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Evidence-Based Critical Care: A Case Study Approach

Article in Anesthesia & Analgesia · April 2018

DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000002816


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2 authors, including:

Marcin Wasowicz
UHN: Toronto General Hospital


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Evidence-Based Critical Care: A Case in formatting during our review, and we cannot be certain
that others do not exist: for example, 1 introductory case is
AQ1 Study Approach presented in italics, abbreviations vary by chapter, no ques-
tion/answer was given for massive hemoptysis, and varia-

T he role of anesthesiologists continues to expand beyond

the traditional operating room. Historically, the specialty
of critical care medicine was founded and developed by
tions exist in the use of SI and imperial units. The frequency
and magnitude of formatting errors we saw are minor and
do not affect the utility of the textbook.
anesthesiologists. Over the years, critical care has evolved One area that requires specific commentary is the dis-
into an independent specialty; however, its links with anes- cussion pertaining to surgical critical care. Based on page
thesiology and perioperative medicine remain very strong. count, only 10% of the textbook is dedicated to the care of
In many countries, anesthesiologists remain leaders of the surgical patient. It should be noted that there are several
intensive care. specific textbooks dedicated to the care of surgical patients,
In this context, Evidence-Based Critical Care: A Case Study so it would be unfair to criticize the authors accordingly,
Approach is an invaluable source of knowledge and reference but anesthesiologists looking for material in this field may
for anesthesiologists and perioperative physicians. This be disappointed. Specific areas of critical care that may be
textbook is a well-written, easy-to-understand reference of interest to an anesthesiologist but have minimal presence
that covers a broad range of critical care topics organized include: the management of surgical patients (cardiac sur-
according to syndrome or diagnosis. Ultimately, despite a gical, transplantation, general postoperative care); airway
few shortcomings, we recommend this book for purchase. management; transportation; systems-based management
The editor, Dr Robert Hyzy, has a background in inter- (quality improvement, patient safety, and institutional orga-
nal medicine with a focus on pulmonary and critical care nization); and communication. On the other hand, this text-
medicine. The qualities behind his teaching awards and book would most likely benefit the anesthesiologist seeking
participation in clinical research are evident in the construc- to improve knowledge of issues pertaining to medical criti-
tion of this textbook: the material is easily digestible and the cal care. The relative paucity of surgical commentary may
evidence emphasized; tables and figures are appropriately give the potential buyer some pause, but this may be less
chosen to illustrate important material. The format is such applicable to anesthesiologists because of our increased
that one could easily pick it off the shelf for a short review of familiarity with the care of perioperative patients.
a topic or to answer a question in a few minutes. Clinicians Readers may also find that the quality of the chapters
in training will benefit from the entirety of the chapters, varies; some chapters provide a more fulsome case or dis-
whereas attending physicians may find the greatest value cussion on the evidence for a given topic. This variation
in the evidence portions. between chapter authors is not an uncommon finding in
Topics are introduced through a short case presentation collaborative publications, and, by and large, this does not
and followed by an important clinical question, abbreviated detract from the utility of the textbook.
answer, and continuation/resolution of the case. The case In conclusion, we recommend that readers seeking to
presentation is followed by a discussion relating to the diag- update the evidentiary basis for critical care decisions—the
nosis and management underlying the abbreviated answer how and why of medical knowledge—buy this textbook.
to the clinical question. The unique aspect of this book is The only major considerations for anesthesiologists are the
the “Evidence Contour” section of each chapter in which relatively lesser coverage of topics pertaining to surgical
each author provides an interpretation of the evidence for critical care and the need for ongoing evidentiary updates.
the diagnosis and management of the case. Whereas many Anesthesiologists may forgive the surgical coverage because
conventional critical care textbooks simply state the ratio- of their increased familiarity with the subject matter, but the
nale and cite a trial or other evidence, here we find a more evidentiary component is a special asset and needs to be rem-
nuanced discussion of the aspects of diagnosis and manage- edied because it is a one of the major selling points of this
ment, including strengths, weaknesses, knowledge gaps, particular compendium.
and ongoing questions, that are still subject to debate. It is
akin to an abbreviated journal club discussion. Considering Warren Luksun, MD, FRCPC
the heavy emphasis on evidence, it is important to note that Marcin Wąsowicz, MD, PhD, FRCPC AQ2
the most recent evidence discussed is generally from the Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management
2015 vintage. Since that time, there has been a number of Toronto General Hospital
important trials, but this observation is applicable to most Toronto, Ontario, Canada
textbooks. Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit
Although the textbook is available in both hardcover and Toronto General Hospital
online versions, this review is based on the hardcover ver- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
sion. The quality of the printing is good with solid bound- Department of Anesthesia
ing, print quality, and clear images. Online supplements are Faculty of Medicine
not uniform and their quality varies among chapters. University of Toronto
Bearing in mind that this is a first edition work, it is Toronto, Ontario, Canada
not surprising that we noticed a number of small errors marcin.wasowicz@uhn.ca
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000002816

XXX 2018 • Volume XXX • Number XXX www.anesthesia-analgesia.org 1

Copyright © 2018 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


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