A Hyperbola Prabola Ellipse

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Solve the following.

1. How far from the x-axis is the focus F of the hyperbola
2 2
x −2 y + 4 x +4 y +4=0 ?
2. What is the equation of the asymptote of the hyperbola
2 2
x y
− =1?
9 4
3. Find the equation of the hyperbola with vertices at (-
4,2) and (0,2) and foci at (-5,2) and (1,2).


1. Given the equation of a parabola 3 x+ 2 y 2 −4 y +7=0

. Locate is vertex.
2. A parabola has its axis parallel to the x-axis, vertex at
¿) and one end of the latus rectum at ¿). Find its
3. Find the location of the focus of the parabola
y +4 x−4 y−8=0.

1. An ellipse with center at the origin has a length of
major axis 20 units. If the distance from center of
ellipse to its focus is 5, what is the equation of its

2. The major axis of the elliptical path in which the earth

moves around the sun is approximately 186,000,000
miles and the eccentricity of the ellipse is 1/60.
Determine the apogee of the earth.

3. An earth satellite has an apogee of 40,000 km and a

perigee of 6,600 km. Assuming the radius of the earth
as 6,400 km, what will be the eccentricity of the
elliptical path described by the satellite with the center
of the earth at one of the foci?

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