Introduction, Classification, Structure & Mechanism of Action of Hormones

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Monday, 1 August 2022

Introduction, Classification, Structure & Mechanism

of Action of Hormones

Endocrine chemistry
- General features of hormones

- Group 1 - steroids, iodothyronines , lipophilic, long half life, intracellular & receptor
hormone complex

- group 2- polypeptide, protein, hydrophilic, no transport protein, short half life,

receptor is on the plasma membrane, 2nd messenger

- Thyroid hormones- intranuclear receptors even though it is a amnio acid


- 1st messenger: hormone

- 2nd messenger: signal transmitted inside

- cAMP- ACTH, ADH, CRH, FSH, LH glucagon and calcitonin


- Calcium phosphatidyl inositol- GnHR, TRH, Oxytocin

- Kinase- GH, Insulin, prolactin

G protein- Trimetric protein. When all of the subunits are attached it is inactive.
When alpha subunit detaches, gamma subunit activates it. Which then further
activated adenyl cyclase which causes activation of protein kinase which then
causes activation/inhibition according to the message of the hormone.

- Protein kinase is tetrametric protein [2 regulatory, 2 catalytic]

- cGMP activated protein kinase G

- cAMP- activates protein kinase A

- Calcium phosphatidyl inositol pathway

- When hormone binds to the receptor. G protein is activated. Alpha subunit is

displaced. Which goes catalysis phosphatidyl inositol by phospholipase C. Which
forms IP3 & DAG. IP3 binds to calmodulin [i.e Ca+2 binding protein ]

- Tyrosine kinase pathway- for insulin

Monday, 1 August 2022
- Tetrametric pathway. 2alpha and beta subunits. Hormone binds and alpha
activates the beta subunit. Which has intrinsic kinase property. JAK/STAT pathway
is activated. Through which it enters the nucleus and acts on the

- HRE- hormone receptor elements. where hormone goes and binds on the DNA
sequence that results in translation and transcription.

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