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Topic 1.

Part 1: (5 points)
1. What kind of accommodation do you live in?
2. What are the advantages/disadvantages of living in a dormitory?
3. What are the advantages/disadvantages of living with a host family?
4. Do you prefer living alone or with someone? Why?

Part 2. (5 points) At least 2 minutes

Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in

You should say:

What kind of accommodation it would be
Where it would be
Who you would like to live with
And explain why you would like to live there
Topic 2. Shopping
Part 1: ( 5 points)
1. What kinds of shops do you go to most often?
2. Do you prefer shopping in a supermarket or a local market? Why?
3. Do you prefer shopping online or in a store? Why?
4. If you are not satisfied with something you bought, what do you do with it?
5. What was the last thing you made a complaint with the seller?

Part 2. (5 points) At least 2 minutes

Describe a thing you bought recently

You should say

What you bought
When you bought it
Where you bought it
And explain how you felt about it
Topic 3: Leisure activities
Part 1: ( 5 points)
1. What are your favourite pastimes?
2. What are the benefits of having a hobby?
3. Do you play any sports? If yes, what is it and why do you take it up? If no, why not?
4. What are the benefits of doing a sport?

Part 2. (5 points) At least 2 minutes

Describe a new hobby you would like to take up

You should say:

What it would be
How you would start it
Why you haven’t started it yet
And explain why you would like to take it up
Topic 4 : Advertising
Part 1: ( 5 points)
1. What kinds of advertisements do you know?
2. Do you like TV commercials? Why (not)?
3. What do you think are the criteria of a good advertisement?
4. When was the last time you bought a product because of its advertisement?
5. Why do you think advertising is important to business?

Part 2. (5 points) At least 2 minutes

Describe an advertisement which you found very persuasive

You should say:

When and where you saw it
What was advertised
What the contents of the advertisements were
And explain how you felt about it
Topic 5. Study skills
Part 1: ( 5 points)
1. What are the differences between studying in high school and at university?
2. Do you prefer to be evaluated by coursework or by exams?
3. What are the challenges you have encountered at university?
4. What do you think is the most important skill you have learned at university?

Part 2. (5 points) At least 2 minutes

Describe the time when you lacked one of important study skills

You should say:

What it was
When it was
Where it was
And explain why you lacked that skill and how to improve it
Topic 6. Transport
Part 1: ( 5 points)
1. What is your favourite means of transportation?
2. When was the last time you were fined by a traffic warden? What happened?
3. What do you think are the main reasons for chaotic traffic in Vietnam?
4. How can you get a driving license in Vietnam?

Part 2. (5 points) At least 2 minutes

Describe the time when you used a means of public transportation

You should say:

What it was
When it was
Where it was
And explain how you felt about that
Topic 7. Food
Part 1: ( 5 points)
1. What is your favourite / least favourite food? Why?
2. In your opinion, what is a healthy diet? Is it easy or difficult to keep a healthy
3. Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? Why?
4. Why do you think people get overweight?

Part 2. (5 points) At least 2 minutes

Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed eating there

You should say:

What it was
Where it was
Who you ate with
And explain why you enjoyed eating there
Topic 8. Jobs
Part 1: ( 5 points)
1. What types of jobs do students usually do?
2. Do you think students should do part-time jobs? Why (not)?
3. What are the challenges a student may encounter in a part-time job?
4. When you look for a part-time job, the wages or work experience are more
important to you?

Part 2. (5 points) At least 2 minutes

Describe your dream job

You should say:

What it would be
What skills and qualifications are needed
How you would do to make your dream come true
And explain why you would like to do this job
Topic 9. Travelling
Part 1: ( 5 points)
1. Where is the farthest place you have traveled to? How did you get there?
2. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go? Why?
3. What do you usually do or want to do when you visit a new place?
4. What are possible problems you might encounter when you are travelling?
5. What do you bring with you when you travel?

Part 2. (5 points) At least 2 minutes

Describe your dream destination

You should say:

Where it would be
Who you would travel with
How you would do to make your dream come true
And explain why you would like to travel to this place
Topic 1. Accommodation
Part 1: (5 points)
1. What kind of accommodation do you live in?
- I live in a small apartment near my university. It has two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a
bathroom. I share it with my best friend who is also my roommate.
2. What are the advantages/disadvantages of living in a dormitory?
- Some advantages of living in a dormitory are:
* It is convenient to go to classes
* It is cheaper than renting an apartment or a house.
* It is easy to make friends and join social activities with other students.
- Some disadvantages of living in a dormitory are:
* It can be noisy and crowded at times.
* It can lack privacy and personal space.
* It can have strict rules and regulations to follow.

3. What are the advantages/disadvantages of living with a host family?

- Some advantages of living with a host family are:
*Cheaper rental price
*Clean and comfortable accommodation
- Some disadvantages of living with a host family are:
* rules of living are limited and go home on time
* It can be awkward to deal with conflicts or misunderstandings that may arise.

4. Do you prefer living alone or with someone? Why?

- I prefer living alone because I value my independence and freedom. I like to have my own space
and do things at my own pace. I don't have to worry about disturbing or being disturbed by
anyone else.
- I prefer living with someone because I like to have someone to talk to and share experiences
with. I don't feel lonely or bored when I have someone around.

I would like to live in a spacious and modern apartment in the city center. I think it would be a
great place to live because it would have many advantages and features.

Firstly, I would like to live in an apartment because it is more convenient and comfortable than
a house. I would not have to worry about maintenance, security, or gardening. I would also
have access to facilities such as a gym, a pool, and a parking lot. Furthermore, I think living in
an apartment would suit my lifestyle and preferences.
Secondly, I would like to live in the city center because it is close to everything. I would be
able to walk or take public transportation to my work, school, or entertainment venues. I
would also enjoy the vibrant and diverse atmosphere of the city, with its many restaurants,
shops, and cultural events. Likewise, I think living in the city center would make my life more
exciting and convenient.

Thirdly, I would like to live with my best friend because we get along very well and have similar
interests. We would share the rent and the chores, and we would also have fun together. We
would watch movies, play games, cook meals, and go out on weekends. I think living with my
best friend would make me happy and relaxed.

Therefore, I would like to live in a spacious and modern apartment in the city center with my
best friend. It would be my ideal accommodation because it would match my needs and
desires. It would be a place where I could feel comfortable, satisfied, and fulfilled.


Topic 2
1. I go to different kinds of shops depending on what I need to buy. For example, I go to
bookstores when I want to buy books, stationery shops when I need pens or notebooks, and
clothing stores when I want to buy new clothes. I also go to convenience stores when I need to
buy some snacks or drinks.
2. I prefer shopping in a supermarket rather than a local market because it is more convenient and
comfortable. Supermarkets usually have a variety of products, good quality, reasonable prices,
and air conditioning. Local markets are often crowded, noisy, hot, and sometimes dirty. I also
don't like bargaining with the sellers in local markets.
3. I prefer shopping online rather than in a store because it is more convenient and cheaper.
Shopping online saves me time and energy because I don't have to go out and travel to the store. I
can also compare prices and reviews of different products online and choose the best one for me.
Shopping online also offers me more discounts and promotions than shopping in a store.
4. If I am not satisfied with something I bought, I usually try to return it or exchange it for another
product. If the seller does not accept returns or exchanges, I will ask for a refund or a
compensation. If the seller refuses to do so, I will complain to the customer service or the
consumer protection agency.
5. The last thing I made a complaint with the seller was a pair of shoes that I bought online. The
shoes were too small for me and they looked different from the picture on the website. I contacted
the seller and asked for an exchange, but he said that he did not have any other sizes or colors
available. He also said that he would not refund me because the shoes were not defective. I was
very angry and I wrote a negative review on his website and reported him to the online platform.
One thing that I bought recently was a wireless keyboard for my laptop. I bought it last week
from an online store that sells electronic gadgets and accessories. I bought it because I
wanted to have a more comfortable and ergonomic typing experience, especially when I work
from home or travel.

I felt very happy and satisfied with my purchase because the wireless keyboard was very easy
to use and connect with my laptop. It also had a sleek design, a long battery life, and a soft
touch. The keyboard improved my productivity and reduced my wrist strain. It also came with
a warranty and a good customer service.

The wireless keyboard was not very expensive, but it was worth every penny. It was one of the
best things that I bought recently and I would recommend it to anyone who needs a portable
and convenient keyboard for their laptop.


Topic 3
I can help you with writing an answer for Topic 3: Leisure activities. Here is a possible answer:

Part 1: (5 points)

1. My favourite pastimes are reading books, listening to music, and playing video games. I enjoy
reading books because they enrich my knowledge, imagination, and vocabulary. I like listening to
music because it relaxes me and lifts my mood. I love playing video games because they are fun,
challenging, and interactive.
2. Having a hobby has many benefits for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. A hobby
can help us reduce stress, improve our mood, enhance our creativity, learn new skills, make new
friends, and have fun. A hobby can also give us a sense of purpose, achievement, and
3. Yes, I play badminton as a sport. I took it up when I was in high school because my friends
invited me to join the badminton club. I liked it because it was a fast-paced, exciting, and
competitive sport that required agility, coordination, and strategy. I also enjoyed playing with my
friends and meeting new people who shared the same interest.
4. Doing a sport has many benefits for our health and fitness. A sport can help us burn calories,
strengthen our muscles, improve our cardiovascular system, boost our immune system, and
prevent various diseases. A sport can also help us develop our confidence, discipline, teamwork,
and leadership skills.
A new hobby that I would like to take up is photography. Photography is the art of capturing
moments, emotions, and beauty with a camera. I think photography is a fascinating and
creative hobby that can express one's personality and perspective.

I would start photography by buying a good camera and some accessories, such as a tripod, a
lens, and a memory card. I would also learn some basic skills and techniques of photography,
such as how to adjust the focus, the aperture, the shutter speed, and the ISO. I would also
look for some inspiration and tips from other photographers online or in magazines.

I haven't started photography yet because I don't have enough time and money to invest in it.
Photography can be an expensive hobby that requires a lot of equipment and maintenance. It
also takes a lot of practice and patience to master it. I have other priorities and
responsibilities that prevent me from pursuing photography at the moment.

I would like to take up photography because I think it would be a rewarding and enjoyable
hobby. Photography would allow me to capture and preserve the memories of my life, my
family, and my friends. It would also enable me to explore and appreciate the beauty of nature,
culture, and art. Photography would also challenge me to improve my skills and creativity and
to express myself in a unique way.


Topic 4:
1. There are many kinds of advertisements that I know, such as print ads, TV commercials, radio
ads, online ads, billboards, flyers, posters, banners, and so on. Each kind of advertisement has its
own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the target audience, the budget, the message,
and the medium.
2. I don't really like TV commercials because they are often annoying, repetitive, and intrusive.
They interrupt the programs that I want to watch and sometimes they are too long or too loud.
They also try to persuade me to buy things that I don't need or want. I usually change the channel
or mute the sound when TV commercials come on.
3. I think the criteria of a good advertisement are that it should be clear, catchy, creative, and
convincing. A good advertisement should be able to communicate the main idea and the benefits
of the product or service in a simple and memorable way. It should also be able to attract the
attention and interest of the potential customers and make them want to try or buy it. A good
advertisement should also be honest and ethical and not make false or misleading claims.
4. The last time I bought a product because of its advertisement was a pair of headphones that I
saw online. The advertisement showed how the headphones had a high-quality sound, a noise-
canceling feature, a long battery life, and a stylish design. It also had some positive reviews and
testimonials from other customers who had bought it. I was impressed by the advertisement and
decided to order it online.
5. I think advertising is important to business because it helps to promote and sell their products
or services to the customers. Advertising can help to increase the awareness and recognition of
the brand and create a positive image and reputation for the business. Advertising can also help
to inform and educate the customers about the features and benefits of the products or services
and persuade them to choose them over the competitors. Advertising can also help to build
customer loyalty and retention and generate more revenue and profit for the business.

An advertisement that I found very persuasive was a TV commercial for a new smartphone
that I saw last month. The smartphone was from a well-known brand and it had many
advanced features and functions. The advertisement showed how the smartphone could make
life easier, more enjoyable, and more connected for the users.

The contents of the advertisement were very appealing and convincing. It had a catchy
slogan, a catchy song, and a catchy voice-over. It also had some celebrities and influencers
who endorsed the product and shared their positive experiences with it. It also had some
testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers who praised the product and its benefits.
The advertisement also showed some comparisons and contrasts with other smartphones and
highlighted the advantages and superiority of the product.

I felt very impressed and tempted by the advertisement. It made me want to buy the
smartphone and try it for myself. It also made me curious and interested in learning more
about the product and its features. It also made me trust and admire the brand and its
reputation. The advertisement was very effective and persuasive in influencing my attitude
and behavior towards the product.


Topic 5:
1. There are many differences between studying in high school and at university. Some of the main
differences are:
- The level of difficulty and complexity of the subjects is higher at university than at high
- The amount of independence and responsibility is greater at university than at high school.
Students have to manage their own time, study plan, and assignments without much guidance or
supervision from teachers.
- The diversity and flexibility of the courses and majors is wider at university than at high
school. Students can choose from a variety of subjects and disciplines that suit their interests and
2. I prefer to be evaluated by coursework rather than by exams because I think coursework is
more fair and comprehensive. Coursework can assess the students' knowledge, skills, and
abilities throughout the semester, not just in a single test. Coursework can also allow the students
to demonstrate their creativity, originality, and critical thinking in different formats, such as
essays, projects, presentations, and portfolios.
3. Some of the challenges I have encountered at university are:
- The academic workload and pressure is high and demanding. I have to study a lot of
materials, do a lot of assignments, and prepare for a lot of exams in a short period of time.
- The social and cultural adjustment is difficult and stressful. I have to adapt to a new
environment, meet new people, and deal with different expectations and norms.
- The financial and personal management is challenging and complicated. I have to budget my
money, find a suitable accommodation, and balance my studies, work, and leisure activities.
4. I think the most important skill I have learned at university is self-discipline. Self-discipline is
the ability to control one's actions, emotions, and impulses in order to achieve one's goals. Self-
discipline helps me to stay focused, motivated, and organized in my studies. It also helps me to
overcome procrastination, distraction, and temptation in my life. Self-discipline is essential for
success not only at university but also in the future.

One time when I lacked one of important study skills was when I had to write a research paper
for my sociology class. It was in the second semester of my first year at university. It was in
the library where I usually studied.
The skill that I lacked was time management. Time management is the ability to plan and
organize one’s tasks and activities in order to complete them efficiently and effectively. Time
management helps to avoid procrastination, stress, and poor quality of work.
I lacked time management because I did not start working on my research paper until the last
minute. I underestimated the amount of time and effort that it would take to do the research,
write the outline, draft the paper, revise it, and edit it. I also got distracted by other things,
such as social media, games, and friends. As a result, I had to rush my work and submit it
without checking it properly.
To improve my time management skill, I learned some strategies and tips from online sources
and books . Some of them are:
● Set SMART goals: SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and
Time-bound. SMART goals help to define what one wants to accomplish, how to
measure the progress, and when to complete it.
● Make a schedule: A schedule is a plan that shows what one has to do and when to do it.
A schedule helps to allocate time for different tasks and activities, prioritize them, and
stick to them.
● Use a timer: A timer is a device that counts down the time for a specific task or activity.
A timer helps to focus on the task at hand, avoid distractions, and work more efficiently.
● Break down large tasks into smaller ones: Breaking down large tasks into smaller ones
helps to make them more manageable and less overwhelming. It also helps to track the
progress and celebrate the achievements.
● Reward oneself: Rewarding oneself is giving oneself something positive or enjoyable
after completing a task or activity. Rewarding oneself helps to motivate oneself,
reinforce good habits, and reduce stress.
By applying these strategies and tips, I hope to improve my time management skill and avoid
the situation that I faced before. Time management is an important study skill that can help
me succeed not only in my academic life but also in my personal and professional life.


Topic 6:
1. My favourite means of transportation is the bicycle. I like riding a bicycle because it is eco-
friendly, healthy, and fun. It does not emit any harmful gases, it helps me exercise my body, and it
gives me a sense of freedom and adventure. I also like that I can avoid traffic jams and parking
problems with a bicycle.
2. The last time I was fined by a traffic warden was two months ago. I was driving my motorbike on
the wrong side of the road because I wanted to save some time and distance. I did not notice that
there was a traffic warden nearby who saw me and stopped me. He asked me for my driving
license and registration papers and then gave me a ticket for violating the traffic rules. I had to
pay a fine of 500,000 VND (about 22 USD) and I felt very embarrassed and regretful.
3. I think the main reasons for chaotic traffic in Vietnam are:
- The high population density and the rapid urbanization. There are too many people and
vehicles in the cities, especially in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, which exceed the capacity of the
roads and infrastructure.
- The low awareness and compliance of the traffic laws and regulations. Many drivers and riders
do not follow the traffic signs, signals, lanes, or speed limits. They also do not wear helmets, seat
belts, or use turn signals. They often overtake, honk, or run red lights.
- The poor planning and management of the transportation system. There is a lack of public
transportation options, such as buses, subways, or trains, that are convenient, affordable, and
reliable. There is also a lack of parking spaces, bike lanes, pedestrian crossings, or flyovers that
can reduce congestion and accidents.
4. To get a driving license in Vietnam, one has to follow these steps:
- Take a medical examination to prove that one is physically fit to drive.
- Register for a driving course at an authorized driving school or center.
- Complete the theoretical and practical lessons and pass the tests.
- Apply for the driving license at the Department of Transport with the required documents,
such as ID card, passport photo, medical certificate, driving course certificate, and application
- Pay the fee and receive the driving license.

One time when I used a means of public transportation was when I traveled from Hanoi to
Sapa by train. It was two years ago, when I had a vacation with my friends. We wanted to visit
Sapa, which is a beautiful mountainous town in the north of Vietnam.

We took the train from the Hanoi Railway Station to the Lao Cai Railway Station, which was the
nearest one to Sapa. It took us about 8 hours to get there, and we paid about 300,000 VND
(about 13 USD) for the ticket. The train was quite old, but it had comfortable seats, beds, and
toilets. It also had a dining car, where we could buy some food and drinks.

I felt very excited and curious with the train journey. It was my first time taking a long-
distance train in Vietnam. It gave me a chance to see different landscapes and regions of the
country, such as the Red River Delta, the midland, and the northwest. It also gave me a chance
to meet and talk with other passengers, who came from different backgrounds and cultures. I
think the train is one of the most interesting and enjoyable means of public transportation in


Topic 7
1. My favourite food is pizza. I like pizza because it is delicious, versatile, and easy to eat. I can
choose different toppings, sauces, and cheeses to suit my taste and mood. I can also eat pizza
with my hands or a fork and knife, depending on the occasion. My least favourite food is durian. I
don't like durian because it has a strong and unpleasant smell, a spiky and hard shell, and a
mushy and slimy texture. I also think that durian tastes bitter and sour, which I don't enjoy.
2. In my opinion, a healthy diet is a balanced diet that provides the right amount and variety of
nutrients for the body. A healthy diet should include fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy
products, as well as water and other fluids. A healthy diet should also limit the intake of salt,
sugar, fat, and alcohol. It is not easy to keep a healthy diet because there are many temptations
and challenges in the modern world, such as fast food, junk food, processed food, and social
pressure. However, it is not impossible to keep a healthy diet if one has the motivation,
knowledge, and discipline to do so.
3. I prefer eating at home rather than eating out because it is cheaper, healthier, and more
comfortable. Eating at home can save me money because I can buy ingredients in bulk and cook
them myself. Eating at home can also be healthier because I can control the quality, quantity, and
preparation of the food. Eating at home can also be more comfortable because I can eat in a
familiar and cozy environment, without having to worry about the service, the noise, or the
hygiene of the restaurant.
4. I think people get overweight for various reasons, such as:
- Genetic factors: Some people have inherited genes that make them more prone to gain weight
or have a slower metabolism than others.
- Environmental factors: Some people live in places where there is a lack of access to healthy
food options, physical activity opportunities, or health care services.
- Behavioral factors: Some people have unhealthy habits or lifestyles that contribute to their
weight gain, such as overeating, binge eating, emotional eating, skipping meals, snacking,
drinking sugary drinks or alcohol, or being sedentary.
- Psychological factors: Some people have mental or emotional issues that affect their weight
management, such as stress, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, or body image dissatisfaction.

One restaurant that I enjoyed eating there was a Vietnamese restaurant called Pho Saigon. It
was located in the downtown area of my city, near a shopping mall and a cinema. I ate there
with my family last weekend, when we decided to have a lunch together.

I enjoyed eating there because the food was delicious, fresh, and authentic. The restaurant
specialized in pho, which is a traditional Vietnamese noodle soup with beef or chicken, herbs,
and spices. The pho was served hot and fragrant, and it had a rich and savory broth. I also
liked the spring rolls, which were crispy and filled with vegetables and meat. The restaurant
also offered some other dishes, such as rice, noodles, salads, and desserts.

The restaurant also had a nice atmosphere, service, and price. The restaurant was decorated
with Vietnamese paintings, lanterns, and plants. It had a cozy and relaxing vibe. The staff
were friendly and helpful. They took our orders quickly and brought our food promptly. They
also gave us some complimentary tea and fortune cookies. The price was reasonable and
affordable. We paid about 15 USD per person, which included the food, drinks, and tips.

I had a great time eating at Pho Saigon with my family. It was a memorable and enjoyable
experience. I would recommend it to anyone who likes Vietnamese food or wants to try
something new.

Topic 8
1. Students usually do various types of jobs, depending on their skills, interests, and availability.
Some common jobs that students do are:
- Tutoring: Students can teach other students or children in subjects that they are good at,
such as math, English, or science. Tutoring can help students improve their knowledge,
communication, and teaching skills.
- Babysitting: Students can take care of children or pets for busy parents or owners. Babysitting
can help students develop their responsibility, patience, and empathy skills.
- Waitressing: Students can work in restaurants, cafes, or bars as waiters or waitresses.
Waitressing can help students earn tips, learn customer service, and practice teamwork skills.
- Delivery: Students can work as delivery drivers or riders for online platforms, such as Uber
Eats, Grab, or Foodpanda. Delivery can help students make money, use their own vehicles, and
explore different places.
2. I think students should do part-time jobs if they want to and if they can balance them with their
studies. Part-time jobs can have many benefits for students, such as:
- Earning money: Part-time jobs can help students earn some extra income that they can use
for their expenses, savings, or investments.
- Gaining experience: Part-time jobs can help students gain valuable work experience that they
can put on their resumes or portfolios. They can also learn new skills and knowledge that are
relevant to their future careers or interests.
- Building networks: Part-time jobs can help students build connections and relationships with
other people, such as employers, coworkers, customers, or mentors. They can also get references
or recommendations from them for their future opportunities.
3. Some challenges that a student may encounter in a part-time job are:
- Time management: A student may find it difficult to manage their time between their part-
time job and their studies. They may have to sacrifice their sleep, leisure, or social activities to
meet their deadlines and commitments.
- Stress management: A student may experience stress from their part-time job and their
studies. They may have to deal with pressure, expectations, conflicts, or problems in both
- Quality management: A student may struggle to maintain the quality of their work in their
part-time job and their studies. They may have to compromise their standards, performance, or
results in one or both areas.
4. When I look for a part-time job, I think both the wages and the work experience are important to
me. However, if I have to choose one over the other, I would prefer the work experience. I think the
work experience is more valuable and beneficial for me in the long run because it can help me
improve my skills, knowledge, and confidence. It can also help me discover my strengths,
weaknesses, interests, and goals. It can also help me prepare for my future career and
opportunities. The wages are also important but they are not the main reason why I look for a
part-time job. I think the wages are more of a bonus or a reward for my work rather than a
motivation or a necessity.

My dream job would be an influencer. An influencer is someone who has a large and loyal
online following and can influence their opinions, behaviors, or purchases. An influencer can
create and share content on various platforms, such as blogs, podcasts, videos, or social

To be an influencer, one needs to have some skills and qualifications, such as:
- Creativity: An influencer needs to have the ability to produce original, engaging, and relevant
content that can attract and retain the audience's attention and interest.
- Communication: An influencer needs to have the ability to communicate effectively and
persuasively with the audience and the brands. An influencer also needs to have good
language skills, both written and spoken, in the chosen niche or market.
- Marketing: An influencer needs to have the knowledge and skills of marketing strategies and
techniques, such as branding, SEO, analytics, or monetization. An influencer also needs to
have a clear vision and goal for their personal brand and business.
- Networking: An influencer needs to have the ability and willingness to build and maintain
relationships with other influencers, brands, agencies, or media outlets. An influencer also
needs to have a positive and professional reputation and image in the industry.

To make my dream come true, I would do the following steps:

- Find my niche: I would choose a topic or a field that I am passionate about and
knowledgeable about, such as travel, fashion, or fitness. I would also research the market
demand, the competition, and the audience preferences for my niche.
- Choose my platform: I would select one or more platforms that suit my niche and my content
style, such as YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok. I would also create a consistent and attractive
profile and portfolio for my platform.
- Create my content: I would plan, produce, and publish high-quality and valuable content for
my platform on a regular basis. I would also use various tools and techniques to optimize my
content for SEO, engagement, and growth.
- Grow my audience: I would promote my content and my platform through various channels,
such as social media, email marketing, or collaborations. I would also interact with my
audience and other influencers through comments, messages, or live streams.
- Monetize my influence: I would seek and secure partnerships or sponsorships with brands or
agencies that align with my niche and my values. I would also create and sell my own products
or services that can benefit my audience.

I would like to do this job because it would be fun, rewarding, and fulfilling. It would allow me
to express myself creatively and authentically. It would also allow me to earn money while
doing what I love. It would also allow me to make a positive impact on others by inspiring
them, educating them, or entertaining them.

Topic 9
1. The farthest place I have traveled to was Australia. I got there by taking a flight from Vietnam,
which took about 8 hours. I visited Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane and enjoyed the sights, the
culture, and the wildlife of the country.
2. If I could visit any country in the world, I would go to Japan. I have always been fascinated by
Japan's history, culture, and technology. I would like to see the temples, the castles, and the
gardens of Japan. I would also like to experience the modern and futuristic aspects of Japan, such
as the bullet trains, the robots, and the anime.
3. When I visit a new place, I usually do or want to do the following things:
- Explore the landmarks and attractions of the place, such as museums, monuments, or natural
wonders. I like to learn about the history, the art, and the culture of the place.
- Try the local food and drinks of the place, such as street food, specialties, or delicacies. I like
to taste the flavors and the diversity of the place.
- Meet and interact with the local people of the place, such as guides, shopkeepers, or
strangers. I like to hear their stories and their perspectives of the place.
4. Some possible problems that I might encounter when I am travelling are:
- Language barrier: I might have difficulty communicating with the people in the place if they do
not speak or understand my language or English. I might need to use a translator app or a
dictionary to help me.
- Culture shock: I might feel confused or uncomfortable with some aspects of the culture in the
place, such as customs, norms, or values. I might need to do some research or ask some
questions to understand them better.
- Travel scams: I might be tricked or cheated by some people in the place who want to take
advantage of me as a tourist. They might charge me more than the normal price, sell me fake or
low-quality products, or offer me unsafe or illegal services. I might need to be careful and vigilant
when dealing with them.
5. What I bring with me when I travel depends on where I go, how long I stay, and what I do.
However, some essential items that I always bring with me are:
- Passport and visa: These are important documents that prove my identity and allow me to
enter and exit the country legally.
- Money and cards: These are necessary means of payment that enable me to buy things and
services in the country. I usually bring some cash in local currency and some credit or debit cards
for backup.
- Phone and charger: These are useful devices that help me communicate with others, access
information, take photos, or entertain myself in the country. I also bring a universal adapter that
can fit different sockets in different countries.
- Clothes and toiletries: These are basic items that help me maintain my hygiene and comfort in
the country. I bring clothes that are suitable for the weather and the occasion in the country. I also
bring toiletries that are personal and essential for me, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo,
or soap.

My dream destination would be New Zealand. New Zealand is a country in the South Pacific
Ocean that consists of two main islands and several smaller ones. It is known for its stunning
natural beauty, diverse culture, and adventure activities.

I would travel with my best friend, who shares my passion for travelling and exploring new
places. We have been friends since childhood and we have always dreamed of visiting New
Zealand together. We would support each other, have fun, and create unforgettable

To make my dream come true, I would do the following things:

- Save money: I would save money from my part-time job, my allowance, or my gifts. I would
also cut down on unnecessary expenses, such as eating out, shopping, or entertainment. I
would set a budget and a goal for my trip and track my progress.
- Plan ahead: I would plan ahead for my trip by doing some research and booking some
arrangements. I would look for information about the best time to visit, the visa requirements,
the flight options, the accommodation choices, and the attractions and activities in New
Zealand. I would also book some tickets, reservations, or tours in advance to secure my spot
and get some discounts.
- Pack smart: I would pack smart for my trip by bringing only the essential items that I need. I
would check the weather forecast, the luggage allowance, and the customs regulations before
packing. I would also bring some travel accessories, such as a camera, a charger, a map, or a

I would like to travel to this place because it would be an amazing and rewarding experience. It
would allow me to see and appreciate the beauty and diversity of nature, such as the
mountains, the lakes, the glaciers, the forests, and the wildlife. It would also allow me to learn
and experience the culture and history of New Zealand, such as the Maori people, the
Hobbiton movie set, or the All Blacks rugby team. It would also allow me to challenge myself
and have fun with some adventure activities, such as bungee jumping, skydiving, or rafting.

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