (e.g.,

functions or loops), ensure correct indentation.

def my_function():

my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} # Correct indentation

def my_function():

my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} # Incorrect indentation

 Using Reserved Characters in Keys: Avoid using reserved characters

like '@', '-', and '/' in keys without appropriate escaping.

my_dict = {'': 'user'} # Using '@' in a key

without escaping

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 Using Variables as Keys Without Quotes: Don't use variable names
as keys without enclosing them in quotes.

key = 'a'

my_dict = {key: 1} # Using variable 'key' without quotes

 Multiple Keys with the Same Name: Dictionary keys must be unique;
you can't have duplicate keys.

my_dict = {'a': 1, 'a': 2} # Duplicate key 'a'

 Nesting Dictionaries Incorrectly: When nesting dictionaries, ensure

that you use the correct syntax.

my_dict = {'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 2}, 'd': 3} # Correct nesting

my_dict = {'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 2}, 'd': 3 # Incorrect nesting

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