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User Manual for Y-128E-A/433 Receiver

Ⅰ. System Instruction

1. Features
 Store up to maximum 256 1-key or 3-key transmitters at the same time
 Show 3 digital numbers from 000 to 999
 Display the last 30 calls in rolling manner
 Indicate different service types with different icons
 Ring tone and volume are adjustable
 Show the time when it’s on standby

2. Sketch

① Power ② Audio output ③ Flashing light ④ Volume adjust ⑤ FUN: function

⑥ SEL: digit select ⑦ NEXT: digit adjust ⑧ ENT: confirm ⑨ Speaker ⑩Antenna

Under setting interface:

ENT: confirm the setting
SEL: select the digit
NEXT: Adjust the number (range: 0~9)
FUN: enter/exit setting

Under working interface

SEL: trace backward last calling records
NEXT:trace forward the last calling records
ENT: cancel the calling records one by one and return to standby status

Ⅱ. System setting
1. Brief instruction
F01 Store transmitter
F02 Delete transmitter
F03 Set the time
F04 Span for rolling display (range: 0s-20s)
F05 Reminder mode (Chinese broadcast or ring tone)
F06 Select ring tone (7 alternatives)
F07 Mode of displaying the calling records
F08 Span for Auto-deletion of the calling records (range: 0s-60s)
F09 Restore factory defaults

Enter the setting: Under standby interface, press “FUN”, the receiver will give a sound “Di” and show “F01” with the last
digit “1” flickering. Press “NEXT” to adjust the number (1-9), then press “ENT” to enter the intended
function setting.
Exit the setting: Under main menu interface, press “FUN” to return to the standby interface, then the receiver will show the
Return: Under setting interface, press “FUN” to return to the main menu.
Note: During the setting, if “ENT” is being pressed, but the receiver prompts failure and no modification is stored, then
probably the input parameter is out of the setting range.
If one operation is activated, there will be a short sound of “Di-Di”
If one operation fails, there will be a prolonged sound of “Di---Di”

2. Detail instruction
Power on: Power on the device, then the screen will flash a string of three repeated number from “000” ~“999” and then
the time.

F01 Store transmitter (capable of storing up to maximum 256 transmitters at the same)
1) Press “FUN” , position A will show “F01”.
2) Press "ENT" , the receiver will give a sound of “Di-Di”, and position B will show “001”.
3) Press “SEL” and “NEXT” separately to set a code number for the intended transmitter in position B. Then press “ENT”,
position C will show “---” (number storing progress bar)
4) Press and hold any button of the interned transmitter for 2s, the receiver will give a sound of “Di-Di”, then position B
will show the next number, which indicates the transmitter and the receiver are well connected with the stored code
Note: a. Two or more 1-key or 3-key transmitters can be stored under one same code number.
b. if one transmitter is stored into the receiver twice with two different code number, the up-dated code number will
replace the former one, and the former one can still be open for storing other transmitter.

F02 Delete transmitter

Under “F02”, press “ENT”, position B will show “001”
1) Delete single transmitter
Press “SEL” and “NEXT” separately to trace the code number of the intended transmitter in position B, then press “ENT”,
the receiver will give a sound of “Di-Di” and show the next number, which indicates the transmitter has been
disconnected with the receiver.
2) Delete all the transmitters
Press “SEL” and “NEXT” separately to adjust the number in position B to “000”, then press “ENT”, position B will flash a
string of three repeated number from “000” to “999”, then the receiver will give a sound of “Di-Di” and show “000” again,
which indicates all the transmitters have been deleted from the receiver. Just press “FUN” to exit.

F03 Set the time

Under "F03", press “SEL” and “NEXT” separately to correct the time. Then press “ENT” to store the setting. Just press
“FUN” to exit.

F04 Span of rolling display (0s-20s)

1) Under “F04”, Press "ENT", it will show the the default setting “00”, which means no rolling display for the calling
records and Position A will only show the latest calling record.
2) Press “SEL” and “NEXT” separately to adjust the number from “00” to any intended number under 20. For example,
the code no. of the calling transmitters will be circularly displayed in flashing manner in Position A one by one every 5
seconds if it’s set by “05”.
3) Press “ENT” to store the setting, and press “FUN” to exit

F05 Reminder mode (Chinese broadcast or ring tone)

Under "F05", press “NEXT” to choose “1” or “2”. Then press “ENT” to store the setting, and press “FUN” to exit.
1 ------- Chinese broadcast
2 ------- Ring tone (default setting)

F06 Select ring tone (7 alternatives and the default setting is alternative 1)
Under “F06”, press “NEXT” to choose the ring tone. Then press “ENT” to store the setting, and press “FUN” to exit.

F07 Mode of displaying the calling records (Default setting is 2 and not optional)

1) Number 1 signals the receiver will only display the last calling record(unavailable)
2) Number 2 signals the receiver will display all the calling code number in sequence.

Under F07,press”ENT” and “NEXT” separately to choose “1”or “2”. then press “ENT”to store the setting, and press “FUN”
to exit(建议删除这句话)

F08 Span for Auto-deletion of the calling records (range: 0s-60s)

1) Under “F08”, Press "ENT", the receiver will show the default setting “00’’ , which means there’s no auto-deletion and
the calling records should be retreated from the screen by pressing “ENT” one by one .
2) Press “SEL” and “NEXT” separately to adjust the number from 00 to any intended number under 60. The set number
stands for how many seconds the fresh calling records will last in the screen.
3) Press “ENT” to store the setting, and press “FUN” to exit

F09 Restore factory defaults

1) Under "F09", Press "ENT", position B will show “001”
2) Press “SEL” to adjust the number to “000”. Then press "ENT", position B will flash a string of three repeated number
from “000” to “999”. The restoration is completed when there comes a sound of “Di-Di”.
3) Press “FUN” to exit
Note:please see factory defaults as below:
Store transmitter----0
Reminder mode----ring tone
Rolling display span----00s
Auto-deletion span----00s

Ⅲ. Friendly tips
Receive calling: If Chinese broadcast is set as reminder, the receiver will show the calling code number and broadcast the
code number in Chinese after the ring tone upon being called by transmitters. If ring tone is set as reminder, the receiver
will show the calling code number and play the ring tone three time.
There are 3 icons indicating 3 different service types
Call; Water; ︙Bill
Multiple calls: for example, transmitters 001,002,003 call one after another , the receiver will show the calling code
number as picture 1-2 demonstrated.
Trace calls: under working interface, press “SEL” or “NEXT” to trace backward or forward the last 30 calls.
Delete calls: under working interface, press “ENT” to delete all the calling code number in the screen.


Ⅳ. Technical specification
Model number: Y-128E-A Dimension :535×158×40mm
Working voltage: 12V DC Working current: 150MA
Frequency: 433.92Mhz±75k Audio output : 1w Sensitivity :106dB

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