NguyenDucTho Lab3a

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Nguyễn Đức Thọ: 1915344

Câu 1 (if can not living capture wireshark)

Client computer (source)

IP address:

TCP port number: 1161

Câu 2 (if can not living capture wireshark)

Destination computer:

IP address:

TCP port number: 80

Câu 3

My computer(src)

- Ip address:
- Port number:51288 (dst)

- Ip address:
- Port number: 80

Câu 4
The sequence number of the fisrt TCP SYN segment: 0

The SYN flag is set to 1 and it indicates that this segment is a SYN segment

Câu 5

- Sequence number of the SYNACK segment from to the client

computer in reply to the SYN has the value of 0 in this trace.
- The value of the ACKnowledgement field in the SYNACK segment is 1.
- The SYN flag and Acknowledgement flag in the segment are set to 1 and they
indicate that this segment is a SYNACK segment

Câu 6

The sequence number of the TCP segment containing the HTTP POST command: 1

Sequence number raw (2577813229)

Câu 7

Segment Sequence Sent time Arrival RTT

number time

1 1 17.73097 17.980278 0.249304


2 1129 17.73140 17.997917 0.266515


3 2589 17.73140 17.997917 0.266515


4 4049 17.73140 17.997917 0.266515

5 5509 17.73140 17.997917 0.266515

6 6969 17.73140 17.997917 0.266515



EstimatedRTT_1=RTT_1=0.249304 s

EstimatedRTT_2=0.875*0.249304+0.125*0.266515=0.251455375 s

EstimatedRTT_3=0.875*0.251455375+0.125*0.266515=0.25333783 s

EstimatedRTT_4=0.875*0.25333782812+0.125*0.266515=0.25498497 s

EstimatedRTT_5=0.875*0.25498497+0.125*0.266515=0.25642622 s

EstimatedRTT_6=0.875*0.25642622+0.125*0.266515=0.25768732 s

Câu 8:

The length of each of the first six TCP segments is:1460 byte

Câu 9
The minimum amount of available buffer space advertised at the received for the
entire trace is: 29200

The lack of receiver buffer space never throttled the sender because this receiver
window grows steadily

Câu 10

Yes, there are retransmition segment, because the sequence number duplicated

Câu 11 How much data does the receiver typically acknowledge in an ACK?

Answer: 1460 byte

Câu 12

The first segment is: 1bytes

The last segment is :153450 bytes

Total data= 153450-1=153449 bytes

Transmission time for the first segment is: 17.730974s

Transmission time for the last segment is:19.100825s

So the time transmission is: 19.100825-17.730974=1.369851

So the throughput is: =¿112.018 Kbyte/s

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