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Math 31A: Differential and Integral Calculus Name: Put Your Name In This Space!

Homework 6
Due Friday, November 10 at 8pm PT

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(You don’t need to submit this page if there’s no work on it.)

• No credit will be given for answers without accompanying work unless otherwise specified,
although you are welcome to use computers to check your homework answers.

• I encourage you to use the Piazza forum to ask questions if you are stuck on part of a prob-
lem! When you post to Piazza, explain what you’ve tried and why it hasn’t been working.

• Problems marked with * are to be submitted for grading. All other problems are not
to be submitted but you are still encouraged to solve them for practice.

1. * 7∗5

Find the respective linear functions approximating f below for the choice of a = 3.
Answers will be graded on a correct/incorrect basis only, in particular, no work needs to be

(a) −
f (x) = x2
(b) −
f (x) = x4
(c) −
f (x) = 1

(d) −
f (x) = x2 + 7
(e) −
f (x) = sin(1 − x3 )
(f) −
f (x) = tan πx

2. Find the linearisation at x = a and use it to approximate f (b).

(a) f (x) = x4 , a = 1, b = 0.96

(b) f (x) = x1 , a = 2, b = 2.02
(c) f (x) = sin2 x, a = π4 , b= 1.1π
(d) f (x) = x−3
, a = 4, b = 4.1
(e) f (x) = (1 + x)− 2 , a = 0, b = 0.08
− 21
(f) f (x) = (1 + x) , a = 3, b = 3.08

3. Box office revenue at a cinema in Paris is modelled by R(p) = 3600p−10p3 euros per show-
ing where p represents the ticket price. Calculate R(9) and use the Linear Approximation
to estimate R(9.5) and R(8.5).
√ √ √ √
4. Which is larger: 4.1 − 4 or 9.1 − 9? Explain using the Linear Approximation.

5. In this question, we consider f (x) = x1 .

(a) What are f (1) and f (1.1) (in fractions)?
(b) Find the equation of the line that approximates f near x = 1 which shall be denote
L1 (x). Similarly, find the equation of the line that approximates f near x = 1.1 which
shall be denoted L1.1 (x).
(c) Evaluate L1 (1.1) and L1.1 (1). How close are these values to f (1.1) and f (1), respec-
6. The atmospheric pressure P at altitude h = 20km is P = 5.5kP a. Estimate P at altitude
h = 20.5km assuming that
= −0.87.
Estimate ∆P at h = 20 when ∆h = 0.5.
7. Find all the critical points of the following functions.
(a) f (x) = x2 − 2x + 4
(b) f (x) = 7x − 2
(c) f (t) = t−1 − t−2
(d) f (x) = x + |2x + 1|
(e) g(θ) = sin2 θ
(f) R(θ) = cos θ + sin2 θ
tan(x2 )
(g) f (x) = x2 +1

8. * −
Consider f (x) = 2x2 − 8x + 7.
(a) −
Find the critical point c of f and compute f (c).
(b) −
Find the extreme values of f on [0, 5].
(c) −
Find the extreme values of f on [−4, 1].
Some of the following optional problems require the use of a calculator.
9. A model for Starbucks’ revenue R as a function of p, the average unit price of its products
is given by
3 3
R(p) = 10p3 − 500p 2 + , p ∈ [3, 20].
(a) Find the critical points of R that are located in [4, 16].
(b) Find the extreme values of R in [3, 20]. You should also indicate whether these values
are maximum or minimum and to which p values they correspond to.
10. The concentration C(t) (in milligrams per cubic centimetres) of a drug in a patient’s blood-
stream after t hours is
C(t) = 2 .
t + 4t + 4
Find the maximum concentration in the time interval [0, 8] and the time at which it occurs.

11. The response of a circuit to an input of frequency ω is described by the function
φ(ω) = p 2 .
(ω0 − ω )2 + 4D2 ω 2

Here, ω0 > 0 is the natural frequency of the system and D > 0 is the damping factor.
The graph of φ is called a resonance curve. The frequency ωr > 0 is called the resonant
frequency and, if it exists, it is where φ takes its maximum value.
(a) Find the critical points of φ. Leave your answer in terms of ω0 and D.
(b) Show that, if 0 < D < ω0

, then
ωr = ω02 − 2D2 .

(c) Consider the following function

ψ(ω) = (ω02 − ω 2 )2 + 4D2 ω 2 .

If 0 < D < √ ω0
, find the point ω̃r such that ψ takes its minimum value. How do ω̃r
and ωr relate to each other? Which was easier for you to calculate?
12. Consider the function f (x) = sin x.
(a) What are the critical points of the function f 0 (x)?
(b) Using the Mean Value Theorem, show that for any x > 0, there is some ξ ∈ (0, x)
such that
sin(x) = cos(ξ)x.
(c) Deduce the inequality sin x ≤ x for any x > 0.
(d) By repeating the previous steps with x < 0 (or exploiting the oddness of sine) show
that sin x ≥ x for any x < 0.
13. * 35

(Only the first and third should be submitted for a grade.) Find the critical points and
the intervals on which the function is increasing or decreasing. Use the First Derivative
Test to determine whether the critical point yields a local min or max (or neither).
(a) * −
y = −x2 + 7x − 17
(b) y = x3 − 12x2
(c) * −
y= 1
x2 +1
(d) y = x2 +1
(e) y = x + x3 + x

14. Consider f (x) = (1000 − x)2 + x2 .

(a) Find f 0 (x) and where f is decreasing.
(b) Which is larger; 8002 + 2002 or 6002 + 4002 ?

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