Literasi Bahasa Inggris

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The text below is for question number 1-4

Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is an impulse-control disorder characterized by a
failure to resist one’s aggressive impulses, which can lead to frequent “explosions”—incidents of
verbal aggression in the form of temper tantrums, threats, or tirades, or physical attacks on other
people and their possessions, causing bodily injury and property damage. The degree of
aggressiveness expressed during a typical IED episode is out of proportion to any provocation or
situational stress. An individual may experience these episodes as "spells" or "attacks" in which the
explosive behavior is preceded by a sense of tension or arousal, and followed by an immediate
sense of relief and, often, sincere and genuine regret. Later, the individual may feel upset,
remorseful, or embarrassed about their behavior.
For an IED diagnosis to be made, the aggressive episodes may not be better accounted for
by another disorder such as antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, a
psychotic disorder, a manic episode, conduct disorder, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
They also may not be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance, such as a medication or
a drug of abuse, or a general medical condition, such as head trauma or Alzheimer's disease.
Intermittent explosive disorder tends to be persistent with episodes occurring for many
years. Therefore, the disorder can have serious consequences for an individual’s everyday life,
leading to job loss, school suspension, divorce and irreparable damage to other close relationships,
accidents (such as car accidents), hospitalization due to injuries, financial problems, or
incarceration or other serious legal problems. People with IED may sometimes be prone to self-
harm or suicidal ideation.
Intermittent explosive disorder appears to emerge from a combination of biological and
environmental factors. There may be a genetic component through which susceptibility to the
disorder is passed from parents to children. There is also some evidence that the neurotransmitter
serotonin may play a role in the development of IED. But many people with the disorder also grew
up in families in which explosive behavior and verbal and physical abuse were common. Being
exposed to such violence as a child, research finds, makes one more likely to develop the same
traits as they mature; in other words, at least in part, the behavior may be learned.
People with intermittent explosive disorder may have differences in brain structure and
function that distinguish them from others. Some research suggests that IED is linked to
disruptions in serotonin pathways in the brain; other studies have found that it is associated with
lower white matter integrity and lower grey matter volume in the connections between the frontal
lobe and other brain regions. This deficit may contribute to impaired social cognition and greater
difficulty regulating emotions.
Treatment of IED, while challenging, can also be highly effective, particularly if it's started as
early as possible, and eventually help individuals limit and control their aggressive impulses.
Treatment typically involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy; studies show that a
combination of both approaches offers the best prognosis. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help
individuals recognize their impulses and develop coping mechanisms such as relaxation
techniques for keeping rage at bay during an episode. Group counseling and anger management
programs can also be helpful.

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1. Based on the text, we can confirm that IED...

A. IED tends to be inconsistent with episodes that occur over many years.
B. IED can arise due to heredity
C. a person with an IED disorder will not regret his actions
D. IED can’t caused by interference in serotonin pathways
E. IED can’t be cured with medication
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]
2. How can IED affect personal life?
A. IED tends to be persistent with episodes that last for years, causing a person to always get
into trouble.
B. IED can encourage someone to take extreme actions like stealing and robbing
C. IED influences a person to lie about his life and wealth
D. IED encourages a person to indulge excessively
E. IED makes a person tend to hate things that are dirty and disorganized
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]
3. How do intermittent explosive disorders arise in the brain?
A. IED is only caused by decreased brain function in older people
B. IEDs are caused by taking anti-depressant medications that are not appropriate
C. IEDs are usually caused by head trauma and side effects of certain medications
D. IED can arise due to disruption of serotonin pathways and childhood trauma
E. IED usually occurs with other mental illnesses such as bipolar and hyperactivity disorder
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]
4. Based on the text, what is the best thing to do for treatment of IED?
A. Treatment typically implicate a combination of medication and psychotherapy
B. The best treatment is to prevent the trigger for IED
C. IED treatment can be done with active social interactions with the people around them
D. IED treatment can be done by avoiding social interaction with the community
E. IEDs are difficult to cure and can only be prevented through their triggers
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]
The picture below for number 5-7

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5. What is the purpose of DHH posting a thread on twitter?

A. Influence people to stop using Facebook
B. inform that facebook and google are cheating in ads
C. convince people to turn down targeted ads
D. influence people to return to using newspapers and podcasts for advertising
E. convince advertisers to advertise in newspapers and podcasts
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

6. Why do DHH think that facebook and google have a monopoly on ads?
A. Because facebook and google using target ads
B. Because advertisers wont go with facebook and google for ads.
C. Because DHH think that newspaper and podcast can’t use target ads
D. Because DHH think that newspaper and podcast are useful than facebook and google
E. Because target ads is dangerous for our privacy
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

7. DHH argues that we should...

A. Stop using Facebook and Google
B. be more careful when posting something on facebook
C. banned targeted ads from facebook and google
D. influencing others to ban target ads
E. we have to demonstrate so that the target ads are removed
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

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The picture below is for number 8-11


8. Which food type with the highest calories in the food calorie chart?
A. Piece of pumpkin pie D. Mashed potatoes
B. Roll with Butter E. 6 Ounces of Turkey
C. Cranberry Sauce
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

9. If you eat a cup of stuffing with cranberry sauces, what do you have to do to burn all the
A. 18 sets of 20 push up and 55 minute pilates
B. 87 minutes of pilates
C. 50 sets of 20 push up
D. 70 sets of 10 burpees
E. 100 sets of 10 burpees
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

10. Retsu did 36 set of 20 push up and 45 minutes of pilates. How many calories does Retsu burn?
A. 850 kcal D. 630 kcal
B. 620 kcal E. 600kcal
C. 640 kcal
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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11. Lika ate one portion of mashed potatoes and gravy, 3 rolls with butter and 12 ounces of turkey.
How much calories that Lika’s gain?
A. 1520 kcal D. 1400 kcal
B. 1420 kcal E. 1580 kcal
C. 1490 kcal
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

The text below is for number 12-15

Lazy Jack
Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack, and he lived with his mother on a
common. They were very poor, and the old woman got her living by spinning, but Jack was so lazy
that he would do nothing but bask in the sun in the hot weather, and sit by the corner of the hearth
in the winter-time. So they called him Lazy Jack. His mother could not get him to do anything for
her, and at last told him, one Monday, that if he did not begin to work for his porridge she would
turn him out to get his living as he could.

This roused Jack, and he went out and hired himself for the next day to a neighbouring farmer for a
penny; but as he was coming home, never having had any money before, he lost it in passing over a
brook. “You stupid boy,” said his mother, “you should have put it in your pocket.” “I’ll do so another
time,” replied Jack.

On Saturday, Jack hired himself to a butcher, who rewarded him by the handsome present of a
shoulder of mutton. Jack took the mutton, tied it to a string, and trailed it along after him in the dirt,
so that by the time he had got home the meat was completely spoilt. His mother was this time quite
out of patience with him, for the next day was Sunday, and she was obliged to make do with
cabbage for her dinner. “You ninney-hammer,” said she to her son; “you should have carried it on
your shoulder.” “I’ll do so another time,” replied Jack.

On the next Monday, Lazy Jack went once more, and hired himself to a cattle-keeper, who gave him
a donkey for his trouble. Jack found it hard to hoist the donkey on his shoulders, but at last he did it,
and began walking slowly home with his prize. Now it happened that in the course of his journey
there lived a rich man with his only daughter, a beautiful girl, but deaf and dumb. Now she had
never laughed in her life, and the doctors said she would never speak till somebody made her laugh.
This young lady happened to be looking out of the window when Jack was passing with the donkey
on his shoulders, with the legs sticking up in the air, and the sight was so comical and strange that
she burst out into a great fit of laughter, and immediately recovered her speech and hearing. Her
father was overjoyed, and fulfilled his promise by marrying her to Lazy Jack, who was thus made a
rich gentleman. They lived in a large house, and Jack’s mother lived with them in great happiness
until she died.

12. What finally made Jack realize he had to get to work?

A. He get scolded by his mother
B. He will be kicked out by his mother if he doesn't want to work
C. He thinks working will allow him to marry a beautiful girl
D. He wants to make his mother feel exuberancy
E. He wants to add experience
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

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13. What made Jack's mother mad when Jack came home from work on Saturday?
A. Because jack carries mutton by dragging it on the ground makes the mutton full of dirt
B. Because Jack never understood the advice his mother gave him for his job
C. Because jack doesn't realize that he has been fooled by the butcher
D. Because jack carries a donkey on his shoulder
E. Because jack is not capable at making money
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

14. What made the beautiful girl laugh?

A. The beautiful girl saw jack talking to the donkey
B. The beautiful girl saw Jack accidentally fall while carrying the donkey
C. The beautiful girl saw jack carrying a donkey on his shoulder
D. The beautiful girl saw jack dancing with the donkey
E. The beautiful girl saw jack feeding the donkey
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

15. “...begin to work for his porridge..”

The sentences above mean that Lazy Jack should...
A. Cook his porridge by himself
B. Immediately find a job for his own needs
C. Take a porridge for himself
D. Hurry to work to buy porridge
E. Help his mother to make porridge
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]
The text below is for number 16-17
Two weeks before Tasha’s class registration day at Florida State University, she spent three
hours researching teachers and courses and making the perfect schedule for her spring semester.
On Monday, November 8th, at exactly 2:00 P.M., Tasha logged on to register. She typed in the first
class: registered. She typed in the second class: registered. The third class: class full. The fourth
class: class not found. Tasha wished she had spent time making a plan b. Oh well. Maybe she could
finally try Floral Arranging for Beginners.

16. What did tasha feel remorse at that time?

A. Tasha can’t find the third class
B. Tasha was late registering for the fourth class
C. Tasha didn't make a plan B for her perfect schedule plan
D. Tasha can't register for class
E. Tasha didn't prepare for her class registration in advance
[C2, Understanding Spesific Information, Litbang 2022]

17. Based on the text, the following statements are true, EXCEPT…
A. Tasha is a student at Florida State University
B. One of the classes that Tasha registered was Floral Arranging for Beginners.
C. Tasha managed to realize the perfect schedule for her spring semester.
D. Tasha spent three hours researching teacher
E. Tasha coldn’t registered in two class
[C2, Unstated Question, Litbang 2022]

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The text below is for number 18-20

Hikikomori Disease

This disease can be observed in Japanese men between the ages of 15 to 30. These people
isolate themselves from society as a result of failure, social pressure, or bullying. These people lock
themselves in a room or a house. Hikikomori is the name given to this closure behavior.

Usually, the underlying problem disappears within a few days. But sometimes it is long-
term. They read books in the room, spend time on the internet, play video games. The time spent in
isolation is very important for this diagnosis. When there are more than 6 months of isolation, the
diagnosis can be made. In some cases, this isolation period can be 20-30 years long.

This behavior of consciously isolating himself/herself is a very serious problem for Japan.
These young people do not finish their education, do not work, do not participate in any social
activities. They are living with their parents’ income or pension. They don’t pay taxes, they don’t
pay for health insurance. As a result, these young people cost about 1.680 billion yen ($ 15,456
million) each year.

“Amae” is a Japanese concept/word to describe the feeling of wanting to be loved and to be

taken care of by someone. You can often hear this term in articles about Hikikomori. This unhealthy
behavior starts from a very young age, it is crucial to fix this situation. Even though it’s the son’s
problem the mother primarily must have this awareness as well.

18. Winda couldn't get the job she wanted so she chose to lock herself in her room for a week.
However, Winda has not been diagnosed with hikikomori. Why can't Winda be diagnosed with
hikikomori disease?
A. Because Winda didn’t pay her taxes
B. Because Winda didn’t finish her education
C. Because Winda's mother pampers her so much
D. Because Winda only isolated herself for a week
E. Because Winda feels like a failure in her work
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]
19. Which of the following is NOT a statement about people with hikikomori disease?
A. Hikikomori disease can be observed in japanese men between the ages of 15 to 30
B. People with hikikomori disease tend to isolate himself from society
C. People with hikikomori disease are living with their parents’ income
D. if someone spent a day to isolate from society, the diagnosis can be made
E. Hikikomori disease cant stay more than 6 months
[C2, Unstated Question, Litbang 2022]
20. According to the passage, people with hikikomori disease are prone to all of the following,
A. Isolate themself from society
B. Depend on their parents to support themselves
C. They like to spend their time to cursing on social media
D. Do not work
E. They didn’t pay taxes
[C2, Unstated Question, Litbang 2022]

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The text below is for number 1-2

Cat and Mouse

by Ted Hughes

On the sheep-cropped summit, under hot sun,

The mouse crouched, staring out the chance

It dared not take.

Time and a world

Too old to alter, the five mile prospect

Woods, villages, farms hummed its heat-heavy

Stupor of life.

Whether to two

Feet or four, how are prayers contracted!

Whether in God’s eye or the eye of a cat.


1. “The mouse crouched, staring out the chance, It dared not take.”
How does the mouse feel described in the sentence?
A. The mouse is annoyed by the cat
B. The mouse was afraid to take the opportunity it had been waiting for
C. The mouse feels unfair with its life
D. The mouse pine his free and peaceful life
E. The mouse feels grateful for its current situation
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

2. “Whether in God’s eye or the eye of a cat.”

What is the meaning of the sentences in the poem?
A. Describe the fear of mice in the world
B. Shows the mouse realizing his death
C. Shows the desperation of the mouse over its fear of the cat
D. Shows the mouse's desire to live peacefully with the cat
E. Shows the mouse's desire to live peacefully with humans
[C5, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

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The picture below for number 3-5


3. Based on the graph, which statement is NOT TRUE ....

A. Global economy has decreases by 1.6% from 2021 to 2022
B. Advanced economy has decreases by 1,5% from 2021 to 2022
C. Global economy has increases by 9,3% from 2020 to 2021
D. Emerging markets & developing economies have decreases by 1,7 % from 2021 to 2022
E. Advanced economy has decreases by 9,8% from 2020 to 2021
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

4. The global economy from 2020 to 2022 has increased by...

A. 9,3 D. 7,7
B. 9,8 E. 1,7
C. 8,9
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

5. Joyce was asked to determine the best-developing economic sector based on the chart. The best
answer joyce can give is sector...
A. Global economy
B. Emerging markets & developing economies
C. Advanced Economies
D. Global growth
E. Advanced growth
[C3, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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The tabel below is for number 6-10


6. Which active ingredients that we can use as a final step for skincare routine?
A. Retinol D. Kojic Acid
B. Niacinamide E. Butylene Glycol
C. Vitamin B3
[C3, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

7. Aziza has a dry skin type, which active ingredients are the best for aziza?
A. Retinol D. Niacinamide
B. Retinoid E. Salicylic Acid
C. Vitamin A
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

8. Winda uses serum with retinol every night as a final step for skincare routine but it makes her
face breakouts. What was the mistake that Winda made that made her face breakout?
A. She used retinol with BHAs
B. She is pregnant and used retinol serum as a skincare
C. She used retinol serum every night
D. She used retinol serum as a final step skincare routine
E. She used niacinamide instead retinol serum
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

9. Niacinamide Serum can be used for the following target, EXCEPT...

A. Skin Texture D. Redness
B. Skin Hydration E. Skin Cell Renewal
C. Breakouts
[C3, Unstated Question, Litbang 2022]

10. Michelle want to try some serum with active ingredients but she is not sure about the
ingredients in the skincare she is currently using. What is the best thing Michelle can do?
A. Use Retinol serum every night as a final step skincare routine
B. Use Niacinamide serum instead retinol serum
C. Use Retinol serum as a moisturizer
D. Use Retinoids serum at night
E. Use Retinoids cream after niacinamide serum
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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The text below is for number 11-14

Sloth, Nocturnal, solitary, tree-dwelling mammal (family Bradypodidae), found in South and
Central America. About 2 ft (60 cm) long, sloths have a tiny tail, peglike teeth, long curved claws,
and long forelimbs. A green alga grows in the shaggy fur. The four species of three-toed sloths, or
ais (Bradypus), eat only leaves of the trumpet tree. The two species of two-toed sloths, or unaus
(Choloepus), have two toes on the forelimbs; they eat fruits, stems, and leaves of various plants.
Sloths cannot walk. They cling upright to trunks, hang upside down (in which position they sleep
some 15 hours a day), or move, extremely slowly (hence their name), by pulling hand over hand.
Their natural camouflage is their chief protection from predators.

11. Sloths have a variety of characteristics that distinguish them from other mammals. Which is not
a feature of sloths?
A. Nocturnal
B. Have a tiny tail
C. Long curved claws
D. Long forelimbs
E. Have big toes
[C2, Unstated Question, Litbang 2022]

12. What is the difference between ais with unaus?

A. Ais has two toes on the forelimbs
B. Unaus has three toes on the forelimbs
C. Ais only eats leaves of the trumpet tree
D. Unaus only eats leaves of the trumpet free
E. Ais Only eat fruits
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

13. Ketty went to the zoo. She saw one type of sloth, the sloth only eats one type of plant, namely
the trumpet tree. What kind of sloth did Ketty find?
A. Bradypus
B. Choloepus
C. Unaus
D. Two-toed sloths
E. South America sloths
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

14. In the text it is known that sloths cannot walk. So how do sloths move from one place to
A. They move by pulling hand over hand
B. They move by walk with his feet
C. They move by jump
D. They move by their wings
E. They don’t move
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

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The picture below is for number 15-18


15. Based on the picture above, if the mandrill is disturbed, what gesture will the mandrill show?
A. The mandrills will grunt when they are move
B. The mandrills will open their mouth
C. The mandrills will growl
D. The mandrills will show their canine teeth
E. The mandrills will climb the tree
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

16. Why are mandrills called intelligent animals?

A. Because mandrills have their own language
B. Because mandrills can scare away their predators
C. Because mandrills can distinguish their predators
D. Because mandrills can choose their own leader
E. Because mandrills have been seen scaring off beasts as large as leopards
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

17. In the duel, the mandrill will lose if?

A. The mandrill will lose if it dies
B. The mandrill will lose if it is seriously injured
C. The mandrill will lose if it’s start to harm the rival
D. The mandrill will lose if it back down first
E. The mandrill will lose if it can no longer fight
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

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18. Why do at certain times male mandrills choose to eat leaves on trees?
A. Because the food stock on the ground is running out
B. Because the mandrills needs to occasionally preside his troops
C. Because mandrills prefer leaves on trees
D. Because the mandrills have to bring food to the female
E. Because mandrills don't really like food at ground level
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

The text below is for number 19-20

The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality inventory is to
make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in
people's lives. The essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variation in the behavior is
actually quite orderly and consistent, being due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer
to use their perception and judgment.

"Perception involves all the ways of becoming aware of things, people, happenings, or
ideas. Judgment involves all the ways of coming to conclusions about what has been perceived. If
people differ systematically in what they perceive and in how they reach conclusions, then it is only
reasonable for them to differ correspondingly in their interests, reactions, values, motivations, and

In developing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator [instrument], the aim of Isabel Briggs Myers,
and her mother, Katharine Briggs, was to make the insights of type theory accessible to individuals
and groups. They addressed the two related goals in the developments and application of the MBTI
instrument: The identification of basic preferences of each of the four dichotomies specified or
implicit in Jung's theory. The identification and description of the 16 distinctive personality types
that result from the interactions among the preferences.

19. From the text, we can conclude that…

A. Human nature cannot be grouped into a category
B. Human behavior is actually consistent and orderly based on perceptions and judgments
C. Human behavior tends to follow the surrounding circumstances
D. Human behavior tends to change according to the conditions that occurred at that time
E. Human behavior tends to follow the habits that are taught to them
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

20. Based on the text above, why do people have different ways of interacting with other people?
A. Because humans can systematically have differences in their perceptions and judgments
B. Because humans naturally act according to their plans and desires
C. Because humans choose to act spontaneously and it's hard to predict
D. Because humans act according to what other people around them respond to
E. Because humans act according to reason, and consider the causes and effects they will face
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

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Read the passage carefully to answer questions number 1-4!

Xi Jinping is poised to become the first three-term president in Chinese history when the
Communist Party’s 20th National Congress convenes this month. That makes this an opportune
time to take stock of Xi’s economic-policy record from the past 10 years and explore some steps to
improve economic performance.

When Xi assumed China’s top political position in 2012, the economy was thriving but also
had many serious problems. Gross domestic product had been growing at an average annual rate of
10 per cent for over a decade. But a slowdown was inevitable, and growth rates have declined
almost every year since 2008.

China's economy has boomed in recent decades. But it now faces serious economic
disruption from Covid lockdowns, rising prices and a major property crisis. Growing fears of a
global recession triggered by the war in Ukraine have also damaged confidence. Economic growth
under Xi's leadership is lower than under previous presidents Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao. Some
analysts say the legitimacy of the communist government rests heavily on its ability to deliver
higher incomes and good jobs for Chinese workers. So bad economic performance in the next five
years could spell serious political trouble for Xi.

adapted from : David Brown, China's Communist Party Congress: A really simple guide, on october 12
2022/ and Nancy Qian, China’s economy after 10 years of Xi Jinping: what worked, what didn’t, on october 11

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1. Which one of the following conclusions matches with the result shown in the graph?
A. Economic growth under Xi's leadership is higher than under previous presidents.
B. China's highest growth rate was under Jiang's leadership.
C. China's economic growth had been arising under Xi's leadership.
D. Annual growth had been slowing for over a decade.
E. Growth rates have declined almost every year since 2012.
[C2, Inferred the graph, PISA 2015]

2. Based on the information provided, what effect does China's economic growth have under Xi
A. Bad economic performance in the five years could spell serious political trouble for Xi.
B. Xi’s economic-policy explores some steps to improve economic performance.
C. A slowdown in economic growth under Xi's leadership was inexorable.
D. Growing fears of a global recession triggered by the war in Ukraine.
E. China's economy has boomed in recent decades
[C2, Finding Detail Information, Litbang 2022]

3. China's economy faced serious economic disruption in 2020 under Xi leadership.Which of the
following is the best explanation for this serious economic disruption?
A. China reported resulting in annual real GDP growth in 2020 of 2.3%.
B. The annual per capita GDP is expected to stand at 72,447 yuan ($11,190) for 2020, an
increase of 2 percent over the previous year.
C. China doesn't offer benefits to people who've moved from the farms to the cities to work.
D. Chinese economy powered ahead while much of the world was struggling to maintain
E. China's economy grew by 2.3% in 2020, since the grave and complex challenges posed by the
COVID-19 pandemic.
[C5, Finding Detail Information, PISA 2015]

4. During a year when a crippling pandemic plunged major world economies into recession, China
has clearly come out on top. The expansion also beat expectations. The International Monetary
Fund, for example, predicted that China’s economy would grow 1.9% in 2020. It’s the only
major world economy the IMF expected to grow at all. What is the best description about the
relation between these statement and the passage?
A. Under Xi's leadership, China's economic growth, which faced a crippling pandemic will
expect in the next five years, could spell serious political trouble for Xi.
B. China's currency, weakened against the US dollar over heightened concerns that Xi will
continue with his ideology-driven policies at the cost of economic growth
C. China strived to cope of dropping COVID-19 pandemic, and China marked a strong bounce
back from the 3.4% growth seen for the previous three months
D. China is planning to reopen, and it will stimulate the growth of trade. China is trying to juggle
a middle ground between control and growth.
E. China's economy grew 3.9% in the July to September quarter from the same time in 2021,
beating estimates.
[C4, Relation Text, Litbang 2022]

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This passage for questions number 5-10!

Flowers have a longstanding tradition as a means of emotional expression. When we wish to
convey our affection, joy or condolences, and words won't suffice, we rely on their beauty. Through
the art of floriography, a coded means of communication more commonly referred to as the
language of flowers, emotional intimacy has been allowed to flourish where it may otherwise be
repressed. According to the Royal Horticultural Society, it's a practice that dominated Victorian
culture in England and the US, and, despite being largely forgotten for decades, is steadily gaining
popularity once more.

One of the most prominent examples of recent floriography is King Charles's choice of funeral
wreath for his mother, the late Queen. Bound by a tradition that is steeped in keeping emotions
concealed, he expressed his sense of loss through his choice of blooms; myrtle for love and
prosperity, paired with English oak to represent strength. To the uninformed, the wreath stood
alone as a symbol of familial grief, its meaning derived from its presence not its substance. It was
only by analysing the stems that the breadth of his emotions could be better understood.

Such poignant personalisation is part of a cultural foundation we all share. The tradition of
floriography has always been there, but these days it is a shadow of its former self – many know
that a bouquet of roses symbolises romance, for example, but few know why. We might not
perceive certain stems as positive or negative as the Victorians did, but we do still know that
certain blooms better suit certain occasions. An understanding of flowers' meanings, however, can
help us progress from the simplicity of sending a bouquet based on only its beauty to tapping into a
deeper and more nuanced emotional intimacy.

"Flowers, as gifts or for special occasions, can be all the more thoughtful when using the language of
flowers. This could be based on the colour, or the type of the flower, or both," explains Harriet
Parry, a florist for Bloom & Wild. "Floriography has been around for thousands of years, but we still
have customers today asking for flowers that mean something special to them, either personally or
through their symbolic meaning."

How floriography influences our decisions has enabled florists, like Bloom & Wild, to make some
fascinating observations. For one, they have recorded that 29% of people select their blooms based
on bouquet colour, with red being the most popular choice. The colour of passion, red is universally
recognised as an expression of love. Pink, however, has a myriad of meanings depending on where
you live. In Thailand it's symbolic of trust, while in Japan it's believed to be a symbol of good health.
In a single hue there's a variety of symbolism, yet this only begins to scratch the surface of

Take the sweet pea, a summertime flower that comes in an array of colours, but whose meaning
remains the same: as a token of thanks. In the Victorian era, sweet peas were the go-to gift when
thanking a host for a wonderful time, a gratitude that could be expressed even further by pairing it
with other stems. If paired with zinnias, a flower that signifies everlasting friendship, your bouquet
would help differentiate between casual acquaintance and dear friend. But like everything in this
world, for a good there is a bad, with some flowers used to represent negative feelings towards the
recipient. You might think yellow carnations are beautiful, but they have a long history of being a
symbol for disdain. Another flower also best to avoid is the buttercup, its yellow petals synonymous
with childishness. And it was long considered inauspicious to place red and white plants together,
with the belief that this combination foretold death still held by some.
Adapted from :Emilly Flint. The emojis of the 19th Century on October 13 2022/

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5. Which of the following statements supports the claim that blooms might not be perceived as
Victorian did?
A. It was only by analysing the stems that the breadth of his emotions could be better
B. We could not apprehend particular stems as positive or negative but we do still know that
particular blooms better suit certain occasions.
C. Flowers as gifts or for special occasions, can be more thoughtful when using the language of
D. Floriography has been around for thousands of years, but we still wonder about flowers'
meaning through their symbolic meaning.
E. It's a practice that has been largely forgotten for decades, and is steadily gaining popularity
once more.
[C2, Explain Information, Litbang 2022]

6. It is implied in the third paragraph that ...

A. The tradition of floriography has always been there, but these days is a shadow of its former
B. We might not perceive certain stems as positive or negative, but we do still understand
flowers' meanings.
C. Certain blooms help us progress from the simplicity of sending a bouquet based on a deeper
and more nuanced emotional intimacy.
D. Floriography such poignant personalisation is part of a cultural foundation we all share.
E. Understanding of blooms' signification could describe our emotion and it will be preferable
to fit into a particular event.
[C2, Inferred, Litbang 2022]

7. Taylor will meet her best friend after a while.She has just decided to give a bouquet of flowers
to her friend. At the flower shop Taylor asks the florist to make a bouquet of flowers that she's
going to give to her friend. After that the florist takes the sweet pea with zinnias. Based on the
information above, what is the meaning of the flower bouquet that is made by the florist?
A. Love and prosperity D. Signifies everlasting friendship
B. Combination foretold death E. Represent strength
C. A token of thanks
[C5, Finding Detailed Information, Litbang 2022]

8. Which of the following can be inferred from the statement "We not only rely on bloom's beauty
but also we wish to convey our affection, joy or condolences, and words won't suffice through
it" in the first paragraph?
A. Bloom could be used to represent its beauty and could deliver our feelings.
B. Particular flowers are preferable in certain occasions.
C. Emotional intimacy has been allowed to be repressed.
D. Today people ask for flowers that mean something special to them through blooms' symbolic
E. There's a variety of symbolism, yet this only begins to scratch the surface of floriography.
[C3, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

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9. The sentence “...but these days is a shadow of its former self ” (paragraph 3) has been written
by the author to imply that…
A. Floriography can help us progress by sending a bouquet based on only its beauty to nuanced
emotional intimacy.
B. Flowers used to represent negative feelings towards the recipient.
C. Floriography today does not perceive certain stems as positive or negative.
D. Floriography influences our decisions and has enabled florists to make some fascinating
E. Floriographyis defined by its meaning derived from its presence not its substance.
[C4, Vocabulary, Litbang 2022]
10. The paragraph following the passage will most likely discuss ...
A. Victorian history of emoji
B. History of floriograpy in Victorian
C. Why did Victorian using flower to express feeling
D. Dominated Victorian culture in England and the US
E. Understanding Victorian flowers's culture
[C4, Following Paragraph, Litbang 2022]
Read the passage carefully to answer questions number 11-14!
Many of us make mistakes on endless repeat – but new insights can help us to learn valuable
lessons from our failures. In today’s motivational literature, failure is often viewed as something to
be celebrated. Disappointments are an essential stepping stone to success; a turning point in our
life story that will ultimately end in triumph. Rather than falling into despair, we are encouraged to
“fail forward”.

If only it were so simple. In the past decade, a wealth of psychological research has shown that most
people struggle to handle failure constructively. Instead, we find ways to devalue the task at which
we failed, meaning that we may be less motivated to persevere and reach our goal. This
phenomenon is known as the “sour-grape effect”. Alternatively, we may simply fail to notice our
errors and blithely continue as if nothing has happened, something that prevents us from learning a
better strategy to improve our performance in the future. Inspirational speakers are fond of
quoting the words of the novelist Samuel Beckett: “Fail again. Fail better”. But the truth is that most
of us fail again and fail the same.

Recent research shows there are ways to avoid these traps. These solutions are often
counterintuitive: one of the best ways of learning from your mistakes, for example, is to offer advice
to another person who may be encountering similar challenges. By helping others avoid failure, it
turns out, you can also enhance your own prospects of success.

Adapted from : David Robson. The smart way to learn from failure on October 21 2022/

11. Daniel is frustrated since his last project score was terrible. In next two weeks Daniel will start
his new project, yet he feels demotivated and considers to bow out from his job as soon as
possible. What do we called Daniel's condition according to the text?
A. Fail forward D. Sour grape effect
B. Fail again and fail the same E. Fail forward effect
C. Sour effect
[C5, Finding Detailed Information, Litbang 2022]

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12. Based on Daniel's condition above, if Daniel helps Margareth doing other projects, Daniel will
handle his default elatedly. Why might supporting other people boost our encouragement?
A. Offer advice to another person who may be less motivated.
B. Supporting others, it turns out, can enhance your own prospects of success.
C. The truth is that most of us fail again and fail the better.
D. Simply fail to learn a better strategy to improve our performance in the future.
E. Disappointments are an essential stepping stone to success.
[C5, Finding Detailed Information, Litbang 2022]

13. Which of the following statements paraphrase "Disappointments are a turning point in our life
story that will ultimately end in triumph" ...
A. Dissatisfaction is the moment that will turn into other sadness and disappointment.
B. Sadness will be a moment for fail forward.
C. Happiness always comes over to someone who tries their best.
D. Displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's expectation.
E. A great victory or achievement will be your own if you can cope with the sadness.
[C3, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

14. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the text?
A. to explain how to overcome our sadness in life.
B. to convince people to abolish their sadness and failure.
C. to describe failure and other syndrome of disappointment.
D. to persuade the reader to learn about failure and cope with it.
E. to tell about how and why failure could happen.
[C2, Purpose, Litbang 2022]

This passage for questions number 15-20!

Astronomically, our planet’s seasons change on four particular days each year, two solstices,
one in June and one in December, and two equinoxes (one in March and one in September). The
particular dates are targeted by scientists at the boundary between our seasons because of a series
of factors based upon the relationship between the Earth and the Sun, the tilt in the Earth’s axis and

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how those factors play out for all of us living here on the third rock from the Sun.

Earth’s seasons are a direct result of the Earth’s 23° tilt in the Earth’s axis, known as an axial
tilt. Without an axial tilt, we would not have seasons in the way that we do and life on this planet
could have developed much differently to account for more constant weather and climate
conditions at each latitude of our planet. This obliquity means that during certain parts of the year,
the Southern Hemisphere is slightly more exposed to the Sun’s rays while they Northern
Hemisphere is less exposed and vice versa. This results in a variety of effects for our planet ranging
from significant temperature shifts and meteorological differences as well as more or less light and
energy coming from the Sun, which we know as seasons.

Occuring in June and December, the solstice marks either the start of winter or the start of
summer. In the Northern Hemisphere, the June Solstice heralds the astronomical beginning of
summer and is the day with the most daylight in the year. In the most northerly regions of the
planet days or weeks may pass without the sun actually setting below the horizon while in
Antarctica is may remain dark for a comparable amount of time. The opposite is true for the
December Solstice when summer begins in the Southern Hemisphere and winter starts in the
North. The solstice (combining the Latin words sol for “Sun” and sistere for “To Stand Still”) is the
point where the Sun appears to reach either its highest or lowest point in the sky for the year and
thus ancient astronomers came to know the day as one where the Sun appeared to stand still. While
at the Equator, the solstices are barely marked at all. Equatorial Regions The Equator, at 0° latitude,
receives a maximum intensity of the sun’s rays all year. As a result, areas near Earth’s Equator
experience relatively constant sunlight and little solstice variation. Mid-latitudesEarth’s solstices
are largely marked by the transition of the subsolar point across the tropics. The subsolar point
describes the latitude where the sun’s rays hit the Earth exactly perpendicular to the Earth’s
surface. It is where the sun appears directly overhead at noon. The subsolar point appears at the
Equator twice a year (during the equinoxes), and migrates north and south across the tropics
during the rest of the year. The solstices mark when the subsolar point reaches its northernmost
and southernmost latitudes.

Solstices are often marked by various celebrations that go back generations, the most well
known of which is the Christmas holiday celebrated a few days after the December Solstice which
borrows many of its traditions from earlier pagan traditions that date back thousands of years.

Equinoxes happen directly between the solstices and mark the beginning of the Spring and
Fall seasons. The term equinox, like solstice, finds its origin in Latin with the roots aequus meaning
“Equal” and nox meaning “Night.” Astronomers define the equinox as the moment the Earth’s
Equator on its axis passes the same plane of the Sun’s equator, but its name reveals more of what
we experience of these March and September dates here on Earth as most places on the planet on
the day of the Equinox will experience roughly as much night time as day time, hence “Equal Night.”

Adapted from: Doug Ray, What Is a Solstice and What Is an Equinox (and Why Should I Care)? On June 2018/

15. The previous paragraph precedes this article most likely discussed ..
A. Cause of solstice and equinox D. Cause of earth's season
B. Earth's tilted axis E. Earth's climate zone
C. Earth's season
[C4, Paragraph Precedes, Litbang 2022]
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16. Which of the following statements contains an opinion?

A. The Earth’s axis, known as an axial tilt, is the cause of Earth’s seasons.
B. The December Solstice when summer begins in the Southern Hemisphere and winter starts
in the North.
C. The solstice is the point where the Sun appears to reach either its highest or lowest point in
the sky.
D. When Equinox occurs the day will experience roughly as much night time as day time.
E. Solstices also called various celebrations that go back generations the most well known of
which is the Christmas holiday.
[C3, Opinion, PISA 2018]

17. What is happening when the solstice is in a tropical area?

A. Receives a maximum intensity of the sun’s rays all year and experiences relatively constant
sunlight and little solstice variation.
B. The Sun appears to reach either its highest or lowest point in the sky for the year and the
Sun appears to stand still.
C. 12 hours of both day and night.
D. The sun’s rays hit the Earth exactly perpendicular to the Earth’s surface.
E. Seasons change on four particular days each year, one in June and one in December.
[C2, Finding Detailed Information, Litbang 2022]

18. What are pagan traditions that celebrate after the December solstice?
A. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Judaism’s “High Holy Days."
B. National holiday in Japan and The Jewish festival of Passover.
C. Religious holiday in Zoroastrianism and Nowruz.
D. Yule, Advent and Christmas.
E. Weeklong outdoor music festival, ancient egypt new year, and thanks-giving.
[C2, Finding Detailed Information, PISA 2018]

19. On 21 march 2018 in Pontianak, West Borneo there was a phenomenon called Shadowless Day.
That phenomenon occured the length of day and night has the same time, each of them has a
duration of 12 hours. Based on the information in the passage, what is the cause of the
phenomenon that happened On 21 March 2018 in Pontianak?
A. Summer solstice D. Autumnal equinox
B. Winter solstice E. Midwinter solstice
C. Vernal equinox
[C4, Finding Detailed Information, Litbang 2022]

20. On 26 June 2016, in Helsinki, Finland, the length of the day was about 18h 55min. The sun rose
at 3:54 and set at 22:49. Based on the data, what was the phenomenon that happened in
Helsinki that day?
A. Summer solstice D. Autumnal equinox
B. Winter solstice E. Midwinter solstice
C. Vernal equinox
[C4, Finding Detailed Information, Litbang 2022]

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The text below is for question number 1-4

Most weekends, the narrow alleys of Itaewon, the neon-lit nightlife district in South Korea’s
capital Seoul, are busy with partygoers and tourists. Now it’s the site of one of the country’s worst
disasters. On Saturday night, tens of thousands of people flooded into the area in central Seoul to
celebrate Halloween – but panic erupted as the crowds swelled, with some witnesses saying it
became hard to breathe and impossible to move. Through Sunday, the number of dead climbed to
154, with dozens more injured. Authorities have now launched an urgent investigation to find out
how what was supposed to be a night of celebration went so horribly wrong, as families across the
country mourn and search for missing loved ones.

Crowds are not unusual for that area, or for Seoul residents, who are used to jam-packed
subways and streets in a city of almost 10 million. One eyewitness said it took some time for
people to realize something was wrong, with people’s panicked screams competing with music
blaring from the surrounding clubs and bars. After the first emergency calls came in around 10:24
p.m., authorities rushed to the scene – but the sheer volume of people made it difficult to reach
those who needed help. Video posted to social media showed people performing compressions on
other partygoers lying on the ground as they waited for medical assistance. The thousands of
people in Halloween costumes contributed to the widespread sense of confusion and chaos. One
witness described seeing a police officer shouting during the disaster – but some revelers mistook
him for another partygoer. The cause of the crush is still under investigation, though officials said
there were no gas leaks or fires on site.

It’s hard to pinpoint what might have triggered the crush – but authorities “would have
anticipated high numbers … before Saturday night,” said Juliette Kayyem, a disaster management
expert and national security analyst for CNN. “There is a responsibility on the part of the
authorities to be monitoring crowd volume in real time, so they can sense the need to get people
out,” she added. Suah Cho, 23, was caught up in the crowd but managed to escape into a building
along the alley. When asked whether she had seen any officials trying to limit the number of people
entering the alley, she replied: “Before the incident, not at all.” Another eyewitness described the
situation getting “worse and worse,” saying they could hear “people asking for help for other
people, because there were not enough rescuers that can just handle all that.”


1. Based on the text, what made it difficult for the officials to reach the victims of the Itaewon
A. It's hard to tell them apart because they're wearing halloween costumes
B. It's hard to reach them because they are covered by buildings
C. It's hard to reach them because the crowd is very dense
D. It's hard to reach them because the crowd is happening in the tunnel
E. It's hard to reach them because the roads are under construction
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

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2. Based on the text, what caused the tragedy?

A. because too many people crowded beyond capacity so some people started to have
difficulty breathing.
B. because the music is too loud so people don't pay attention to their surroundings and fights
C. because the government doesn't ban crowds from celebrating Halloween
D. because there was a gas leak in the building near the site which caused the crowd to have
difficulty breathing and fainting
E. because there are people busy partying with music so loud that it causes a fight
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

3. Based on Suah Cho's witness, we know that...

A. The government should have predicted the crowd in advance
B. People asking each other for help, because there were not enough rescuers
C. No officers have tried to limit the crowd before the tragedy happened
D. The tragedy happened because the officers were late for the tragedy
E. Tragedy happens because there are not enough people to help victims
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

4. Based on the text, we can conclude that...

A. South Korea is a country that is not used to crowds
B. It's hard to realize what happened because the screams of the victims compete with the
loud music
C. There were many victims of the tragedy, with 154 injured and dozens dead
D. The tragedy occured because there was a gas leak which made it difficult for people to
E. Tragedy happened because the government freed the citizens to gather and celebrate
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

The picture below for number 5-7

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5. Tia is a vegetarian. According to Tia, being a vegetarian can help save the earth. The reasons
that support Tia's statement are...
A. She often choose to work from home
B. She only read via electronic
C. She only take e-receipts
D. Vegetarians don't eat meat
E. Vegertarians choose in-season food
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

6. Chaila is a housewife. The thing that Chaila can NOT do to help save the earth is?
A. Do online meeting instead go to the office
B. Choose in-season food that are locally grown
C. Prioritize organic food
D. Choose energy saving home appliances
E. Use household waste to make compost
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

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7. Rika is asked to plan school activities that can help save the earth. The best activity Rika could
devise was, EXCEPT...
A. Community service cleaning the river
B. Community service together planting trees
C. Socialization to reduce plastic waste
D. Socialization choose organic food product
E. Planning a barbecue after social work
[C2, Unstated Question, Litbang 2022]

The picture below is for number 8-11

Nutrient/Dietary “sweet spot” for optimal Consequences of excessive intake
Substance performance
Carbohydrate during Varies depending on energy - extra energy (kJ or Calories) that might
exercise needs- in endurance contribute to weight gain or failure to lose
exercise > 3 hours (with weight
high intensity efforts). 80- - Malabsorption of carbohydrate leading to gut
90g/hour problems
- Elevated blood glucose (in people with insulin
Protein (per meal/ 15-30 g of animal based, - extra energy (kJ or Calories) that might
snack/ posy-exercise) rapidly disgested protein contribute to weight gain or failure to lose
(eg. Skim milk, whey weight
protein, egg protein). May - Increased losss of calsium through the urine
require more for plant - Potential for accelerated loss of kidney
sources, slowly digested function (only if kidney function is alraedy
proteins and when part of a impaired)
large meal
Caffeine Around 2-3 mg/Kg body - Reduced capacity to concentrate and perform
before/during weight before exercise skilled tasks
exercise - Tremor (in some people)
Antioxidants (Vitamin Small amounts contained in - Possible reductions in training adaptations
A, C, E and others) a normal diet of fruit and from high dose supplements
vegetables - Evidence that high dose supplements may
incraese risk of some cancers
Beta-alanine Around 800mg taken four - Larger one-off doses cause parasthesia – a
times a day, over several tingly/pins-and-needles type side effect
Sodium Bicarbonate Around 0,3 g per kg body - Diarrhoea, and lots of it
weight - Metabolic alkalosis (blood acidity becomes too

8. Retsu likes to consume caffeine before exercising. Retsu wants to increase his weight from 54 kg
to 55 kg. How many grams of caffeine should Retsu consume before exercising?
A. 108-162 grams D. 118-150 grams
B. 118-172 grams E. 108-172 grams
C. 119-173 grams
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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9. The correct statement based on the table above, EXCEPT...

A. Eat to much carbohydrates can lead to gut problems
B. Excessive caffeine consumption causes tremors in some people
C. Excessive protein consumption will make you diarrhea
D. Consuming too much carbohydrates will make you gain weight
E. Excessive consumption of supplements will increase the risk of cancer
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

10. Chaila (42 kg) consumes 396 grams of caffeine before exercise and 13.2 grams of sodium
bicarbonate supplements to make her more energetic. Instead she finds it difficult to focus
while exercising. Based on the table that may be the cause of Chaila's difficulty focusing is?
A. Chaila takes a low amount of sodium bicarbonate supplements
B. Chaila consumes too much caffeine before exercising
C. Chaila takes too many sodium bicarbonate supplements before exercising
D. Chaila takes too many supplements before working out
E. Chaila consumes too much coffee before exercise
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

11. David has insulin resistance. Based on the table, what will happen if he eats too many
A. David will get diarrhea D. David will be at risk of several cancers
B. David will suffer from kidney disease E. David will have an increase in blood glucose
C. David will suffer from metabolic alkalosis
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

The text below is for number 12-15

The Lucky Octopus

Ollie the octopus only had seven legs. "The last one will grow," the ocean doctor said the
day Ollie was born. "But when?" asked Ollie's mother. She was very sad. "When Ollie turns eight
years old," the doctor said. For seven years, Ollie's brothers and sisters teased her about her
missing leg. She was the youngest octopus in the family. Her sister Olivia was the oldest. "Ollie only
has seven legs because she isn't part of our real family," Olivia told the other sea creatures one day.
It was a lie, but everyone believed Olivia because she was the oldest. When the other sea creatures
played games like tag and hide and go seek, Ollie's brother Oscar wouldn't let Ollie play. "You can't
catch a fish with only seven legs," Oscar said. "Go and find a friend that has an extra leg to play
with." Ollie searched around the ocean, but there weren't any kind sea creatures to play with. She
was very lonely.

One day Ollie's brother Orlando saw Ollie playing by herself in the seaweed. He was very
happy. "Guess what I found today, Ollie!" Orlando said. "A treasure chest. It is from a ship and it is
full of beautiful jewels." "Can I see it?" Ollie asked. "I have always dreamed of seeing a treasure
chest." "I'm not showing it to anyone!" Orlando said. "Especially not a tiny octopus with only seven
legs." Ollie went home and told her mother that she was sad. "Everyone treats me differently
because I only have seven legs," she said. "Don't worry," her mother said. "Tomorrow is your eighth
birthday and you will finally grow another leg! Then you will never be lonely."

That night Ollie dreamed that she grew another leg. Everyone celebrated and ate delicious

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food. She was so happy. But the next day, when Ollie woke up and counted her legs, there were still
only seven. Ollie hid in the seaweed patch and cried. She was so sad. Suddenly a sea fairy appeared.
It was the tiniest creature Ollie had ever seen. "You are the lucky octopus I have been waiting for,"
the sea fairy said. "I am?" Ollie said. "Yes. Only the luckiest octopus gets to make three wishes." Ollie
knew exactly what to wish for. "First I wish that Olivia was honest," Ollie said. "Your wish is
granted. Now you have two more wishes," the fairy said. "Second, I wish that Oscar was kind." "And
now he is," the fairy said. "And what is your last wish?" "Lastly, I wish that Orlando was fair," Ollie
said. Before the tiny sea fairy disappeared, she told Ollie that she was the kindest octopus in the
whole sea. "I wish that all of your birthday dreams come true," the sea fairy said before she swam

When Ollie got home her family was waiting for her. "Surprise!" they said all at once. "I
bought you a present," Oscar said. "It's a beautiful pearl necklace!". "Thank you," Ollie said. "You are
very kind.". "I baked a delicious cake for you," Orlando said. "And I invited all of the sea creatures to
share it with us." "You are very fair," Ollie said. "Thank you for sharing." "I'm very sorry, I don't
have a present for you," Olivia said. "I forgot it was your birthday." "That's okay," Ollie said. "You
are very honest. Thank you." Ollie's mother swam over to her daughter with a red birthday balloon.
"I'm so happy for you, Ollie," she said. "Why Mother?" "Look, you've finally grown your eighth leg!"
Ollie's mother tied the balloon to her daughter's new leg. It was the happiest day of Ollie's life.


12. What makes Ollie think that Orlando is unfair?

A. Because Orlando always mocks Ollie the seven legged octopus
B. Because Orlando doesn't want to play with Ollie
C. Because Orlando really doesn't like Ollie and keeps harassing Ollie
D. Because Orlando doesn't want to show the treasure chest that he got
E. Because Orlando told Ollie to find a friend with an excess number of legs
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

13. How did Ollie finally get her eighth leg?

A. The fairy grants Ollie's wish to have eight legs
B. Ollie's feet grow on her 8th birthday
C. Ollie's mother ties balloons as Ollie's eighth leg
D. The fairy grants Ollie's deepest wish
E. Ollie's eighth leg came because Ollie did good
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

14. What makes people believe Olivia's lies?

A. Because olivia rarely lies D. Olivia is supported by her siblings
B. Because olivia likes to be well-behaved E. Olivia is the oldest one
C. Because Olivia is a trustworthy octopus
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

15. What makes the fairy think that Ollie is the kindest octopus in the whole ocean?
A. Because Ollie is not selfish when making wish
B. Because Ollie doesn't like to see other people suffer
C. Because Ollie has given up his feet for her siblings

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D. Because Ollie is not depressed about her situation

E. Because Ollie is not desperate about her situation
[C2, Restatement, Litbang 2022]
The text below is for number 16-17
The most recent Mulan (2020), incorporates a number of motifs and characters to tell the
story for a new generation. An early scene in which Mulan is out riding and notices two hares
running side-by-side is a direct allusion to the earliest version of the legend when the narrator
points out that no one notices the difference in gender when hares run next to each other. The
warrior woman Dou Xianniang also appears, combined with the “dark arts” aspect of The Story of
the Loyal, Filial, and Heroic Mulan, to create an engaging character and the film works, drawing on
many other aspects of the legend, to provide an audience with a new vision of the story instead of a
simple remake of an earlier successful film. This latest version, not released in theaters but
streamed by Disney-Plus in those countries which carry it, has received mostly positive reviews
and has already revived significant interest in the legend.

Mulan's popularity since 1998 has generated interest in historical Chinese heroines who
were previously unknown in the West and the latest film will no doubt do the same. Among these
women is Xun Guan of the Western Jin Dynasty (265-316 CE), the 13-year-old daughter of governor
Xun Song, who led a hand-picked team of soldiers to break the lines of the enemy forces
surrounding her father's city and brought back a relief force to lift the siege. Princess Pingyang of
the Tang Dynasty trained her own military (known as The Army of Lady Li) and led them in a
number of victorious engagements against the forces of the then-corrupt Sui Dynasty. She is the
only woman in the history of Imperial China to receive military honors at her burial. The warrior
woman Wong Cong'er (l. c. 1777-1798 CE) commanded the White Lotus Sect in the rebellion
against the Qing Dynasty, leading an army of men and using guerilla tactics to achieve a number of
significant victories. Finally surrounded and facing defeat, she leaped from a cliff rather than
submit to capture.

Mulan's story, and name, were also influential in the establishment of the martial art of
Mulan Quan (also Mulan Hua Ja Quan) which combines tai chi with dance, Kung Fu, and other arts
to create a unique form of self-defense and personal improvement. The discipline is intended to
encourage the confidence, strength, and grace of Mulan in modern-day practitioners and is only one
of the many examples of how the legend of Mulan continues to inspire people today, especially
women, just as it has done in the past.


16. How Wong Cong’er lead army to against the Qing Dynasty?
A. Used combines of Tai Chi and Kung Fu D. Used martial art
B. Combines Tai Chi with dance E. Used guerilla tactics
C. Create a unique form of self-defense
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

17. Who was the only woman in the history of Imperial China had receive a military honor at her
A. Mulan Quan D. Xun Guan
B. Wong Cong’er E. Xun Song
C. Princess Pingyang
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

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The text below is for number 18-20

Spirulina is an edible blue-green algae. Some people claim spirulina benefits health
conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, and cancer. Spirulina contains several vital nutrients,
including fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, and K), fatty acids (DHA, EPA), beta carotene, and minerals. It's
also a source of protein, but it lacks high enough levels of some of the amino acids that your body
needs to function at its best (unless you have a medical condition where you need to avoid specific
amino acids, like phenylketonuria or "PKU").

Spirulina has been studied in humans for several indications like increasing antioxidant
capacity, reducing blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, and addressing liver health
(NAFLD), metabolic syndrome, and obesity.

Researchers have shown that spirulina has some effects on increasing antioxidant levels in
the body and reducing blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. However, the most
effective way to go about long-term change in these areas is by exploring and addressing your
overall patterns of eating and movement over time and your social connections, which can all
profoundly affect your health and wellbeing. Working with a registered dietitian nutritionist
(RD/RDN) is one option available to you to achieve your nutrition and movement goals.


18. We can consume spirulina to get the following benefits, EXCEPT...

A. Increasing antioxidant levels D. Addressing liver health
B. Reducing blood pressure E. Easy to build muscle
C. Reducing Cholesterol levels
[C2, Unstated Question, Litbang 2022]

19. Why is consumption of spirulina considered good for people with phenylketonuria?
A. Because it contains low levels of amino acids
B. Because it contains a large amount of beta carotene
C. Because it contains high saturated fat
D. Because it contains a lot of vitamins
E. Because spirulina can lower cholesterol levels
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

20. Based on the text, we know that the best way to improve a healthier lifestyle is…
A. Routinely consume spirulina every day before eating and after a lot of activity
B. Regulating your overall diet and movement over time and your social relationships
C. Regularly consume various kinds of supplements to improve nutrition
D. Regularly consume spirulina with additional protein because it doesn’t contain high amino
E. Regular exercise and taking supplements that are good for the body
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

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The text below is for question number 1-5

Predict the Weather

You don't need a weather app to predict rain or shine—you just need nature!

Want to know how hot it is outside? Listen to a cricket! By counting the number of times a
cricket chirps, you can calculate the temperature. Here’s how: Count the number of times a cricket
chirps in 14 seconds and add 40 to that number. The total is the temperature in Fahrenheit. Take a
few measurements and then use the average to determine the temperature.

If you find a lot of spiderwebs inside your house, it means it might get cold soon. Spiders
go indoors to seek shelter when the weather is cool. Venomous black widow spiders especially
don’t like low temperatures, so be careful to look out for them in your home’s dark corners, such as
basements and closets! Ladybugs can also help predict cold weather. These critters cluster under
leaves or bark to protect them from the weather, but in many U. S. states, some have found a
different warm place to spend winter—human homes! If you spot one or a whole group of them
swarming in your house, chances are that winter is coming.

Pinecones are one way to tell if dry weather is coming. Pinecones open their scales when
the weather gets extremely dry. They do this to scatter their seeds. When the air is moist, they
close up to keep their seeds dry. Pine seeds are transported by the wind, so they have to stay as
dry and as light as possible in order to fly. Dust and sand, of course, travel in much the same way.
So if a pinecone's scales are open, be on the lookout for dry weather.

Up to 12 hours before a thunderstorm, black flies and mosquitoes might swarm. Then
about an hour before the storm hits, they disappear. These bugs like humidity, which is water or
moisture in the air. But like humans, they don’t like getting too wet and take cover from all the rain
a thunderstorm causes. So before it rains, flies and mosquitoes hide.

How close is lightning? The U.S. National Weather Service says you can find out how far
you are from lightning by counting the time between seeing lightning and hearing thunder. By
dividing the number of seconds between lightning and thunder by five, you can learn how far away
in miles the lightning has hit. For example, if you hear thunder five seconds after a flash, tlightning
is is a mile away. (Five divided by five equals one.) If you hear thunder 25 seconds after a flash,
lightning is five miles away.

Source: www.

1. Retsu wants to predict the temperature with the chirping of crickets, here is a table of Retsu's
Repetition Cricket chirps
1 16
2 15
3 17

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What is the temperature outside?

A. 54℉ D. 57℉
B. 55℉ E. 58℉
C. 56℉
[C4, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

2. One night Tara saw lightning and thirty-six seconds later Tara heard thunder. How far is the
lightning from Tara?
A. 6,9 mil D. 7,2 mil
B. 7,0 mil E. 7,3 mil
C. 7,1 mil
[C4, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

3. Why 1 hour before the storm black flies and mosquitoes will disappear?
A. Because they like humidity D. Because they don't like getting too dry
B. Because they don't like getting too wet E. Because they like indolent
C. Because they don't like getting too cold
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

4. Why does pine seeds have to stay dry?

A. Because pine seeds are transported by air, so its must be as light as possible
B. Because the pine seeds will be damaged and moist when exposed to water
C. Because pine seeds will be difficult to grow in moist soil
D. Because pine seeds will be easier to grow in dry soil
E. Because pine seeds will rot quickly in humid air
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]
5. How do we predict that winter will come?
A. By looking at cobwebs, if cobwebs are rarely found at home then winter will come
B. By looking at the scales of the pinecone, if the scales of the pinecone are exposed, winter will
C. By looking at mosquitoes, if mosquitoes are rarely found then winter will come
D. By looking at the ladybugs, if the ladybugs start to fly around the garden then winter will come
E. By looking at the ladybugs, if the ladybugs start to swarm under the leaves then winter will
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]
The picture below for number 6-8

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6. Based on the picture, why would a walk in the park be useful for pregnant women?
A. Help fetal growth and maintain a healthier baby weight
B. Help improve relationship skills and make more friends
C. Help expand relationships and share experiences with other pregnant women
D. Helps to be more active and improve fetal brain function
E. Help relieve stress by meeting and sharing stories with other pregnant women
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

7. Aziza suffers from osteoporosis due to vitamin D deficiency. Based on the picture, frequent
contact with nature will be good for aziza because spent some time in …
A. Bright sunlight can reduce nearsightedness
B. Bright sunlight can increase vitamin D levels
C. Nature can reduce stress and aggression
D. Nature can reduced physical activity
E. Nature can reduced risk of obesity
F. Nature can increased physical activity
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

8. Based in the picture, the statement below is correct, EXCEPT...

A. Contact with nature can improve your relationship skills
B. If you more active in contact with nature, it’ll help you reduce stress
C. Contact with nature will reduce your risk of obesity
D. Spent some time in bright sunlight can reduce nearsightedness
E. Nature exposure for mothers can reduce the chance of miscarriage
[C2, Unstated Question, Litbang 2022]

The picture below is for number 9-12

Product Why It’s Important When to use Tips
Facial ● Dissolves away makeup, dirt, oil Can be used daily in the Simply using a washcloth
Cleanser & other impurities morning or evening (or both). and warm water isn’t as
● Helps preserve natural moisture Many prefer using it in the effective as a quality
balance evening to clear away makeup cleanser. In addition, the
● Works hand in hand with facial etc. Clogging the pores washcloth and water
scrub to provide a fresh surface approach can actually leave
for other skincare products, your skin dry and irritated
helping maximize their

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Facial Scrub ● Removes outer layer of dead cells A good rule of thumb is to Some scrubs are harsher
clinging to your skin, allowing scrub (exfoliate) 3 to 4 times than others. Depending on
newer, fresher skin to shine per week. Can be done either your skin, you may need to
through morning or evening, but most experiment until finding
● Enhances the skin’s ability to prefer the evening to clear one that just right. Don’t
absorb other skincare products away makeup etc. Clogging give up because the first
the pores one you try doesn’t work
well for your skin
Day Time ● Hydrated skin looks and feels Use daily as needed. At least Many moisturizers are
Moisturizer fresher and more healthy than once a day, preferably in the combined with other
dry, flakey skin morning before leaving the helpful ingredients,
● Locks in moisture that would house allowing you to get
otherwise be lost to heat, wind, additional benefits out of
etc one product. For example,
● Allows skin to function at peak our day time moisturizer
performance. Skin cells repair/ includes Broad Spectrum
turn over faster. Which in the UV protection and other
long run means wrinkles are Anti-Aging Ingredients.
fewer and slower to develop.
Sunscreen ● The single most important thing Use it every day, regardless of Make sure your sunscreen
you can do for your skin is the weather. Up to 80% of the of choice is indicated for
protect it from UV exposure. sun's harmful rays can pass broad spectrum protection.
Damage from the sun not only through the clouds on This means it will protect
causes cancer. But is also the overcast days. Apply it before against both UVA & UVB
leading contributor to the signs leaving the house and rays.
of aging. additionally as needed

9. Sintya wants to have youthful skin. What skincare should Sintya use?
A. Facial cleanser D. Night Moisturizer
B. Facial scrub E. Sunscreen
C. Day Moisturizer
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

10. Lily regularly uses sunscreen and exfoliation and washes her face with warm water but her skin
is easily irritated. What are the possible mistakes that Lily made?
A. Lily didn’t uses day moisturizer and it makes her skin dry
B. Lily uses warm water instead facial cleanser to wash her face
C. Lily didn’t uses sunscreen with broad spectrum protection
D. Lily uses sunscreen and facial scrub only once a day
E. Lily rarely washes her face so her face gets irritated easily
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

11. Based on the table, which statement is NOT correct?

A. Face scrub is harsher than other and can make our skin breakouts
B. Day moisturizer can hydrated your skin and make it feels fresher
C. Uses Sunscreen daily can protect you from the UV exposure
D. Facial cleanser can dissolves away makeup, dirt, oil & other impurities
E. Facial scrubs can enhances the skin’s ability to absorb other skincare products
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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12. Which NOT the reason we should wear sunscreen is...

A. Protect us from the UV exposure D. Make skin more well-preserved
B. Reduce the risk of skin cancer E. Protect us from the damage of the bright sun
C. Sunscreen can clogging the pores
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]
The text below is for number 13-15
Dugongs are also sometimes called 'sea cows' because they graze on seagrasses. Its
scientific name, the Dugong dugon (or the Dugong), is a cousin to the infamous manatees. They
both share a rounded appearance with a dolphin-like tail. Unlike their counterpart, the Sea Cow is
strictly a marine mammal. Dugong also has poor eyesight but extreme hearing. They find and grasp
seagrass with the aid of coarse, sensitive bristles that cover the upper lip of their large and fleshy
snout. These peaceful aquatic mammals swim calmly in shallow coastal waters in the East oceans.
Living up to 70 years old these herbivores can weigh anywhere from 510-1100 pounds.

Eight to ten feet tall, can be found in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia,
(including the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Pacific). Like Whales, Dugongs are related to Elephants
genetically, but share little appearance and behavioral attributes. Unlike many aquatic animals, the
Sea Cow is awake during all times, day and night. They can stay underwater for a whole six minutes
before resurfacing: sometimes breathing by “standing” on their tail with their heads above water.
Dugongs normally roam solo or in pairs, but occasionally, they are sometimes seen gathered in
large herds of a hundred animals.

Small tusks can be seen in adult males and some old females. During the mating season,
male dugongs use their tusks to fight each other. Normally, female Dugongs have one calf after a
yearlong pregnancy, and the mother would help her young child reach the surface and take its first
breathes. A young dugong would remain close to its mother for about 18 months, sometimes
catching a ride on her broad back. These languid animals make an easy target for coastal hunters,
and they were long sought for their meat, oil, skin, bones, and teeth. The Sea Cow's slow breeding
rate and long life span mean that dugongs are particularly susceptible to factors that threaten their
survival. Dugongs are now legally protected throughout their range, but their populations are still
in a tenuous state. On a brighter note, some believe that Dugongs were the inspiration for ancient
seafaring tales of mermaids and sirens!

Dugongs are threatened by sea grass habitat loss and degradation because of coastal
development & industrial activities that cause water pollution. If there is not enough sea grass to
eat, then the dugong does not breed normally. This makes the conservation of their shallow water
marine habitat very important. Dugongs are slow-moving and have little protection against
predators. Being large animals, however, only large sharks, saltwater crocodiles and killer whales
are a danger to them. Young dugongs hide behind their mothers when in danger. They also often
become victims of bycatch, the accidental entanglement in fishing nets.

13. How do male dugongs fight during mating season?

A. Standing on his tail and clash his head
B. Use their tusks to fight each other
C. Standing on his tail with their heads above water
D. Use their extreme hearing to find out their enemies
E. Use their tail standing and fight each other
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]
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14. Dugongs have poor eyesight, how do dugongs find food?

A. They find the food with their sensitive bristles
B. They find seagrass with the aid of coarse extreme hearing
C. They get the food by fighting with other dugongs
D. They get the food by exploring the cave in the sea
E. They get the food when they are at surface
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

15. Dugongs are aquatic mammals. How do dugongs breathe?

A. Dugong breathe with air reserves stored in its nose
B. Dugong breathe same as the whales with the holes at his head
C. Dugong breathe by standing on their tail with their heads above water
D. Dugong breathe with the help of coarse sensitive bristles near its mouth
E. Dugong breathe normally with his gill like the other mammals
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

16. Dugong is an animal protected by the government, but the existence of the dugong is still
threatened because...
A. A big fish that continues to eat it because it's slow when moving
B. The government does not supervise the hunting of dugongs
C. Female dugongs are constantly harassed during the mating season
D. Male dugongs fight a lot during the mating season that many dugongs die
E. Water pollution makes seagrass habitat less and make the dugong not breed well
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

The picture below is for number 17-20


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17. N2 will turn into NH3 through the process?

A. Nitrogen fixation D. Denitrification
B. Nitrification E. Ammonification
C. Assimilation
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

18. NO3 turn into N2 through the process?

A. Nitrogen fixation D. Denitrification
B. Nitrification E. Ammonification
C. Assimilation
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

19. NO3 will change to N2 assisted by...

A. Nitrogen fixing bacteria D. Lightning
B. Denitrification bacteria E. Animal waste
C. Nitrifying bacteria
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

20. NH3 will change to NO3 assisted by...

A. Nitrogen fixing bacteria D. Lightning
B. Denitrification bacteria E. Animal waste
C. Nitrifying bacteria
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

© PT. Kreasi Edulab Indonesia


The text below is for question number 1-5

Job burnout is a special type of work-related stress — a state of physical or emotional
exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.
"Burnout" isn't a medical diagnosis. Some experts think that other conditions, such as depression,
are behind burnout. Researchers point out that individual factors, such as personality traits and
family life, influence who experiences job burnout. Whatever the cause, job burnout can affect your
physical and mental health.

Job burnout can result from various factors, including: Lack of control. An inability to
influence decisions that affect your job, such as your schedule, assignments or workload, could
lead to job burnout. So could a lack of the resources you need to do your work. Unclear job
expectations. If you're unclear about the degree of authority you have or what your supervisor or
others expect from you, you're not likely to feel comfortable at work. Dysfunctional workplace
dynamics. Perhaps you work with an office bully, or you feel undermined by colleagues or your
boss micromanages your work. This can contribute to job stress. Extremes of activity. When a job
is monotonous or chaotic, you need constant energy to remain focused which can lead to fatigue
and job burnout. Lack of social support. If you feel isolated at work and in your personal life, you
might feel more stressed. Work-life imbalance. If your work takes up so much of your time and
effort that you don't have the energy to spend time with your family and friends, you might burn
out quickly.

Try to take action. To get started: Evaluate your options. Discuss specific concerns with your
supervisor. Maybe you can work together to change expectations or reach compromises or
solutions. Try to set goals for what must get done and what can wait. Seek support. Whether you
reach out to co-workers, friends or loved ones, support and collaboration might help you cope. If
you have access to an employee assistance program, take advantage of relevant services. Try a
relaxing activity. Explore programs that can help with stress such as yoga, meditation or tai chi. Get
some exercise. Regular physical activity can help you to better deal with stress. It can also take
your mind off work. Get some sleep. Sleep restores well-being and helps protect your health.
Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the act of focusing on your breath flow and being intensely aware of
what you're sensing and feeling at every moment, without interpretation or judgment. In a job
setting, this practice involves facing situations with openness and patience, and without judgment.
Keep an open mind as you consider the options. Try not to let a demanding or unrewarding job
undermine your health.

1. The main purpose of the text is...

A. State that job-burnout is mental illness
B. Persuading people with job-burnout to go to a psychiatrist
C. Persuading people with job burnout to withdraw from their jobs
D. Persuading the company to monitor the mental state of its employees
E. Inform the causes and ways to overcome job-burnout
[C2, Understanding Purpose, Litbang 2022]

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2. What is the main idea on the last paragraph?

A. Ways to find out the causes of job-burnout
B. Ways to reduce job-burnout symptoms
C. Causes of the emergence of job-burnout symptoms
D. Definition of job-burnout and its symptoms
E. Understanding job burnout and how to overcome it
[C2, Understanding Main Idea, Litbang 2022]

3. Vina feels her work and life are unbalanced. Based on the text, the best thing Vina can do is..
A. Discuss specific concern with supervisor to change expectations
B. Get some exercise, such as yoga, meditations and Tai Chi
C. Get some sleep, sleep can help you to reduce your stress
D. Looking for support, can be from family, coworkers or even lovers
E. Develop herself so that she can complete his work more quickly
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

4. Rangga feels the lack of social support. Based on the text, the best advice that can be given to
Rangga is?
A. Discuss specific concern with supervisor to change expectations
B. Get some exercise, such as yoga, meditations and Tai Chi
C. Get some sleep, sleep can help you to reduce your stress
D. Looking for support, can be from family, coworkers or even lovers
E. Develop herself so that she can complete his work more quickly
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

5. Based in the text, the statement below is correct, EXCEPT...?

A. Some expert think there is another condition behind job burnout
B. Job burnout can affect your physical and mental health
C. Burnout can’t caused by individual factors, such as personality traits
D. An inability to influence decisions that affect your job could lead to job burnout
E. When a job is monotonous or chaotic, it can lead to fatigue and job burnout
[C2, Unstated Question, Litbang 2022]

The picture below for number 6-8

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6. The temperature displayed on Keisya's air conditioner did not match the air temperature in her
room. What parts might be damaged on Keisya's air conditioner?
A. Compressor D. Condenser
B. Evaporator E. Blower
C. Thermostat
[C2, Understanding Graph and Table, Litbang 2022]

7. The part of the air conditioner that functions to remove moisture is....
A. Compressor D. Condenser
B. Evaporator E. Blower
C. Thermostat
[C2, Understanding Graph and Table, Litbang 2022]

8. Dika's AC kept emitting dirty dust. What parts might not work properly on Dika's AC?
A. Compressor D. Filter
B. Thermostat E. Fan
C. Condenser
[C2, Understanding Graph and Table, Litbang 2022]

The picture below is for number 9-12

Lately there is a protein snack bar that is currently popular among the public. The
following table of nutrients contained in the snack:

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Source: www.

9. Nira has an acute allergy to eggs but this morning Nira only ate 2 chocolate snack bars. Based on
the picture, what made Nira's allergies recur?
A. Snack bars use eggs as their main ingredient
B. The protein in eggs is the same as the protein in snack bars
C. Snack bar using eggs as a mixture
D. Snack bars contain ingredients similar to those found in eggs
E. Snack bars are processed in factories that also process eggs
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

10. Danira ate a total of 2.5 chocolate snack bars this morning. How many calories does Danira
A. 500 calories
B. 520 calories
C. 550 calories
D. 570 calories
E. 580 calories
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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11. Arya eats 84 grams of snack bars, meaning that Arya has reached his daily dietary fiber needs of
... %
A. 24 D. 32
B. 28 E. 36
C. 30
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

12. Arya eats 112 grams of snack bars, meaning that Arya has consumed total carbohydrate about ...
A. 24 D. 480
B. 48 E. 560
C. 240
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]
The text below is for number 13-15
First things first – despite their common (and very misleading!) name, starfish (or sea
stars) are <not> actually fish. Since they don’t have a backbone, they belong to a group of species
called invertebrates, which also includes urchins and sponges. There are around 1,600 different
species of starfish living in the world’s oceans, where they occupy every type of habitat including
tidal pools, rocky shores, sea grass, kelp beds and coral reefs. Some kinds of starfish are even found
on sandy seabeds 9,000 metres deep! Most starfish sport spiny skin and five arms surrounding a
central disk-shape body – although some can grow as many as 50 arms. Their arms are covered
with pincer-like organs and suckers that allow the animal to slowly creep along the ocean floor.
They also have eyespots on the tips of the arms, which allow the starfish to sense light and dark,
and help it find food.

Favourites on the starfish’s menu include mollusks like clams, oysters and snails. And it
has a pretty impressive way of eating! After attaching its body to the chosen prey, the starfish
extends its stomach out through its mouth. Substances (called enzymes) from the stomach then
begin to digest the food. This allows the nutritious grub to pass inside the stomach, which in turn
retracts back into the body where digestion is complete. Cool, eh? Tiny organisms that fall victim to
the super starfish can be swallowed whole. Starfish predators include certain fish species, sharks,
manta rays and even other starfish! To help protect themselves, these incredible invertebrates
have evolved several effective defense mechanisms. As well as their tough, prickly, armor-like skin,
some have striking colours that camouflage them amongst plants and coral, or scare off potential
attackers. And check this out, too – these cool creatures are able to regrow lost or damaged limbs!
If under attack, some starfish will even shed an arm to escape the predator. Cunning stuff! Starfish
aren’t social creatures – instead they are solitary and spend most of their life alone. They will,
however, sometimes congregate in large groups during certain times of the year to feed.


13. Starfish are known for not being sociable because...

A. They like to compete with each other for food
B. They like to compete with each other for a partner
C. They are afraid of predators so they often hide
D. They walk so slowly that they often lag behind the crowd
E. They are solitary and they like to spend life alone
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

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14. How do starfish find food?

A. They use their five arms to detect food
B. Use suckers on their arms to suck up food
C. Use eyespots on the tips of the arms
D. They secrete enzymes to digest food in the sea
E. They use pincer-like organs to detect food
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

15. Starfish don't have legs. How do starfish move around?

A. Use pincer-like organs and sucker to creep along
B. Use eyespots to sense light and dark
C. Use pincer-like organs to swim over the ocean
D. Use the sucker to swim over the ocean
E. Use their five arms walk around ocean floor
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

16. How do starfish escape from predators?

A. They use armor-like skin to protect their body
B. They will shed an arm to escape from the predator
C. They use their central disk-shaped body to camouflage
D. They use eyespots to escape from the predator
E. They use their pincer-like organs to run away from predator
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

The picture below is for number 17-20

Recently, many cases of violence have emerged in Indonesia. Many people do not know that
violence does not just happen but that there are stages in the occurrence of this violence. This
stage consists of three phases which are commonly known as the cycle of abuse.


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17. The phase where the victim feels the need to calm the perpetrator is the phase?
A. Tension Building
B. Incident
C. Reconciliation
D. Honeymoon phase
E. Occurance phase
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

18. The phase where the perpetrator begins to commit verbal violence is the phase...
A. Incident
B. Reconciliation
C. Tension Building
D. Honeymoon phase
E. Occurance phase
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

19. The phase where the perpetrator loses control and begins to commit physical violence is the...
A. Reconciliation
B. Incident
C. Honeymoon phase
D. Tension Building
E. Propitiation phase
[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

20. The stage where the victim feels the perpetrator has changed because he has shown regretful
behavior is the phase...
A. Reconciliation
B. Incident
C. Occurance phase
D. Tension Building
E. Propitiation phase

[C2, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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Read the passage carefully to answer questions number 1-6!

The California condor, Gymnogyps californianus, is one of the largest flying birds in the world.
When it soars, the wings spread more than nine feet from tip to tip. Condors may weigh more than
20 pounds. The male Andean condor of South America is even larger than our California condor.
Both are endangered species.

Condors can soar and glide for hours without beating their wings. After rising thousands of feet
overhead on air currents, California condors will glide long distances, sometimes at more than 55
miles per hour. From the air, they search for dead animals, like deer or cattle. They feed only on
carrion (dead animals that they find).

Condor nest sites are in cliff caves in the mountains. Some condors have nested in large cavities in
the trunks of giant sequoia redwood trees. Nesting condors raise only one chick at a time. The four-
inch long egg is laid in late winter or spring, and it takes two months to hatch. It takes more than a
year from the time the egg is laid until the young bird has learned to live on its own.

Thousands of years ago, California condors lived in many parts of North America, from California
and other Pacific states to Texas, Florida, and New York. In recent centuries, this large vulture was
found by early explorers and settlers from British Columbia in Canada to Baja California in Mexico.
As people settled the West, they often shot, poisoned, captured, and disturbed the condors,
collected their eggs, and reduced their food supply of antelope, elk, and other large wild animals.
Eventually, condors could no longer survive in most places. By the late 1900s the remaining
individuals were limited to the mountainous parts of southern California, where they fed on dead
cattle, sheep, and deer.

Most causes of death in the past two centuries have been from human activities. For nearly 100
years it has been illegal for anyone to kill California condors. But illegal killing was not the only
problem that these birds faced. A major problem has been contamination from lead fragments in
carcasses, poison bait, and environmental pollutants. Contamination from past use of the pesticide
DDT may have prevented the hatching of some condor eggs in the recent past, and human activity
in the condor nesting range has been followed by growing numbers of ravens, which threaten
condor eggs and nestlings. Accidental collision with wires and structures is a risk to condors, as
well. There have been so many problems facing the condor for so long that the species was not
going to survive in the wild without help from people.

California Condor. Taken on October 13, 2022 from:

1. It is implied from the passage that California Condors ...

A. The largest flying birds on earth
B. An endangered bird
C. Can weight 20 pounds only
D. The largest flying birds both in north and south America
E. Illegal trading of Condors
[C2, Inference, Litbang 2022]
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2. Which of the following best explains the causes of California Condors facing endangered is …
A. They only can live in mountainous area
B. They cannot eat ravens
C. People hunt them
D. They eat contaminated dead cattle, sheep and deer
E. Condors could no longer survive in most places.
[C4, Explain the Information, Litbang 2022]

3. What is the factor that makes the eggs unable to hatch?

A. Condors could no longer survive in most places.
B. People often shot, poisoned, captured, and disturbed the condors.
C. Contamination from past use of the pesticide
D. Growing numbers of ravens.
E. People collected their eggs, and reduced their food supply.
[C2, Finding Detail Information, Litbang 2022]

4. California Condor (gymnogyps californianus) is the state animal of California. It’s an endangered
California condor because it faces many challenges, such as habitat loss and lead poisoning from
eating animals killed with lead bullets. The population in CA is around 400 which is why people
are working day and night to keep the population growing!
Which of the following statements is the relation between these statements and the passage?
A. Both the statements and the passage tell about the education for sustainable California
Condors hunting
B. The statements support the cause of Condors death in the passage
C. Both the statement and the passage represent the information about California Condors
D. Both the statement and the passage convince people to conserve California Condors
E. both the passage and the statements educates to breed California Condors in captivation
[C4, Relation Text, Litbang 2022]

5. According to the passage, "...the species was not going to survive in the wild without help from
people." the author implied that ...
A. Most causes of California Condors death have been from human activities.
B. As people settled, they often disturbed the Condors.
C. Illegal killing was the only problem that these birds faced.
D. People reduced their food supply.
E. These birds will be sustainable if people help them.
[C4,Vocabulary, Litbang 2022]

6. The paragraph following the passage will most likely discuss ….

A. Wild habitats of Condors
B. Another human illegal activity
C. Condor's preservation
D. Illegal trading of Condors
E. Endangered bird
[C4, Precede Paragraph, Litbang 2022]

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Read the passage carefully to answer questions number 7-10!

"By the end of next year, if Russia fully turns off the gas taps, and all that additional gas needs to
come from LNG sources, we will see an additional 35 million tonnes of imported upstream CO2
emissions compared to 2021." That extra CO2 is the equivalent of adding around 16 million cars to
the UK's roads for two years. For some observers, this rush for LNG is a triumph of short-term

"The real opportunity, out of a bad situation, is to put incentives in place to reduce our gas usage,"
said Dr Paul Balcombe, from Queen Mary University of London. He wasn't involved in this new
study, but has researched LNG emissions previously. "We need to increase energy efficiency and
our renewable deployment. Rather than just looking at the really, really short-term replacement,
which is LNG, we need to look at the slightly longer term, which will have way better cost
implications, financial and environmental."

Environmental campaigners are worried that the current embrace of extra LNG may not be a one
off. While none are currently planned for the UK, there are plans for the installation of around 20
new LNG terminals on the European continent.

Taken from :

7. Which of the following concluded the result shown in the graph?

A. CO2 Emission has escalated entirely since 2019
B. The CO2 emission has increase rapidly in entire 2022
C. Annual CO2 emission has been decreasing after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
D. CO2 emission was occurring continuously over 3 years
E. The CO2 emission is going fewer since 2020
[C2, Inferred the graph, PISA 2015]

8. According to the graph, what will happen if Russia supplies the exact amount of 2020 gas?
A. The annual number of CO2 emissions is going to revert to approximately 75 billion tonnes.
B. The data assume the total number of CO2 will have gained emission.

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C. The amount of CO2 emission is going to return to approximately 67,5 billion tonnes.
D. CO2 emission from production and transportation of natural gas will liven up next year.
E. An additional 35 million tonnes of imported upstream CO2 emission.
[C2, Understanding Diagram, Litbang 2022]

9. Based on the information provided, what are the effects of buying Russian's gas?
A. The production and transport of LNG causes up to ten times the carbon emissions compared
to pipeline gas.
B. The UK and Europe, worries over energy supplies have seen an unprecedented uptick in
imports of LNG.
C. Many millions of people are likely to be affected but the greatest burden will fall on the
poorest and most vulnerable.
D. The extra CO2 is the equivalent of adding and this rush for LNG is a short-term triumph.
E. Offering resources to fund the invasion of Ukraine and it is more difficult to win the war
against climate change.
[C5, Finding Detail Information, PISA 2015]

10. Carbon dioxide concentrations are rising mostly because of the fossil fuels that people are
burning for energy. On the other hand, several countries experience energy poverty. What is the
recommendation from Dr. Balcome based on the situation?
A. If Russia fully turns off the gas taps, we will see an additional 10 million tonnes of CO2
emissions compared to 2021
B. UK plans for the installation of around 20 new LNG terminals on the European continent.
C. Urgency to elevate energy efficiency that will have better way of cost implications, financial
and environmental
D. The real drawbacks, out of a bad situation, is to put distribution in place to reduce our gas
E. The UK needs to lighten energy emission and renewables their deployment.
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

This passage for questions number 11-16!

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Continental drift describes one of the earliest ways geologists thought continents moved over time.
Today, the theory of continental drift has been replaced by the science of plate tectonics. The
theory of continental drift is most associated with the scientist Alfred Wegener. In the early 20th
century, Wegener published a paper explaining his theory that the continental landmasses were
“drifting” across the Earth, sometimes plowing through oceans and into each other. He called this
movement continental drift.

Wegener was convinced that all of Earth’s continents were once part of an enormous, single
landmass called Pangaea. Wegener, trained as an astronomer, used biology, botany, and geology to
describe Pangaea and continental drift. For example, fossils of the ancient reptile mesosaurus are
only found in southern Africa and South America. Mesosaurus, a freshwater reptile only one meter
(3.3 feet) long, could not have swum the Atlantic Ocean. The presence of mesosaurus suggests a
single habitat with many lakes and rivers. Wegener also studied plant fossils from the frigid Arctic
archipelago of Svalbard, Norway. These plants were not the hardy specimens adapted to survive in
the Arctic climate. These fossils were of tropical plants, which are adapted to a much warmer,
more humid environment. The presence of these fossils suggests Svalbard once had a tropical
climate. Finally, Wegener studied the stratigraphy of different rocks and mountain ranges. The east
coast of South America and the west coast of Africa seem to fit together like pieces of a jigsaw
puzzle, and Wegener discovered their rock layers “fit” just as clearly. South America and Africa
were not the only continents with similar geology. Wegener discovered that the Appalachian
Mountains of the eastern United States, for instance, were geologically related to the Caledonian
Mountains of Scotland. Pangaea existed about 240 million years ago.

By about 200 million years ago, this supercontinent began breaking up. Over millions of years,
Pangaea separated into pieces that moved away from one another. These pieces slowly assumed
their positions as the continent we recognize today. Today, scientists think that several
supercontinents like Pangaea have formed and broken up over the course of the Earth’s lifespan.
These include Pannotia, which formed about 600 million years ago, and Rodinia, which existed
more than a billion years ago. Tectonic Activity Scientists did not accept Wegener’s theory of
continental drift. One of the elements lacking in the theory was the mechanism for how it works—
why did the continents drift and what patterns did they follow? Wegener suggested that perhaps
the rotation of the Earth caused the continents to shift towards and apart from each other. Today,
we know that the continents rest on massive slabs of rock called tectonic plates.

Taken from :

11. Which of the following statements paraphrase "Continental drift describes one of the earliest
ways geologists thought continents moved over time" ...
A. The continents rest on massive slabs of rock called tectonic plates.
B. Continental drift was once a beginning for geologists considering tectonic plates.
C. The theory of continental drift at a time became the standard of the Earth's mantle theory.
D. The theory of continental drift is most associated with the scientist Alfred Wegener.
E. Wegener, trained as an astronomer, used biology, botany, and geology to describe
continental drift.
[C3, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

12. Which one of the following statements matches with the graph?
A. Lystrosaurus, which is located in the southern continent, was a triassic reptile.
B. The fern Glossopteris which found in eastern continents was tropical plants

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C. Fossil of Mesosaurus, a freshwater reptile, only discovered in both southern africa and
D. Both Land and freshwater raptile's fossils were discovered approximately 3 meters long.
E. Fossil remains of Cynognathus came across northern Africa.
[C2, Understanding Diagram, Litbang 2022]

13. The rotation of the Earth caused the continents to shift towards and apart from each other.
According to the passage, which information can best describe it?
A. The continental landmasses were “drifting” across the Earth, sometimes plowing through
oceans and into each other.
B. Pangaea began to break into pieces, its parts moving away from one another.
C. The theory gained as new data supported by new data of the ocean floor showed a massive
undersea mountain range.
D. Weneger convinced the earth rotation work on the continent to move toward separately.
E. Earth's rotation its way upward through the moving plate of the sea floor
[C4, Explain the Information, Litbang 2022]

14. The shapes of continents fit together like a puzzle. Just look at the east coast of South America
and the west coast of Africa—it's almost a perfect fit. Which of the following is described by this
statement ….
A. Continents D. Pangaea
B. Wegener’s theory E. Continents formed
C. Continental drift
[C2, Finding Detail Information, Litbang 2022]

15. According to paragraph 2 we can conclude that ...

A. Wegener was convinced that Pangaea existed about 240 million years ago.
B. Wegener, trained as an astronomer, used biology, botany, and geology to describe Pangaea.
C. South America and Africa were not the only continents with similar geology.
D. Wegener proves pangea or continental drift by analyzing fossils and stratigraphy in certain
E. The east coast of South America and the west coast of Africa seem to fit together
[C2, Inferred, Litbang 2022]

16. Why did Tectonic Activity Scientists not accept Wegener’s theory of continental drift?
A. The continents we see today are fragments of that supercontinent.
B. Lacking in the theory did not provide the mechanism for how it works.
C. Weneger offered an inappropriate cause of the continental drift.
D. The theory gained as new data began to support the idea of continental drift.
E. These ridges were the result of molten rock rising from the asthenosphere.
[C2, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

This passage for questions number 17-20!

An estimated 36 million people in Europe were unable to keep their homes adequately warm in
2020. In the US, 16% of the country experiences energy poverty, including 5.2 million households
considered to be above the Federal Poverty Line. And in China, 24-27% of middle-aged and older
adults are estimated to live in energy poverty. With the volatile energy market sending prices

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soaring, and the possibility of blackouts and gas shortages looming, particularly in Europe, the
situation could become even worse.

Although the price rises are most extreme in Europe, US consumers are not likely to be immune
from elevated energy costs. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has warned that the world is in
the midst of its first truly "global energy crisis" – largely triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Many millions of people are likely to be affected but the greatest burden will fall on the poorest
and most vulnerable.

The health consequences of all this are not trivial. Scientific research makes clear that cold homes
are harmful for their occupants and sometimes even deadly, too. There's a higher risk of stroke,
respiratory infection and falls or other injuries due to people's reduced strength and dexterity in
low temperatures. Cold homes can have both short and long-term consequences for a person's
health, wellbeing and even their opportunities in life.

Adapted from:


17. Like climate change, energy poverty does not only affect low-income countries. Despite high
average living standards, energy poverty remains a challenge among many low-income
Which paragraph of the passage is supported by the statement above?
A. Paragraph one
B. Both paragraph one and paragraph two
C. Paragraph two
D. Both paragraph two and paragraph three
E. Paragraph three
[C2, Finding Detail Information, Litbang 2022]

18. What is the major trigger of global crisis energy?

A. Russia's invasion of Ukraine
B. People considered to have low income
C. Summer heat waves across Europe
D. Energy market sending lower prices
E. Temperatures will drop further in the coming months
[C2, Finding Detail Information, Litbang 2022]

19. Mica Fifield doesn't need an alarm clock. The pain in her joints wakes her up. Her legs and knees
hurt the most. Lying there, she knows that there are things to do around the house. But it's hard
to get out of bed. The heating in her terraced home in Lancashire, England, is off. The dormant
radiators, pinned to their walls, sit there, chilly to the touch. There's condensation around the
windows. And the pain digs in so much more now the weather is turning."We don't touch the
heating whatsoever", says Fifield. According to information in the passage, Which of the
statements below best explains why?
A. The situation further worsened as the year progressed, with summer heat waves across
B. Gas supply and demand cycles are impacted by weather and economic activity.
C. Temperatures will drop further in the coming months with the inflammable energy market
sending prices soaring.
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D. Mica Fifield isn't sure exactly what it will cost them to put the heating on.
E. Mica Fifield encounters energy poverty that is considered to be caused by a combination of
low income and high energy expenses.
[C5, Finding Detail Information, PISA 2015]

20. What are the health consequences of cold homes?

A. People's increased strength and dexterity in low temperatures.
B. Aid blood circulation
C. Higher risk of stroke and respiratory infection
D. Immunity might already be paired
E. long-term source of a person's health
[C2, Finding Detail Information, Litbang 2022]

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The following text is for number 1-5

Some people choose a vegan diet for its potential health benefits. Diets high in meat — especially
red meat — have been linked to cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. On the other hand,
plant-based diets have been linked to a lower risk of developing or prematurely dying from these

Lowering your intake of animal products in favor of more plant-based options may also improve
your digestion and reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. A vegan diet can also help minimize the
side effects linked to the antibiotics and hormones used in modern animal agriculture. Finally,
vegan diets appear to be especially effective at helping people lose unwanted weight. Several
studies link a vegan diet to a lower likelihood of obesity.

However, if you’re on a vegan diet, you may consume less of certain nutrients. That’s why planning
is especially important. Consider speaking with a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or
registered dietitian, to plan a vegan diet that will help you get the nutrients you need. Vegan diets
tend to be low in these nutrients: vitamin B12; vitamin D; calcium; zinc; iodine; selenium. People
on vegan diets sometimes take supplements to provide nutrients they may not get enough of in
their diet.

1. Evans thinks himself is obesity, thus he starts doing some diets, such as vegan diets. During the
diets he remains consuming cashews, pine nuts and almonds since he thinks he has not enough
nutrients of ….
A. Vitamin D D. Zinc
B. Vitamin B12 E. Calcium
C. Mineral
[C2, unstated detail questions]

2. The text recommended us to create a proper dietary regime before starting a vegan diet so that
A. The people can lose their unwanted weight
B. The nutrition in our body won`t be extremely dropped
C. There won't be any stomach issues for us.
D. It can lessen the Alzheimer`s illness
E. We need to lower the intake of any animal products
[C4, inferencing]

3. From the passage above, we can conclude that the text elaborated ….
A. The origin of ideas about the vegan diet
B. Contrasting the pro`s and con`s of vegan diet
C. Examples of vegan diet
D. Results of successful vegan diet
E. The related studies about vegan diet
[C4, organization of ideas]

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4. Fisher has started the vegan diet program for 2 years, but he never planned his dietary, thus he
successfully lost his weight but then experienced the osteoporosis.
From that statement, Fisher tends to be low in :
A. Vitamin B12 D. Calcium
B. Vitamin D E. Selenium
C. Zinc
[C4, implied question]

5. This is not the benefits when you are the vegan diets ….
A. Gain better digestion
B. Lowering your risk of developing Alzheimer's
C. Reduce the risks of the antibiotics used in animal husbandry
D. Lose undesirable weight
E. Low consumption of certain nutrients
[C2, referencing]

The following text is for number 6 – 12

The deadliest virus in modern history, perhaps of all time, was the 1918 Spanish Flu. It killed
about 20 to 50 million people worldwide, perhaps more. The total death toll is unknown because
medical records were not kept in many areas.

The pandemic hit during World War I and devastated military troops. In the United States, for
instance, more servicemen were killed from the flu than from the war itself. The Spanish flu was
fatal to a higher proportion of young adults than most flu viruses.

The pandemic started mildly, in the spring of 1918, but was followed by a much more severe
wave in the fall of 1918. The war likely contributed to the devastating mortality numbers, as
large outbreaks occurred in military forces living in close quarters. Poor nutrition and the
unsanitary conditions of war camps had an effect.

The next wave occurred in the winter and spring of 1919, and last, smaller wave occurred in a
few areas in spring 1920. Initial symptoms of the flu were typical: sore throat, headache, and
fever. The flu often progressed rapidly to cause severe pneumonia and sometimes haemorrhage
in the lungs and mucus membranes. A characteristic feature of severe cases of the Spanish Flu
was heliotrope cyanosis, where the patient's face turned blue from lack of oxygen in the cells.
Death usually followed within hours or days.

Modern medicine such as vaccines, antivirals, and antibiotics for secondary infections were not
available at that time, so medical personnel couldn't do much more than try to relieve symptoms.
The flu ended when it had infected enough people that those who were susceptible had either
died or developed immunity.

6. As a reader, we can infer that the epidemic initially began….

A. During the world war in 1918
B. In the spring of 1918
C. In the winter and spring of 1919
D. In the spring of 1920
E. After it had infected enough people
[C3, stated detail questions]

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7. Based on the text, the total deaths for the Spanish Flu not known due to ….
A. No one cared because of the war
B. Many areas did not keep medical records
C. Most medical records were destroyed in the war
D. No one wants to know how bad it was
E. The medical officers are too busy to take care of the patients
[C3, stated detail questions]

8. Lyon was one of Spanish Flu sufferers. She experienced a lack of food and the unhealthy
conditions in war camps. If we go through the text, she was in the middle of … wave of the
A. First D. Fourth
B. Second E. Fifth
C. Third
[C3, stated detail questions]

9. What is a characteristic feature of serious cases of the Spanish Flu?

A. Coma D. Liver failure
B. Face turning blue E. Extremely high fever
C. Sore throat
[C4, implied detail questions]
10. What caused the Spanish Flu pandemic to end?
A. They created a vaccine for it
B. They Improved medical care
C. The end of the war caused better conditions
D. Those who were susceptible had either died or were immune
E. The medical personnel completely relieved the symptoms
[C4, implied detail questions]
11. Before this text, the author might discuss ….
A. The devastated world war I
B. Another worst and threatening virus in modern history
C. The deadliest virus in U.S : Spanish flu
D. How to relieve the symptoms of the flu
E. The features of the toxic flu
[C5, preceding paragraph]

Complete the paragraph for number 12 – 15

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Source :
12. The diagram above delineated ….
A. How the plastic bottles are produced
B. How the bottles are sold to the consumer
C. How the disposable cups are reprocessed
D. How to crush the plastic pellets
E. How to form the plastic bottles
[C3, finding the main idea]

13. When examining this circular process, it is readily apparent that it consists of … main stages.
A. Three D. Seven
B. Five E. Nine
C. Six
[C4, implied detail questions]

14. Based on the diagram, how can someone commence the recycling process of the plastic bottle?
A. When the bottle is being loaded into specialized garbage trucks
B. After the bottles are poured into a machine that turns them into pellets
C. Before the bottles are sorted by hand and compressed tightly to form blocks
D. At the same time with the bottles are crushed into small pieces
E. When disposing of garbage in the designated trash can
[C4, inferencing]

15. The last stage of the recycling process is ….

A. Sorting the rubbish in the specialized trucks
B. Cleaning the sorted rubbish by hand
C. Manufacturing the transformation into a novel material

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D. Producing the pellets in the machine

E. Heating the pellets in order to create the raw material
[C4, implied detail questions]

Look at the following table for the number of 16-18

Coffee Tea Pastries Sandwiches
7:30-10:30 265 110 275 50
10:30-2:30 185 50 95 200
2:30-5:30 145 35 150 40
5:30-8:30 200 75 80 110
Source : Barron IELTS

16. Based on the table, we can say that this table illustrated ….
A. The food sold on a certain weekday in a coffee shop
B. The production of food and beverages on a weekday
C. The sales produced by a coffee shop in the early morning
D. The average sales of a coffee shop in the late evening
E. The demand of food and beverages at the café on certain days
[C3, stated detail on the table]

17. How many items of tea is served in a typical weekday?

A. Around 100 items
B. Less than 200 items
C. In exact of 230 items
D. Not more than 250 items
E. Above 250 items
[C4, implied detail questions]

18. From the table, we can conclude that the main trend is ….
A. The most peak time of the coffee shop is the early morning
B. The tea is the most brought product in the coffee shop
C. The highest products sell is during the afternoon period
D. The consumer prefers consuming the sandwiches than the pastries
E. The coffee and the sandwiches are the best seller on a daily basis
[C5, identify the main trend]

Look at the following notice for number 19-20


Charleston, South Carolina


Reservations will be held until 4:00 p.m. unless guaranteed by advance deposit or credit card.

Cancellations must be made 24 hours prior to scheduled arrival in order to avoid the first night`s
room charge.

source : Barron TOEIC

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19. By guaranteeing your reservation credit card, you may ….

A. Cancel your room
B. Arrive after 4:00
C. Arrive before 4:00
D. Not check in
E. Change the room
[C4, stated detail questions]

20. What happens if you do not cancel 24 hours in advance?

A. You must pay for one night
B. You get first choice of rooms
C. You can schedule your arrival
D. You can get an advance deposit
E. You get the full-service hotel
[C4, implied detail questions]

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This text is for number 1-5

What happens if you don't get enough sleep? Randy Gardner, a high school student in the United
States, wanted to find out. He designed an experiment on the effects of sleeplessness2 for a school
science project. With doctors watching him carefully, Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours and 12

What effect did sleeplessness have on Gardner? After 24 hours without sleep, Gardner started
having trouble reading and watching television. The words and pictures were too blurry. By the
third day, he was having trouble doing things with his hands. By the fourth day, Gardner was
hallucinating. For example, when he saw a street sign, he thought it was a person. He also imagined
he was a famous football player. Over the next few days, Gardner's speech became so slurred that
people couldn't understand him. He also had trouble remembering things. By the eleventh day,
Gardner couldn't pass a counting test. In the middle of the test he simply stopped counting. He
couldn't remember what he was doing.

When Gardner finally went to bed, he slept for 14 hours and 45 minutes. The second night he slept
for twelve hours, the third night he slept for ten and one-half hours, and by the fourth night, he had
returned to his normal sleep schedule.

Even though Gardner recovered quickly, scientists believe that going without sleep can be
dangerous. They say that people should not repeat Randy's experiment. Tests on white rats have
shown how serious sleeplessness can be. After a few weeks without sleep, the rats started losing
their fur. And even though the rats ate more food than usual, they lost weight. Eventually the rats

During your lifetime, you will probably spend 25 years or more sleeping. But why? What is the
purpose of sleep? Surprisingly, 30 scientists don't know for sure. Some scientists think we sleep in
order to replenish brain cells. Other scientists think that sleep helps the body to grow and to
relieve stress. Whatever the reason, we know that it is important to get enough sleep.
Source : Select Reading : Pre-Intermediate, 2002

1. You are a freelance designer, then someone hired you to construct the complex design and the
deadline is so close as he needs it within five days. You cannot refuse as you really need the
payment. Hence, you decide to stay awake exploring and finishing the projects for four days. On
the next days, you feel something wrong with your body since you experience all these effects,
except ….
A. Your roommate cannot perceive what you are telling
B. You think you meet your idol; you hug him tightly but in fact he is somebody you are
C. Everyone admits your handwriting is the best but today you cannot write even holding the
pen properly
D. You cannot continue the design since everything on the screen is too blurry
E. The ideas keep popping out, so you can receive a lot of projects
[C3, stated detail question]
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2. Based on Gardner`s experiment, how long should we spend for sleeping?

A. In between 6 to 8 hours D. 10 hours
B. Almost 15 hours E. 13 hours 30 minutes
C. 12 hours
[C4, stated detail question]

3. “Some scientists think we sleep in order to replenish brain cells”

That sentence can be paraphrased into ….
A. Some researchers believed that sleep assists us to regenerate the neuron in brain
B. Some scientists claimed that we sleep in order to deplete the brain cells
C. Some researchers disagreed that we need to sleep to replenish brain cells
D. Some scientists thought being sleepless can replenish our neuron in the brain
E. Some experts think that sleep is less important for our brain
[C5, synonym]

4. From the text, we can imply that ….

A. people should repeat what Randy experienced
B. sleep is important to regenerate brain cells.
C. going without sleep can be beneficial
D. no negative effects will be occurred when we are sleepless
E. wide awake can be useful if you want loss your weight
[C3, inferencing]

5. Based on the text, how long did Gardner spend to wide awake?
A. 3 days D. 11 days
B. 5 days E. 13 days
C. 9 days
[C3, implied detail questions]

The text is for number 6-10

Will people still read books 100 years from now? A few years ago, many people would have said
no. It seemed likely that computers and the Internet would replace books. Now; however, most
experts think that books are here to stay.

There are a number of reasons why computers won't replace books entirely. One reason is that
books on paper are much cheaper than computers. Books don't need a power source either. You
can read a book for as Iong as you want and wherever you want. You never have to worry about
losing power. Also, many people feel more comfortable reading words in a book than reading
words on a computer screen. It's less tiring to the eyes.

Will books in the future be similar to the books you can buy today? The answer to that question is
no. In the future, you may only need to buy one book. With this one book, you will be able to read
novels, plays, and even today's newspaper. It will look like today's book, but it will be electronic.

One of the people working on the book of the future is Professor Joseph Jacobson from the
Massachusetts Institute of chnology in the U.S. Professor Jacobson's book will have a small button
on the side. When you press the button, words will instantly appear on the page. When you want to
read a different story, you can push the button and a new story will quickly appear.

What is the technology behinds Professor Jacobson's book? Two important inventions will make

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this new kind of book possible: electronic ink and radio paper. Electronic ink - or "e-ink" - is a
liquid that can be printed on paper, metal, or anything else. E-ink looks and feels like printed
words on paper. Unlike regular ink, however, words in e-ink are not permanent. They can be
changed by pushing a button. When you push the button, all of the words on the page go away and
new words appear.

The other new development is radio paper. This paper looks and feels Iike a page in a book. In
reality, however, radio paper is made of plastic.

Professor Jacobson calls his book of the future "the last book." This book, he says, wilI be the last
book you will ever need.

Source : Select Reading : Pre-Intermediate, 2002

6. “However, most experts think that books are here to stay.”

The phrases “are here to stay” mean ….
A. are nearby D. are beneficial
B. are useless E. will not be used anymore
C. won't disappear
[C4, synonym]

7. The reasons today`s book is different with the book in the future is ….
A. It will be more expensive and boring since we have no choice to read
B. It will be an electronic and we can read not only a type of literature
C. It will be practical but expensive to buy
D. It will be an electronic but what we read is still same
E. It will remain using the same book since the e-book is only for temporary
[C3, inferencing]

8. You are a gen-z and very familiar with the e-book. One moment, you need to educate your Mom
who is willing to read the current news on the electronic newspaper. The first step you want to
tell your Mom is ….
A. Push the button on the front of your phone
B. Press the big button on the side of your phone
C. Move your hand to the side and touch the small button gently
D. Simply say what you want to read on the speaker
E. Draw the N-letters on the screen and swipe up the lock screen
[C4, stated detail question]

9. You prefer reading through books since ….

A. They are more elegant and looks like a bookworm
B. You are a book sniffer and enjoy the scent of book
C. You are not necessary to read that they will tell you everything inside
D. They are easy to bring anytime and anywhere
E. Your passion is a bookstagrammer, you may post them on your Instagram
[C4, implied detail question]

10. Based on the text, we can conclude that we won't need a bookshelf in the future because ….
A. The book will look and feel like a regular book.
B. We will own just one book.

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C. The book will be made of plastic.

D. We will be able to change the stories in the book.
E. The book in the future isn't permanent.
[C4, inferencing]

Number 11 – 15 are based on the following map

source :

11. If we see the maps carefully, both maps depict ….

A. An island in between the development of tourism
B. The crowded islands before and after pandemic
C. The comparison between two different islands
D. The development of island is not seen well
E. The island has a slight development
[C4, inferencing]

12. How long is the island?

A. Around 100 metres D. Approximately 250 metres
B. Less than 100 metres E. More than 250 metres
C. Between 100-200 metres
[C5, understanding the map]

13. The wrong statement about the development is ….

A. The island was completely transformed with the addition of a hotel
B. The eastern part of the island appears to have been left undeveloped
C. The island has palm trees dotted around it
D. The beach on the west is torn down
E. A reception building have been developed near the accommodation areas
[C4, implied detail question]

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14. The most noticeable additions are the hotel rooms which are flourished into ….
A. 5 buildings D. 20 buildings
B. 10 buildings E. 25 buildings
C. 15 buildings
[C3, stated detail question]

15. Beside restaurants, other buildings which are established are the piers ….
A. On the south coast D. In the centre of the island
B. On the eastern part E. On the north coast
C. On the west
[C4, implied detail question]

Number 16-20 are based on the following diagram

source :

16. From the diagram, we cannot define the word “chamber” as ….

A. Cell D. Box
B. Lodging E. Apartment
C. Cubicle
[C4, synonym]

17. If we see from the diagram, the first process of manufacturing the bricks is …
A. The clay for the bricks is mined from the ground.
B. The clay is broken up into smaller pieces
C. The clays are packed and delivered to their destinations.
D. The clays are heated in a kiln at a moderate and then a high temperature
E. The clays are placed in an oven to dry for 24 – 48 hours.
[C4, inferencing]

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18. What is the function of a metal grid on the second process?

A. To dig up the clay from the ground
B. To assist the roller during the process
C. To mix the clay, sand and water and transform into the bricks
D. To heat at a high temperature
E. To break up the clays into the pieces
[C3, understanding the process]

19. Ben is an operator who is working at the brick’s factory. On the fifth process, he illustrated that
A. The clay for the bricks is dug up from the ground.
B. The clay is diminished into smaller pieces
C. The clays are sent out to their destinations.
D. The clays are heated and cooled in a chamber for 2-3 days
E. The clays are placed in an oven to dry for 1-2 days.
[C4, inferencing]

20. If we would like to depict the diagram, we can utilize another word for the word of “kiln” with
A. Chilled compartment
B. Siccative
C. Freezer
D. Power shovel
E. Wire net
[C5, synonym]

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The text below is for question number 1-4

The death toll rose to 12 on Sunday from a snowstorm that dumped up to four feet of snow on
Buffalo and western New York. Some of those people were found in cars and some were even found
in the street, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz said. "We know there are people who have been
stuck in cars for more than two days." For the first time in the Buffalo Fire Department's history,
they could not respond to any calls because of the conditions. The storm unleashed its full fury on
Buffalo, with hurricane-force winds and snow causing whiteout conditions, paralyzing emergency
response efforts - New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said almost every fire truck in the city was stranded -
and shutting down the airport until Tuesday, according to officials.

In a storm briefing on Sunday evening, Hochul said that this storm has surpassed the blizzard of
1977 in terms of ferocity and longevity.

She urged residents to stay off the roads and said the driving ban for the City of Buffalo is not
expected to be lifted on Monday. Of the 12 storm-related deaths that have been confirmed so far, the
ages of the victims range from 26 years old to 93 years old. Officials said they expect that death toll
to rise by the end of the night. The National Weather Service said the snow total at the Buffalo
Niagara International Airport stood at 43 inches (109 centimeters) at 7 a.m. Sunday. Crews were out
on Christmas Day, in an attempt to reach anyone who is still stranded.

Freezing conditions and day-old power outages had Buffalonians scrambling to get out of their
homes to anywhere that had heat. But with city streets under a thick blanket of white, that wasn't an
option for people like Jeremy Manahan, who charged his phone in his parked car after almost 29
hours without electricity. "There's one warming shelter, but that would be too far for me to get to. I
can't drive, obviously, because I'm stuck," Manahan said. "And you can't be outside for more than 10
minutes without getting frostbit."

1. The tone of the passage is...

A. Amusing D. Festive
B. Mirthful E. Flurried
C. Horrendous
[C3, Writer’s Tone, Litbang 2022]

2. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Comfort the reader that the tragedy has been handled
B. Inform readers of the blizzard tragedy
C. influence readers to help victims
D. Informs readers to be careful with blizzards
E. influencing readers to stay at home during the storm
[C2, Understanding Purpose, Litbang 2022]

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3. Which of the following is implied by the passage ...

A. The death toll will not increase during the tragedy
B. No survivors were trapped during the blizzard
C. One of the victims of the blizzard was a child
D. Power outages keep residents from leaving their homes
E. The blizzard this year was more terrible than in 1977
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

4. Based on Manahan's witness, we know that...

A. The weather was extremely cold
B. The victims range from 26 years old to 93 years old
C. The airports was shutting down until Tuesday
D. Some of the victims were found in the car
E. Rescuers could not respond to calls at all
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

The picture below for number 5-8

Yogurt is made when heated milk is combined with bacteria, specifically Lactobacillus
bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, and left to sit for several hours at a warm temperature.
Aziza and her mother tried to make yogurt by following the steps

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5. Harmful bacteria will start to disappear at stages...

A. Emulsification D. Homogenization
B. Flavorings E. Pasteurization
C. Fermentation
[C4, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

6. Milk begins to change texture to be silky at this stage...

A. Emulsification D. Homogenization
B. Flavorings E. Pasteurization
C. Fermentation
[C4, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

7. Why does yogurt have a sour taste?

A. Because we modifying milk composition D. It comes from emulsifiers
B. It comes from flavor that we added E. It comes from good bacteria
C. Because we heated the milk
[C3, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

8. If Aziza wants to make her yogurt into froyo. What can Aziza do?
A. Heat her milk to pasteurization and freeze it
B. Add good bacteria to her yogurt and mixture it
C. Add flavour and mixture her yogurt
D. Add emulsifiers and freeze it
E. Cooling her yogurt and add flavour
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]
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The picture below is for number 9-11


9. Based on the chart, we know that...

A. Companies need to continuously increase the quantity of production
B. Diseconomies of scale will occur if the company cannot control its production
C. The less the production quantity of the company, the lower the production costs
D. Production costs will increase by 70% to 90% each doubling of production scale
E. The large scale of production will reduce the government's trust in the company
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

10. Tia owns a company and wants to keep production costs to a minimum. What should Tia do?
A. Increase the company's output D. Cooperate with the government
B. Cut the cost of purchasing materials E. Cooperate with other companies
C. Using smaller distribution vessels
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

11. HY company gets preferential treatment from the government and purchases goods in large
quantities. When a crisis occurs, the HY company continues to double the company's output, but
the company cannot survive because production costs are increasing. What did HY companies
do wrong based on the theory of economies of scale?
A. Receiving preferential treatment from government
B. Increase the price per unit of the HY product
C. Didn’t control the quantity of the company's production
D. Not using freight trains for distribution
E. Not taking advantage of opportunities during a crisis
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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The text below is for number 12-15

How The Moon Became Beautiful

The Moon is very beautiful with his round, bright face which shines with soft and gentle light
on all the world of man. But once there was a time when he was not as beautiful as he is now. Six
thousand years ago the face of the Moon changed in a single night. Before that time his face had been
so dark and gloomy that no one liked to look at him, and for this reason he was always very sad. One
day he complained to the flowers and to the stars—for they were the only things that would ever
look in his face. He said, "I do not like to be the Moon. I wish I were a star or a flower. If I were a star,
even the smallest one, some great general would care for me; but alas! I am only the Moon and no
one likes me. If I could only be a flower and grow in a garden where the beautiful earth women come,
they would place me in their hair and praise my fragrance and beauty. Or, if I could even grow in the
wilderness where no one could see, the birds would surely come and sing sweet songs for me. But I
am only the Moon and no one honors me."

The stars answered and said, "We can not help you. We were born here and we can not leave
our places. We never had anyone to help us. We do our duty, we work all day and twinkle in the dark
night to make the skies more beautiful.—But that is all we can do," they added, as they smiled coldly
at the sorrowful Moon. Then the flowers smiled sweetly and said, "We do not know how we can help
you. We always live in one place—in a garden near the most beautiful maiden in all the world. As she
is kind to everyone in trouble we will tell her about you. We love her very much and she loves us.
Her name is Tseh-N'io." Still the Moon was sad. So one evening he went to see the beautiful maiden
Tseh-N'io. And when he saw her he loved her at once. He said, "Your face is very beautiful. I wish that
you would come to me, and that my face would be as your face. Your motions are gentle and full of
grace. Come with me and we will be as one—and perfect. I know that even the worst people in all the
world would have only to look at you and they would love you. Tell me, how did you come to be so
beautiful?" "I have always lived with those who were gentle and happy, and I believe that is the
cause of beauty and goodness," answered Tseh-N'io. And so the Moon went every night to see the
maiden. He knocked on her window, and she came. And when he saw how gentle and beautiful she
was, his love grew stronger, and he wished more and more to be with her always.

One day Tseh-N'io said to her mother, "I should like to go to the Moon and always live with
him. Will you allow me to go?". Her mother thought so little of the question that she made no reply,
and Tseh-N'io told her friends that she was going to be the Moon's bride. In a few days she was gone.
Her mother searched everywhere but could not find her. And one of Tseh-N'io's friends said,—"She
has gone with the Moon, for he asked her many times." A year and a year passed by and Tseh-N'io,
the gentle and beautiful earth maiden, did not return. Then the people said, "She has gone forever.
She is with the Moon." The face of the Moon is very beautiful now. It is happy and bright and gives a
soft, gentle light to all the world. And there are those who say that the Moon is now like Tseh-N'io,
who was once the most beautiful of all earth maidens.

12. Why does the moon want to be a flower?

A. Because some great general would care for him
B. Because he wants to be with Tseh-N’io
C. Because he dreams of being respected
D. Because he wants to be beautiful
E. Because he wants Tseh-N’io to be his bride
[C3, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

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13. “It is happy and bright and gives a soft” [Paragraph 3]

The word “It” refers to...
A. Tseh-N’io’s mother D. The face of the moon
B. Tseh-N’io’s friends E. The flowers and the stars
C. Tseh-N’io
[C3, Referencing, Litbang 2022]

14. According to Tseh-N'io her beautiful face is caused by...

A. She lived with those who are gentle and happy
B. She always be gentle and happy with everyone
C. The beauty comes from the kindness heart
D. Her beauty comes from her kind and sincere heart
E. The people around her who sincerely love her
[C3, Sentences Completion, Litbang 2022]

15. “.....would care for me; but alas!...” [Paragraph 1]

The word “alas” has the same meaning as...
A. Happily D. Sadly
B. Kindly E. Confusedly
C. Fortunately
[C3, Synonyms, Litbang 2022]

The text below is for number 16-18

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs. Each kidney is about the size of a fist. Your kidneys
filter extra water and waste out of your blood and make urine. Kidney disease means your kidneys
are damaged and can’t filter blood the way they should. You are at greater risk for kidney disease if
you have diabetes or high blood pressure. If you experience kidney failure, treatments include
kidney transplant or dialysis. Other kidney problems include acute kidney injury, kidney cysts,
kidney stones, and kidney infections.

Diabetic kidney disease is a type of kidney disease caused by diabetes. Diabetes is the leading
cause of kidney disease. About 1 out of 3 adults with diabetes has kidney disease. The main job of the
kidneys is to filter wastes and extra water out of your blood to make urine. Your kidneys also help
control blood pressure and make hormones that your body needs to stay healthy. When your
kidneys are damaged, they can’t filter blood like they should, which can cause wastes to build up in
your body. Kidney damage can also cause other health problems.

Kidney damage caused by diabetes usually occurs slowly, over many years. You can take steps
to protect your kidneys and to prevent or delay kidney damage. High blood glucose, also called blood
sugar, can damage the blood vessels in your kidneys. When the blood vessels are damaged, they
don’t work as well. Many people with diabetes also develop high blood pressure, which can also
damage your kidneys. Learn more about high blood pressure and kidney disease. Kidney damage
from diabetes can get worse over time. However, you can take steps to keep your kidneys healthy
and help slow kidney damage to prevent or delay kidney failure. Kidney failure means that your
kidneys have lost most of their ability to function—less than 15 percent of normal kidney function.
However, most people with diabetes and kidney disease don’t end up with kidney failure.


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16. Based on the text, the main function of the kidney is…
A. Resettle urine for the body D. Turns blood into urine
B. Filter waste from the blood E. Helps maintain blood sugar levels
C. Process waste in the body
[C3, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

17. Why is diabetic said to be the main cause of kidney disease?

A. Diabetic causes blood to not function properly
B. Diabetic prevents the kidneys from purify the blood
C. Diabetic damages the blood vessels in the kidneys
D. Diabetic hinders kidney performance
E. Diabetic pollutes the blood
[C3, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]
18. Based on the text, the following statements are true, EXCEPT....
A. Kidney damage will only affect the kidneys in filtering blood
B. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease
C. Kidney damage caused by diabetes usually occurs slowly
D. About 1 out of 3 adults with diabetes has kidney disease
E. High blood glucose can damage the blood vessels in your kidneys
[C3, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]
The text below is for number 19-20
Cat and Mouse
by Ted Hughes

On the sheep-cropped summit, under hot sun,

The mouse crouched, staring out the chance
It dared not take.
Time and a world
Too old to alter, the five mile prospect
Woods, villages, farms hummed its heat-heavy
Stupor of life.
Whether to two
Feet or four, how are prayers contracted!
Whether in God’s eye or the eye of a cat.

19. “It dared not take”

The word “It” refers to...
A. Chance D. The cat
B. The mouse E. A person
C. The sheep
[C3, Referencing, Litbang 2022]
20. “The mouse crouched, staring out the chance.”
The word “Staring out” in text has a similar meaning with...
A. Contemplate D. Shed
B. Detach E. Release
C. Relinquish
[C3, Synonyms, Litbang 2022]
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The text below is for question number 1-5

Protein, highly complex substance that is present in all living organisms. Proteins are of great
nutritional value and are directly involved in the chemical processes essential for life. The
importance of proteins was recognized by chemists in the early 19th century, including Swedish
chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius, who in 1838 coined the term protein, a word derived from the Greek
prōteios, meaning “holding first place.” Proteins are species-specific; that is, the proteins of one
species differ from those of another species. They are also organ-specific; for instance, within a
single organism, muscle proteins differ from those of the brain and liver.
A protein molecule is very large compared with molecules of sugar or salt and consists of many
amino acids joined together to form long chains, much as beads are arranged on a string. There are
about 20 different amino acids that occur naturally in proteins. Proteins of similar function have
similar amino acid composition and sequence. Although it is not yet possible to explain all of the
functions of a protein from its amino acid sequence, established correlations between structure and
function can be attributed to the properties of the amino acids that compose proteins. Plants can
synthesize all of the amino acids; animals cannot, even though all of them are essential for life. Plants
can grow in a medium containing inorganic nutrients that provide nitrogen, potassium, and other
substances essential for growth. They utilize the carbon dioxide in the air during the process of
photosynthesis to form organic compounds such as carbohydrates. Animals, however, must obtain
organic nutrients from outside sources. Because the protein content of most plants is low, very large
amounts of plant material are required by animals, such as ruminants (e.g., cows), that eat only plant
material to meet their amino acid requirements. Nonruminant animals, including humans, obtain
proteins principally from animals and their products—e.g., meat, milk, and eggs. The seeds of
legumes are increasingly being used to prepare inexpensive protein-rich food (see human nutrition).
Information on the internal structure of proteins can be obtained with chemical methods that
reveal whether certain groups are present on the surface of the protein molecule and thus able to
react or whether they are buried inside the closely folded peptide chains and thus are unable to
react. The chemical reagents used in such investigations must be mild ones that do not affect the
structure of the protein. The reactivity of tyrosine is of special interest. It has been found, for
example, that only three of the six tyrosines found in the naturally occurring enzyme ribonuclease
can be iodinated (i.e., reacted to accept an iodine atom). Enzyme-catalyzed breakdown of iodinated
ribonuclease is used to identify the peptides in which the iodinated tyrosines are present. The three
tyrosines that can be iodinated lie on the surface of ribonuclease; the others, assumed to be
inaccessible, are said to be buried in the molecule. Tyrosine can also be identified by using other
techniques—e.g., treatment with diazonium compounds or tetranitromethane. Because the
compounds formed are coloured, they can easily be detected when the protein is broken down with
enzymes. Cysteine can be detected by coupling with compounds such as iodoacetic acid or
iodoacetamide; the reaction results in the formation of carboxymethylcysteine or
carbamidomethylcysteine, which can be detected by amino acid determination of the peptides
containing them. The imidazole groups of certain histidines can also be located by coupling with the
same reagents under different conditions. Unfortunately, few other amino acids can be labelled
without changes in the secondary and tertiary structure of the protein.

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1. How do ruminants occupy their protein needs?

A. Obtain proteins principally from animals D. Synthesize all of the amino acids
B. Prepare inexpensive protein-rich food E. Oxidoreductases
C. Eat only plant material
[C3, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]
2. What is the purpose of the text?
A. Reassuring the reader about the function of protein
B. Informs the reader about protein and it’s type
C. Informs the reader the function of protein
D. Informs that we should know the type of protein
E. Persuading readers to learn a lot about protein
[C2, Understanding Purpose, Litbang 2022]

3. Which of the following is implied by the passage ...

A. A protein molecule is less large compared with molecules of sugar or salt
B. Some plants can’t synthesize all of the amino acids by it self
C. Proteins of similar function have different amino acid composition
D. The chemical reagents used have to affect the structure of the protein
E. Proteins are species-specific and organ-specific
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

4. Based on the text, we know that...

A. It is not yet possible to explain all of the functions of a protein
B. The six tyrosines that can be iodinated lie on the surface of ribonuclease
C. Plants can’t grow in a medium containing inorganic nutrients
D. The importance of proteins was recognized by chemists in the 1828
E. Animals can’t obtain organic nutrients from outside source
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]
Enzyme Function
(1) Tirosin (5) diazonium
(2) Cysteine (6) tetranitrometana
(3) Histidines (7) Iodinated
(4) Omediazol (8) Iodoasetat

Based on the text, the number pair that indicates the proteins and how to identify them are...
A. (2) and (5) D. (1) dan (8)
B. (4) and (6) E. (2) dan (8)
C. (4) and (7)
[C4, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]
The picture below for number 6-9
Acetaminophen (APAP) is a non-opioid analgesic and antipyretic agent used to treat pain and
fever. Clinicians can use it for their patients as a single agent for mild to moderate pain and in
combination with an opioid analgesic for severe pain. Acetaminophen can be administered orally,
rectally, or intravenously (IV).
● Oral: Acetaminophen is available as a tablet, capsule, syrup, oral solution, or suspension.
● Rectal: Acetaminophen is available as a rectal suppository for both adult and pediatric patient

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● Intravenous: Acetaminophen also comes as an IV infusion for administration.

The investigators found a lack of evidence for the efficacy of IV acetaminophen when comparing
oral/rectal acetaminophen, opioid analgesics, NSAIDs, or placebo in abdominal, gynecologic,
genitourinary, orthopedic, neurosurgical, cardiac, renal surgeries. The investigators conclude that IV
acetaminophen has limited clinical benefit versus oral or rectal administration.

Patients treated with acetaminophen should have monitoring for desired clinical effects, such as
pain or fever relief. Serum concentrations are unnecessary when appropriately dosed. In overdose
settings, laboratory evaluation is necessary. In acute overdoses in which ingestion occurs over less
than eight hours, a serum APAP concentration should be assessed and plotted on the Rumack-
Matthew nomogram, with the time course starting at the onset of ingestion, to determine toxicity
and need for treatment. Nonacute ingestions require an assessment of acetaminophen concentration
and transaminases, and treatment should occur. Additionally, caution is necessary for patients with
renal or hepatic impairment or patients with alcoholic liver disease, glucose 6-phosphate
dehydrogenase deficiency, or severe hypovolemia. However, there is evidence that acetaminophen
may be safe to use in the setting of alcoholic liver disease.

Acetaminophen can cross the placental barrier, but there is no evidence of increased
teratogenic effects due to using normal doses of acetaminophen during pregnancy. Acetaminophen
also is excreted into breast milk, but there have not been many observations of adverse reactions in
nursing infants. Pregnant women should exercise caution when using acetaminophen early in
pregnancy because of increasing evidence that in utero acetaminophen exposure to the fetus might
increase the risk of neurological, reproductive, and urogenital disorders. Alemany S. et al. studied
prenatal and postnatal acetaminophen exposure in relation to Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC)
and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Acetaminophen exposure was assessed in
73,881 mother-child pairs using questionnaires or interviews. Children ages 4 to 12 with ASC or
ADHD symptoms were evaluated using well-documented instruments. Children who were prenatally
exposed to acetaminophen exposed had an increased risk of ASC (19 %) or ADHD (21%), borderline
or clinical symptoms. However, postnatal acetaminophen exposure was not associated with ASC or
ADHD symptoms.

MacIntyre I. et al. conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical trial on the

effects of oral acetaminophen on daytime systolic blood pressure. One hundred and ten subjects
were randomized to receive 1 gram of acetaminophen four times a day or a placebo for two weeks,
followed by a two-week washout period followed by receiving the alternative treatment. Daytime
systolic blood pressure was measured in subjects who received acetaminophen or placebo. The
investigators found a 5 mmHg increase in daytime systolic blood pressure in the subjects who
received a daily dose of 4 g of acetaminophen. The investigators conclude that high-dose
acetaminophen use in hypertensive patients could increase their cardiovascular disease risk.

6. Acetaminophen can be manufactured in various forms, EXCEPT...

A. Capsule D. Inhaler
B. Syrup E. IV infusion
C. Tablet
[C4, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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7. The following are adverse side effects of acetaminophen, EXCEPT...

A. Risk of cardiovascular D. Borderline
B. ASC E. Teratogenic effect
[C3, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

8. Why do researchers think acetami-nophen in IV form is less effective?

A. It can increased teratogenic effects due to using normal doses
B. It can lead to some disease with severe hypovolemia
C. IV can increased risk of ASC or ADHD from ASI
D. IV can’t be used by person that has alcoholic liver
E. Lack of evidence for the efficacy of IV acetaminophen
[C4, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

9. Kayla have daily dose with 22 grams of acetaminophen. The most likely increase in Kayla's
systolic blood pressure is...
A. 24 D. 27,5
B. 25,5 E. 28,5
C. 26
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]
The picture below is for number 10-13


10. Chromosomes are enlarged in phase...

A. Prophase D. Telophase
B. Metaphase E. Anaphase
C. Interphase
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

11. Spindles fibers is formed at the... stage

A. Metaphase D. Cytokinesis
B. Interphase E. Prophase
C. Telophase
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]
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12. Processes that chromosomes are elaborate is...

A. Telophase D. Interphase
B. Cytokinesis E. Prophase
C. Metaphase
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

13. Based on the picture that is not included in the mitosis phase is...
A. Anaphase D. Prophase
B. Telophase E. Metaphase
C. Cytokinesis
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

The text below is for number 14-17

The Night Come Slowly

I am losing my interest in human beings; in the significance of their lives and their actions. Some
one has said it is better to study one man than ten books. I want neither books nor men; they make
me suffer. Can one of them talk to me like the night – the Summer night? Like the stars or the
caressing wind?

The night came slowly, softly, as I lay out there under the maple tree. It came creeping, creeping
stealthily out of the valley, thinking I did not notice. And the outlines of trees and foliage nearby
blended in one black mass and the night came stealing out from them, too, and from the east and
west, until the only light was in the sky, filtering through the maple leaves and a star looking down
through every cranny.

The night is solemn and it means mystery. Human shapes flitted by like intangible things. Some
stole up like little mice to peep at me. I did not mind. My whole being was abandoned to the soothing
and penetrating charm of the night. The katydids began their slumber song: they are at it yet. How
wise they are. They do not chatter like people. They tell me only: “sleep, sleep, sleep.” The wind
rippled the maple leaves like little warm love thrills.

Why do fools cumber the Earth! It was a man’s voice that broke the necromancer’s spell. A man
came to-day with his “Bible Class.” He is detestable with his red cheeks and bold eyes and coarse
manner and speech. What does he know of Christ? Shall I ask a young fool who was born yesterday
and will die tomorrow to tell me things of Christ? I would rather ask the stars: they have seen him.

14. The tone of the passage is...

A. Stilly D. Equable
B. Temperate E. Halcyon
C. Queasy
[C3, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 20222]

15. “I would rather ask the stars: they have seen him” [Paragraph 4]
The word “him” refers to...
A. The man with red cheeks D. Christ
B. The Katydids E. The night
C. The Stars
[C3, Referencing, Litbang 2022]

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16. Why did the author lose his interest in humans?

A. It makes the author suffer D. It can't be as beauty as a night with stars
B. It couldn't calm the author down E. It can't be as calm as a night with stars
C. It cannot please the author
[C3, Sentences Completion, Litbang 2022]

17. “Human shapes flitted by like intangible things” [Paragraph 3]

The word “Intangible” has the same meaning to...
A. Ceremonious D. Phantasmic
B. Courtly E. Imposing
C. Portentous
[C3, Synonyms, Litbang 2022]

The text below is for number 18-20

You've probably seen those amazing TV strongmen who can pull cars with their hair and drag
trains with their teeth. But did you know science can make you strong too? If you need to lift huge
weights, don't strain your back: use the power of science—and an amazing device called a pulley.
Let's take a closer look at how they work. A pulley is simply a collection of one or more wheels over
which you loop a rope (or chain) to make it easier to lift things. Before we go any further, let's be
very clear about the difference between weight and mass. This will help in a moment when we talk
about using pulleys to lift weights (which are really masses) with a certain amount of force. In a
● Mass is the amount of stuff something is made from or contains, measured in kilograms (or
● Weight is the amount of force with which Earth's gravity pulls on a particular mass: the more
massive something is, the more gravitational force, and the more we say it weighs. Like any other
force, we should measure weight in newtons.

If you're a person with a mass of 80kg, Earth's gravity pulls you with a force of 800 newtons (on
Earth, your weight in newtons is always roughly 10 times your mass in kilograms, because Earth
pulls on every kilogram of mass with a force of 10 newtons). Strictly speaking, we should weigh
things in units of force (newtons), so if your mass is 80 kg, your weight is really 800 newtons. But in
everyday speak, we tend to confuse mass and weight and talk about weights in kilograms (or
pounds) instead. By the same token, although the kilogram is a unit of mass, not force, it's okay to
talk about a force equivalent to a given mass because all masses generally convert to forces in the
same way

You can probably see that a pulley magnifies force in a similar way to a seesaw, which is a kind
of lever. If you want to lift someone four times heavier than you on a seesaw, you need to sit four
times further away from the balancing point (fulcrum) than they are. If you move your end of the
lever down by 4cm, their end of the seesaw moves up only 1cm. As they rise up, they gain a certain
amount of potential energy equal to their weight multiplied by the distance they move. You lose
exactly the same amount of energy—equal to your weight (four times smaller) times the distance
you move (four times larger). You can shift their much bigger weight because you move your end of
the seesaw over a much bigger distance: the leverage of the seesaw makes it possible to produce
more force by working over a bigger distance.

The same thing is happening with a pulley, except that you're pulling on a rope instead of

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moving the end of a seesaw. To lift something four times heavier, you can use exactly the same force
but only if you pull the rope four times further. If you look at what's happening on both sides of a
pulley, and multiply the force by the distance moved, you'll find it's the same. On your side, you use a
small force over a large distance. On the other side, there's a much bigger weight but it's moving a
smaller distance.

18. Based on the text, if James' mass is 78 kg, how much does James weight?
A. 784,4 N
B. 780 N
C. 764,4 N
D. 760 N
E. 754 N
[C3, Sentences Completion, Litbang 2022]

19. Alvin played seesaw with his younger brother. Alvin's weight is 79.6 kg and his younger brother
is 31,84 kg. In order for Alvin and his brother to be able to play on the seesaw, how far does
Alvin's brother have to sit?
A. 3 times farther from balancing point than Alvin
B. 2,8 times closer from balancing point than Alvin
C. 2,5 times farther from balancing point than Alvin
D. 2,2 times farther from balancing point than Alvin
E. 2 times closer from balancing point than Alvin
[C3, Sentences Completion, Litbang 2022]

20. Zulfa plays seesaw with her sister. However, Zulfa has to keep a distance of 1.8 times farther
from the balance point than her older sister. Zulfa's weight at that time was 48 kg. What is the
possible weight of Zulfa's sister?
A. 86,4
B. 86,3
C. 85,4
D. 84,3
E. 82
[C3, Sentences Completion, Litbang 2022]

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This table is for numbers 1-4

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Turkey 47 50 70 83 106
Poland 285 263 234 227 226
Mexico 147 212 242 179 183
Moldova 103 92 89 97 114
Togo 18 17 23 17 18

1. Look at the table and read through the following descriptions, which is incorrect description?
A. The table provides data about the number of technology researchers per million of the
population who were working in five countries from 2003 to 2007.
B. Mexico and Togo followed a similar pattern as they both reached a peak in 2005, with 242
and 23 researchers respectively.
C. The number of researchers in Mexico was greater than in Togo in general.
D. In Turkey, numbers slipped from 47 in 2003 to over double that in 2007.
E. Poland's numbers dipped to 226 in 2007 although they remained higher than those of any
other country for most of the period.
[unstated detail question, C3]

2. “Poland's numbers dipped to 226 in 2007 although they remained higher than those of any
other country for most of the period.”
Which of the following is the opposite of the word “dip”?
A. Decline D. Plunge
B. Level off E. Slump
C. Drop
[synonym, C4]

3. The key trend for the table above is: “Turkey's numbers … rise.”
A. Noticeably D. Fluctuate
B. Modestly E. Gradually
C. Steadily
[vocabulary, C4]

4. The numbers of these countries had experienced fluctuating patterns, they are ….
A. Togo, Poland and Mexico
B. Togo, Turkey, and Moldova
C. Moldova, Poland, and Turkey
D. Poland, Mexico, and Turkey
E. Mexico, Togo, and Moldova
[understanding the table, C4]

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Look at this paragraph for numbers 5-9

Europe is the biggest 'tourist resort' in the world, taking 25 percent of the money spent around the
globe on tourism. Tourism boards have recently released features that show that within Europe, four
countries are the destinations that most people choose: of all the visitors, over half go to France,
Spain, Italy, or the UK. Eighty percent of all tourists who are over 18 include a cultural activity on
their holiday such as a visit to a heritage site. So, any finances that are drained for the upkeep of such
tourist attractions are covered by income from their visits, along with the other things tourists spend
money on. This is important as there is a correlation between tourism and the future way the
economy develops in that country.

5. “…. money spent around the globe on tourism.”

The sentence “Europe is the biggest 'tourist resort' in the world, taking 25 percent of the money
spent around the globe on tourism” can also be replaced with the term….
A. Drain on finances D. Global spending
B. Other expenditure E. Annual income
C. The economic development
[synonym, C4]

6. “Eighty percent of all tourists who are over 18 include a cultural activity on their holiday such
as a visit to a heritage site”
The word in the bold can be defined as ….
A. Tourism with various figures
B. The place with cultural sites
C. The destinations that most people choose
D. The tourist attraction tourists spend money on
E. The unattractive sites aren`t comfortable to visit
[synonym, C5]

7. If we were an author, we would build the upcoming paragraph with the topic about ….
A. The development of the economy in Europe
B. The reason Europe experienced the drain on finances
C. The figures in tourism boards
D. The statistics of visitors in European tourism
E. The well-known heritage site in France and U.K
[following paragraph, C5]

8. While reading the paragraph, we could see the attitude of the author is ….
A. Sympathetic D. Optimistic
B. Surprised E. Straightforward
C. Pessimistic
[tone, C5]

9. Referring to the text, the numbers of tourists who are interested in an excursion to the
historical landmark are ….
A. less than 25 percent D. more than 85 percent
B. a half percentage E. nearly 100 percent
C. approximately 85 percent
[detail questions, C4]

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Look at this picture for numbers 10 and 11

10. Mark and Diane are on the same flight for the business trip. However, if we see the picture
above, we can see that Diane was annoyed seated next to Mark, that he preferred concerning on
his cell phone. The issue that occurred in this circumstance is ….
A. Study D. Publication
B. Communication E. Social networking
C. Work
[understanding the picture, C3]

11. What Mark and Diane experienced in the picture can be written in an essay with the topic….
A. The first dull trip with annoying partner
B. The hacks to spend time with a geek partner
C. The pros and cons of technology advancement
D. The benefits and drawbacks of having a business trip
E. The technology for a business trip: now and then
[determine the topic, C4]

This passage is for numbers 12 – 14

In recent years the use of social networking has grown beyond recognition bringing a new set of
concerns with it. Most young people now text regularly and are familiar with a variety of other
platforms used for communication such as FaceTime and instant messaging. It has never been easier
to keep in touch with family and friends wherever they are in the world. Despite this, however, there
is evidence that social isolation is rising and not decreasing. I, therefore, agree that rather than
helping people communicate technology has weakened social bonds. I will attempt to outline some
key reasons for this.

Firstly, and most obviously, if people are using tablets, phones, or other devices they are formed on
the technology rather than what is happening around them. While this might help us keep in touch
with people who are far away from us (for example those travelling), often it means that the user
forgets those in their vicinity. For example, it is now common to see people in restaurants and cafes
all looking at their phones instead of speaking to each other.

Secondly, although using social networks might seem a good solution for someone shy or worried
about meeting others, ironically it is more likely to keep them at home. If people didn't have that
option they would have to go out and meet real friends, which is a much healthier way to deal with
being lonely. There are reports of people who rarely leave their houses because they are addicted to
an 'online existence’: and young people who become aggressive when their parents tell them to
come offline.

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12. The statement showing the writer`s opinion is ….

A. There are reports of people who rarely leave their houses because they are addicted to an
'online existence’.
B. Most young people now text regularly and are familiar with a variety of other platforms used
for communication such as FaceTime and instant messaging.
C. it is now common to see people in restaurants and cafes all looking at their phones instead of
speaking to each other.
D. I generally claimed that rather than helping people communicate technology has weakened
social bonds.
E. Although using social networks might seem a good solution for someone shy or worried
about meeting others, ironically it is more likely to keep them at home.
[stated detail question, C4]

13. “While this might help us keep in touch with people who are far away from us (for example
those travelling), often it means that the user forgets those in their vicinity.”
The word “vicinity” represents …
A. Neighbourhood D. District
B. Proximity E. Close
C. Distant
[synonym, C5]

14. Based on the statements in paragraph 3, which of the following could be inferred about the
author’s attitude?
A. Satirical D. Emotional
B. Speculative E. Biased
C. Laudatory
[tone, C4]
This graph is for numbers 15 - 17

15. According to the graph, which lines are consistently higher?

A. Postgraduates and undergraduates D. Postgraduates and literacy courses
B. Undergraduates and online training E. Postgraduates and online training
C. Online training and literacy courses
[understanding the graph, C4]

16. In which course and in which year is shown the downward dip?
A. Postgraduates in 2008 D. Literacy courses in 2010
B. Undergraduates in 2008 E. Literacy courses in 2012
C. Online training in 2010
[understanding the graph, C4]

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17. If you are the researcher, you may portray the trends as the following ….
A. Literacy courses fell from 1.5 million (2008) to nearly 0 (2010).
B. Undergraduate courses remained stable from 2008 to 2012.
C. Postgraduate numbers rose dramatically from 1.5 million to just above 2 million.
D. Online training reached a peak of around 3.5 million (2008) to 5 million (2010).
E. All courses had shown an upward trend by 4 years (2008-2012).
[understand the graph, C4]

Look at this paragraph for numbers 18-20

At first glance, tourism seems to be a huge advantage for the local area. Certainly, it can bring in a lot
of money and the growth in hotels and the service industry ensures that the local economy improves
rapidly. In addition to this, job creation means that more of the people living in the area can find
work. Nevertheless, the assumption that tourism is always a benefit is increasingly under fire.
Incoming money pushes up prices so, although the local economy improves, house prices and costs
for local people increase as well. The improvement in employment levels can help but even this is
not all positive: much of the work created is seasonal, meaning people are still unemployed for part
of the year.

18. From the passage, the information is not introducing the benefits of tourism is ….
A. For Local people, it can generate a lot of revenue.
B. The expansion of the hotel and service sectors
C. The local economy is constantly strengthening.
D. More of the area's residents can seek employment
E. Local residents' costs and house values both rise.
[inferencing, C3]

19. An example of a sentence introducing the opposing idea is ….

A. At first glance, tourism seems to be a huge advantage for the local area.
B. Certainly, it can bring in a lot of money
C. the growth in hotels ensures that the local economy improves rapidly.
D. In addition, job creation means that more of the people living in the area can find work.
E. Although the local economy improves, house prices and costs for local people increase as
[inferencing, C4]

20. Ben lives in Bali which is well-known as heaven for foreign tourists. Ben loves to stay in his
hometown, he can obtain a lot of advantages there. However, in 2019, the pandemic came. The
access to Bali was closed. He barely went bankrupt and lived full of desperation.
From the situation above, the cause of Ben`s failure is ….
A. New funding drives increased pricing.
B. The work produced is largely seasonal.
C. Increasing employment level
D. The expansion of the hotel and service sectors
E. Local residents' costs and house values both rise
[inferencing, C4]

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Answer the question number 1-4 based on this text.

Dolphins are often regarded as one of Earth's most intelligent animals. They are social
creatures, living in pods of up to a dozen individuals. In places with a high abundance of food, pods
can merge temporarily, forming a superpod; such groupings may exceed 1,000 dolphins. They
communicate using a variety of clicks, whistle-like sounds and other vocalizations.

Membership in pods is not rigid; interchange is common. Dolphins can, however, establish
strong social bonds; they will stay with injured or ill individuals, even helping them to breathe by
bringing them to the surface if needed. This altruism does not appear to be limited to their own
species. The dolphin Moko in New Zealand has been observed guiding a female Pygmy Sperm Whale
together with her calf out of shallow water where they had stranded several times. They have also
been seen protecting swimmers from sharks by swimming circles around the swimmers or charging
the sharks to make them go away.

Dolphins also display culture, something long believed to be unique to humans. In May 2005, a
discovery in Australia found Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) teaching their
young to use tools. They cover their snouts with sponges to protect them while foraging (looking or
searching for food or provisions.) Using sponges as mouth protection as well as other transmitted
behavior proves dolphins' intelligence. This knowledge is mostly transferred by mothers to

1. Based on paragraph 3, the dolphins show a behavior as follows, EXCEPT…

A. Bottlenose dolphins teach their youngs how to use the tools.
B. Looking for a food and close their snouts when foraging.
C. Get used theirselves to helping sea creatures.
D. Using the sponges to protect them.
E. Imitating and applying the whole from the older.
[C1, Litbang 2022]

2. In paragraph 2, the prove about dolphins are social creatures is…

A. They will protect them whom injured and ill.
B. Dolphins are living in pods of up to a dozen individuals.
C. They can communicate with others by whistle-like sounds.
D. Teaching their younger to protect themselves.
E. Dolphins will help you in dangerous situation in the sea.
[C1, Litbang 2022]

3. They communicate using a variety of click, whistle-like sound and other vocalization (paragraph
1) by writing the sentences, the writer implies.
A. Dolphins cannot live without making a sound.
B. Those sound teach dolphins to knowing the signal.

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C. Researcher should not know the contents of the signal issued by the dolphins.
D. The rounds made by whales can be recognized by.
E. By knowing the signals through sound, dolphins can communicate with others.
[C3, Litbang 2022]

4. Based on the result of observation in New Zealand, prove that dolphins…

A. Can bring and giving direction to the whales.
B. Protecting the swimmer from sharks.
C. Dolphins are social creatures in the world.
D. Their instincts as social creatures to help another life (sea animal-human).
E. Dolphins can not bring-up the whale into the sand.
[C3, Litbang 2022]

Answer the question number 5-12 based on this text.

Malignant mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that develops from the protective lining that
covers many of the body’s internal organs, the mesothelium. It is usually caused by exposure to
asbestos which is a set of six naturally occurring silicate minerals exploited commercially for their
desirable physical properties.

Mesothelioma’s most common site is the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and internal chest
wall), but it may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity), the pericardium
(a sac that surrounds the heart), or the tunica vaginalis (a sac that surrounds the testis).

Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos, or
they have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in other ways. It has also been suggested that
washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos can put a person at risk for
developing mesothelioma. Unlike lung cancer, but there is no association between mesothelioma and
smoking, but smoking greatly increases the risk of other asbestos-induced cancers.

The symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath due to pleural effusion (fluid
between the lung and the chest wall) or chest wall pain, and general symptoms such as weight loss.
The diagnosis may be suspected with chest X-ray and CT (X-ray computed tomography) scan, and is
confirmed with a biopsy (tissue sample) and microscopic examination. A thoracoscopy (inserting a
tube with a camera into the chest) can be used to take biopsies. It allows the introduction of
substances such as talc to obliterate the pleural space (called pleurodesis), which prevents more
fluid from accumulating and pressing on the lung. Despite treatment with chemotherapy, radiation
therapy or sometimes surgery, the disease carries a poor prognosis. Research about screening tests
for the early detection of mesothelioma is ongoing.

5. Based on the conclusions of the text, what is mesothelioma?

A. Name of illness that affected by little microbe.
B. Identified dangerous virus because of attacks our lungs.
C. Symptomps of shortness of breat due to shrinking of the respiratory system.
D. Disease that should be cured through repeated chemotherapy.
E. One of the most common rare types of cancer that occurs in the lining of abdominal cavity.
[C1, Litbang 2022]

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6. What is the writer’s purposes in writing this text?

A. To illustrate the way microbe became an illness
B. To inform main topic of rare form of cancer cause of inhales asbestos.
C. To explain how to cured by mesothelioma.
D. To describe prevention of respiratory disease.
E. To contradict meditation used for sufferers of mesothelioma.
[C3, Litbang 2022]

7. “Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos…”
this sentence can be best implied as…
A. Working directly with small particles will get cancer in the future.
B. Do not working and washing the clothes after exposure to asbestos.
C. People with mesothelioma are mostly works on exposed to dust and asbestos fiber directly.
D. Do not need long enough time to be able to develop disease.
E. Most people will never feel the initial symptomps of mesothelioma.
[C3, Litbang 2022]

8. Which of the following that can be best describe of SUSPECTED in “the diagnosis may be
suspected with chest X-Ray…” EXCEPT
A. Known D. Formed
B. Seen E. Appeared
C. Found
[C2, Litbang 2022]

9. The word “exposed” in paragraph 3 can be best replaced as…

A. Fixed D. Rebutted
B. Associated E. Surrounded
C. Kept away
[C2, Litbang 2022]

10. “… their desirable physical properties…” the word THEIR in the paragraph 1 line 3 refers to…
A. Mesothelioma D. Peritoneum
B. Exposure asbestos E. Tunica vaginalis
C. Lungs cancer
[C2, Litbang 2022]

11. How does the writer organize paragraph 4?

A. Examples of the disease and medicines are presented.
B. Definition of mesothelioma is described well.
C. The chronological of sufferers does not appear
D. Symptoms and confirmation of disease explained detail.
E. Conclusion of the text is clear.
[C1, Litbang 2022]

12. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as parts of mesothelioma site?

A. Tunica vaginalis D. Thyroid gland
B. Lungs internal chest wall E. Pleura
C. Abdominal cavity
[C2, Litbang 2022]

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Read the passage and answer question number 13-16.

The ozone layer depletion is harmful to the environment. The ozone layer or ozone shield is a
region of Earth’s stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It was
discovered in 1913 by the French physicist Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson. The ozone layer
contains high concentration of ozone in relation to other parts of the atmosphere.

A depletion of the ozone layer has been noticed since the late 1970s. In atmospheric regions
over Antarctica, the ozone layer has become significantly thin, especially in spring season causing
the formation of what is called ‘ozone hole’. The main cause of ozone depletion and the ozone hole is
man-made chemicals such as the chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs). As a consequence of the deterioration
of the ozone layer, large amounts of ultraviolet B rays reach the Earth, which can cause skin cancer
and cataracts in humans and harm animals as well.

The harmful consequences of ozone deterioration paved the way to the adoption of the
Montreal Protocol in 1987. This protocol bans the production of CFCs, halons, and other ozone-
depleting chemicals. The ban come into effect in 1989 and since then it has had positive effect on the
environment. Ozone levels stabilized by the mid-1990s and began to recover in the 2000s. Recovery
is projected to continue over the next century, and the ozone hole is expected to reach pre-1980
levels by around 2075. The Montreal Protocol is considered the most successful international
environmental agreement to date.

13. All of the following are TRUE about ozone layer depletion, EXCEPT…
A. Firstly found in the end of 1970 in Antarctica.
B. The main reason of ozone depletion did not found clearly.
C. Skin cancer and cataract is the effect of deterioration of ozone layer to earth.
D. There is a protocol bans in 1989 about production of CFCs, and halons.
E. The ozone layer depletion is danger-ous for our life and environment.
[C1, Litabng 2022]

14. What would happen if the ozone hole formed?

A. The ultraviolet B ray will reach the earth and give negative impact to human and animals
B. Affect the coming spring and make the earth warmer.
C. Will not happen because humans already aware of dangerous of ozone layer.
D. The earth no longer has a shield from all the effect of the atmosphere.
E. The researchers must return to restore the ozone layer which has been depleted.
[C3, Litbang 2022]

15. In what year can the ozone layer be restored?

A. 1989 D. 1990s
B. 2075 E. 2000s
C. 1980
[C1, Litbang 2022]

16. The points provided in paragraph 2 of the text explain that…

A. Ozone layer has been observed in 1970.
B. The main cause of depletion of the ozone layer which has given an impact to the earth.
C. Ozone hole can be formed while the layer going depleted.

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D. The ultraviolet B gives big impact to humans’ life

E. Skin cancer and cataract found after depletion of ozone layer.
[C1, Litbang 2022]

Read this text and answer the question number 17-20.

Othello (The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice) is a tragedy by William Shakespeare,
probably written in 1603. The story revolves around two character, Othello and Iago. Othello is a
Moorish general in the Venetian army leading his army into a war with the Ottoman Turks over the
island of Cyprus. Iago, however, is angry because Othello has promoted Cassio to be his lieutenant
instead of him. Othello has secretly married Desdemona, a pretty and rich white Venetian, much
younger than he is, against the wishes of her father. Iago maliciously provokes his master’s jealousy
until the normally stoic North African murders his beloved wife in a fir of temper and kills himself.

In Othello, Shakespeare explores themes such as jealousy, racism, and reality versus
appearance. Jealousy motivates the main character of the play. Iago is depicted as a jealous character
from the beginning. In the first scene, he expresses dissatisfaction when Othello promotes Cassio
instead of him. His strong aversion has also its origin in suspecting Othello having an affair with
Emilia his wife. His intense jealousy pushes him to take revenge on Othello although these suspicions
are only rumors. By maliciously goading his master’s jealousy. Lago makes Othello suffer and
experience the torments of jealousy toward Desdemona and her supposed lover.

The play also describes some characters as racist. Othello is referred to as a “Barbary Horse”,
“thick lips”, or a “lascivious Moor”. The racist characters use these words to portray Othello as an
animal or beast, not as a human. He is, thus, considered an outsider to the white Venetian culture,
deserving less respect.

Another theme explored in Othello is reality versus appearance. Iago maliciously uses all his
wits to manipulate others and make them believe what he wants. He attempts restlessly to mislead
other characters, particularly Roderigo and Othello, by encouraging them to misinterpret what they
see. His intention to use Othello’s honesty as a tool deceive him serves as a warning for the audience
to be cautious about appearance. Reality is not what one sees.

17. The purpose of this text is to ...

A. Inform about the jealousy of Lago whom did not get a change as Lieutenant.
B. Persuade people of North Africa to rejected Othello leadership.
C. Tell about the story about the tragedy of Othello written in 1603 that has two main
D. Inform about the review of Othello story by William Shakespeare.
E. Describe the situation in the story tragedy of Othello that so stressful.
[C1, Litbang 2022]
18. Why does Othello refers as ‘Barbary horse’?
A. As disappointment felt by Lago.
B. Describe that Othello similar as animal and beast as a form of racism.
C. The racism has turned Othello into jealousy.
D. Lago manipulated people to make them believing on him.
E. The dubs of lago as a form of disappointment to Othello.
[C3, Litbang 2022]

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19. ”His intense jealousy pushes him to take revenge on Othello although these suspicions are only
rumors. By maliciously goading his master’s jealousy” the value of this sentence is…
A. Allowing ourself to be trapped in hatred will push us there are bad things.
B. Someone’s anger can easily manipulate our minds to believing in him more.
C. We can be trapped for our own thoughts if we hate someone too much.
D. Do not provoke people just because our thoughts are not true.
E. Jealousy and disappointment darken a person to be more cruel to someone who is not
necessarily the same as the thought.
[C2, Litbang 2022]

20. The word AGAINST in line 5 can be best describe as, EXCEPT…
A. Collide D. Oppose
B. Clash E. Fighting
C. Consolidate
[C2, Litbang 2022]

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The text below is for question number 1-5

Enzyme, a substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate at which
chemical reactions proceed without itself being altered in the process. The biological processes that
occur within all living organisms are chemical reactions, and most are regulated by enzymes.
Without enzymes, many of these reactions would not take place at a perceptible rate. Enzymes
catalyze all aspects of cell metabolism. This includes the digestion of food, in which large nutrient
molecules (such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) are broken down into smaller molecules; the
conservation and transformation of chemical energy; and the construction of cellular
macromolecules from smaller precursors. Many inherited human diseases, such as albinism and
phenylketonuria, result from a deficiency of a particular enzyme.

An enzyme will interact with only one type of substance or group of substances, called the
substrate, to catalyze a certain kind of reaction. Because of this specificity, enzymes often have been
named by adding the suffix “-ase” to the substrate’s name (as in urease, which catalyzes the
breakdown of urea). Not all enzymes have been named in this manner, however, and to ease the
confusion surrounding enzyme nomenclature, a classification system has been developed based on
the type of reaction the enzyme catalyzes. There are six principal categories and their reactions: (1)
oxidoreductases, which are involved in electron transfer; (2) transferases, which transfer a chemical
group from one substance to another; (3) hydrolases, which cleave the substrate by uptake of a
water molecule (hydrolysis); (4) lyases, which form double bonds by adding or removing a chemical
group; (5) isomerases, which transfer a group within a molecule to form an isomer; and (6) ligases,
or synthetases, which couple the formation of various chemical bonds to the breakdown of a
pyrophosphate bond in adenosine triphosphate or a similar nucleotide.

In most chemical reactions, an energy barrier exists that must be overcome for the reaction to
occur. This barrier prevents complex molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids from
spontaneously degrading, and so is necessary for the preservation of life. When metabolic changes
are required in a cell, however, certain of these complex molecules must be broken down, and this
energy barrier must be surmounted. Heat could provide the additional needed energy (called
activation energy), but the rise in temperature would kill the cell. The alternative is to lower the
activation energy level through the use of a catalyst. This is the role that enzymes play. They react
with the substrate to form an intermediate complex—a “transition state”—that requires less energy
for the reaction to proceed. The unstable intermediate compound quickly breaks down to form
reaction products, and the unchanged enzyme is free to react with other substrate molecules. Only a
certain region of the enzyme, called the active site, binds to the substrate. The active site is a groove
or pocket formed by the folding pattern of the protein. This three-dimensional structure, together
with the chemical and electrical properties of the amino acids and cofactors within the active site,
permits only a particular substrate to bind to the site, thus determining the enzyme’s specificity.


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1. Enzymes involved in transferring chemical groups is...

A. Ligases
B. Isomerases
C. Transferases
D. Lyases
E. Oxidoreductases
[C3, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

2. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Reassuring the reader about the function of enzyme
B. Informs the reader about enzyme and their mechanism
C. Informs the reader the function of enzyme
D. Informs that we should know the mechanism of enzyme
E. Persuading readers to learn a lot about enzyme
[C2, Understanding Purpose, Litbang 2022]

3. Which of the following is implied by the passage ...

A. An enzyme will interact with some type of substance or group of substances
B. Every enzymes named by adding the suffix “-ase” to the substrate’s name
C. The stable compound quickly breaks down to form reaction products
D. Enzymes catalyze some aspects of cell metabolism
E. Activation energy is the energy required to encounter energy barrier
[C2, Understanding Spesific Information, Litbang 2022]

4. Based on the text, we know that...

A. Many hereditary diseases are caused by enzyme deficiencies
B. Temperatures that continue to decrease can kill the cell
C. Chemical reactions can occur in the absence of activation energy
D. We need supplements to help the performance of enzymes
E. All parts of the enzyme can bind directly to various substrates
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

Enzyme Function
(1) Ligases (5) Transfer Electron
(2) Isomerases (6) Double bond former
(3) Transferases (7) Cleave the substrat
(4) Oxidoreductases (8) Form an isomer

The number pair that indicates the enzyme and its proper function is...
A. (1) and (5)
B. (2) and (6)
C. (3) and (7)
D. (4) dan (8)
E. (4) dan (5)
[C4, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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The picture below for number 6-9

6. Ibuprofen is currently being developed for clinical use in Alzheimer’s disaese with some reason,
A. Neuroprotective Activity D. It’s side effects
B. Relative safety E. Long history of utilization
C. Long history of use
[C4, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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7. The following are adverse side effects of ibuprofen, EXCEPT...

A. Headache D. Constipation
B. Bloating E. Sinuses
C. Nausea
[C3, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

8. Why is it difficult to determine the effect of ibuprofen on the cognitive function of the brain?
A. FDA hasn’t approved the used of ibuprofen
B. Ibuprofen has a low incident of adverse side effects
C. Ibuprofen designed to relieve pain in the body
D. Ibuprofen is cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor
E. It can influence so many different function in the body
[C4, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

9. Based on the picture, what caused inflammation in the brain?

A. Adeverse side effects from Ibuprofen D. The changes from some type of dementia
B. Failure of kidney function E. Pain perception in the brain
C. Consumes some pain killer
C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

The picture below is for number 10-13

10. Enzyme reactions that can be reversible is...
A. Pyruvate dehydrogenase D. Isoctrate dehydrogenase
B. Citrate synthase E. α-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
C. Isocitrate synthase
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

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11. Succinyl-CoA is formed at the... stage

A. Pyruvate dehydrogenase D. Isocytrate dehydrogenase
B. Citrate synthase E. α-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
C. Isocitrate synthase
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

12. Processes that do not involve NADH is...

A. Citrate synthase D. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
B. Pyruvate dehydrogenase E. α-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
C. Oxaloacetate synthase
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

13. Processes that do not involve ATP is...

A. Citrate synthase D. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
B. Pyruvate dehydrogenase E. α-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
C. Oxaloacetate synthase
[C4, Understanding Graphs and Tables, Litbang 2022]

The text below is for number 14-17

The Elves and The Shoemaker

A shoemaker, by no fault of his own, had become so poor that at last he had nothing left but
leather for one pair of shoes. So in the evening, he cut out the shoes which he wished to begin to
make the next morning, and as he had a good conscience, he lay down quietly in his bed, commended
himself to God, and fell asleep. In the morning, after he had said his prayers, and was just going to sit
down to work, the two shoes stood quite finished on his table. He was astounded, and knew not what
to say to it. He took the shoes in his hands to observe them closer, and they were so neatly made that
there was not one bad stitch in them, just as if they were intended as a masterpiece. Soon after, a
buyer came ___(16), and as the shoes pleased him so well, he paid more for them than was
customary, and, with the money, the shoemaker was able to purchase leather for two pairs of shoes.
He cut them out at night, and next morning was about to set to work with fresh courage; but he had
no need to do so, for, when he got up, they were already made, and buyers also were not wanting,
who gave him money enough to buy leather for four pairs of shoes. The following morning, too, he
found the four pairs made; and so it went on constantly, what he cut out in the evening was finished
by the morning, so that he soon had his honest independence again, and at last became a wealthy
man. Now it befell that one evening not long before Christmas, when the man had been cutting out,
he said to his wife, before going to bed, "What think you if we were to stay up to-night to see who it is
that lends us this helping hand?" The woman liked the idea, and lighted a candle, and then they hid
themselves in a corner of the room, behind some clothes which were hanging up there, and watched.
When it was midnight, two pretty little naked men came, sat down by the shoemaker's table, took all
the work which was cut out before them and began to stitch, and sew, and hammer so skilfully and
so quickly with their little fingers that the shoemaker could not turn away his eyes for astonishment.
They did not stop until all was done, and stood finished on the table, and they ran quickly away.

Next morning the woman said, "The little men have made us rich, and we really must show
that we are grateful for it. They run about so, and have nothing on, and must be cold. I'll tell thee
what I'll do: I will make them little shirts, and coats, and vests, and trousers, and knit both of them a

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pair of stockings, and do thou, too, make them two little pairs of shoes." The man said, "I shall be
very glad to do it;" and one night, when everything was ready, they laid their presents all together on
the table instead of the cut-out work, and then concealed themselves to see how the little men would
behave. At midnight they came bounding in, and wanted to get to work at once, but as they did not
find any leather cut out, but only the pretty little articles of clothing, they were at first astonished,
and then they showed intense delight. They dressed themselves with the greatest rapidity, putting
the pretty clothes on, and singing,

"Now we are boys so fine to see, Why should we longer cobblers be?"

Then they danced and skipped and leapt over chairs and benches. At last they danced out of
doors. From that time forth they came no more, but as long as the shoemaker lived all went well with
him, and all his undertakings prospered.


14. What did the shoemaker's wife do to repay the elves?

A. Help the elves to make some shoes D. Gave them a sweet cookies when they work
B. Made the shoes with her hands E. Made the cut-out work for the shoes
C. Made some clothes for the elves
[C3, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

15. “At midnight they came bounding in...” [Paragraph 2]

The word “they” refers to...
A. The man and the woman D. The Elves
B. The shoemaker and his wife E. The buyers
C. The shoes
[C3, Referencing, Litbang 2022]

16. ....
A. In D. Outside
B. At E. From
C. On
[C3, Sentences Completion, Litbang 2022]

17. “...they were at first astonished...” [Paragraph 3]

The word “asthonished” have the same meaning to...
A. Dependable D. Amazed
B. Adamant E. Tenacious
C. Staunch
[C3, Synonyms, Litbang 2022]

The text below is for number 18-20

A certain mother's child had been taken away ___ (18) of its cradle by the elves, and a
changeling with a large head and staring eyes, which would do nothing but eat and drink, laid in its
place. In her trouble she went to her neighbour, and asked her advice. The neighbour said that she
was to carry the changeling into the kitchen, set it down on the hearth, light a fire, and boil some
water in two egg-shells, which would make the changeling laugh, and if he laughed, all would be over

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with him. The woman did everything that her neighbour bade her. When she ____ (19) the egg-shells
with water on the fire, the imp said, "I am as old now as the Wester forest, but never yet have I seen
any one boil anything in an egg-shell!" And he began to laugh ___(20) it. Whilst he was laughing,
suddenly came a host of little elves, who brought the right child, set it down on the hearth, and took
the changeling away with them.

18. ....
A. In D. Down
B. Out E. Back
C. From
[C3, Sentences Completion, Litbang 2022]

19. ....
A. Take D. Carry
B. Pick E. Lead
C. Put
[C3, Sentences Completion, Litbang 2022]

20. ....
A. At D. Because
B. With E. Within
C. For
[C3, Sentences Completion, Litbang 2022]

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This passage is for numbers 1 – 7

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful in business and others are not? Here's a
story about one successful businessperson. He started out washing dishes and today he owns 168

Zubair Kazi was born in Bhatkal, a small town in southwest India. His dream was to be an airplane
pilot, and when he was 16 years old, he learned to fly a small plane. At the age of 23 and with just a
little money in his pocket, Mr. Kazi moved to the United States. He hoped to get a job in the airplane
industry in California. Instead, he ended up working for a company that rented cars.

While Mr. Kazi was working at the car rental company, he frequently ate at a nearby restaurant. To
save money on food, he decided to get a job with KFC. For two months, he worked as a cook's
assistant. His job was to clean the kitchen and help the cook. "I didn't like it," Mr. Kazi says, "but I
always did the best I could.

One day, Mr. Kazi's two co-workers failed to come to work. That day Mr. Kazi did the work of aII
three people in the kitchen. This impressed the owners of the restaurant. A few months later, the
owners needed a manager for a new restaurant. They gave the job to Mr. Kazi. He worked hard as the
manager and soon the restaurant was making a profit.

A few years later, Mr. Kazi heard about a restaurant that was losing money. The restaurant was dirty
inside and the food was terrible - greasy and undercooked. Mr. Kazi borrowed money from a bank
and bought the restaurant. For the first six months, Mr. Kazi worked in the restaurant from 8 a.m. to
10 p.m., seven days a week. He and his wife cleaned up the restaurant, remodeled the front of the
building, and improved the cooking. They also tried hard to please the customers. If someone had to
wait more than ten minutes for their food, Mrs. Kazi gave them a free soda. Before long the
restaurant was making a profit.

A year later Mr. Kazi sold his restaurant for a profit. With the money he earned, he bought three
more restaurants that were losing money. Again, he cleaned them up, improved the food, and
retrained the employees. Before long, these restaurants were making a profit, too. Today Mr. Kazi
owns 168 restaurants, but he isn't planning to stop there. He's looking for more poorly managed
restaurants to buy. "I love it when I go to buy a restaurant and find it's a mess," Mt. Kazi says. "The
only way it can go is up."
This article was adapted from the WaIl Street Journal

1. Which of these events comes first in Mr. Kazi`s life?

A. He moved to the United States. D. He bought his first restaurant.
B. He got a job at a car rental company. E. He bought three more restaurants
C. He learned to fly a plane.
[C3, stated detail questions]

2. Which of these events comes last in Mr. Kazi`s life?

A. He sold his first restaurant at a profit. D. He moved to the United States.

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B. He got a job as a cook's helper. E. He got a job at a car rental company

C. He bought his 168 restaurant.
[C3, stated detail questions]

3. One day Mr. Kazi's two co-workers didn't come to work. That day, Mr.Kazi did the work of three
people. From this information, you can say that. . .
A. Mr. Kazi probably worked very hard that day.
B. Mr. Kazi is probably a tall man.
C. Mr. khazi's co-workers are loyal.
D. Mr. kazi worked for himself
E. Mr. Kazi probably didn't know his co-workers very well
[C4, implied detail questions]

4. Mr. Kazi sold his first three restaurants for more money than he paid for them. From this
information, you can say that . . .
A. Mr. Kazi is a good businessman.
B. Mr. Kazi is an honest man.
C. Mr. Kazi is not knowledgeable enough to be a businessman
D. Mr. Kazi loses his restaurants
E. Mr. Kazi became a millionaire when he sold the restaurants.
[C4, implied detail questions]

5. “to save money on food” in “To save money on food, he decided to get a job with KFC” can be
paraphrased with ….
A. made the owners think well of him
B. earning more money than it was spending
C. after much effort, he got a job
D. to spend less money on food
E. worked as hard as I could
[C5, synonym]

6. Referring to the last paragraph, we can imply that Mr. Kazi ….

A. made an impression on his employers through his work
B. lose all of his restaurants
C. became a millionaire when he sold the restaurants.
D. spend a lot of money on food
E. loses the trust of his employers
[C5, implied detail questions]

7. “To buy his first restaurant, Mr.Kazi borrowed money from his family.”
That statement is wrong, if we want to correct it, it will be ….
A. Mr. Kazi acquired the eatery with a bank loan.
B. Mr. Kazi took out a loan from his relatives.
C. Mr. Kazi borrowed money from his kin.
D. Mr. Kazi obtains the funds by working for KFC.
E. Working for the rental car agency, Mr. Kazi earns his living.
[C4, inference]

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This passage is for numbers 8-9

Taipei is a lively and expensive city, and it lets you know it. About 6,000,000 people live in and
around the capital of Taiwan and it is a hotbed of renao, or liveliness. Apartments are almost
impossible to buy in Taipei and the government is encouraging businesses to locate in other parts of
the country. Taipei may not be a relaxing place but the food is excellent, the people are friendly, and
there are some wonderful things to see, like the Grand Hotel.
8. What does this passage imply?
A. It's easier to buy an apartment outside of Taipei.
B. There aren't many apartments in Taipei.
C. Taipei may not be a relaxing place and the food is horrible,
D. Fewer people are living in Taiwan
E. The wonderful things to see in Taipei is a hotbed of renao
[C3, implication]
9. It is a hotbed of renao.
In the passage, the term “renao” can be defined as ….
A. Hotspring D. Relaxing
B. Hotbed E. Liveliness
C. Expensive
[C4, synonym]
This passage is for numbers 10 -12
Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places, it is considered unusual not to use
one. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that phones are
more than a means of communication - having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and

The explosions around the world in mobile phone use have some health professionals worried. Some
doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of
mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone
companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof
that mobile phones are bad for your health.

On the other hand, why do some medical studies show changes in the brain cells of some people who
use mobile phones? Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern
scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious
memory loss. He couldn't remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his son.
This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week,
for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employer's doctor
didn't agree.

What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation. High-tech
machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies
agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.

As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it's best to use mobile phones less
often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when
you need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the
future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So, for now,
it's wise not to use your mobile phone too often.

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10. Based on the passage, the writer has an objective to ….

A. Encourage people that cell phones are popular
B. Acknowledge people how cell phones work
C. Tell the reason cell phones are beneficial
D. convince people that cell phones are dangerous
E. persuade people to spend money on cell phones
[C4, finding objective]
11. If we see the fourth paragraph 4, we can assume that the topic is ….
A. the increase in mobile phone use
B. what makes mobile phones potentially dangerous
C. how to avoid the possible dangers of mobile phones
D. some medical experts take highly concerned about the phone
E. the evidence of how dangerous the phone is
[C4, finding the topic]
12. Another word for “means” in “They find that the phones are more than a means of
communication” is ….
A. unkind D. definition
B. method E. admit
C. expression
[C3, synonym]
This passage is for numbers 13-17
I am 24 years old and I grew up in Nishinomiya, Japan. Several years ago, I went to Negros Island in
the Philippines as a Habitat volunteer. This was the first of three trips I have taken to the Philippines
as a volunteer. For me, the idea of building somebody's house abroad was very exciting. The next
year I returned to Negros Island as a Habitat volunteer. This time I went as a student leader with 28
classmates from the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies.

Both the staff and the families on Negros Island became dear friends of the work team I led. Meeting
these people was wonderful for each of us. Their lifestyle reminded us of the meaning and value of
life. The people also helped us appreciate the more valuable things in life, such as spending time with
our family, friends, and neighbors; developing close relationships; helping each other; and
appreciating what we do have. These things are sometimes forgotten in a country like Japan.

We thought we came to the Philippines to help the Filipino people, but they helped us to see
something valuable. They generously offered their food, space, and hearts in a way we were not
accustomed to. (Would you give up your bed for a stranger and sleep on the cement floor at your
own house?)

When I took my third trip to the Philippines as a Habitat volunteer, I was assigned to a house with
young people from around the world. In my group, there were Filipinos, Americans, Indians,
Koreans, and Japanese. We worked together to complete a house for a family we met on the site. On
the last day, all of us stood inside a room we had built in just a week, feeling a sense of fulfillment.

13. Which statement is true?

A. Habitat for Humanity is more than 25 years old.
B. The writer is an employee of Habitat for Humanity.
C. The writer has helped to build houses in more than one country.

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D. The Negros lifestyle does not represent to value of our lives

E. The writer was assigned to a house with the insider
[C5, implication]
14. “I was assigned to a house with young people from around the world.”
If we paraphrase that sentence, it will be ….
A. I was put in a house with other young folks from all over the world.
B. I was helped to build a house with young people worldwide
C. I worked together to complete a house for the native family
D. I was offered a space to live during the program
E. I was assigned to see something valuable from Filipino people
[C5, paraphrasing]
15. “They generously offered their food, space, and hearts in a way we were not accustomed to.”
The word “accustomed to” in the sentence is opposite with ….
A. In the habit of D. Calibrated to
B. Adjusted to E. Arranged
C. Unconventional
[C5, synonym]
16. You can infer from paragraph 1 that Mariko Asano ….
A. is still a student at the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
B. studied at the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
C. was a teacher at the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
D. lives and grew up in Japan
E. had several lessons from the Negros
[C3, inferencing]
17. The things we cannot learn from staying on Negros island are….
A. establishing intimate bonds,
B. assisting one another,
C. appreciating what we do have
D. generously sharing the food with each other
E. spending time with our families, friends, and neighbors;
[C3, inference]
This picture is for numbers 18 – 20

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18. In producing the concrete, we do not need the following material ….

A. Gravel D. Cement
B. Sand E. Clay
C. Water
[C5, understanding the diagram]

19. In his job, Timmy needs half gravel to get mixed with cement, sand, and water in manufacturing
the concrete things.
The term gravel Timmy needs is defined as ….
A. Clay D. Cement
B. Limestone E. Crushed rock
C. Powder
[C5, synonym]

20. Timmy is working for the home materials industry, such as cement and concrete production.
His routine in the office is monitoring the process of those productions. Thus, the first thing to
do he usually does in manufacturing the cement is ….
A. Mixing four ingredients in a mixer
B. Crushing the clay and limestone
C. Heating the mixture in the rotating heater
D. Grinding the mixture in the conveyor belt
E. Packaging the materials to produce the concrete
[C5, implication]

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This passage is from the question number 01-04

Twenty-five years ago, the Cassini spacecraft and Huygens lander probe launched, beginning the
mission to study Saturn and its moons. The voyage to the planet took seven years, requiring four
gravity assist maneuvers (a gravity assist is a technique that uses a planet to accelerate a spacecraft).
Cassini-Huygens, a joint project between NASA, @europeanspaceagency, @agenziaspazialeitaliana,
and @nasajpl, entered an elliptical orbit around Saturn on July 1, 2004; it was the first spacecraft to
do so.

Cassini’s 13-year-long investigation of the Saturn system-initially planned to be four years long, but
extended twice-allowed us to observe Saturn for nearly half of its 30-years orbit around the Sun,
seeing hexagonal cloud patterns around Saturn’s north pole and a long-lived storm that circled the
planet’s northern hemisphere. Cassini also made extraordinary discoveries on Saturn’s moons, like
ice volcanoes on Enceladus and hydrocarbon lakes on Titan.

1. What is the purpose of launching the cassini spacecraft and Huygens lander probe?
A. Researching the moon and gravity
B. Embark on a mission to learn about the moon and Saturn
C. Monitor the planets to speed up the spaceship
D. Sending a stronger signal to the NASA project
E. Learn all about Saturn and its rotation
[C2,Understanding Purpose, Litbang 2022]

2. In the process of sailing to a planet, why does it require four gravity assist maneuvers?
A. Because with assisted maneuvers it can enter the elliptical orbit more quickly around Saturn
B. Assisted maneuvers are needed if the spacecraft being launched is unable to withstand
C. As a gravity assist technique that uses planets to accelerate spaceships
D. So that the research runs smoothly and quickly so that it does not take years
E. Because the plane launched is the first plane to examine Saturn
[C3, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

3. Which is the inferred statement based on paragraph 2 is…

A. Saturn is one of the planets whose research takes about 25 years at most
B. Cassini-Huygens has had a big impact on the findings that are currently being deepened
C. 20 years in space is not the time he’s imagined to see what Cassini-Huygens has managed to
D. The end of the 20 year exploration of Saturn by Cassini and Huygens provided knowledge
that will live on and be applied to the European Clipper Mission
E. September, 15 2017 is the end of a long adventure that has been carried out by Cassini and
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

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4. What was the extraordinary discovery of Cassini-Huygens in the mission to study Saturn?
A. Double the discovery time
B. See clouds with a hexagon pattern
C. Long-lived storms that are circling the earth
D. Icebergs around Saturn’s rings
E. Ice volcanoes and hydrocarbon lakes in Titan
[C3 Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

Read the passage and answer the question number 05-07

Michelle Yeoh (@michelleyeoh_official) is TIME’s 2022 Icon of the Year. Yeoh has been a major star
in Asia for decades-she was a giant in the golden age of Hong Kong action cinema, top-lining dozens
of films and earning a reputation for nailing daring stunts. And she made her Hollywood debut in the
1997 James Bond film “Tomorrow Never Dies,” following up that success with roles in major movies
like “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” “Crazy Rich Asians,” and “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the
Ten Rings.”

But, until this year’s indie hit “Everything Everywhere All at Once”-in which Yeoh plays an
overburdened wife and mother who must save the word-the now 60-year-old Malaysia actor had
never been No. 1 on a Hollywood call sheet.

This is the moment Yeoh has long been waiting for: a big, starring role, the kind that could make her
a household name-the kind that many believe could win her an Oscar. “I’ve thought about it,” Yeoh
tells @lucyfeld. “And not just me-I feel like my full Asian community has thought about it. They come
up to me and they say, ‘You’re doing it for us.”


5. What film was Michelle Yeoh’s Hollywood debut?

A. Tomorrow never dies D. Hidden dragons
B. Crazy rich Asian E. Everything everywhere all at once
C. Crouching tiger
(C1, Understanding Specific information, Litbang 2022,Mudah)

6. “She was a giant in the golden age of Hong Kong action cinema” the expression giant in the
golden age can be described as…
A. Someone who has a lot of gold is great
B. Has a big name in the present era
C. People with great achievements
D. Someone who rules the big movies
E. Someone with great accomplishments in booming era
(C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022, Sedang)

7. Based on the statements of Michele Yeoh to ,lucyfeld, she thought that..

A. Something that she wants for a long time to win the Oscar
B. She thinks about the trophy, and persuade Asian people to believe her about her wining
C. She already tried her best in the last film that including in Oscar Category and believing in
get the achievement

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D. It looks like the Asian community being in herself about the spirit and achievement to win
the Oscar
E. The hope of Asia people to get the achievement in Oscar by Michele in next era
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

Answer the question number 08-10 based on the passage below

Jacinda Ardern announced her resignation us New Zealand’s Prime Minister at the Labour party’s
annual caucus meeting on January 19. The shocking announcement comes after Ardern had
confirmed a national election to be held in October this year, reported The Guardian. “I’m leaving,
because with such a privileged role comes responsibility. The responsibility to know when you are
the right person to lead and also when you are not. I know what this job takes. And I know that I no
longer have enough in the tank to do it justice. It’s that simple,” she said.

Ardern, who became the youngest woman to be elected head of a government at the age of 37 in
2017, will be stepping down next month, after leading New Zealand through nearly six challenging
years which included the COVID-19 pandemic, the White Island volcanic eruption and the
Christchurch shootings. Her years in power have been hailed as a reflection to resign, too, speaks
volumes of the emotional intelligence with which she has approached power in the male-dominated
field of politics, as Twitter users have noted. As Ardern said, “I hope I leave New Zealanders with a
belief that you can be kind, but strong, empathetic but decisive, optimistic but focused. And that you
can be your own kind of leader-one who knows when it’s time to go.” Ardern move reframes the
notion of true leadership as not rooted in power, but I knowing when “it’s time” to let another lead.
This is in stark contrast to the general trend of men in politics clinging to their seats for longer than
they’re able to lead. Ardern will be continuing as an MP until the national elections.


8. What is the purpose of the passage above?

A. To inform about New Zealand prime minister
B. To democrat Arden new position
C. To announce about resignation of New Zealand’s prime minister
D. To inform people that Arden will not hold the title of minister
E. To realize New Zealand’s leader in 2017
[C2, Understanding purpose,Litbang 2022]

9. Which is NOT the statement mentioned as six challenging years faced by Arden, EXCEPT…
A. Blizzard rain in most parts of the city
B. Application of military policy
C. Democratic action of people on a large scale
D. White island volcano eruption
E. Suicide bombing by unknown
[C3 Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

10. “I hope I leave New Zealanders with a belief that you can be your own kind of leader-one who
knows when it’s time to go” which is the statement that can be best paraphrase of this
A. Be the one of people who can lead the city and fill in the responsibility
B. I left the New Zealand to give the successor chance to be the best leader
C. The leader is a people who always try their best in leading the nation

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D. New Zealand is the country with full of kin of leader

E. Leaving New Zealand with the soul full of confidence to yourself can be best version of the
[C4, Paraphrasing, Litbang 2022]

This table and passage for the question number 11-16

Tight Budget Average Budget Large Budget
Flight From $900 to $1200 From $1300 to $1600 From $1800 to $2400
Housing From $630 to $700 From $910 to $1400 From $1750 to $2800
Transportation Aprox. $94 From $270 to $385 From $400 to $525
Meals From $275 to $460 From 460 to $650 From $700 to $1260
Tours Aprox. $240 From $330 to $650 From $650 to $1300
Shopping From $30 to $65 From $250 to $400 From $650 to $1300
Extras From $50 to $65 From $130 to $200 From $250 to $330
Total From $2199 to $2804 From $3550 to $5085 From $6200 to $9914

How much money should you budget for a week trip to New York City?

As you can see, you can go to New York with your partner with a little over $2000, reserving the
flight and accommodation as soon as possible and limiting your expenses in the city. However, I
recommend that you go with a budget of minimum $2200 per couple, to truly enjoy your stay. I
would say a minimum of $3500-$4000. In this article, I am not talking about the agencies that offer
flight-hotel packages. You can get a good deal on websites like Expedia. To prepare your budget, you
can also calculate how much money you spend per week when you are at home: meals,
transportation to work, shopping, gas and electricity for example. In conclusion, I hope I have helped
you a little with this article, so you can prepare you trip to New York with ease.

11. Which one of the following conclusions appropriate with the data in the table…
A. We can travel to New York lavishly from $3550
B. The lower price of transportation only $95
C. Lodging prices with the best class only in range no more than $2800
D. You don’t need to put up as $185 for middle class transportation
E. Total if you travel the entire package to lower class New York only about $2130
[C4, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

12. Based on the information in the passage, it can conclude that…

A. $3500-$4000 is the best pairing price I can recommend to you and your partner
B. Check and pay the bill early to get the special price
C. Calculate your money to organize all needed and manage the necessary
D. These all calculation in the table price if you want stay only a day
E. Take the special price in the website of Expedia
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

13. Nav and her best friend is going to New York for two weeks. They will stay in large budget of
housing, tight budget of flight, and provides minimum budget for shoping to $400. How many
total budget that Nav and her friends to prepared?

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A. Approx. $8000 D. $4100 to $5500

B. $3500 to 5900 E. $5800 to $8800
C. Approx. $8500
[C3, Understanding Graph and Tables, Litbang 2022]

14. Which one of the statements is NOT about the data above …
A. We can manage the tight budget for a meals from $275 to $460
B. The best price with a class is in total from $6200 to $9914
C. Provides the extra budget in average is only $130 to $200
D. The tight budget for twice departure approx. $900
E. The transportation out there only take a price with average budget $270s
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

15. “I hope I have helped you a little with this article, so you can prepare your trip to New York with
ease” which one of the statements can be best paraphrase of this sentence…
A. This article is made to the reader more easy to consider the budget to go to New York
B. Thinking the budget before we go to New York
C. The best choice to trip to New York is when we are rich
D. Don’t prepare too much because New York is the city makes you unstoppable
E. The budget provided is the range, not really about the real prices
[C4, Paraphrasing, Litbang 2022]

16. How much does a meals with the highest price range cost if you live in New York for a month?
A. $700 to $1260 D. $2800 to $5040
B. $2100 to $2400 E. $1400 to $2320
C. $2100 to $3660
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

Answer the question number 17-20 based on this text.

Brain drain is the action of having highly skilled and educated people leaving their country to work
abroad, has become one of the developing countries concern. Brain drain is also reffered to as
human capital flight. More and more third world science and technology educated people are
heading for more prosperous countries seeking higher wages and better working conditions. This
has of course serious consequences on the sending countries.

While many people believe that immigrant is a personal choice that must be understood and
respected, others look at the phenomenon from a different perspective. What makes those educated
people leave their countries should be seriously considered and a distinction between push and pull
factors must be made. The push factors include low wages and lack of satisfactory working and living
conditions. Social unrest, political conflicts and wars may also be determining causes. The pull
factors, however, include intellectual freedom and substantial funds for the research.

Brain drain has a negative impact on the sending countries economic prospects and competitiveness.
It reduces the number of dynamic and creative people who can contribute to the development of
their country. Likewise, with more entrepreneurs taking their investments abroad, developing
countries are missing an opportunity of wealth creation. This has also negative consequences on tax
revenue and employment.

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Most of the measures taken so far have not had any success in alleviating the effects of brain drain. A
more global view must take into consideration the provision of edaquate working and living
conditions in the sending countries. An other option should involve encouraging the expatriates to
contribute their skill into the development of their countries without necessarily physically

17. To address the problem of brain drain we should understand about…

A. The causes D. The problems
B. The targets E. The future
C. The effects
[C2, Understanding Specific Information, Litbang 2022]

18. Which one the statements that can support the claim “a more global view must take info
consideration the provision of adequate working and living conditions in the sending countries”
A. The pull factors about the willingness to get more and appropriate income based on the
B. The push factors that low wages and lack of satisfactory working and living conditions. Also
social unrest, political conflicts and wars
C. Skill and knowledge force them to think abroad about the future and the development of
working ideas
D. The development of technology and economic being the first factors to make brain always
E. The cause and effect of brain drain doesn’t explain well and it impact to the sender countries
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

19. The word “wages” in the text has the closest meaning to… EXCEPT
A. Income D. Harm
B. Reward E. Compensation
C. Pay
[C3, Synonyms, Litbang 2022]

20. “… to contribute their skill to the development of their countries without necessarily physically
relocating” the best implies of this sentence is…
A. Study and take on opportunity to work in different country is important thing for brain drain
B. Coming back to the county where they were born is the best option in increasing the
C. They have the opportunity to be of use their country without having to intervene directly
D. People should always coordinate with the countries while in the different places
E. Contributing with the development of the countries even though we live in far away
[C4, Restatement, Litbang 2022]

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