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Representation of quantum state

Recall from previous class:

Quantum mechanical system is represented by |Ψ> (ket notation)

|Ψ> = c1 |Ψ1> + c2 |Ψ2> + c3 |Ψ3> + …

|Ψ1>, |Ψ1>, |Ψ1> ….are analogous to basis vectors (state vectors). They represent all possible

c1, c2, c3… are analogous to components of a vector, but can take imaginary values as well. They are
related to probability such that:
c21 + c22 + c23 …… = 1

Particle is represented as linear combination of all possible outcomes of a measurement. Example:

|Ψ> = c1 |Playing videogame> + c2 |Studying> + c3 |Sleeping> |Ψ> = c1 |Dead> + c2 |Alive>

c21 + c22 + c23 = 1 c21 + c22 = 1
c21 = 0.80 c21 = 0.50
c22 = 0.01 c22 = 0.50
c23 = 0.19


• Energy

• Angular momentum

• Position (continuous set of outcomes in which case we replace sums with integrals and coefficients with

• It is a mathematical tool which operate on a function results another function

(operator).(function) = Another function

The function on which the operation is carried out is called operand. The operator written alone has no significance.
• Example. Apply the following operators on the given functions:
• (a) Operator d/dx and function x2.
• (b) Operator d2/dx2 and function 4x2.
• (c) Operator (∂/∂y)x and function xy2.
• (d) Operator −iћd/dx and function exp(−ikx).
• (e) Operator −ћ2d2/dx2 and function exp(−ikx).

• We need operators that can act on the wavefunction to retrieve information encoded within.

• Physical properties are represented by linear operators in Hilbert space.

• E.g., If we need to find where an electron is, we need to apply position operator
Identifying the operators
Linear Operator
• A linear operator has the following properties

  
A( f 1 + f 2 ) = A f 1 + A f 2

 
A(cf ) = c A f

Example of linear operator: Differential, integral

Non-linear operator: Square root
Algebra of operators

Physical Significance:

If the two operators commute, then it is possible to measure the simultaneously the precise value of
both the physical quantities for which the operators stand for.
Example: Check whether following A and B operators commute:


Let f be any arbitary well behaved wave function

( Non-zero => DO NOT COMMUTE)

Example :
Check commutation of position and momentum on arbitrary set s .

 x, P  S =
   
( xP − P x ) S = x  −i  S +i xS
  x x
Using the product rule
   
= i  −x S + S +x S 
 x x 

=i S

 x, P  S =i S

 x, P  = i Physical significance??
(Heisenberg uncertainity principle)

Measuring position changes velocity, so the order of the measurement matters

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