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1.1. Background

Vocabulary is one of the most crucial components that students must

acquire along with other skills like writing, reading, listening, and even
speaking, just like it is while studying English. Without vocabulary,
students would be unable to listen, talk, read, or write in a foreign
language since vocabulary fosters the development of specific language
skills (Cahyono, Widiati, 2018:1).

Vocabulary acquisition is a life-long process that starts in infancy and

continues through school and beyond as part of the development of
language and literacy. According to Newman and Dwyer (2009:385)
vocabulary is defined as "words we must know to communicate
effectively; words in speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in
listening (receptive vocabulary)". Beside that Rosidah (2017), "Vocabulary
is a section of a language that maintains all information about the
significance and use of words in language. Strengthen this idea, Stahl
(2005:95) stated "Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of
a word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits
into the world." In conclusion, vocabulary can be defined as a word or
words that have meanings and can be used to delivered information about

Many students still have trouble in understanding what the teacher

says. The inability of students to master vocabulary is to blame.
Furthermore, the teacher's teaching technique is less effective and
innovative, in addition to the teacher's inability to manage lessons in the
classroom with the help of media that can support when learning occurs.
Learning is greatly influenced by teaching methods. Inappropriate
teaching methods occur, for example when the teacher lacks mastery of
the subject matter and preparation, way that results in the teacher's

delivery being unclear. As a result, students will be uninterested in

At SDI Lasiana, English language teaching still needs to be improved.

Only self-introductions are remembered by the students. Students continue
to struggle to learn English, show low interest in their studies, and struggle
to understand English. Students continue to show low interest in their
studies, and they still struggle to understand English. They struggle to
memorize and understand terms in English, especially in vocabulary.
Students must understand the context of the words around them and how
they relate to unknown terms, according to Jeanette et al. Teachers must be
innovative and use appropriate teaching tactics to keep students excited
and motivated in language learning. The use of game media is one of the
tactics that can be used.

The Kahoot Games program is a learning platform that includes some

components that can support students while they study. This games,
according to Harlina & Ahmad (2017), is one of the alternative options
among many learning media that help make learning exciting and
enjoyable. The Kahoot games, which promotes active relationships
between students and their classmates while encouraging competition with
the things they have already learned or experienced, is the reason behind

Kahoot game is one of the quiz-based games where teachers can

create quizzes according to the material taught for learning purposes.
According to Coca and Slisko (2013), using the Kahoot game increases
students' interest and focus when studying English. Moreover, Nguyen and
Yukawa (2019), the Kahoot game can be used to improve English
language learning. At last, using the game-based learning platform
Kahoot, which incorporates a student response system, offers students a
fun way to practice their recently acquired vocabulary. Students that are

shy or introverted may be able to participate more freely in class by using
Kahoot! as a student response system (Stowell & Nelson, 2007).

The Kahoot Games use in enhancing kids' vocabulary caught the

researcher's attention. According to Bicen (2018), the Kahoot Games are
effective for gamifying learning, which can have an impact on students by
making them more motivated and ambitious to learn. Students in grade VI
SDI Lasiana primary schools served as the study's subjects. The researcher
made use of action research in the classroom. The research technique
intends to determine how the use of Kahoot gaming applications can
improve students' vocabulary by collecting data using quantitative
methods. The researcher anticipates that by employing this strategy, the
pupils will find it simpler to master terminology. Based on the idea from
the experts above, the writer can say that kahoot game is a game that can
be used to improve English language skills, one of which can be used to
improve vocabulary mastery.
Although many students are enthusiastic, only a few are really
interested in learning English vocabulary. In addition, some students
choose not to go to school because they are not interested in learning
English vocabulary. Therefore, it is necessary to make an effort to improve
students' English vocabulary by using Kahoot Game so that all students
are interested in learning English vocabulary.
Based on this, the researcher will provide an alternative to improve
students' vocabulary by using Kahoot Game in English learning. The
vocabulary that students will learn in this quiz-shaped Kahoot game is
vocabulary about Home, School, Animals, Verbs, and others used in daily
life so that students become easy to understand and learn English
vocabulary. Based on the above reasons, the researcher is interested in
conducting a study: "THE USE OF KAHOOT GAME TO IMPROVE
1.2 Research Problems
The research question that the writer takes in this research is does
Kahoot game improve students’ vocabulary?

1.3 Aim of Study
The aim of this research based on research question above is to find out
the use of Kahoot game to improve student’s vocabulary.

1.4 Significance of Study

The significance of this research will be divided into two benefits;
implication benefits for future researchers and application benefits for
elementary school teachers.
1.4.1 Implication
This research is supposed to support Almanar (2019) Kahoot
had a significant effect on the students experiences of integrated
vocabulary mastery, and Kahoot gave the students experiences of
integrated language learning in students’ vocabulary mastery. It
means using Kahoot application to improve students’ vocabulary
mastery is an appropriate solution to solve the students’ problems.
1.4.2 Application
Benefits for practitioner are benefits that could be taken by the
author itself and the readers. This research expects to give a
contribution for audience in the field or readers about how to train,
pratice, and learn vocabulary effectifly.
1. For the students
The result of this research is expected to be improve the
student’s interest in learning process, especially in learning
2. For the teacher
An additional reference that may be useful for the teacher
that good learning strategy, and using of media can be
interesting in teaching and learning process. The results of
this study can help the institution and the practice
of foreign language teaching especially in teaching
vocabulary skill for students

2.1 Review of Related Studies
There are several related research has been taken in previous study.
Those study were conduct with quantitative approach method. Those
studies also cover politics issues and education materials. The research
concentrate is about;
The first research conducted by Putri (2019) entitled “The
Effectiveness of Using Kahoot Game to Improve Students’ Vocabulary
Comprehension”. This study used quantitative data as the instrument for
data collection in a quasi-experimental design. The non-equivalent group
pre- and post-test design was used as the study design. The seventh
graders at SMP Negeri 15 Semarang during the academic year 2019–2020
served as the study's subjects. I used pre-tests, treatments, and post-tests to
get the data. Students in the experimental group were instructed using the
Kahoot game during the therapeutic exercise. The kids in the control
group, on the other hand, received traditional instruction. A multiple-
choice vocabulary comprehension test is the study's primary tool. The
analysis of the data revealed that the experimental group's pre-test mean
scores were 74.45 and the control groups were 72.11. Following the
administration of the medicines, both groups' means improved. The
experimental group's post-test mean score was 86.81, while the control
group's was 81.05. After examining the data, I discovered that the students
who were taught using the Kahoot Game and the students who were taught
using the traditional technique had different scores. As a result, Kahoot
Game is more effective than the traditional approach in helping students in
SMP Negeri 15 Semarang's seventh grade class understand vocabulary.
The second study was conducted by Manshur and Fadhilawati (2019)
about “Applying Kahoot to improve the senior high school
students’vocabulary achievment”. This study used Kahoot as a learning
tool during the teaching and learning process in an effort to increase the
vocabulary achievement of senior high school pupils. The study involved

40 pupils from Kota Blitar's Islamic Senior High School (Madrasah),
grade X. The steps in this research's approach were 1) Planning, 2) Acting,
3) Observing, and 4) Reflecting. They were based on the Kemmis and
Taggart model. Tests and questionnaires were used to obtain the research's
data. The study revealed that using Kahoot as a vocabulary learning and
teaching tool, particularly for "introducing oneself," could raise students'
vocabulary proficiency. The pupils' pre-test results showed a score of
59.23. That result fell short of the minimal That result fell below the
school's 75.00 minimal requirement for mastery. The students' score
improved after the first cycle, rising to 71.23, but it fell short of the
required minimum. As a result, it required the second cycle, during which
the score increased to 84.58. The students' positive attitudes about the
usage of Kahoot in teaching and learning contributed to the improvement
in the students' academic performance.
The next study conducted by Riski (2022) under the title “The Effect
of Using Kahoot! Game on Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge : A Quasi-
Experimental Study at the Eigth Grade Students of MTs Nur Falaah
Parung”. The purpose of the study is to determine whether or not the
Kahoot! game affects eighth-grade pupils at MTs Nur Falaah Parung's
vocabulary knowledge. Thirty eighth-grade students from MTs Nur Falaah
Parung served as the study's sample. The study was quantitative in nature
and used a quasi-experimental methodology. This study used pre-test and
post-test to collect the data. The subjects of this study were split up into
two groups by the author: an experimental group and a control group.
Before and after the treatment, the writer compared the students' language
knowledge. The T-test formula was employed to evaluate the vocabulary
knowledge of the students. As a consequence of this study, it was
determined that the p-value's statistical significance level (0.025) was less
than sig = 0.05 (5%). This result implies that the post-test outcomes
between the experimental and control groups differ statistically
significantly. Additionally, the effect size finding, which was 1.1 at strong

effect, backed it. In other words, the Kahoot! game had a considerable
impact on the students' ability to tell stories when speaking.
The last study was examined by Nurhaspiah and Fachruddin (2022)
entitled “The Use Of Kahoot Game To Enrich Students’ Vocabulary At
Sma Negeri 2 Majene”. The purpose of this study was to determine
whether or not the Kahoot game was having an impact on the vocabulary
of the students at SMA Negeri 2 Majene. A quasi-experimental research
design was used in the study. Students in the tenth grade at SMA Negeri 2
Mejene were divided into two groups for this study: the experimental
group and the control group. The research's data were calculated using
SPSS 26 for analysis. The analysis of the data revealed that the
experimental group's pre-test mean scores were 43.20 and the control
groups were 39.77. Following the administration of the medicines, both
groups' means improved. The experimental post-test had a mean score of
71.09, while the control group's was 53.03. Additionally, the outcome of
the independent t-test corroborated it. The outcome revealed If the Sig. (2-
tailed) value is between 0.000 and 0.05, Ho was rejected and H1 was
accepted. The researcher discovered after examining the data that there
were discrepancies in the scores between students who were taught using
the Kahoot Game and those who were taught using the traditional
technique. As a result, the Kahoot Game proved successful in enhancing
students' vocabulary at SMA Negeri 2 Majene students in the tenth grade.
2.2 Concepts

Sourced from the theory used and the object data under study which
are included in the basic concepts of this research are as follows.

2.2.1 Vocabulary
Learning vocabulary won't help with language acquisition. Their
correspondence is supported by vocabulary that expresses their feelings,
thoughts, and attitudes. Vocabulary is a major component of language
since it helps people converse, read, and write better. Considering the
importance of acquiring vocabulary for language acquisition, regardless

of If it is your first, second, or unacquainted When it comes down to it,
vocabulary is information about the value of words. (Lubis,2017).
We express our thoughts, feelings, concepts, likes, dislikes, dreams,
and worries through words. We will be able to meet our needs thanks to
the variety of words we have at our disposal. We will communicate
verbally and value what others have to say to us. The terms we teach in a
foreign language are known as vocabulary (Penny, 1991:60). According
to Hornby (2015:1744), All the words a person knows or uses are
considered part of their vocabulary.
Considering all of the definitions provided by the experts above,
we can say that vocabulary is the meaning of the words and that the
English language is utilized in its broadest sense while speaking, writing,
reading, and listening. The meaning vocabulary includes both the
meaning isolated from the context and the meaning that results from that
context. One of the many frequent meanings associated with words is the
meaning we find in dictionaries.

2.2.2 Kahoot
Four features of Kahoot stand out in particular: games, exams,
dialogues, and reviews. For games, you can choose the type of question,
the proper answer, and the amount of time to answer it. Pictures and
tones will specifically address the proper response. Members are asked to
choose a tone or image that corresponds to the right response. Members
should make sure they don't contact (click) while choosing an answer, in
addition to selecting the right response (Lime, 2018).
The client must enter the online kahoot in order to create a game
kahoot. After creating a Kahoot account, users can create addresses by
using the features offered. will obviously receive a ticket to launch
Kahoot. Students can use the Kahoot program to obtain consent on a
computer or mobile device. Students must register their names and enter
the code that appears on the screen. Students will receive points after the
Kahoot game starts depending on whether they respond to the question
and who responds most quickly. (Dewi,2018).

According to Chen et al. (2017:87), Kahoot! fostered wider and
more active student interaction while also allowing students to maintain
their preferred personal participation option. Finally, the Kahoot! game
may be an alternative approach for increasing class involvement while
learning English vocabulary.
In conclusion, Kahoot!is a real-time classroom response system
that is based on a game. Multiple choice questions may be created in an
interesting format and played with all students.
2.3 Theoretical Framework
In this sub-chapter, the researcher confers several theories needed as
guide for solving three problems in this study. The theoretical framework
as the perspective and main purposes to lead authors to do the research
about a play Kahoot game to improve student’s vocabulaty mastery
2.3.1 Definiton of Vocabulary
The most crucial component in understanding a language is
vocabulary, which is the first skill to grasp in any language learning
process. When someone discusses language, the first thing that comes to
mind is that it has to do with words—where they come from, how they
develop, how we use them to refer to one another, and how we use them
to connect (Bauer, 1998:8). "Words we must know to communicate
effectively; words in speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in
listening (receptive vocabulary)," according to Newman and Dwyer
(2009:385). We express our thoughts, feelings, concepts, likes, dislikes,
dreams, and worries through words. We shall be able to meet our needs
thanks to the variety of words we have at our disposal. We will
communicate verbally and value what others have to say to us.
Francisca Maria Ivone contends in (Syahrizal 2020) that
vocabulary is more than just a list of terms. Vocabulary is a system of
embedded languages. Every language has a vocabulary. As a result,
several word and phrase combinations will be employed. Understanding
a language is often referred to as knowing a language's vocabulary.

Vocabulary can also be thought of as a part of language that carries
meaning and instructions.
Therefore, People need vocabulary to construct sentences because
learning a language properly requires that the vocabulary be mastered.
"Vocabulary can be defined as the total number of words needed to
convey ideas and express the meaning of the speaker," according to Al
Qahtani (2015). In other words, it will be challenging for people to
communicate with others if they have a limited vocabulary.
So, based on the definition given above, vocabulary is a collection
of English words, which must be learned to help students communicate
well. Therefore, learning vocabulary is very important.
2.3.2 Kinds Of Vocabulary
Several different varieties of language have been categorized by
experts based on a range of variables. Both active and passive
categories of vocabulary are used by Aeborsold and Lee (1997:133).
a. Active vocabulary is referred to by another name. In addition
to comprehending and using the target language's grammar,
learners must be able to pronounce the vocabulary correctly.
Additionally, they must be conversant with collocations and
comprehend the term's significance. Speaking and writing
skills usually use this type.
b. Passive vocabulary, sometimes referred to as receptive
vocabulary, describes language objects that can be
recognized and understood in the context of reading and

Another expert, Stuart Webb, divides terminology into two

categories and describes them in depth in AlQahtani (2015). These
categories are:

a. Receptive vocabulary is a term used to describe terms that

kids can understand when they are used in context but cannot
generate on their own. It's words that pupils see or come

across while reading a book but don't use when speaking or
b. Productive vocabulary is a term used to describe terms that
kids can understand, pronounce correctly, and use effectively
in speech and writing. It comprises the ability to
communicate or write at the proper time as well as a
receptive vocabulary. Because the learner can create words to
communicate their ideas to others, productive vocabulary
may therefore be thought of as an active process.

Receptive or passive vocabulary is defined as terms that students

come across while reading, listening to, or interacting with someone but
do not utilize when speaking or writing. Therefore, it is likely that the
learners are not familiar with those terms. Additionally, a learner's
productive or active vocabulary consists of words they are already
familiar with and can use and pronounce correctly in speaking and

2.3.3 Classification Of Vocabulary

In addition, Thornburry (2010: 90) adds word classification based
on the parts of speech, which are functional groups that include nouns,
adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. By switching out words from one of the
biggest groups, they can be utilized as signals for various patterns or to
link one set of words to another. An explanation is as follows:
In a text, the word has a variety of functions. It's divided into eight
different word classes.

a. Nouns
Nouns are words that identify a certain individual, thing, or
group of things.
b. Pronouns
Pronouns are words that are used to refer to someone or
something. He, she, it, us, I, and you are a few examples.
c. Verb

Verbs are terms used to describe an action, a condition, or
an occurrence.
d. Adjective
Words that describe or alter an individual, a location, or an
object. An adjective adds to the knowledge the listener or
speaker has about a noun or limits it in some way. For
instance, petite, tall, handsome, and so forth
e. Adverbs
Adverbs are words that used to describe verb adjectives or
For example: carefully, slowly, now, ago, and so on
f. Preposition
the words that are placed before a noun or pronoun to show
how those words relate to another part of the sentence. To
give just a few examples: at, on, in, under, behind,
opposing, beside.
g. Conjunction
words that connect the words in a group of words or
In adverbial clauses, conjunctions are frequently employed.
for, but, or, and, when, because, if, etc.
h. Deteriminant
Determininant are words like "a," "the," "some," and "an."
To make learning simpler.
2.3.4 Definition Of Kahoot

Kahoot! is an online game that evaluates students' skills based on

course material. A multimedia tool is all that is needed to play the
game, which is free for both teachers and students (Siegle, 2015:65).
You can use a Chromebook, laptop, or phone to access the Kahoot!
website. Multiple choice questions given in a game-like format should
be used in the quizzes that teachers create for their pupils. The quizzes
ask questions that can be answered by choosing one of four

possibilities, and the answers can be found in a variety of multimedia
formats, including photos and videos (Siegle, 2015:325). The teacher
can also choose how much time each question will require from the
pupils (Siegle, 2015:326).
According to Mansur & Fadhilawati (2019), using the Kahoot
application helped increase students' proficiency in English vocabulary
since they were driven and enjoyed learning the language using this
game-based tool. Kahoot has its own best practices for assessing
students' vocabulary proficiency, according to Almanar (2019).
It demonstrated how the Kahoot program displayed quiz results and
student errors in Excel immediately upon the completion of the test.
The pupils were able to track their advancements in real time thanks to
Kahoot. Additionally, it enables the pupils to keep track of their daily
Ismail & Mohammad (2017) list several benefits of using Kahoot,
including ease of use, accessibility for everyone, variety of Kahoot
types, ease of account registration, ease of student participation,
compatibility with smartphones, tablets, and standard computers, and
adjustable response times for each question.
According to Dellos (2015), Kahoot enables professors to construct
online tests that students can access via their smartphones, tablets, or
PCs. The teacher can create tests or platforms that relate to the content
being taught, then share the platform's link with the students.
Additionally, students can use their smartphones or other supported
devices to access the platform.
2.3.5 Kahoot Game In Teaching Vocabulary

Heni et al. (2019) have shown that teachers must accept the idea
that game-based technology may soon be present in language
classrooms and that it can increase motivation for learning activities.
Kahoot is an excellent tool for teaching vocabulary. According to
Kapuler (2015), Kahoot is one of the top 100 new online classroom
apps. Kahoot ranked 36th on the list of applications recognized for their

efficacy and utility in the classroom for educating and assessing pupils.
It implies that Kahoot could be a useful tool for vocabulary acquisition.
Because Kahoot is a relatively new online tool, there has been little
research on its impact in the classroom, and there is little proof of its
effectiveness as a method for teaching content vocabulary.

Students' vocabulary will be reviewed and checked via Kahoot

quizzes on each meeting day so that their vocabulary grows. "Students'
word knowledge is strongly related to academic success," write Chall
and Jacobs (2003), "because students with large vocabularies can grasp
new ideas and concepts more quickly than students with limited
vocabularies." This means that children will have a better chance of
comprehending and mastering the language if they have a larger
vocabulary. Kahoot is intended to help kids enhance their vocabulary.

According to Kyoko (2015), Kahoot enables educators to build

surveys and game-based quizzes that students can participate in by
entering a pin number. Students use a personal device such as a
smartphone, laptop, computer, or tablet to select response options that
correspond to questions displayed on the smartphone, etc. Students can
play the games without a username and generate a nickname that will
be displayed during the game. Furthermore, Kahoot quiz game
questions may include multimedia visuals like pictures and movies to
further engage students, and students receive points for correctly and
promptly answering questions.

Based on the experts' explanations above, Kahoot can be a

different option to make vocabulary learning in the classroom more
improved and fun.

2.3.6 Overview Of Kahoot Game

a) Kahoot Home Display
The Home tab is where you can access your recent activity,
kahoots you've created, and kahoots you've joined. You can also

access reports on how players have performed in live games and
assignments. You can also view a list of upcoming kahoots, as well
as join or create study groups.(cr.on Kahoot)

Picture 1. Kahoot Home Display

b) Kahoot Discover Display
The Discover tab is where you can search for public kahoots
and topics to explore. You can also browse through popular topics,
as well as featured kahoots and collections. You can also access
reports on how players have performed in live games and
assignments.(cr.on Kahoot)

Picture 2. Discover display

c) Kahoot Join Display
The Join tab is where you can join a game with a game PIN.
You can join either a live game or a player-paced assignment. You

can also join a study group where you can collaborate with other
players on kahoots.(cr.on Kahoot)

Picture 3. Join display

d) Kahoot Create Display
The Create tab is where you can start creating a kahoot from
scratch. Here you can create your own questions, add images and
videos, and set game options. You can also duplicate an existing
kahoot, or import a kahoot from a file.(cr.on Kahoot)

Picture 4. Create display

e) Kahoot Library Display
The Library tab is where you can access all of your saved
kahoots, as well as any kahoots you've created or joined. You can
also search for public kahoots, topics to explore, and other

resources. You can also access reports on how players have
performed in live games and assignments.(cr.on Kahoot)

Picture 5. Kahoot library display

2.3.7 Playing Kahoot Game procedure
Here’s a quick and simple tutorial to get playing in no time!
Playing Kahoot is as simple as 1-2-3 :
1. Find a kahoot to play from the discover page.
2. Once you’ve found a kahoot, click Play and then select Classic.
3. Get your participants to join the game using on
screen instructions
Full step-by-step instruction on how to play a game Kahoot!
1. Log in to your account.
2. Find a game to play – click Discover on the top navigation bar
to search from our library of millions, or choose a game from
one of our collections.
3. Click Play.
4. When the screen launches, choose the Classic game.
5. The game lobby launches, displaying a unique game PIN, for all
players to see.
6. Players use their own devices, e.g. a phone, to join the game
via or the Kahoot! app, by entering the PIN and their

7. Once all players are in the game lobby, click Start.
8. Players answer the questions they see on the shared screen with
their devices. Each answer option on the shared screen is inside
a box with a specific color and shape that matches the boxes
displayed on the players’ screen.
9. After each question, a leaderboard showing the top 5 players is
displayed. Players see their points and place on their own
devices. At the end of the game, the winner’s nickname appears
on the shared screen, and players see their final place on their
device.( cr. on Kahoot)


In this chapter, the author will discuss the research method related to
research design, population, sample, research instrument, research's
procedure and data analysis.

3.1 Research design

The design of this research will use pre experimental design that is
enable the writer to estimate the effect of an experimental treatment and
can be done in the laboratories, classrooms and in the fields. (Sugiyono,
2014:109) Pre-experimental is a design that includes only one group or
class that is given a pre-test and post- test. The design will be pre-
experimental which included pre-test and post-test design the comparison
between the pre-test and post-test score depends on the success of the
3.2 Research locus

The location of this research in SD Inpres Lasiana, kec.Kelapa Lima.

Kota Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur.

3.3 Type and Data Research

3.3.1 Population
Population is a generalization area consisting of: objects /
subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined
by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions (Sugiyono,
2005: 90). The population in this study are students in grades VIA,
VIB, and VIC of SD Inpres Lasiana.
3.3.2 Sample
The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed
by the population. In this study, the sample consisted only one class
on the population of class VI , based on the results of preliminary
observations there are low learning outcomes, especially in English
subjects in class VI. Then supported by Arikunto (1985:54) which

asserts that sample is a part of population. SDI Lasiana, kec.Kelapa
Lima. Kota Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur, with totaling 25
students’; 12 Males and 13 Females.
3.4 Research instrument
Before applying the treatment, the writer will give pre-test to the
student’s to know their achievement in vocabulary.
instrument will be used to collect the data in truth to measure the
research variable. In this research the researcher will use test, consist of pre-
test, treatment, and post-test.
3.4.1 Pre-Test
Before applying the treatment, the writer will give pre-test to
the student’s to know their achievement in vocabulary.
3.4.2 Post-Test
In this cycle, the writer will give the posttest to the student’s
after the treatment.
3.5 Research procedure
In collecting the data, there are some steps taken by research, they are:
1. The writer will prepare the pre-test, treatment, and post-test
2. The writer will give the pre-test
3. The writer will give score of the pre-test
4. The writer will apply the Kahoot treatment
5. The writer will give the post-test
6. The writer will give score of the post-test
7. The writer will analyze the data
8. The writer will report the result of the research
3.6 Data analysis
To analyze the data, the writer wil use quantitative method. In this
case, all the is analyze quantitatively. The formula below explain how the
data will be analyze.

1. Rubric for Vocabulary assessment
No Aspects assessed Indicators Skor
1 Interpreting Students can interpret English
Vocabulary vocabulary well 20

Students are not yet able to

understand English vocabulary 10
2 Reading Vocabulary Students can read English
vocabulary well 20
Students are not yet able to read
English vocabulary well 10
3 Reciting Vocabulary Students can pronounce English
vocabulary well 20

Students are not yet able to

pronounce English vocabulary 10

4 Writing Vocabulary Students can write English

vocabulary well 20
Students are not yet able to write
English vocabulary well 10

2. Scoring the students‟ corrects answer of pre-test and post-test.

Where :

M = Mean score of the students

∑X = The sum of all scores

N = Total number of students

To calculate the percentage of pre test and post test, the writer will use
the following formula:

2 1
X −X
P= 1
X 100 %

P = Improvement

X = Average score of post test

X = Average score of pre test

To find out the significant difference between the pre test and post test
by calculate the value of test. The following formula is employed:

√∑ D −¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

t = Test of significance
D = The mean score from the different score of pre-test and
∑D = Standard deviation
N = Number of students
3. Classifying the students‟ scores using the following scale:
Score 91 – 100 Very Good
Score 76 – 90 Good
Score 61 – 75 Fairly
Score 51 – 60 Poor
Score less than 50 Very Poor
(Depdikbud, 2006)

3.7 Research Timeline

In this research is done based on schedules of the research, as follows:

No Activities Fe Ju
Mar Apr May Jul Aug
b n
1 Title Seminar
2 Proposal Writing
3 Revision
4 Seminar proposal


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