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Technip TECHNIP INDONESIA DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) FOR INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONTROL COPY] Burana To. of yeah of Aci ows Page 1ao7 ‘chert No t]2[s]4]*]e No. of Pages zf+[+lalale ua = A Ue We © | oan | RASC (7 CEREAR| *Beswonefon _| gut ron wrievenarion Rev. Date Originator Checked By Approve ‘Status (Specie aera ny ead vrai antag cae te aend pe) ‘incarnate ard apo of Te nsoeen_ No navhwad copra eaten Mivghareamree erro eUPHOONESA Technip DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) Suen. wravon INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONTENTS . OBJECTIVE . SCOPE AND LIMITS OF APPLICATION REFERENCE DOCUMENTS DEFINITION AND GLOSSARY RESPONSIBILITIES DESCRIPTION OF WORK 6.1 TYPE OF WORK PERFORMED. 6414 Conceptual Design 6.1.2 Basic Design 6.1.3 Detailed Design 614 Requisition and Procurement Follow-ups 6.1.5 Construction and Commissioning Follow-ups 6.1.6 Technical Bid Proposal . DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 7.4 DESIGN 744 Contract Review 742 Input Analysis 743 Coordination 7.14 Smart Plant instrumentation (SPI or Intools software) 74S Sequential Preparation of Documents/ Drawings. 7.2 LIST OF DOCUMENT PRODUCED. 7.3 PREPARATION OF INSTRUMENT DOCUMENTS 734 Instrument Datasheet 7.3.2 Instrument Specification 7.3.3 Instrument Calcutation 734 Instrument List (Index) 7.35 Process Control Narrative (Control Requirements) 7.3.6 Input Output List for System 7.3.7 Alarm and Trip List PrTecHp ooNesta Technip DEPARTMENT eet rae PROCEDURE (DWP) Dae - Dwaoos PEeEEE ere INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7.38 Instrument Cable/Tube Schedule 739 Level Sketch 7.310 Cause and Effect Matrix 73.44 Instrument Bulk Material Take Off (MTO's) 7.3.12 Instrument Air/ Gas Consumption List 7.3.13 Instrument Power Consumption List = 7.3.14 Instrument Drawing Legend Sheet 7.3.15 Instrument installation Standard (Hook-ups) 7.3.16 Instrument Mounting Detail 7.3.17 instrument Location Plan 73.18 Instrument Cable Tray Routing Layout : 7.3.19 Fusible Plug Layout 7.320 Control Room Equipment Layout 7.321 Instrument Ait! Hydraulic header Layout 7.3.22 Instrument MCT Layout 7.323 Fire and Gas Detector Layout 7.3.24 Instrument Cable Block Diagram 7.3.25 Package Interface Block Diagram 7.326 Instrument Loop Diagram 7.3.27 Instrument Junction box Wiring and Termination Diagram 73.28 Logic Diagram 7.3.29 List of Nameplates for Instrument 7.3.20 Instrument Earthing Layout 7.3.31 System Architecture Drawing 7.3.32 Shutdown Level Blook Diagram (Shutdown Hierarchy Drawing) 7.3.33 Instrument Panel Schematic Drawing 7.4 CHECKING OF DOCUMENT 744 Discipline Checking 7.5 APPROVAL 754 Demarcation of Responsibility for Checking and Approving 752 Responsibilities, signatories and standardization of Title Block 7.6 REVISION 764 Procedures for Identifying Revision of Documents in Projects, Pages Technip DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) doe no. owenvont FOR er) INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7.7 DISTRIBUTION 8. INTERFACE CONTROL 8.1 INTER DISCIPLINE CHECK (IDC) 8.2 INTERFACE WITH THE CLIENT 8.3 EXTERNAL INTERFACES 9, TRACEABILITY OF OPERATIONS 10, IMPLEMENTATION AND DISTRIBUTION 11, FILING AND ARCHIVING 41.1 FILING OF DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE 11.2 PROJECT FILING AND ARCHIVING 44.3 DEPARTMENT FILING 11.4 DISCIPLINE REFERENCE DATABASE (DRB) ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 4 ATTACHMENT 5 ATTACHMENT 6 LIST OF DATASHEETS (2 Sheets) LIST OF SPECIFICATIONS (1 Sheet) LIST OF INSTRUMENT DESIGN DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS (1 Shee!) INSTRUMENT DESIGN FLOW CHART (1 Sheet) INSTRUMENT CHECK LIST (1 Sheet) STANDARDIZING TITLE BLOCKS (2 Sheets) PrTEcune NOOKESIA Technip DEPARTMENT ene PROCEDURE (DWP) Boe No 5 baPavont —— INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVE ‘The purpose of this document is to define the organization of PTT! Instrument Engineering Department, the engineering services it provides and the working procedure for the preparation of drawings and documents. SCOPE AND LIMITS OF APPLICATION Unless modified by the Instrument HOD and the Project Manager, this procedure applies to all jobs contracted to PTT! and for all works performed in the Instrument Engineering Department. This procedure does not cover work of personnel contracted out to work within other organizations. For a specific job, Lead Engineer may be required to generate its own Job Procedure related to the job requirement. However, this document shall take precedence if any ambiguity occurs, and the final decision shall be by the Instrument HOD. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS + 1s09001 : Quality System — Mode! for quality Assurance in Design/Development, Production, Installation and Servicing. + GWP-QM-001 : Comporate Quality Manuel. PITTI General Working Procedures, GWP-QM-004A _: Guidelines for Document Numbering. GWP-QM-007 _: Design Change Control Procedure. GWP-QM-008 Document Register and Distribution Procedure. GWP-QM-009 Filing and Archiving Procedure. Gwe.aM-014 Interdiscipline Checking Procedure. GWP-QN-015 —_: Computer Software Validation Procedure. + GWP-QM-016 —_: Personnel Training and Development Procedure. + GWP-QM-018 —_: Design Review Procedure. + GWP-QM-022 —_: Management of Bulk Materials Quantities Procedure for EPC Projects. + GWP.aM023 PDMS Procedure. + GWP-QM-024 _: Engineering Design Control Procedure. + GWP-QM-025 _: Engineering Document and Data Control Procedure. + GWP.QM-026 —_: Hazard and Operabilty Study Procedure. + GWP-QM-027._: Procurement Procedure. + GWP-QM-028 Vendor Document Control Procedure. + GWP-QM031 PDS Procedure. DEFINITIONS AND GLOSSARY PTI : PT Technip Indonesia ‘The Department —_: The Instrument Engineering Department 'Dc : Interdiscipline Check DWP : Department Working Procedure. cAD : Computer Aided Design PalDs : Piping and Instrument Diagrams PrTECANP WONESIA - Page 7 Te in DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) io. > DWPAN-001 Technip tae Oe ete ae ___INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FaG Fire and Gas ocs : Distributed Control Systems PLC : Programmable Logic Controller ESD : Emergency Shutdown PSD Process Shutdown WHcP : Wellhead Control Panel Lop Local Control Panel Mov : Motor Operated Valve SDV : Shutdown Valve SCADA : Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SPI : Smart Plant Instrumentation ILD : Instrument Loop Diagram NOPC : Notification of Project Closing PE + Project Engineer MATL BAL : Material Balance APPD : Approved ENGR : Engineer ANSI : American National Standard Isa : Instrument Society of America IEE Institution of Electrical Engineers Is : Intrinsically Sefe QAR + Quality Assurance Representative HOD : Head of Department 5. RESPONSIBILITIES The Instrument Engineering Department is organized with the following objectives: * Consolidation of engineering and design human resources in the field of Control, Instrumentation and Systems Engineering within the organization. * Establishing good work procedures, standards and method within the discipline. * Enhancing the discipline expertise and knowiedge through training and development. * Maintenance of procedures, standards and methods through effective implementation of the ‘company quality systems. The Instrument HOD is responsible for establishing the department organization in accordance with the functional and project requirements of the Company. The organization chart of the department is as ilustreted in Figure 5.1 Assignments to projects are made by the department HOD / deputy HOD in consultation with the Engineering Manager and the Project Manager. Lead Instrument Engineers are assigned as required to the project to form @ basic project team. The Lead Instrument Engineers report to the department HOD / deputy HOD for the quality of their work and the maintenance of methods and procedures which have been established within the Deparment. At the same time the Lead Engineers report to the project managers about matters related to the project such es schedule, documents to be produced, etc. 1n addition, the Instrument HOD is responsible for the technical and administrative requirements of the department. These include: Pr TECHN INDONESA Paasal37 Technip DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) owe-micor FOR Rer | 0 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Workload planning, staff adjustment in line with workload and engineering management instructions. Ensure adequate and qualified staffing within the department. Ensure proper methods and work procedures are followed. Ensure purchase andior renewal of requited software packages and validation of the softwares. Monitoring work in the Department to ensure high level of professionalism, efficiency, and ‘compliance with project requirement. Evaluate the performances of department employees in conjunction with other members of rating teams and making recommendations. Furnish guidance and training. Arranging vacation schedule, checking time sheets, and other administrative details. Coordinating with other discipline departments, project departments and clients. Develop engineering and drafting standards. Prepare! update and implement this DWP. ‘The responsibilities and function of the departmental Quality Assurance Representative (QAR) is described in GWP-M-003. The Instrument Engineering Department QAR is appointed by the Instrument HOD. Pager eT wspastes ‘isang ORL Le AUVHO NOLWZINVOUO 1's uN! ALv4OaNOS —— ° tog ALNSWLYVd30 ONINSSNIONS LNAWNYLSNI diuyoar aE Od (dma) 3uNGzIONd ONDNOM LNAWLYVd30 puyeL Technip DEPARTMENT oe PROCEDURE (DWP) beaten INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK TYPE OF WORK PERFORMED The types of work performed by the Instrument Engineering department are grouped into six sections corresponding to the conventional phases and split of services: Conceptual Design Basic Design Detailed Design Requisition and procurement follow-ups Construction and Commissioning follow-ups, ‘Technical Bid Proposal The particular contract states the scope of PTT! services according to the sections mentioned above, and states the limits of tasks, drawings and documents appropriate to each section, ‘The tasks performed under each heading are as shown below: 6.1.1 Conceptual Design * Execution of conceptual studies related to instrumentation, control, F&G and telecommunication e.g, 4. Custody transfer metering and proving system selection 2. Type of control systems DCS, PLC, etc Preparation of instrumentation and control philosophy Preparation of fire and gas detection and protection philosophy Preparation of general instrument specification Preparation of instrument design basis Preparation of preliminary control room layouts Execution of study of instrument ulility requirements, such as, electrical supply, instrument air supply, hydraulic supply, etc 6.1.2 Basic Design Input to the preparation of preliminary P&IDs Preparation of preliminary instrument schedule (instrument index) Preparation of preliminary cause and effect matrices (alarm & shutdown matrices) Preparation of preliminary control logic diagrams Preparation of preliminary cause and effect matrices (F&G) Preliminary sizing for in-line instruments Preparation of preliminary cost estimate Preparation of instrument material specification (selective/special) Preparation of instrument installation specification Establishment of approved instrument manufacturer Preparation of typical instrument hook-up details Preparation of datasheets for special/unique instruments Page att DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) bee.No. : owr-n001 Technip a Ren! 8 613 614 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Detailed Desian The detailed design engineering function is to perform the final engineering and drafting of the conceptual outlines established during the conceptual design phase, The tasks performed are: ‘+ Preparation of instrument calculations e.g, for: = Flow elements = Control valves. - Pressure relief valves - Thermowells «Preperation of instrument specifications ~ Field instruments = Control room instruments and systems (DCS, F&G, ESD, WHCP, LCP, etc) = Final control elements (Control Valves, MOV, SDV, etc) = SCADA or telemetry related systems - Flow metering and proving systems for custody transfer ~ Analytical Instruments - F&Gdevices Preparation of Final Instrument Index/List Preparation of instrument design and installation specification for process and utility ‘equipment packages. Preparation of Instrument Loop Diagrams Preparation of Instrumentation Location Plan Preparation of Final Control Logic Diagrams Preperation of Final Cause and Effect Matrices Preparation of Final Control Room Layouts Preparation of Control Panel Layouts Preparation of Termination Panel Designs, Selection of Junction Boxes Preparation of instrument Installation Drawings Preparation of System Block Diagrams (Overviews) Preparation of Instrument Material Summary (Bill of MaterialSummary) Carry out inter discipline check of documents and drawing prepared by other departments Preparation of Level Sketches Preparation of cable and ladder layout Preparation of final cable schedule Participate in HAZOPISIL studies. Reauisition and Procurements Follow-ups + Preparation of material take-off and inquiry requisitions: ~ For itemized instruments = For system packages + For bulk materials ~ For mounting accessories ‘+ Preparation of technical bid evaluation ~ For itemized instruments - For system packages PrTECHIP DOMES Pons 10013? DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) vc. a. : owesv-001 Technip a Rei INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - For bulk materials - For mounting accessories (if required) + Preparation of material take-off and purchase requisitions + For itemized instruments = For system packages + For buik materials - For mounting accessories (if required) * Carry out technical review of vendor data comprising drawings and specifications, ete. + Carry out inter discipline review of following purchase requisitions specifications and vendor data - Process equipment - Package items having instrument content + Participate in factory witness testing and inspection of instrument and equipment packages. Construction and Commissioning Follow-ups. Review Construction Drawing and Shop Details (where applicable/required) Answer site queries on design matters Participate in the pre-commissioning and start-up of instrument and equipment packages Checking of final certifications ‘Technical Bid Proposal Apart from engineering and design activities, Instrument Department personnel are also involved in the preparation of Bid Proposal. Upon request by the management, Instrument HOD ‘appoints a Lead Engineer to carry out the bid proposal preparation activities and liaise with the Proposal Manager. Below are the typical activities by Instrument Department during bidding stage. Engineering Services Definition of the work tasks to be performed Preperation of deliverables list - based on given CTR list, Preparation of manhour estimates for engineering and field design — based on given CTR list ‘+ Preparation of instrument section of Technical Proposal (if required). This is in accordance to Scope of Work determined by Head of Department/Proposal Engineer or Proposal Manager ‘+ Nomination of personnel (Lead Engineer, Lead Designer, ete) EP, EPC, EPIC or EPCC Preparation of deliverables list - based on given CTR list Preparation of manhour estimate for engineering and field design — based on given CTR list Preparation of instrument section of Technical Proposal (if required). This is in accordance to Scope of Work determined by Head of Department/Proposal Engineer or Proposal Menager ‘+ Nomination of personnel (Lead Engineer, Lead Designer, etc) Pr TECH NOONESIA DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) bee. » owp-in-oot Technip TOR Daewoo INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT + Preparation of List of Quantities of Field Instrument fo be given to Estimating Department for miscellaneous minor bulk material estimation purposes ‘+ Prepare cost estimate tagged instruments and systems using current pricing data or vendor quotations for the equipment required under scope of supply including: - DCS, ESD, F&G, Public Address System, Telecommunication System ete - Valves, actuators and accessories + Prepare the Bulk of Material take-off ‘+ Clarify skid mounted instrument scope and interfaces with relevant package engineer 7. DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTOL, 74 DESIGN TAA Contract Review ‘The Lead engineer assigned to project is responsible for ensuring that the other engineers and designer under his control read and clearly understand the contract requirements covering their assigned scope. The following key points especially, should be clearly understood, Starting documents for his scope Objective of his scope ‘Specification for the work in his scope Drawings for the work in his scope Limitations, philosophy, overview that affect scope Input Analysis. Itis primary responsibilty of the Engineer to ensure that all input data, whether derived from the Design Basis or from another document prepared for the project is entered correctly in the ‘computer or manual calculation. All input data must be from an official document. The originator of the document is responsible to verify the design input and to ensure that incomplete, ambiguous or conflicting requirements ere resolved with those responsible for drawing up these requirements. The originator is also responsible to ensure that the appropriate international codes, applicable regulations, standards and practices are used in the design. Any designidata which is not finalized due to lack of information from client, other departments ‘or vendors shail be kept under “hold” until such required information is available and it shall be brought to the notice of immediate senior/ supervisor. Coordination i) Within The instrument Department Engineers/Designers shall coordinate with each other before drafting work is started. Engineers shail ensure that adequate information is transmitted to the designer during the development of the drawing, and that the designer relays all the correct information to the draftsman. il) With Other Departments rrecraur mooNESIA DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) : owe.ncot Technip a Pero TAA INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Instrument engineering should coordinate with other depariments to agree the responsibilities of each department in the production of documents and drawings which affect the other department(s) work. ‘Smart Plant Instrumentation (SPI or Intools software} ‘SPI (intools software) shall be used as a standard in projects where required by clients. It is used to generate the following deliverables: Instrument index System VO List ‘Wiring Diagrams Hookup Diagrams Loop Diagrams MTO Cabie Schedule Junction Box Schedule Instrument Datasheets Instrument Sizing Calculations Reference may be made to INTOOLS Procedure, DWP-IN-002 which provides the details of using the SPI (Intools software). The following deliverables will be generated on AutoCAD Software: Instrument Block Diagram Cable Routing Instrument Location Plan Logic Diagrams Layout drawings (Air supply, Hydraulic, Electrical, F&G) In design services projects, client's approved standard will be used to prepare the required deliverables, The designer in charge of @ parlicular project shall maintain 2 record of all information's/modifications transmitted by the engineer, at the same time ensure that the drawing master copy is updated properly and correctly. Intools is a professional multi user and multi project windows based software tool + Intools Administrator Intools administrator assigns a project administrator to a domain and manages in tools user Connection and software applications. Create project templates, perform database backup, restore and deletions. - Domain ‘The primary roles of domain administrator are as follows: ‘+ Mittal plant design and construction ‘+ Plant modernization + General = Created customer report specification forms, hook up and loop diagram templates + Import add-on - Manage instrument index module supporting tables and typical loops creation ~ Manage Intoois software applications and errors - Manage importimerge functions. + Access Rights PrTecHu noowesn DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) poe. no. ;nwe.n-001 Technip a Rare 72 73 TAS INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT One of the key roles of domain administrator is to define and manage intools user access rights - Full: User in the comers pending group - Modify : User in the comer pending group ~ Viewable : User in the corner pending group - Access denied : User in the corner pending group ‘Sequential Preparation of Documents/Drawinas See Attachment 4, Instruments Design Flow Chart LIST OF DOCUMENT PRODUCED, A B c. D, Instrument Datasheets for process measurement and control, primary elements and final control elements as per Attachment 1 Instrument Specification for instrument system packages as per Attachment 2. Instrument Caiculation for Control valves, Flow elements, Pressure relief valves and Thermowells. Instrument Design Drawings as per Attachment 3. ‘On completion of the contract review at commencement of each project, and after resolving any remaining ambiguities, the Lead Instrument Engineer prepares the list of documents to be issued by the Instrument Department for that project, and forward this list to the Project Manager who compiles the Engineering Document Register for the project. PREPARATION OF INSTRUMENT D\ NTS 7.3.1 Instrument Datasheet 7.32 733 Instrument shall be grouped, arranged as per instrument schedule. The data sheet (as per PTI or client standard forms) is used as the primary document to contain all available information of @ particular instrument. Each instrument item is listed on this form with separate sheets ‘maintained for each class according to the ALPHA/numeric sequence. ‘One drawing number is to be used for each plant or platform. Sheets are to be added if one sheet cannot contain all instrument tag numbers. Sheet shall be numbered numerically; ie., cover sheet, index sheet, sht.1, sht.2, etc. or as per client standard numbering system, Instrument Specification Each instrument item is to be detailed on a suitable specification form (as per PTTI or client standard). Where possible, these should be issued with the requisition to minimize duplication of information. Each specification will have individual specification number as per PTI or client standard specification numbering system). Appendix 2, lists all the standard specification types that are applicable for use on all projects. Instrument Calculation For flow elements, control valves, relief valves and thermowells where the size of instruments is required as part of the specification; a calculation has to be performed to determine the exact Prone nooNESIA Technip Foe DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) box io. . owrsv-001 Ra 0 734 738 737 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT size. The calculations can be achieved in two ways i.e. manual calculation or software ‘calculation. In case where software calculation is used (including intools), at least two different software shall be used to counter check. Only validated software shall be used for the calculation. A set of calculation software is available in Instrument Department stored in ‘computer, In both cases where manual or software calculations are used, the process data sheet provided by Process Department shall be used as a basis for input calculation by the originator. The process data sheet shail be attached to the calculation sheet for easy reference to the checker. The calculations submitted by vendor and approved by client/PTT! wil be final. Instrument List (Index) Instrument shall be grouped, arranged in alpha-numeric order or as clients’ standard grouping system. - The schedule (as per PTT! or client standard forms) is used as the primary instrument index; each instrument item is listed on the schedule with separate sheets maintained for each class according to the first letter of the identification tag number. ‘One drawing number is to be used for each plant or platform. Sheets are to be added if one sheet cannot contain all instruments. Sheets shall be numbered numerically, ie. cover sheet, Index sheet, sht. 1, sht. 2, etc. or as per client standard numbering system. Process Control Narrative (Control Requirements) The contro! requirements related to process and utlity systems shall be defined with identification of monitoring control loop, PID control loop end device control (motor contol, actuated valve SOV etc). The loop numbers/ tag numbers shall be clearly identified. This shall contain interlock details with other systems and also the graphia! alarm configuration details. Input Output List for System Instrument signals shall be grouped, arranged in alpha-numeric order or as clients’ standard grouping system identifying different types of signals like analog, digital with inputs and outputs connected to various systems. The schedule (as per PTT! or client standard forms) is used as the primary document for design of the control and safety systems. (One drawing number is to be used for each plant or platform. Sheets are to be added if one sheet cannot contain all instrument signals. Sheets shall be numbered numerically, i.e. cover sheet, index sheet, sht, 4, sht. 2, etc. or as per client standerd numbering system. Alarm and Trip List Instrument signals shall be grouped, arranged in alpha-numeric order or as clients’ standard grouping system identifying different types of signals like analog, digital with inputs and outputs connected to various systems. The alarm and trip functions shall be 2s per requirements specified on the P&ID and the values shall be indicated es determined by process. The schedule (as per PTT! or client standard forms) is used as the primary document for design of the control and safety systems. Page set37 DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) owpav-001 Technip FOR Ree 738 7.3.40 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT One drawing qumber is to be used for each plant or platform. Sheets are to be added if one sheet cannot contain all instrument signals. Sheets shall be numbered numerically, i. cover sheet, index sheet, sht. 1, sht. 2, etc. or as per client standard numbering system, Instrument Cable/Tube Schedule Each cableltube shall be given a unique number; the number will be prefixed by a letter, indicating the following: Prefix — 3 digits — location numberfor unit H Hydraulic bundles F-Fite & Gas Pneumatic bundles D—Digital Signal T—Temperature cables W- Solenoid Valve E- Instrument supply N-Non-8 Analog {Instrument measuring/signal cables “intrinsically safe Suffix — 4 digits serial number in each group. Cable schedule shall be PTT! standard format or clients standard format. Note: Instrument cables shall not be listed on common schedules with electrical cables. Level Sketch ‘This drawing shall indicate all the level instruments that are connected to each equipment! vessel as per requirements shown on P&iD. The C to C between flanges, range and connection type/ size ete for each tag number shall be determined with clear indication of the type of instrument chosen. The level calculations shall be done (As required e.g. for DP type) and indicated in the drawing. ‘Cause and Effect Matrix This drawing list all signals of the shutdown system, separating the cause from the effects. Input and outputs (cause and effect) shall be identified with instrument tag number and equipment function, Interlock, interactions between system inputs and outputs shall be identified giving the resulting action, 1.2. ‘Narm enunciated Open/Close Valve StartiStop pump ‘System by passed Etc. When agreed between Lead Instrument Engineer, Project Manager and Lead Process Engineer, the Alarm and Shutdown Matrix may be produced by Process Department, This drawing shall be developed for shutdown system and fire & gas system separately with clear distinction of the shutdown levels as per the shutdown hierarchy drawing. Page wots DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) bee. no. oweun.cot Technip FOR Reno 7344 73.12 73.13 73.14 7.3.15 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Instrument Bulk Material Take Off (MTO's! ‘These documents provide a method of itemizing the instrument materials of each drawing and totalizing the material requirements for the complete project. The material for all following ‘drawings should be accounted in the material summary sheets a) _ Installation drawings, both standard and non-standard ) Layout of instrument, points and lines ©) Any other drawings not listed above, which requires instruments and/or installation material, Special care shail be taken such that the material shown on more than one of above drawings appear only once on the material summary sheets. Instrument air! gas consumption list This document shall list all the Instrument users that require Instrument air/ gas during normal and emergency operation. The consumption depends on the type of device chosen and supplied by vendors but intially a safe margin as per earlier data shall be considered for design Purposes. Instrument power consumption list This document shail list all the Instrument users that require power during normal and emergency operation. The loads shall be segregated as those that require un-interrupted supply (from UPS system) and those that can run on normal Non-UPS supply. This document shall list the automation system loads and also certain instruments that may require external power supply. Instrument drawing legend sheet This drawing lists all the legends that are used in the entire project under various drawings! documents and provide details of what the symbol means and how it is to be read and understood. Instrument Installation Standard (Hook-ups) i) instrument Piping Drawings a) Instrument impulse lines ~ This shall be (standard) drawings showing the hook-up detail of the instrument from process piping point. In case no standard drawing is available @ new drawing standard shall be made. Cllents’ standard drawings shall be used if required. b) Instrument Pneumatic Hook-ups - This shall be (standard) drawings showings the signal lines (pneumatic) and the instrument air / gas supply lines. In case no standard drawing is available, a new drawing standard shall be made. This drawing shall follow the same format as the existing standard drawings. Clients’ standard drawings shall be used if required c) The material requirements of each detail of standard instrument drawing are indicated on these drawings. This list shall be used for completion of the instrument bulk material Page 37 DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) xc No. - bwp-tv-001 Technip i ae 7.3.16 TBAT INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT take off (MTO) mentioned under paragraph 7.3.11. Instrument Mounting Detail Same requirements apply as for instrument installation details. Instrument location pian ‘The purposes of this drawing is to physically locate locally mounted instruments and accessory devices with their connection taps as well as to detail the physical location of instrument airigas header (ESD/PSD headers), interconnecting tubing and junction boxes. The drawing is to be based on that of a plot plans complete with buildings, columns, tanks, and other major ‘equipments. In large plants/platforms, the separation into sections shall follow the samé pattern ble, a logical system which groups identical as the piping drawings, or if this is not apr ‘equipment shall be followed. The drawing shail always include a) Coordinate and North arrow b) Scales 6) Layout of troughs in outline only ¢) Elevation of instruments ) Match lines and continuation drawing reference numbers Below sections provide the details to be covered which depend on the client requirements (In some cases these requirements could be covered in separate drawings) but in general Instrumentation shall be shown as follows:- }) Instrument Items ~ Instruments and their connection taps shall be shown as closely as Possible to the actual location. Pressure and temperature taps, flow elements and control valves are to be show in the line or on the vessel which they appear. Lines and vessel should have the identification numbers and letters as shown on the piping drawings, other items shall be shown by its equipment tag number in a circle as it appears on the piping and instrument diagram. Coordinates shall be utiized to clarify locations, ii) Instrument Air/Gas Supply Lines ~ These main instrument alr header, 1 inch or larger it fo be shown on piping drawings up to and including take-off block’ (isolating) valves. The layout of instrument points and fines will show the size and the routing for the it/gas supply lines to the instruments. circled number indicating the number of tubes Where multicore tubing/multicore cable is used, junction boxes are to be shown in actual location, with a table showing the numbering system identifying the tubing/cable routing. If many multicore tubingimulticable bundles are used, special drawings shall be made for the identification of the single tubesicabie, iv) Thermocouples ~ Only the location of the thermocouples shall be shown. This will serve 28 a guide for the preparation of electrical cable/conduit layouts. Junction box locations tobe shown on this drawing ‘Transmission and Control Lines — These shail be shown from transmitter to received (or control room junction) or from controller (or control room junction) to control valve. ‘Where a number of lines are run in a common trough/tray a single line is shown, with a les. DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) doc.o. : oweun-0ot Technip TOR Ree 8 73.18 73.19 7.3.20 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT v) _Electricai_instrument ~ Only the location shall be shown with Indication of electric connection, vi) Fite & Gas ~ The detectors, alarm bells, lamps, PB, siren shall be shown in actual location. The detectors shall be located based on philosophy, vendor recommendation ete. Instrument Cable Tray Routing Layout ‘Superimposed on simplified (section of the) equipment layout drawings shall show the location of all instrument cablesifire & gas cables from their termination points in the plantplatform to their termination points in the control center. Cables shall be identified using the cable number at each termination point, Particuler attention shall be given to segregation of cables Le. 1.8, non-.8., and power cables. The cable tray layout routing shall be checked with piping layout for any clash, 7 For EPC type of project, only main cable routing shall be shown. The secondary cable routing shall be detailed by the sub-contractor. Fusible pl ut ‘The purpose of this drawing is to physically locate the fusible plugs that may be required as per the fire & gas protection philosophy. This drewing can be part of fire & gas layouts or separate drawings as per client requirements. Control Room Equipment Layout i) Layout of Control room Panel and Local panel These drawings serve only as a guide for the vendor. Therefore, neither construction details nor exact dimensions are required on these drawings. Only the overall dimensions, location of instrument items, shape, graphic layout and general layout are fequired. The detailed layout provided by the vendor is to be approved by buyer/client before fabrication of the panel is started. In case the panel board is to be field fabricated, and the instruments to be field mounted, complete layout and construction details are required, i) Layout of Rack Dimension, equipment iocation, wiring race way, cable entries, terminal strips, ete, are tobe shown, Front of Control Room Panel and Local panel Besides, the basic information as indicated above under paragraph i) the layout of the Panel board front should also indicate the cut-out dimensions for all instrument items, ‘annunciator detail and mimic diagram where applicable & as soon as possible shall be confirmed to the vendor. ‘The Vendor's final drawings should be used for record purposes. Drawings which are likely to be changed later, 2s front of panel board and terminal layout drawings shall preferably be made by the panel manufacturer on buyers/clients tiie block with drawing PrTecite MOONS DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) = owe-wv-001 Technip FOR Reg 7.3.24 7.3.22 73.23 7.3.24 73.25 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT number assigned by buyer/client and shall comply with buyer/client standard drafting requirement, Instrument Air/ Hydraulic Header Layout ‘The purpose of this drawing is to physically locate the Instrument air/ hydraulic lines to each individual consumer from the main headers with clear identification of piping/ instrument scope. This drawing can be part of Instrument location plan or separate drawings as per client requirements. Instrument MCT (Muttiple cable transit) Layout This drawing shall show the details of the cable transits that are required with the overall frame size, location and the sectional details within the frame indicating the cable gland sizes required for various cables with the identified cable numbers as per the cable schedule, ize crossing of cables for ease of ‘The MCT layout for contro! room shall be planned to mi installation and maintenance. Fire and Gas Detector Layout The purpose of this drawing is to physically locate all the fire and gas devices and the manual PB initiators that may be required as per the fire & gas philosophy. The number of detectors shall be determined initially as per the detector coverage area and finalized as per fire mapping / gas propagation study if required by client. This drawing can be part of Instrument location plan or separate drawings as per client requirements. Instrument Cable Block Diagram ‘These drawings provide an overview indicating the requirements of cables that are designed from the field up to the contro! room. This covers all the signals that are connected to various systems. This drawing shall be designed to show interconnections between all system equipment including but not limited to: a) Plant/Piatform instrumentations. b) Junction boxes ¢) Control panes, ¢) MCC units 2) Package units, etc. Each of the above units of equipment shall be shown as a “block’ and all “Block” shall be ‘grouped according to location. Equipment tag number and any reference drawing numbers shall be identified in each block. Cables between units of equipment shall be shown by a single line properly identified. Package Interface Block Diagram, ‘These drawings are similar to Instrument cable block diagram but more specific to package vendors. This drawing can be part of instrument cable block diagram or separate depending on the project/ client requirement. Pr TECH BIDONESHA Technip DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) —b2c no. ovr-nioot FOR Rey se INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7.3.26 Instrument Loop Diagram Instrument loop diagram (ILD’s) shail be prepared for every design package to detail interconnection of contra! syste: components and to facilities testing of each loop during construction and maintenance. It shall be based on Typical Loop Catalog or typical loop diagram which shall be produced by the Automation system vendor. Depending on the project requirement, ILD’s may be produced in AutoCAD, SPI or a combination of both ‘The following requirements apply ii) ity iv) v Drawing format — A3-size drawing shall be used at all times (or as per clients’ standard 68) as advised, Drawing title - the drawing tile shail include: process variable identification (F for flow, L for Level, eic.), loop number, service description (consistent with service description on instrument schedule and including main equipment number). Example: F-100, V-100 gas outlet Drawing number ~ one drawing number shall be assigned with sheet number for each loop, each ILD shall be individually shown on the drawing index. Drafting Requirements a) Individual drawing shall be made for each single loop. If several loops are interconnected to from a system (such as cascaded control, auito selection control, antisurge control, emergency shutdown system etc. an identification to be shown on the page and the continuation to be shown on the page and the continuation pages. b) The loop diagram drawings shall be divided into separate sections, showing field mounted instrumentations, junction boxes (with terminals/bulkhead identification) mutticores / multitubes, panel terminals, front of panel instruments, back terminals and numbering cabinets / boxes and the control room devicestunction. ©) Connection of the instrument loops to process equipment shail be shown end the service and equipment tag numbers stated. d) Where an instrument loop is connected to another control system, for example a SID system on @ pump control system, A so-called “Black Box" maybe shown on the loop diagram, giving the function of this box, mark number, incoming and outgoing terminals and reference drawings. €) Actual points and terminal designation junction box numbers, cable numbers, tube ‘numbers, multitube numbers, multi cable numbers shall be shown on the drawing. f) Control vaives shall be shown complete with accessories such as trip valves, lock-up valves and pressure reducers. 9) The symbols used for the instruments on the loop diagrams shall be in accordance with client standard symbols or applicable ISA standard, hh) The following information shall be given in a block next to the instrument: instruments tag number, calibrated range and elevation or suppression for transmitters; range; process and signal set points on switches; air signal and air failure action, On control TECH MoOnESH Technip DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) Dex = owPacor FOR 7.3.27 7.3.28 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT valves; bore diameter of orifices; mounting of seismic type vibration switches. i) If loop diagrams are made by a panel vendor, the drawings shall preferably be on buyer’s/clients' title block with drawing numbers assigned by buyer / client and shal comply with buyer's/client’s drafting standards. j) On each ILD reference shall be made to the applicable P&ID drawing number and instrument schedule. Instrument Junction Box Wiring and Termination Diagram Each junction box (JB) shall be listed in numerical order using JB tag number. JB tag number shall be as per client's standard tag numbering system. Junction box schedule shall be PTTI standard format or client's standard format. JB. Shall be numbered as below. Unit, Type, Serial number. ‘Type: JBH, JBN, JBT, JBE, JBi, JBF, JBD, JBW Serial # : 4 digits in each group, Each control panel and junetion box shall have termination/wiring diagrams listing all terminals in numerical order in groups associated with each terminal block and showing all internal wirings from input and output terminal blocks to internal equipment, The data given by the diagrams shall include: = The actual numbering of terminals and terminal rows + The (multi-element) signal cable(s) connected to these terminals with full identification by cable number(s), pairiquad numbers, color code of wires, etc. + The actual numbering of internal equipment terminations and equipment tag numbers ‘+The cross wiring between all terminals and equipment + Full identification of wires using color code, terminal number, equipment tag number. The Instrument side wires ferruling shall be Instrument tag no. and JB number with terminal number. Ferruling of the wires of cables entering JB, shall have both instrument tag and JB terminal number. ‘The cables out of JB shall the JB terminal number and terminal number of the other end + ‘equipment number. Logic Diagram Shall only be prepared as required by clients and shall meet requirements for symbols, function and types as per international standards or as per clients standard requirements. Requirements shall all be followed by control equipment venders if they make the required documentation for logic control system (i. detailed logic diagrams) For basic and detailed logic diagrams the symbols shall be as per international standards or as per clients’ standards shall generally be used. For complex functions, @ uniform symbol maybe used provided that the symbol is complete with age 220637 DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) box. : owraw-o01 Technip FOR Re 0 7.3.29 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ‘appropriate name and truth tables that appear in the drawing legend. For process switches such as pressure, level and temperature as well as the manual operated switches, the IEE symbols shall be used The open circuit switch or open circuit connection and all alarms, stop and shutdown signals shall always be considered to be a logical “O” and the logic connection used shall be chosen by this criteria, The logic convention being used shall be stated on the detailed logic diagram, together with its, definition as follows: ‘This drawing assumes the positive logic convention i.e. the higher (more positive) voltage signel level is the logical “1” state, Or This drawing assumes the negative logic connection, i.e. the lower (more negative) voltage signal level is the logical “1” state. The logic diagram shall be machine logic and not process logic. All package vendors shall provide machine logic only, unless otherwise specified somewhere else. List of Nameplates for Instrument ‘Separate drawings should be prepared (as per PTTI or client standard) to cover nameplates required for instrument as follows: i) Instrument in Control Room P: ick oF Local Panel Panel mounted instruments shall be provided with two nameplates, one on the front and one at the back. The front nameplate shall show service description and tag number including plant / platform number and instrument number as minimum requirement. The nameplate at the back shall show only tag no. the nameplate material shall be white melamine with black letters. iil) Locally Mounted Instruments All locally mounted instrument items should be provided with a nameplate. This lncludes instrumenis such as transmitters, recorders, controllers, control valves, ‘analyzers and relief valves. Nameplate shall show service description and tag number plant / platform number and instrument model number as minimum requirement. This is different from vendor's standard nameplate. Note: This service description should accurately identify actual service on which the instrument item is used. This same service description should also appear on ail other instrumentation drawing such as instrument specification sheets, instrument schedule and data sheets. ‘The nameplate shall be SS 316 with biack letters and attached to the instrument by ‘SS wire as a permanent feature. 'v) Thermocouples ‘recip nooNEsIA age 23037 DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) pvc no, owr-in-oor Technip ae eee 7A, INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Nameplates shall be attached to thermocouple head chain and shall show tag number only. 7.3.30. Instrument Earthing Layout This drawing shall indicate the earthing requirement for all the Instrument devices! panels! JB, etc that may be located in the field or enclosed room. The drawing shall clearly segregate the panel earth and instrument earth requirements which shall be grounded to the main electrical earth bar separately, Proper references of electrical earthing layouts shall be done for easy reference. 7.3.31 System Architecture Drawing This drawing shail indicate all the various systems that are required indicating the connection via network up to the operator stations. These shall include controllers, network type, servers, ‘operator stations etc that may be used at various locations and their connectivity. This drawing provides an overview of the control and safety systems that are employed. This drawing shall be included under vendor scope for developing further details as required, 7.3.32 Shutdown Level te Drawit This drawing provides the safely and shutdown level sequence to be employed by the shutdown system. This is based on the shutdown and fire & gas philosophy requirements. Generally this drawing is developed in FEED stage and is based on olient standard requirement which needs to be reviewed before being used. This document forms the basis for developing the cause & effect matrix and configuration of the systems. 7.3.33 Instrument Panel Schematic Drawing This drawing shall indicate all the interface details related to each package with type of connectivity with the control and safety systems. This shall include all the tag details that are required to be interfaced with connection type, cable number, cable size etc. CHECKING OF DOCUMENT All documents are to be checked by the originator who is responsible for the preparation of the document. For Engineering work, first check is by the Engineer who is the originator and subsequent checking is to be done by responsible/ assigned Design Engineer or Lead Engineer. For Design work, first check is by the Designer who is the originator and subsequent checking is to be done by Lead Designer. For drafting work, first checking is by draftsman and subsequent checking is to be done by responsible Design Engineer or Designer. The Lead Engineer checks all documents and calculations for correctness and completeness. After checking, document/caiculations are manually initialed by the checker. ‘Standard PTTI's color code is to be used for checking of drawings as follows: Yellow Indicates that the review has been made and shows what has been found to be correct or what should be maintained. Prec woowese Technip DEPARTMENT eo POR PROCEDURE (DWP) Doc lo: owPaont —— 78. INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Blue Indicates something to be deleted Red Indicates something to be corrected or added. Green Indicates that the comments have been transferred to the original document. Black Indicates remarks, instructions or information which is NOT to be added onto the document. 7.4.1. Discipline Checking Al internally generated documents that form a basis for further design development are subject to a checking procedure. They carry the signature of the person preparing the document and data, To facilitate checking, all information, calculation equations etc are referenced for source. Like PaiDs, Process datasheets, numbering system. ‘The checker is an engineer or a designer nominated by the lead engineer. ‘The checker validates a copy of the document or calculation being checked, and signs the ‘check copy. The originator revises the original which is then countersigned by the checker after he (she) ascertains the original is correct. For document where title block for signatures is not available, a rubber stamp with title block shall be used for signatures.] All check copies shell be stamped “CHECK PRINT” retained in the Instrument Engineering Department files for the Project. Calculation for relief valves, control vaive sizing, etc, shall have thei Check lists should be used for checking of Instrument drawings. (See Attachment 5). APPROVAL All documents are to be approved by the Lead Engineer on the project or the Project Manager where requested by the higher authority. 7.5.1. Demarcetion of Responsibility for Checking and Approving Document ‘Specifications/Calc./ Report Design Drawings Personnel ot |_ Originator Engineer Engineer__| Designer | Engr. Checker CEng | L. Engr Engr | L. Engr. ‘Approver L. Engr. Proj. Mgr L_Engr Proj. Mgr Prrecine moors, Page 25 tr tialed sheets approved by the lead engineer who confirms the procedure and any follow up necessary to the revisions. Technip DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) boc. no... oweun-oo1 FOR Rev 50 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 7.5.2. Responsibilities, signatories and standardization of Title Blocks Revision numbering, issue dates, signatures and approvals shall be as per Attachment 6 “Standardizing Title Blocks” where aiso the responsibilities of the personnel who sign the drawings/documents are described. 7.6. REVISION Revision becomes necessary after issuing e document due to: changes in basis of design Availability of data from other departments/vendors Client's comments Revisions by other departments and v. Omissions and mistakes The design engineer or designer initiates revision of document and follows same procedure of checking ‘and approval. 7.6.1. Procedures for Identifying Revisions of Documents in Projects ‘A. When a document is updated for the next revision, the changes made to the document must be identified. This is necessary : + To facilitate the “Checker” and “Approver” to identify the changes quickly. + To facilitate the ‘Checker and “Approver” to check only those parts of the document which have been changed, ‘+ To prevent the "Checker" and “Approver” from checking parts of the document which have not been changed. As the document has already been checked and approved in the earlier revision. it is not necessary to check those parts which were ot changed. B, _The procedure to identify these changes are as follows : i) Drawings/Sketches Cloud the revised part and insert a triangle with the new revision number. When the document is updated to the next revision again the future, remove the old revision clouds and its revision triangle and show only the new revision clouds and its revision triangle. When the document has been completely updated (i.e. 50 % or more), it is not necessary to cloud all the changes. In such cases, note in the revision description column of title block as follows : “Drawing hes been completely updated" (replace “Drawing” with "Sketch" If the document is a sketch.) ji) Specifications/Reports/Calculations and Other Typed Documents {fonly one line in @ paragraph is revised, show a triangle with the new revision number on the right hand side of the page and on the same horizontal line as the line which contains the revision. Page 20037 Technip 7. DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) px.» owesn-cor FOR Re INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT If two adjacent lines or more have been changed, draw a vertical line on the right hand side of the page spanning the lines which have been revised and insert a triangle with the new revised number to the right of the vertical line (approximately halfway along the vertical line). fa whole page has been revised, insert a triangle with the new revision number on the top right hand corner of the page. When the document is updated to the next revision again in the future, remove the old revision triangles and show only the new revision triangles. If the document has been completely updated (i.e. 50% or more), it is not necessary to insert triangles adjacent to the changes. In such ‘cases, note in the revision description column of tile block as follows: “Document has been completely updated”. C. Inthe final issue of the document to the Client (i.e. the last issue for Bid” or “Approved for Construction” or even “ revision clouds and revision triangles shall be removed. In this case, it may be "Approved -buill” as the case may be), all wsert the revision triangles and clouds first, get “Checked, “Approved” and “Client App'd" signatures and subsequently remove the revision triangles and the clouds from the original before issue to the Client. DISTRIBUTION Distribution of instrument documents shall be as per GWP-QN-008 wherein for each type of deliverable the applicable departments to whom IDC needs to be given are identified. Below mentioned is typical distribution of few instrument documents; Master Copies Instrument Datasheets! Specs. ‘Shutdown Matrix Control Room Layout Instrument Air Header Schematic Piping Location of Instrument Cable Routing / Layout Fire & Gas Layout Study Reports With instrument dept. : Project, Process, Mechanical, Electrical + Project, Process, Electrical Piping, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil ping, Structural/CWil, Electrical Piping, Structural, Electrical, Civil : Piping, Structural, Mechanical, Safety, Process As required Distribution of document within the company is Instrument Department's responsibilty. The Lead Engineer shall issue the relevant document! drawing with ‘IDC’ stamped and relevant departments identified to the Department Secretary who will ensure that the documents’ drawings are sent to identitied departments. The Depariment secretary also maintains a record of incoming! outgoing ‘documents in the log book. However, submission of document to client is through project manager. PrTECANP INCOMES, Technip FOR DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) ec. io.» owpan-oot Rv: 0 84 82 83 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT INTERFACE CONTROL INTER-DISCIPLINE CHECK (1DC) IDC of instrument originated document is instrument department's responsibilty. Instrument document which require IDC before release to client's comments are to be circulated to other departments and comments to be obtained! incorporated IDC procedure Is further detailed in GWP-QM-014, ‘Comments made by Instrument Engineering department on IDC issues distributed by other disciplines shall be entered according to the PTTI Standard Color Code for IDC comments as detailed in section 4.7 of GWP-OM-044. The PTTI Standard IDC Color Codes are as follows: Process - Purple ‘Mechanical - Orange Piping - Brown Instrument - Dark Green Electrical : Black Structural : Pink Civit - Pink Pipeline - Light Green Project Management Red Quality Assurance Blue INTE! Th JENT. ‘Any communication with client is through Project Manager / Engineer. All other communication with cliont's engineers shall be recorded either with @ project note or telephone conversation report and copied to the Lead Engineer and Project Manager. Engineers should at no time make decisions on theit ‘own with the client without approval of the Lead Engineer. Copies of instrument document duly checked end approved are sent to client by Project Manager and client's comments are received by Project Manager which is passed on to Instrument Department. Depending on the nature of comments, they are either incorporated or clarified through correspondence. Sometimes, it is necessary to organize a meeting with the client to sort out major comments, Records of client's comments are kept by the Department. EXTERNAL INTERFACES Interaction with vendors/subcontractors is through Project Manager or Engineer nominated to coordinate with a particular vendor/subcontractor for 2 package. Instrument Department receives one copy of technical bids (for evaluation) and vendor data (for approval) of equipmentipackages which are relevant to Instrument. Technical Bids and Vendor data are reviewed by design engineers, discussed with Lead Engineer. A copy of vendor bid/ document will be circulated for IDC of other concemed department for their review! comment. The applicable comments shall be taken up with the vendors for resolution. A copy of approved vendor data (relevant to instrument) is kept in instrument files. Technip DEPARTMENT Fe eon PROCEDURE (DWP) Den No: bweanaot — 9. 10. 1. INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The interactions required with regulatory bodies are always through Project Manager and client. All such meetings are to be attended by Lead Engineer or Project Manager. TRACEABILITY OF OPERATIONS It fs the responsibility of the design engineer and designer to property index and file all document and drawings (masters, comments copies, etc.) so that they are adequately retrievable, Furthermore each document and drawing shall be stamped appropriately, in order to identify its status. Typical stamps that are readily available include: 1 “PRELIMINARY”. 2. “FOR INFORMATION” 3. “MASTER COPY" 4. "CHECK PRINT" 5. "SUPERSEDED" 6. “CANCELLED” 7. "ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION” 8. “ISSUED FOR BID” 9. “ISSUED FOR REVIEW" 10. *AS-BUILT” 11. *INTERDISCIPLINE CIRCULATION" 12. “UNCONTROLLED COPY” All documents and drawings are to be duly endorsed at each stage of issue to identify the originator, checker and approver. IMPLEMENTATION AND DISTRIBUTION ‘The department HOD together with department QAR, are responsible for the preparation, issue and updating of this document. They are also responsible for the effective implementation of this procedure in the department. The issue of this procedure, DWP-IN-001, is strictly by controlled copies. The following personnel are authorized holders: Controlled Copies No Holder 1 Instrument Engineering HOD 2 Instrument Engineering Department QAR 3 QA Department 4 Engineering Manager The copies of this DWP shail be stamped as ‘UNCONTROLLED COPY’ and distributed to all personnel within the Instrument department. FILING AND ARCHIVING In general, fiing and archiving shail be followed as per company procedure GWP-QM-009 which provides the basis and guidelines, however below sections are put in as they are more specific for Instrumentation engineering related work PrTECHRIPHOONESA Peo z00197 DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) bce no. : nwesnvoo Technip FOR Re! 8 144 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FILING OF DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE This procedure is flled in the Instrurnent Engineering Department, 112 PROJECT FILING AND ARCHIVING. Filing system shall be established for 1) 2) Project related documents and drawings. Non-project related document, ©.g. company correspondence, training record, manufacturer catalogues, etc. i. Every effort should be made to use a uniform filing system for all projects with minor modifications as required for specific projects. All project files and drawer cabinets shall be identified with the relevant cost code and project title accordingly. Documents are generally filed under the following categories. 11.2.1, Project Document Files The project files shall be maintained in separate filing racks allocated within the discipline. The Lead Engineer is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of all the project related documents. The files shall generally be labeled for easy identification as per document number: ENG-IN-GEN-002, Project file numbering system. 11.2.2. Project Drawing Files For A3 size and smaller ~ Master set of Instrument Drawings (Printed copy) is filed in AS size file folders designed for drawings. For all working originals — these are to be filed in file folders and kept in cabinet allotted as per project. For all AFC originals of all sizes — these are to be filed in the file folders and kept in cabinet. All computer-generated drawings/documents shail be stored in company network computer. 11.22.41 Filing Procedure A) Original Drawings All originals must be kept in an AO size steel drawer cabinet and each section of the flirig cabinet shall be properly identified on the outside as to name of the project, discipline and contractiwork order no, Only in progress drawings and drawings needed to be updated can be out and on the table. Other discipline engineers/draftsmen are not allowed to take the original drawings. Lead designers of each particular project shall be responsible for the safe keeping of all the drawings of their project. 8) Print Drawings/Mark-ups Page 206857 DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) be. vo. owpan-oot Technip TOR betas 13 114 INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Set of drawing prints with adequate stamping shall be given by the lead engineer to other discipline upon request. Set of prints shall be issued to clients with the proper stamping upon request only by the project manager/engineer. The lead designer shall ensure that all originals returned are back to the proper place after printing, If for any reason the client requested a working copy, “FOR INFORMATION ONLY” stamp should be put on this copy. All out-of-date documents and drawings shall be stamped “Superseded” to avoid wrong usage. Each lead designer shall keep 2 filing of all master copy, check print mark-ups, IDC prints, and client comment prints during the development of each particular project. At the end of each project, the relevant project documents and drawings are archived. DEPARTMENT FILING: ‘The department files shall be maintained in separate filing racks allocated within the discipline. The departmental secretary is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of all the department related documents. The files shall generally be labeled for easy identification as per document number: ENG-IN-GEN-001, Instrument department file numbering system. Useful documents encountered during a project are to be kept in the library, such as vendor data catalogues, special specifications, reports, calculations, etc. INE REF! \TABASE (DRB) Discipline Reference Database (DRB) are a set of documents drawings maintained (Hard copy & soft copy) in the department and are available for reference. DRB consists of the following; a) Technical documents (Datasheets, Specs, drawings) from various projects which may be used as reference, b) Applicable design requirements from local statutory regulatory bodies. ©) Vendor catalogs! operating manuals! technical information. d) Technical literature! information available from other centres of Technip group. Technip DEPARTMENT oe eoe PROCEDURE (DWP) Doc na = wraNant INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT — 1 LIST OF DATASHEETS (2 SHEETS) Pr TECH MOONE Technip DEPARTMENT orn PROCEDURE (DWP) Doe Ne: owpacor — INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1, PRESSURE INSTRUMENTS: Pressure gauges/ indicators. Pressiire switches, Pressure transmitters. Differential pressure switches. Differential pressure transmitters. geooe 2. TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS Resistance temperature sensor (RTD). Thermocouples. Thermowells. ‘Temperature gauges/ indicators. ‘Temperature switches. Temperature transmitters. mopogp 3. LEVEL INSTRUMENTS . Level gauges ~ Reflex type. Level gauges — displacer type. . Level gauges — Magnetic type. Level switches — displacer/ float type. Level transmitter — displacer type. f. Level transmitter — Magnetic type. |. Level transmitter — Radar type. Level transmitter — Nucleonic type. Level transmitter — Capacitance type. Level transmitter ~ Magnetosttictive type. 4. FLOW INSTRUMENTS Orifice plates and flanges. Senior orifice assemblies. Restriction orifices. Venturi meters. Coriolis flowmeters. Turbine flowmeters. Ultrasonic flowmeters. Magnetic flowmeters. Positive displacement meters. Sight flow glasses. Variable area flowmeters. Flow switches. |. Flow transmitters — DP type. PrTEoHAge MOORESI, grate sespapge Page ot2 Technip DEPARTMENT rod PROCEDURE (DWP) Res aerial INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT n. Vortex flowmeters — Inline type. ©. Vortex flowmeters ~ Insertion type. p. Pitot tubes. q. Annubars. 5. OTHER INSTRUMENTS Gas chromatographs. Dewpoint analyzers. Moisture analyzers. Water-in-oil analyzers Pig signalers. Control valves. : Emergency shutdown valves. Actuated valves (Pneumatic! Hydraulic! Motor operated). Pressure safety relief valves. Pressure / Vacuum relief valves (Breather valves). Pressure regulators (Self actuated control valves). Choke valves. . Deluge valves. Flame arrestors. Rupture discs. Solenoid valves. Iniruder detectors. Wet gas meters. Feposg-xtrsanoanoge 6. FIRE AND GAS DEVICES Gas detectors — Point type. Gas detectors — Open path. Gas detectors — Acoustic. Flame detectors — IR type. Flame detectors - UV type. Flame detectors - UVIR type. Flame detectors - Triple IR type. Flame detectors - Visual type (CCTV). Smoke detectors — Optical type. Smoke detectors — lonisation type. Heat detectors — Fixed type. Heat detectors — Rate of rise type. revo seneaoge Pr TECHIE MOONESIA Technip DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) Doc Na: DwPsoo4 — INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT — 2 LIST OF SPECIFICATIONS (1 SHEET) Pr TECHIP MCONESIA Pogesset37 Technip DEPARTMENT Seoe PROCEDURE (DWP) Desi: owpaaes INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1. Process control system (PCS). 2, Process shutdown system (PSD). 3. Fire and gas system (FGS), 4, Gas metering system — Custody transfer! Allocation. 5, Condensate metering system. 6. Control valves. 7. Shutdown/ blowdown valves. 8. Pressure safety relief valves. 9. Deluge skid. 10. Water cut meters. 14. Fusible loop charging panel. 412, ESD/ MAC pushbutton stations. 13. Fire & gas devices. 44, Sand monitoring system. 15. Corrosion monitoring system. 16. Continuous emission monitoring system. 17. High sensitive smoke detection system. 48. Instrument cables. 19. Instrumentation for packaged equipments. 20. Wellhead control panel. 21. High integrity pressure protection system (HIPPS). 22, Supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA). 23. General Instrumentation. 24, Analyzers. 25. Instrument installation, testing, pre-commissioning and commissioning. 26. Multiphase flowmeters. 27. Instrument bulk materials. 28. Instrument earthing. PT TECHINP MONESIA Technip DEPARTMENT baba PROCEDURE (DWP) Boca: DwPsnoot INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT — 3 LIST OF DESIGN DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS (1 SHEET) PrTEcHIM moDKesik Page net? Technip DEPARTMENT worm PROCEDURE (DWP) be Nes ame na INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1. DESIGN DOCUMENTS Instrument list (Index). Process control narratives (Control requirements) Input output list for systems. Alarm and trip list. instrument cable schedule. Instrument tubing schedule. Level sketches. Cause and effect matrix (PSD, F&G). Instrument bulk MTO's. Instrument air/ gas consumption list. Instrument power consumption lst. Fro se mp a0 gD 2. DESIGN DRAWINGS Instrument drawing legend sheet. Instrument hook-ups. Instrument mounting details. Instrument location plans. Instrument cable tray routing layout. Fusible plug layouts. Control room equipment layouts. Instrument air/ hydraulic header layout. Instrument MCT layouts. Fire & gas detector layouts. Instrument cables block diagrams. Package interface block diagrams. Instrument loop diagrams. Instrument junction box wiring and termination diagram. Instrument logic diagrams. Instrument installation drawings. Instrument cable way and tray layouts. Control panel arrangement layouts. Instrument earthing layouts. System architecture drawings. ‘Shutdown level block diagram (Shutdown hierarchy drawing). Instrument panels schematic drawings (WHCP, FCP etc). Serer avosgr ATS sesgan gD Pace 108 DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) bc. no: owPsni-oot Re: 0) Technip INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT — 4 INSTRUMENT DESIGN FLOW CHART (1 SHEET) prTeciaiP MCONESA Pagessots7 Technip DEPARTMENT oeeoe. PROCEDURE (DWP) Das me eae nor INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT [Seino ci he nom ony eee (CHECKER ‘COMMENTS See DEPARTMENTS: PROJECTS PrTeCiUP NeONESA Page tet Technip DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) Boe Ne | DaRavoot INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT — 5 INSTRUMENT CHECKLIST (1 SHEET) PTTECHNP NOOHESH, Page s0et37 Technip DEPARTMENT wornne PROCEDURE (DWP) Doz Na owpaveor INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The check list for each type of deliverable is available within the department (Hard copy & soft copy) which shall be used by the originator and checker to ensure that documents/ drawings prepared meel the quality standards and contain all the technical project requirements. Refer to ENG-IN-CR-001, Check Lists Register for details of the types of check lists. The check list is by no means exhaustive. It is only to be used as a guide. The checker must always use his judgment and experience when checking. Updating of the check list is the responsibility of Instrument HOD who will ensure that all types of check lists related to efficient working of the department are available to be used as a guide, PrTEch NOONE Technip DEPARTMENT roe PROCEDURE (DWP) Boe Ne: pwratoor INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT — 6 STANDARDIZING INSTRUMENT TITLE BLOCKS (2 SHEETS) Poca 3 DEPARTMENT WORKING PROCEDURE (DWP) Dos. no. = bwr-n.oor Technip FOR Reo INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. PTTI’s standard title block for drawings shall be as below. In cases where the Client specifically insists for a different title block then that little block shall be shown and explained in the Project QA Plan and it shall be applicable only for that project. Rev. [ Pa [Pesoroton Drawn’ | Check | Lead |App’d | Client | Date. | Orig ‘Approved _ The procedure to fill the various columns is explained below: iy iv) ” vil) vill) Re This numbering system depends on the project. Date ‘The lead Engineer for the project estimates the issue date for the revision ([.e. the date document is expected to be issued) and this date shall be filled in by the draftsman. Description This describes the purpose of the issue (or in some cases the reason for the update). Drawn/Orig The draftsperson who produces the drawing. Check. The engineer or designer as the case may be who provides the sketches to the draftsperson, and who checks the drawing. Lead & App'd The lead Engineer on the project signs all the drawings. Project Manger has to approve the drawings that are sent to the alient. Client Approved and Date The Client's project Project Manager (or the Client's Lead Discipline Engineer) shall sign and put the date. ‘The “drawnforig” and “check” columns must be signed by different people. Only under extreme cases can the Originator and checker be the same person. If it is possible that such a case TECH NDONESIA Page 02 Technip DEPARTMENT Lee PROCEDURE (DWP) De, weston INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT may arise then the conditions where the Originator and Checker can be the same person must be stated such as: * The person must have minimum 10 years working experience in that field . Such approval must be obtained in writing from the QA Department However the same person can sign in “Drawn” and “App’d” columns. For all other documents other than drawings (such as calculations, reports, specifications, study Orig : The engineer who originates the document. Check : The engineer who is assigned as the checker by the Lead Discipline Engineer. App'd : The Lead Discipline Engineer on the project will sign in this column to approve the document or the Project manager may sign this as per client requirements. Client App'd and Date: The Client Project Manager or his representative will sign in this column to approve the document. The responsibilities of the people who sign the drawings/ documents are as follows: Drawn All the sketches provided have been translated correctly on the drawings. Proper drafting conventions and symbols have been used. ‘The drawing/ document has no mistakes. Orig The drawing document is clear and without ambiguities and it is in accordance with project requirements. The drawing/ document has no mistakes. Check : The drawing/ document has been checked and it is technically correct and also in accordance with project requirements. The drawing! document have no mistakes. App'd The checker is qualified to check the drawing/ document. The format and presentation of the drawing/ document follows the standard for the project. The drawing/ document is suitable for use on the project and the approver takes full responsibilty for it. PrTechtMe mDONESA Pagezet2

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