English Activity Sheet LinearXNonLinear

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 Sequential Structure: Linear texts follow a traditional,  Disrupted Chronology: Non-linear texts deviate from a
chronological order. The narrative or information strict chronological order. Events may be presented out of
progresses in a linear fashion from the beginning to the sequence, offering a more fragmented or unconventional
end. structure.
 Cause and Effect: Events or information are presented  Interactive Elements: Non-linear texts may involve reader
in a cause-and-effect manner, where one element leads or viewer interaction, allowing them to choose the order of
logically to the next. information consumption or influencing the story's outcome.
 Traditional Storytelling: Most novels, short stories, and It may include visual elements like drawings, pictures, and
essays follow a linear structure, presenting a clear videos.
beginning, middle, and end. It is common in print media.  Multiple Perspectives: Different viewpoints or parallel
storylines might be presented simultaneously, providing a
Examples: more complex and layered narrative.
Novels: Most novels, such as "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane
Austen or "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, follow a linear Examples:
narrative structure. Hypertext Fiction: "Afternoon, a Story" by Michael Joyce is a
Essays: Academic essays and many journalistic pieces typically classic example of hypertext fiction, where readers can choose
present information in a linear fashion, moving from introduction to different paths through the story.
conclusion. Interactive Novels: "Bandersnatch," an interactive film in the
Short Stories: "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson is an example of Black Mirror series, allows viewers to make choices that
a short story with a linear progression. influence the storyline.
Video Games: Many video games, such as "The Legend of
Zelda" series, feature non-linear storytelling, allowing players to
explore the game world in their chosen order.
 Advantages: Clarity, simplicity, and a straightforward  Advantages: Creativity, engagement, and the potential for a
narrative. more immersive experience.
 Challenges: May become predictable, and there might be  Challenges: Complexity, potential confusion, and the need
limited engagement for some readers. for careful design to maintain coherence.

I. Infographic is an example of a non-linear text. Read the infographic below about the different social media sites. Then, answer the
questions that come after it. Write your answer in the box provided on the right side of the question.
1. What is the main focus of Pinterest as mentioned in the infographic? 1

2. What is the monthly active user count for Instagram? 2

3. In which industries does Pinterest offer the largest opportunities? 3
4. What percentage of Pinterest users use the platform for purchase inspiration? 4
5. What is the monthly active user count for TikTok? 5
6. What are the daily statistics mentioned for video views and sound uses on TikTok? 6
7. How do corporate brands utilize LinkedIn? 7
8. How many monthly active users does Pinterest have? 8
9. What is the character limit for posts on Twitter, as stated in the infographic? 9
10. How many users does Twitter have in the U.S.? 10
11. What is TikTok primarily used for? 11
12. What is the monthly active user count for LinkedIn? 12
13. What is the average number of tweets per second on Twitter? 13
14. What is the monthly active user count for Twitter, according to the infographic? 14
15. What percentage of social media users globally are on Facebook, as per the infographic? 15
16. What is the age group with the highest percentage of Facebook users in the U.S.? 16
17. How much time, on average, do users spend on Facebook per month? 17
18. What percentage of LinkedIn users are located outside of the U.S.? 18
19. What is the monthly active user count for Facebook? 19
20. Which age group is the most active on TikTok? 20
21. What is the main focus of Instagram, based on the information provided in the infographic? 21
22. What is the main focus of LinkedIn? 22
23. How do many brands engage with users on Instagram? 23
24. Which brand is mentioned as the most followed on Instagram, excluding the Instagram brand itself? 24
25. What role do hashtags and relatable pictures play in brand participation on Instagram? 25

II. Transform the following texts into non-linear texts. Fill out the graphic organizer with the information given in each statement. Ten
(10) points for each item.

A. Literature could either be fiction or non-fiction. Non-fiction could be autobiography, essay, or history. On the other hand, fiction
could consist of novels, short stories, and poetry. Fantasy, science fiction, and mystery are examples of novels. Poetry is also
in different forms like epic, sonnet, elegy, and haiku. As to the study of history, Asian history, and world history are commonly

B. Melchora has 4 brothers: Juan, Emilio, Pepe, and Andres. Juan’s son is Apolinario. Andres’ daughter is Gabriela. Mariano, Jose,
and Jacinto are brothers of Gregoria, who is the daughter of Pepe. Gabriela’s grandfather is Lapu-Lapu. Leonor is the mother
of Emilio. Mariano’s son is Julio whose mother is Josefa.

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