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Midterm Vocabulary Revision 1

I. Read the sentences and complete them with words from the box.

a. chronic b. Expect c. consider ‫يعتبر‬ d. balanced e. Effective

‫مزمن‬ ‫يتوقع‬ ‫متوازن‬ ‫فعال‬
f. approach g. Weakness‫الضعف‬ h. Responsible‫مسئول‬ i. Maintain j. System
– ‫أسلوب‬ ‫عن‬ ‫يحافظ علي‬ ‫جاهز‬

1. Don’t use your mobile all the time when you are sitting with your family because they will consider
it rude.
2. She is completely responsible for the project's failure.‫فشل المشروع‬
3. The digestive system breaks down the food we eat into tiny parts to give us fuel and the nutrients we
need to live.
4. Salem has a different approach to the problem.
5. Chronic pain is classified as pain that lasts longer than three months.
6. I expect to graduate from College in June, 2027.
7. We should follow a balanced diet to be fit and healthy.
8. Research has shown that acupuncture is effective in relieving for the pain of different conditions,
including back or neck pain, and knee pain.
9. Weakness is reduced strength in one or more muscles.
10. Drinking water, along with eating good foods and exercising daily, can help you to maintain
a healthy weight.

a. to relieve ‫يخفف‬ b. cough ‫يكح‬ c. made up from d. confident ‫ثقة‬ e. Obesity ‫سمنة‬
‫يتالف من – يتكون‬ ‫بالنفس‬
f. Ached ‫يؤلم‬ g. drawn from h. select ‫يختار‬ i. Offensive j. influence
‫مأخوذ من‬ ‫ مخزي‬- ‫سيء‬ ‫يؤثر – تأثير‬

II. Read the sentences and complete them with words from the box.

1. Blood is drawn from the patient’s vein and sent to the lab.
2. Ahmad took some pills to relieve his headache.
3. If you cough up thick or dark mucus or you get a fever, you may have an infection with a bacteria. b
4. My legs ached from the previous day's exercise. It was a leg day.
5. A herbal medicine is made up from plant parts, such as leaves, roots or flowers.
6. His friends have a bad influence on him.
7. The coach is going to select a players for our team.
8. Overweight and obesity are caused by many factors including behaviors like eating patterns, lack of
sleep and physical activity.
9. I am confident about my ability to do the job.
10. The program contains language which some viewers may find offensive .

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