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Divine Contention Campaign

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Red = DM only, possibly needing a check to reveal


History Checks for location –

DC 12: Two hundred years ago, the wizard Thalivar made his home here and raised a tower at the town
center to conduct his mystical studies. The House of Thalivar was topped with a planar beacon that lured
creatures from other planes into the structure and trapped them there. After Thalivar mysteriously
disappeared, the people of Leilon were content to leave his tower and the monsters within alone.

DC 13: When Neverwinter took control in Leilon, their first concern was to destroy the planar beacon
inside the House of Thalivar. The mage Gallio Elibro has now rebuilt the beacon and begun his own
studies into the Ethereal Plane.

The tower and the planar beacon are great for use in further adventures or having random attacks begin
to start to occur.

Threats to Leilon - Orcs, trolls, bugbears, bandits, and pirates.

Planar threats to Leilon – Mephits (Magma, Steam, Mud, Dust, Ice, Smoke), lemure, manes, dretch,
pixie, sprite, star spawn grue, gazer, magmin, nupperibo,

Encounter on the road -

Starting adventure: A Most Potent Brew, this adventure will allow the group to discover the town a bit.
The Wizard’s tower brewery is named after the tower the House of Thalivar. The owner of the brewery
is a fairly young gnome who sports an impressive beard, as well as a white shirt and tight black trousers
held up with green suspenders. This is the owner of the brewery named Glowkindle.

Description of Leilon:

Leilon sits on the edge of a shallow mudflat that extends to the Sea of Swords[2][9] with the crags of
the Sword Mountains looming over the town.[4] The town is a mixture of scattered ruins with freshly
built wooden and stone structures. It’s clear that at some point misfortune had fallen upon the town but
has begun the rebuilding process with new simple wooden constructions. As you walk into the town you
find it to be a mix of gnomes (gnomes traders are from Ieirithymbul, ruled by the gold dragon
Palarandusk), dwarves and humans. Despite whatever may have occurred the current occupants of the
town seem happy and many offer you an easy smile as you pass by. As you approach the town square
you find yourselves in a sea of dwarves, gnomes and humans scurrying about, the square is alive with
trade and gossip abounding all around. As a cool breeze coming from the nearby sea offers relief from
the noon day sun, you catch the strong scent of fish as you see a wheelbarrow full being pushed past
you. A stall with a walnut skinned gold dwarf woman with gold woven into her hair and a ring on every
finger stands on a box barking out bids for mined and refined materials. Your feet glide over the smooth
perfectly placed flagstones, and every dozen steps you see the symbol of star, a fish, and mountain peak
(DC 13 History reveals this is the symbol of the a lost clan of dwarves, DC 15 reveals the name of the
Haunghdannar clan). The ruins of their home lie to the east, a former hall of seafaring dwarves and
silver mine named Southkrypt. Others yet haggle over the price of what seems to be various fish
products, such as oils, perfumes and bone jewelry. The wind whips up again as you pass a well-equipped
mounted soldier in chainmail with a lance and shield emblazoned with the symbol of a magical tower
with a white crown over the top on a checkered pattern of yellow and red. As you make your way
deeper into the town, you notice a fleet of a dozen barges with various fisherman filtering in the day’s
catch using rickety cranes near a large warehouse like building. A job board sits outside under a sign
with the symbol of a fish carved into it. There are several help wanted offerings, one request appears to
be help in finding Mr. Oberline’s cat, another notice asks for help to dig a well for the Doobies family
farm, but the only one that may offer any real coin is a posting for the Wizard’s Tower Brewery Co. The
posting states that it is in dire need of help from a band of reliable, affordable adventurers. The owner is
calling in favors from friendly innkeepers all over town to spread the word.

Riddle handout

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