Urban Legends (Kisaragi Train Station)

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2. RYKHE ALFREDO AGUSTO 012020071945
3. IRFAN AKRAMI BIN IHAB 012020072678

1. Font: Arial Size: 11. Spacing: 1.5 spacing. Justified.
2. Mode: Groupwork
3. Date of Submission for the assignment: Week 13, 7TH – 12th DECEMBER 2020
4. The assignment carries 200 marks (30%).


CLO3: Perform an informative speech orally supported by personal comprehension.

1. Students are to present an informative speech on any topic of their choice. This assignment is to
be done in GROUPS of 4-5 (depending on class size).

Topic- Suggestions for topics are:

 Fashion/Arts
 Technology
 Culture
 Relationships
 Education
 Mental health
 Sports
 Travel

2. Time Guideline:
20 – 30 minutes

3. Presentation (20%) – Individual mark

a) All information must be clearly and precisely explained in their presentation using a
variety of visual aids (slides/actual objects/images).

4. Outline (10%) – Group mark

a) Students are to come up with an outline of their speech based on the format given.
b) The outline must contain all main points involved in the presentation.

*The outline must be submitted on the day of the presentation together with the
rubrics for presentation and outline.

This assignment will be evaluated based on the rubrics attached.
Topic: Urban Legends

1. Introduction

A. Attention Getter:

An urban legend is said to be a form of folklore passed around from time to time by
various people in various countries and is also said to be true. These stories derive from
the reality of those who have experienced or witnessed these events and are usually
from a family member or a friend. These events are usually affiliated with either horrific
or rather humorous elements. Though some of these urban legends are entertaining in
its own respect, most urban legends passed around, especially circulating around the
internet are usually concerned with mysterious or dangerous events that took place,
such as disasters, accidents, disappearances and cursed or strange objects. These
legends may also provide as a form of lesson or a moral compass as most haunting
urban legends involve the necessity of having good morals and safety. Though the urban
legends started off with word of mouth from old folks back in the day, some legends are
nowadays modern as It includes modern factors in the legend itself, such as the dark
web from the internet and many more. So, what is in store for this topic today? Well, we
will be telling some of the most mysterious, haunting and famous urban legends from
three countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan. On that note, turn off your
lights, check your surroundings, and good luck sleeping tonight.

C. Credibility Statement:

1. We have done extensive and careful research regarding the urban legends and the
topic of which we chose.
2. We are fascinated and unquestionably intrigued with the topic we chose, as it
involves various rumoured events within our own country and other countries as
well as other countries.
3. We collected various data and information from various sources, however the main
platform used is the internet itself.
4. Our research involves the viewpoint and stories told by various people in different
versions and storyline.
5. We wish to provide deeper and more insight regarding some of the most famous
urban legends in various countries and the history and truth behind them.
6. The information we have obtained and used for this presentation are strengthened
with the inclusion of evidential proof of the urban legends.

D. Preview of Main Points:

1. First, the first speaker, Rykhe Alfredo Agusto will present about urban legends in
2. Secondly, the second speaker, Faiq Afifi will present about urban legends in Malaysia.
3. Third of all, the final speaker, Irfan Akrami will present about urban legends in Japan.
2. Urban Legends can be found globally in almost every country. Some of the more famous ones
are those from countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Japan. One of each country has an
urban legend of which is deemed to be one of the most famous legends within the country.
The following three are:

B. The Yellow Volkswagen of Karak Highway (Malaysia):

 The beginning of this story is about someone who wants to go somewhere and has to use
the ter route
 The trip started to get scary when he came across a yellow Volkswagens car
 Many things happened but he managed to get to the destination

C. The Kisaragi Station (Japan):

 The urban legend took birth from a popular Japanese website back in the day called “2chan”
(Ni-chan in Japanese)

 The date of the event took place on the 8th of January,2004, at 23:14 p.m.

 The setting took place via online on 2chan and consists of two parties, Hasumi and various

 Both parties engaged in a conversation on a forum within the website, of which Hasumi,
who was the original poster and the first one to engage in what would be known as one of
the most spine-chilling events and conversation to be known was asking questions to which
various individuals replied on the online open forum.

 The following conversation took place on the website of 2chan in a forum and is proven to
be a true occurrence that occurred during the time.

 It is important to keep note that the following conversation took place in real time and was
noted to be a true event.

 After Hasumi’s final post on the forum, she/he was never to be heard of ever again.

 Some have speculated that Hasumi had somehow entered a different dimension from ours
when she took the train and had missed her stop. Though it is highly likely that it is merely
one’s over exaggerated imagination, the fact still remains and it is undeniable that
something had happened to Hasumi when she was at the so called “Kisaragi Station” and
that nobody knows till this day.

 Though one of the more spine-chilling factors of this story is the fact that during the time,
rumours have been said that Kisaragi Station does not exist anywhere in Japan. Numerous
people, however, claim that the station does indeed exist, but it is hidden deep within the
mountains and was said to be abandoned.
 Though if you search up Kisaragi Station in Google Maps, you will indeed be able to find a
result of the said “mysterious station”, but the station that is called “Kisaragi Station” is in
Chiba, while as the train that Hasumi was on, was in the prefecture of Shizuoka, far from

 Hence, the question remains, was it a “Phantom Station”? Did she enter a different
dimension? What did she see and what happened? Nobody knows.
3. Conclusion:

A. Preview of Main Points:

I. Today, we first discussed about
II. Secondly, we discussed about yellow Volkswagens of Karak Highway.
III. Thirdly, we discussed about The Kisaragi Station mystery.

In conclusion, starting from *blank* to the Yellow Volkswagen and finally the Kisaragi
Station, the story and history behind these urban legends are undoubtedly shrouded in
mystery and often sends chills down your spine whenever thinking about it. Though solid
explanations for some of these urban legends have yet to be obtained, these urban legends
also serve other purposes for those who come to know of its tale. Whether it is a creation of
folks from the olden days used to stop their children from bothering them or simply as a
lesson for their children to be more well-behaved, or it is in actuality an event that indeed
took place but was simply ignored and left after time passes due to lack of evidence and
proper explanation, urban legends exist till this day to provide us with more insights of the
world we would usually not be able to see due to the everyday hustle and bustle, the norms
of the world we live in. But more importantly, these legends and their stories also serves as
lessons and warnings to some individuals in living their lives and making choices in their
everyday lives.
2. RYKHE ALFREDO AGUSTO (012020071945)
3. IRFAN AKRAMI BIN IHAB (012020072678)
Components 5 4 3
Introduction, Attention getter grabs the Attention getter gets audience Attention getter is present and Atten
Attention Getter audience involved. acceptable. limite
& Purpose A clear explanation of topic Explanation of the topic leads Average explanation of the The
(20 Marks) leads the audience smoothly into the speech. topic. aver
into the speech. Credibility is established. Credibility is established but follow
Credibility is well established. not as believable. Have

Organization & Organisation of complex ideas Used logical order to deliver There is a logical order to The
Relationships is logical, coherent and information. delivered points but there are orde
(20 Marks) relevant which helps convey Utilised basic transitions and some which are not presented trans
message clearly. organized ideas, concepts and accordingly. orga
Smooth transitions were made information. Some basic transitions are infor
so that each new element utilised.
builds on the preceding to
create a unified presentation.
Development of Developed topic thoroughly by Developed topic by selecting Average support of points by Topi
topic (30 marks) selecting most significant and significant and relevant facts, providing facts and other deve
relevant facts, definitions, definitions, details, etc. supporting details. Inclu
details, quotations, appropriate appropriate to the purpose of Some given details and and
to purpose. the speech. examples are relevant to the deta
Details and examples are Detail and examples are audience.
highly specified to the appropriate to audience.

Language & Excellent word choice, Good choice in vocabulary, Appropriate use of vocabulary Som
Style vocabulary, figurative language and examples. and examples. choic
(20 Marks) and level of complexity. Good command of English. Average proficiency. are u
Strong command of English. Need
Grammar There are no errors in grammar There are 13 errors in There are 46 errors in grammar Ther
(10 Marks) or spelling in total. grammar and/or spelling in and/or spelling in total. and/
Components 5 4 3
APPEARANCE Overall appearance is very Overall appearance is neat. Neat appearance with App
(10m) neat. Choice in clothing is minor flaw in choice. unti
Choice in clothing is appropriate for Choice in clothing is Cho
appropriate for presentation. acceptable for a inap
presentation. Well groomed. presentation.
Very well groomed. Average grooming.

OPENING Specific purpose in place. Specific purpose in place. Specific purpose in place. Mis
ELEMENTS (10m) Open with impact Open with impact Open with impact elem
statement. statement. statement. Ope
Clear, one sentence thesis Clear, one sentence thesis Clear, one sentence thesis corr
statement. statement. statement. The
Connect with audience by Connect with audience by Connect with audience by evid
stating relevancy. stating relevancy. stating relevancy. Con
Preview all the main ideas. Preview some of the main Preview only one of the stat
ideas. main ideas. No

QUALITY OF Speaker’s voice is very Speaker’s voice is Speaker’s voice is Spe

VERBAL confident, steady, strong, steady, strong and clear. generally steady, strong freq
COMMUNICATION and clear. Speaker often uses and clear. or t
(20m) Speaker consistently uses modulations to emphasize Speaker sometimes uses Spe
modulation to key points and create modulations to mod
emphasize key points or to interest. emphasize key points and key
create interest. Speaker's talking create interest. inte
Speaker's talking pace is mostly Speaker's talking som
pace is consistently appropriate. pace is appropriate. infle
appropriate. Spe

CONTENT (30m) The presentation was a The presentation was a The presentation was The
concise summary of the good summary of the topic. informative, but several brie
topic. Most important information elements went man
Comprehensive and covered; little irrelevant unanswered. una
complete coverage of info. Much of the information is Maj
information. relevant but not all points irre
are covered. poin

VISUAL AIDS There are no errors in There are some errors in There are many errors in The
(20 m) spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and spe
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. pun
Information is clear and Too much information on Too much information was The
concise on each slide. two or more slides. contained on many slides. rea
Visually Significant visual appeal. Minimal effort made to info
appealing/engaging. make slides appealing or cop
too much going on. No

LANGUAGE (10m) Language is used in unique Language is used Language generally used Lan
and creative way. effectively. appropriately. may
No grammatical issues. Few grammatical issues. Some grammatical issues. app
Excellent level in Good proficiency. Moderate proficiency. Man
proficiency. mis


2. RYKHE ALFREDO AGUSTO (012020071945)
3. IRFAN AKRAMI BIN IHAB (012020072678)

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